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Jeroen Baten edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 1 revision

TWiki> LibrePlan Web>ItEr75S21AdministrationTests (03 Jan 2012, JavierMoran)EditAttach

Story summary Administration tests
Iteration ItEr75week25To52
FEA ItEr75S21AdministrationTests
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Passed acceptance test No

Acceptance Criteria

Additional Specification Comments

Implementation Notes

Navalplan Configuration tests:

  • 1 - Change Login checkbox
  • 2 - Change Checkboxes of Generate code for all the elements
  • 3 - Change perspectives of all elements
  • 4 - Check login form
  • 5 - Check perspective is visible
  • 6 - Check that the code is not auto generated in all the elements
  • 7 - Change configuration like default configuration
  • 8 - Change default Calendar
    • 8.1 - Create a new calendar
    • 8.2 - Change the configuration
    • 8.3 - Check Calendar in Workers
    • 8.4 - Check Calendar in Projects
    • 8.5 - Change the calendar configuration like default configuration
    • 8.6 - Delete calendar

Calendar tests:

  • 1 - Create a new Calendar
  • 2 - Create a Calendar with duplicate type (it should be a failure)
  • 3 - Create a Calendar with empty type (it should be a failure)
  • 4 - Create a derived calendar
  • 5 - Edit the Calendar
  • 6 - Assign the son calendar
    • 6.1 - Create a worker with the assigned calendar
    • 6.2 - Try to delete the assigned calendar (it should be a failure)
    • 6.3 - Delete the worker
  • 7 - Assign the child calendar to a project
    • 7.1 - Create a project with the assigned calendar
    • 7.2 - Try to delete the assigned calendar (it should be a failure)
    • 7.3 - Delete the project
  • 8 - Try to delete the parent calendar (it should be a failure)
  • 9 - Delete the son calendar
  • 10 - Delete the parent Calendar

Material tests:

  • 1 - Create a new Material
  • 2 - Create a Material without any category selected
  • 3 - Create a material with empty description (it should be a failure)
  • 4 - Edit a Material
  • 5 - Assign a material in a project
    • 5.1 - Create a project
    • 5.2 - Assign the material
    • 5.3 - Try to delete the assigned material
    • 5.4 _ Delete the calendar
  • 6 - Delete Material

Cost category tests:

  • 1 - Create a new Cost Category
    • 1.1 - Create a work hour data type
  • 2 - Create a Cost Category with duplicate type (it should be a failure)
  • 3 - Create a Cost Category with empty type (it should be a failure)
  • 4 - Edit a Cost Category
  • 5 - Delete Cost Category
    • 5.1 - Delete the work hour data type

Quality form tests:

  • 1 - Create a new Quality Form
  • 2 - Create a Quality Form with duplicate name (it should be a failure)
  • 3 - Create a Quality Form with empty type (it should be a failure)
  • 4 - Create a Quality Form with duplicate items (it should be a failure)
  • 5 - Edit the Quality Form
  • 6 - Assign this Quality form to a project
    • 6.1 - Create a project
    • 6.2 - Assign it
    • 6.4 - Delete the project
  • 6 - Delete the Quality Form

User tests:

  • Accounts included tests:
    • 1 - Create a new Account
    • 2 - Create other user with same password
    • 3 - Do a login with this new Account
    • 4 - Check the role
    • 5 - Create a Account with duplicate type (it should be a failure)
    • 6 - Create a Account with empty type (it should be a failure)
    • 7 - Create a new Account with two different passwords (it should be a failure)
    • 8 - Edit a Account
    • 9 - Do a login with this new Account
    • 10 - Check the role
    • 11 - Check the no user no pass
    • 12 - Check pass without user
    • 13 - Check the user no pass
    • 14 - Check fake pass and user
    • 15 - Delete both Accounts
  • Profile Included tests
    • 1 - Create a new Profile
    • 2 - Create a Profile with duplicate type (It should be a failure)
    • 3 - Create a Profile with empty type (It should be a failure)
    • 4 - Create a Profile with duplicate name (It should be a failure)
    • 5 - Edit a Profile
    • 6 - Assign this profile
      • 6.1 - Create a new Account with this profile
      • 6.2 - Try to delete the profile
      • 6.3 - Delete the Account
    • 6 - Delete Profile

Delay Causes

Final or Pending Considerations

  • Try to delete a quality form, it's pending of a bug



Tasks in this story

Tasks Est Spent To do Risk Reviewer Developer Task Name Start Date Est End Date End Date
Task 8 15 0 Low JavierMoran PabloFernandez User tests      
Task 8 15 0 Low JavierMoran PabloFernandez Cost categories tests      
Task 8 10 0 Low JavierMoran PabloFernandez Materials tests      
Task 8 24 0 Low JavierMoran PabloFernandez Configuration      

Total Hours in this Story

User Spent in XpTracker Spent in phpReport Ok?
PabloFernandez 64 0 ALERT!
Total 64 0 ALERT!

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