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IBM FHIR Server - Schema Deployment

This document details how to deploy the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server schema and apply release upgrades. This document also describes how the schema changes are managed.

The schema tool generates the following object types that require management:


For details on the schema design, refer to the Schema Design document.

Database Support

Database Version Support
PostgreSQL 12+ Single tenant per database for PHI. Tenant per schema for dev/test.
Derby Development only. Single tenant per database.
Citus PostgreSQL 12+ Experimental.

Getting started

Creating the database and user

To create the PostgreSQL database and database user, use the following commands:

psql postgres
>postgres=# create database fhirdb;
>postgres=# create user fhirserver with password 'change-password';

Printing the schema DDL for review

To print the schema DDL for review, execute

java -cp ./fhir-persistence-schema-${VERSION}-cli.jar [--to-file]

Note: Replace ${VERSION} with the version of the jar you're using or use the wildcard * to match any version.

With --to-file it outputs to ./schema.sql, ./grants.sql, and ./stored-procedures.sql; otherwise to System.out.

Connection properties

The fhir-persistence-schema tool uses a properties file for database connection information.

Property Description The database server hostname
db.port The database server port
db.database The name of the database
user A username with connect and admin permissions on the target database
password The user password for connecting to the database
sslConnection true or anything else, true triggers JDBC to use ssl, an example --prop sslConnection=true

A sample properties file can be found at

Alternatively, properties may be passed via the command line interface --prop flag (--prop <propname>=<propvalue>). The flag can be repeated for setting multiple properties.

Execute the fhir-persistence-schema command line interface (CLI)

Note on Concurrency Protection

The schema tool protects itself when multiple instances of the tool are run concurrently. This can happen in cloud deployment environments where multiple instances of the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server are deployed, with each running their own schema-update tool before starting the server process. Instances of the schema update tool first acquire a lease before they perform any operations on a particular schema (for example: creating a new table or altering an existing table). An instance will try to acquire a lease for 10s. If it is unable to do so, it will exit with an error message and exit code 6. If multiple instances of the tool are run concurrently, the instance blocked waiting for the lease may eventually acquire the lease after the first instance completes within the 10s window. If the first instance successfully updated the schema, the second instance will see that the schema is now up-to-date and will skip further processing for that schema. If the first instance failed to update the schema, the second instance will attempt to apply the changes again.

Running the CLI

There are three core projects which are referenced:

Project Description
fhir-model The HL7 FHIR model - generated Java code
fhir-database-utils The SQL/database constructs used to create SQL compliant statements
fhir-persistence-schema Uses database-utils to define a physical data model for storing FHIR resources and supporting the FHIR API

To deploy and manage the schema on a target database, the fhir-persistence-schema project includes a Main class that can apply and manage the schema updates.

java -jar ./fhir-persistence-schema-${VERSION}-cli.jar [OPTIONS]

Note: Replace ${VERSION} with the version of the jar you're using or use the wildcard * to match any version.

Note: Prior to IBM FHIR Server Release 5.0.0, the default value for --db-type was db2. As of IBM FHIR Server Release 5.0.0, there is no longer a default value and --db-type must be specified every time.

The following sections include common values for OPTIONS.

Create new schema

For PostgreSQL:

--db-type postgresql \
--prop-file \
--schema-name fhirdata \

For Citus:

--db-type citus \
--prop-file \
--schema-name fhirdata \

Deploy new schema or update an existing schema

For PostgreSQL:

The FHIRSERVER user is the database user used by the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server to connect to the database. This user is granted the minimal set of privileges required for the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server to operate. The FHIRADMIN user should only be used for schema updates, not for IBM FHIR Server access.

--db-type postgresql \
--prop-file \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \
--update-schema \
--grant-to FHIRSERVER

If the --grant-to is provided, the grants will be processed after the schema objects have been created for a particular schema. No grant changes will be applied if the schema is already at the latest version according to the {schema}.WHOLE_SCHEMA_VERSION table. If grants need to be applied, then run the schema tool using only the --grant-to option without --update-schema.

When updating the postgres schema, the autovacuum settings are configured.

For Citus:

IBM FHIR Server Release 5.0.0 includes experimental support for Citus. Configuration is mostly identical to PostgreSQL, except that the -db-type argument should be given as citus. The schema tool builds a modified version of the schema leveraging the distribution capabilities of the Citus database to provide increased scalability.

--db-type citus \
--prop-file \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \
--update-schema \
--grant-to FHIRSERVER

When --db-type citus is specified, the resulting schema includes different behavior for some indexes and foreign key constraints. For details on the DISTRIBUTED schema design, refer to the Schema Design document.

Note that the datasource must also be identified as type citus in the fhir-server-config.json file. See the IBM FHIR Server Users Guide for more details.

You can create the standard version of the schema on a target Citus database by specifying postgresql as the database type (Citus is just an extension of PostgreSQL). In this case, all the schema objects will remain local to the coordinator node. This may be useful to compare the scaling benefits of Citus:

--db-type postgresql \
--prop-file \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \
--update-schema \
--grant-to FHIRSERVER

Grant privileges to another data access user

--db-type citus \
--prop-file \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \
--grant-to FHIRSERVER

Update the stored procedures and functions for FHIRDATA (and not FHIR_ADMIN) (PostgreSQL and Citus)

For PostgreSQL:

--db-type postgresql \
--prop-file \
--schema-name fhirdata \

For Citus:

--db-type citus \
--prop-file \
--schema-name fhirdata \

Drop the FHIR schema specified by schema-name (e.g. FHIRDATA)

For PostgreSQL:

--db-type postgresql \
--prop-file \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \
--drop-schema-fhir \

For Citus:

--db-type citus \
--prop-file \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \
--drop-schema-fhir \

Drop all tables created by --create-schemas (including the FHIR-ADMIN schema)

For PostgreSQL:

--db-type postgresql \
--prop-file \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \
--drop-schema-fhir \
--drop-schema-batch \
--drop-schema-oauth \

For Citus:

--db-type citus \
--prop-file \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \
--drop-schema-fhir \
--drop-schema-batch \
--drop-schema-oauth \

Alternatively, you can drop specific schemas with --drop-schema-batch schema-name-to-drop and --drop-schema-oauth schema-name-to-drop

Adjust the Vacuum Settings for PostgreSQL Tables only

Since 4.9.0, the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server has implemented support for modifying the autovacuum. Per 4.1.2. Tuning Auto-vacuum the schema tool modifies autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit, autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor and autovacuum_vacuum_threshold.

The autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor is not automatically configured, and not recommended on Databases for Postgres on IBM Cloud. The system configuration overrides the setting.

Specific Tables

To update a specific tables settings, you can run with --vacuum-table-name.

java -jar ./fhir-persistence-schema-${VERSION}-cli.jar \
--db-type postgresql --prop --prop db.port=5432 \
--prop db.database=fhirdb --schema-name fhirdata \
--prop user=fhiradmin --prop password=change-password \
--update-vacuum --vacuum-cost-limit 2000 --vacuum-threshold 1000 \
--vacuum-scale-factor 0.01 --vacuum-table-name LOGICAL_RESOURCES

The above command can also be used for Citus databases.

All Tables in a Schema

To update all tables in a schema, you can run without the table parameter. If you omit any value, the defaults are picked as described in the Performance guide.

java -jar ./fhir-persistence-schema-${VERSION}-cli.jar \
--db-type postgresql --prop --prop db.port=5432 \
--prop db.database=fhirdb --schema-name fhirdata \
--prop user=fhiradmin --prop password=change-password \
--update-vacuum --vacuum-cost-limit 2000 --vacuum-threshold 1000 \
--vacuum-scale-factor 0.01

Advanced SSL Configuration with Postgres (and Citus)

Create a properties file like the following:<url>

You can specify any connection property in the property file, such as logger=TRACE to help with debugging.

Run the Update Schema with

java -jar ./fhir-persistence-schema-${VERSION}-cli.jar \
--prop-file  \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \
--update-schema \
--db-type postgresql

If you want to log the connection, you can add loggerLevel=TRACE to the properties file.

Note, this was run with AdoptOpenJDK.

Advanced Client Execution Argument

The following are advanced execution arguments

Property Description Example
--pool-size NUM The number of connections used to connect to the database --pool-size 30
--thread-pool-size NUM The number of threads to use for concurrent database operations --thread-pool-size 20
--skip-allocate-if-tenant-exists whether or not to skip over allocating the tenant where this tenantName/tenantKey combination already exists --skip-allocate-if-tenant-exists

Note: the schema tool design supports use of a thread pool to allow DDL operations to be applied in parallel. In practice, this leads to deadlocks in the database catalog, often related to the definition of foreign keys. Although the code includes retry protection against these deadlocks, the result is reduced DDL thoughput and longer schema creation times (DDL parallel processing was intended to make schema creation faster). The recommendation is therefore to not specify --pool-size or --thread-pool-size and rely on the default values instead.

The connection pool size must include additional headroom above the configured thread pool size. The schema tool will automatically increase the connection pool size if the configured value is too small for a given thread pool size. This prevents critical background functions from having to wait for connections when all the connections are consumed by long-running activities in the thread pool.

Alternative: Manually apply the schema

To see the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server schema DDL:

Print the schema to files by executing the SchemaPrinter:


java -jar ./fhir-persistence-schema-${VERSION}-cli.jar --to-file


set VERSION=5.0.0
java -jar ./fhir-persistence-schema-%VERSION%-cli.jar --to-file

Note: the jar file is stored locally in fhir-persistence-schema/target or in the Artifactory repository for this project.

V0021 - Drops the DOMAINRESOURCE and RESOURCE tables

If there is data in the DOMAINRESOURCE and RESOURCE table groups, which is unexpected, the administrator may run the tool with --force-unused-table-removal to force the removal of the unused tables.

Database Size Report (PostgreSQL)

Run this command to show a summary of the space used by IBM FHIR Server resources and their related schema objects:

java -jar ./fhir-persistence-schema-${VERSION}-cli.jar \
--db-type postgresql \
--prop-file \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \

To include per-table and per-index in the output, add the --show-db-size-detail flag:

java -jar ./fhir-persistence-schema-${VERSION}-cli.jar \
--db-type postgresql \
--prop-file \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \
--show-db-size \

The detail rows are tab-separated, making it easy to load the data into a spreadsheet for further analysis.


  1. The size report is only supported on PostgreSQL databases.
  2. The size report is intended as a guide to understand the relative space distribution of objects in the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server data schema. The report is not intended to replace database utilities for calculating the total size of the database.
  3. The size report is not supported on Citus because not all the required size data can be collected.

Read-Only Access to FHIR Data Tables

Some services may want direct access to the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server tables. In most cases this access will be read-only. To facilitate this, create a database user and then issue the following command to grant SELECT privilege on all the resource data tables to the specified user:

java -jar ./fhir-persistence-schema-${VERSION}-cli.jar \
--db-type postgresql \
--prop-file \
--schema-name FHIRDATA \
--grant-read-to your-read-only-user 

List of IBM FHIR Server Persistence Schema Tool Flags

Flag Variable Description
--help This menu
--prop-file path-to-property-file loads the properties from a file
--schema-name schema-name uses the schema as specified, must be valid.
--grant-to username uses the user as specified, must be valid.
--grant-read-to username uses the user as specified, must be valid.
and grants read (select) permission on FHIR data tables to the username
--target TYPE schemaName The schemaName and type [BATCH,OAUTH,DATA]
--update-proc updates the stored procedure for a specific schema
--check-compatibility checks feature compatibility
--drop-admin drops the admin schema
--db-type dbType Either derby, postgresql, citus. Required.
--schema-type schemaType Override the default schema type created for the configured database type. PostgresSQL->PLAIN, Derby->PLAIN, Citus->DISTRIBUTED. Experimental.
--confirm-drop confirms the dropping of a schema
--update-vacuum Update the Vacuum settings for PostgreSQL
--vacuum-table-name tableName Table Name to update vacuum settings
--vacuum-scale-factor scaleFactor The scale factor to alter to 'scaleFactor'
--vacuum-threshold threshold The threshold value to alter to 'threshold'
--vacuum-cost-limit costLimit The Vacuum cost limit to set
--force Do not skip schema update process when the whole-schema-version matches.
--force-unused-table-removal Forces the removal of unused tables - DomainResource, Resource
--prop name=value name=value that is passed in on the commandline
--pool-size poolSize database connection pool size (default 10)
--thread-pool-size threadPoolSize the pool size for concurrent database operations (default 1)
--drop-schema-oauth drop the db schema used by liberty's oauth/openid connect features
--drop-schema-batch drop the db schema used by liberty's java-batch feature"
--drop-schema-fhir drop the schema set by '--schema-name'
--update-schema deploy or update the schema set by '--schema-name', deprecated use --update-schema-fhir
--update-schema-fhir schemaName Updates the FHIR Data Schema
--update-schema-batch schemaName Updates the Batch Schema
--update-schema-oauth schemaName Updates the OAuth Schema
--create-schemas create the database schemas for batch, oauth, and the fhir schema set by '--schema-name'
--create-schema-fhir schemaName Create the FHIR Data Schema
--create-schema-batch schemaName Create the Batch Schema
--create-schema-oauth schemaName Create the OAuth Schema
--show-db-size Generate report with a breakdown of database size
--show-db-size-detail Include detailed table and index info in size report

FHIR® is the registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7.