I was using Fabric for the template.
For setup Fabric see the fabric wiki page
repositories {
name = 'KosmX\'s repo'
url = 'https://kosmx.duckdns.org/maven'
dependencies {
//You'll need to implement emotesAPI.
implementation "io.github.kosmx.emotes:emotesAPI:${project.emotes_api_version}"
//Don't do modImplementation, emotesApi is NOT a fabric mod.
The emotesAPI lets you to implement an Emotecraft proxy mod, but you can't run the client-side proxy without Emotecraft.
DO NOT include this api in your client-side mod, as this api is PART of Emotecraft.
The api is also the same for every Emotecraft versions including Forge versions.
Description about the proxy implementation is in src/main/java/io.github.kosmx.example.proxy.ExampleNetwork
You can just send the data from client to client without any changes.
Buf if you can, and you want to do server-side emote verification/validation there is an example in
with many comments in the code.
You can use this api at server-side, without any additional dependency
To include emotesAPI in your program you can use Gradle Shadow Plugin.
EmotesAPI is under CC-BY-4.0 License, fell free to include that in your projects.
This template is available under the CC0 license. Feel free to learn from it and incorporate it in your own projects.