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Releases: LinuxForHealth/FHIR

IBM FHIR Server 4.9.2

22 Sep 13:51
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This version of the IBM FHIR Server supports HL7 FHIR Specification version v4.0.1.

This release includes important dependency updates and focuses on mostly bug fixes.




Migration Considerations

Under issue #2757 we removed janusgraph-cql and janusgraph-es from our default packaging. Users of the fhir-term-graph module with an Apache Cassandra backend or an ElasticSearch index will need to package these dependencies themselves.

If upgrading from a version prior to 4.9.0, be sure to review the applicable migration considerations:

Note: for schema migrations, only the latest version of the fhir-persistence-schema tool must be run.

Using the Release

Run or extend the Docker image from or download and install as described at

Executable jar files for the fhir-persistence-schema, fhir-swagger-generator, fhir-bucket, and fhir-path projects are also available:

Usage is documented in the corresponding README files:

For Maven users, all project binaries are posted to Maven Central with a version of 4.9.2.

IBM FHIR Server 4.9.1

09 Sep 18:18
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This version of the IBM FHIR Server supports HL7 FHIR Specification version v4.0.1.

This release includes important dependency updates and focuses on fixing bugs and improving canonical reference search.






Migration Considerations

To migrate from a prior version of the IBM FHIR Server to version 4.9.1:

  1. Analyze configuration changes and prepare for the upgrade
    • Config parameter fhirServer/bulkdata/storageProviders/" + provider + "/requiresAccessToken was added for #2714
  2. Deploy the new server.
  3. Perform re-indexing.
    • Re-indexing is required to take advantage of the new canonical search behavior added in #772

If upgrading from a version prior to 4.9.0, be sure to review the applicable migration considerations:

Note: for schema migrations, only the latest version of the fhir-persistence-schema tool must be run.

Using the Release

Run or extend the Docker image from or download and install as described at

Executable jar files for the fhir-persistence-schema, fhir-swagger-generator, fhir-bucket, and fhir-path projects are also available:

Usage is documented in the corresponding README files:

For Maven users, all project binaries are posted to Maven Central with a version of 4.9.1.

IBM FHIR Server 4.9.0

11 Aug 22:24
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This version of the IBM FHIR Server supports HL7 FHIR Specification version v4.0.1.

This release focuses on whole-system search and reindex performance.







Migration Considerations

To migrate from a prior version of the IBM FHIR Server to version 4.9.0:

  1. Analyze configuration changes and prepare for the upgrade
    • fhirServer/core/externalBaseUrl is introduced as an alternative to constructing the baseUrl from the value of the configured "originalRequestUriHeaderName"
    • fhirServer/bulkdata/storageProviders/(source)/exportPublic has been removed
    • fhirServer/notifications/common/maxNotificationSizeBytes and fhirServer/notifications/common/maxNotificationSizeBehavior were introduced for controlling the notification behavior for large messages
    • fhirServer/validation/failFast was introduced to make it possible to ask the validator to fail on the first error
    • fhirServer/search/enableLegacyWholeSystemSearchParams was introduced to allow whole-system param queries to continue working after migration and before a complete reindex. This parameter should be added and set to true before migration.
  2. Stop the server (or otherwise prevent write requests).
  3. Perform a database back up.
  4. Run the fhir-persistence-schema-4.9.0-cli.jar --update-schema command. If using a non-admin user (recommended), also perform the --grant-to action.
  5. Deploy the new server.
  6. Perform re-indexing.
    • Needed for #264. See special considerations for more info.
  7. Remove fhirServer/search/enableLegacyWholeSystemSearchParams (or explicitly set it to false)

Special considerations for upgrading to 4.9.0:

  • The schema migration for 4.9.0 adds columns to the whole-system logical_resources table and populates these columns for each resource in the database. This can be a lengthy process (9 hours on our PostgreSQL database with ~80 million resources). We have tested on-line migration (serving read-only requests while the update is live) and encountered no issue, but care should be taken to avoid potential impact to end users.
  • Starting in 4.9.0, the $reindex operation will skip resources with no search parameter changes. However, this is driven by a new column in the database that stores the hash of the parameter values and so the first reindex after upgrading will populate that column for all resources.
  • The location of _security, _tag, and _profile search parameter values is updated in 4.9.0. To ensure that queries continue to work as expected during migration, please use the newly introduced fhirServer/search/enableLegacyWholeSystemSearchParams parameter. When set to true, ingestion and reindexing will extract the value to both locations and searches will look in the old location. When set to false (the default), ingestion and reindexing and search will use only the new location which is expected to yield improved performance for select queries.

Using the Release

Run or extend the Docker image from or download and install as described at

Executable jar files for the fhir-persistence-schema, fhir-swagger-generator, fhir-bucket, and fhir-path projects are also available:

Read more

IBM FHIR Server 4.8.3

06 Jun 22:08
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This version of the IBM FHIR Server supports HL7 FHIR Specification version v4.0.1.

This release focuses on fixing bugs, improving performance, and adding support for customizable compartment definitions.




    • use FHIRParser.setIgnoringUnrecognizedElements(boolean) instead
  • fhirServer/search/useStoredCompartmentParam
    • we already changed the default from false to true in 4.6.1; this is a notice that we plan to remove this config option in the future
  • All of the following schema tables
  • The name (deprecated in 4.8.0)


Migration Considerations

To migrate from a prior version of the IBM FHIR Server to version 4.8.3:

  1. Analyze configuration changes and prepare for the upgrade:
    • #2296 introduces fhirServer/core/serverResolveFunctionEnabled (default=false) for controlling whether the server should resolve references from the database when evaluating FHIRPath expressions (e.g. for constraint evaluation)
    • Derby and Db2 dataSource elements should now have isolationLevel="TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED"
      • This setting is not needed for PostgreSQL dataSources
  2. Deploy the new server.
  3. If using the CARIN for BlueButton implementation guide, a reindex of ExplanationOfBenefit resources is required for #2460.

If upgrading from a version prior to 4.8.2, be sure to review the applicable migration considerations:

Note: for schema migrations, only the latest version of the fhir-persistence-schema tool must be run.

Using the Release

Run or extend the Docker image from or download and install as described at

Executable jar files for the fhir-persistence-schema, fhir-swagger-generator, fhir-bucket, and fhir-path projects are also available:

Usage is documented in the corresponding README files:

For Maven users, project binaries are posted to Maven Central with a version of 4.8.3.

4.8.3 is the first release in which we've decided not to re-release the fhir-examples module (as there are no updates since 4.8.2). We will likely split this module into a separate repo with its own release cadence at some point in the future.

IBM FHIR Server 4.8.2

24 May 21:37
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This version of the IBM FHIR Server supports HL7 FHIR Specification version v4.0.1.

This release contains select fixes on top of 4.8.1.



  • The name (deprecated in 4.8.0)

Migration Considerations

To migrate from a prior version of the IBM FHIR Server to version 4.8.2:

  1. Stop the server (or otherwise prevent write requests).
  2. Optional: Perform a database back up.
  3. Run the fhir-persistence-schema-4.8.2-cli.jar --update-schema command. If using a non-admin user (recommended), also perform the --grant-to action.
  4. Deploy the new server.

If upgrading from a version prior to 4.8.1, be sure to review the applicable migration considerations:

Note: for schema migrations, only the latest version of the fhir-persistence-schema tool must be run.

Using the Release

Run or extend the Docker image from or download and install as described at

Executable jar files for the fhir-persistence-schema, fhir-swagger-generator, fhir-bucket, and fhir-path projects are also available:

Usage is documented in the corresponding README files:

For Maven users, all project binaries are posted to Maven Central with a version of 4.8.2.

IBM FHIR Server 4.8.1

22 May 01:50
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This version of the IBM FHIR Server supports HL7 FHIR Specification version v4.0.1.

This release includes dependency updates, validation support for canonical pattern constraints (needed for the next revision of CARIN for BlueButton), and other minor changes as described below.






Migration Considerations

To migrate from a prior version of the IBM FHIR Server to version 4.8.1:

  1. Analyze configuration changes and prepare for the upgrade
    • The bulkdata configuration in fhir-server-config.json now supports designating a default storageProvider for import and export.
    • The bulkdata exportPublic property is now deprecated. All bulk export users relying on S3 ACL-based expiry should move to presigned URLs as described in the User's Guide.
    • #1868 introduces fhirServer/core/maxPageSize and fhirServer/core/maxPageIncludeCount for overriding the default max page size (1000) and max number of resources to include on a single page (1000).
    • #2296 introduces fhirServer/core/serverResolveFunctionEnabled (default=false) for controlling whether the server should resolve resources from the database (or not); for example during validation while evaluating fhirpath constraints.
  2. Deploy the new server.

If upgrading from a version prior to 4.8.0, be sure to review the applicable migration considerations:

Using the Release

Run or extend the Docker image from or download and install as described at

Executable jar files for the fhir-persistence-schema, fhir-swagger-generator, fhir-bucket, and fhir-path projects are also available:

Usage is documented in the corresponding README files:

For Maven users, all project binaries are posted to Maven Central with a version of 4.8.1.

IBM FHIR Server 4.8.0

17 May 18:09
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This version of the IBM FHIR Server supports HL7 FHIR Specification version v4.0.1.

This release introduces a custom operation for the hard deletion of resources ($erase) and focuses on improving search query performance and fixing bugs.




  • The name
    • When we moved from Bintray to Maven Central, we noticed that our zip installer reverted back to the default maven name ( and we plan to publish only this versioned name for the zip installer going forward.
  • fhir-model nested ValueSet enum (and related helpers) in code subtypes
    • use the new nested enum named Value instead


Migration Considerations

To migrate from a prior version of the IBM FHIR Server to version 4.8.0:

  1. Analyze configuration changes and prepare for the upgrade:
    • #2326 introduces fhirServer/search/enableOptQueryBuilder for controlling whether or not to use the optimized query builder (default=true)
    • #850 introduces new properties enabled (default=false) and allowedRoles (default=all) under fhirServer/operations/erase.
  2. Stop the server (or otherwise prevent write requests).
  3. Optional: perform a database back up
  4. Run the fhir-persistence-schema-4.8.0-cli.jar --update-schema command. If using a non-admin user (recommended), also perform the --grant-to action.
  5. Deploy the new server.
  6. Perform re-indexing.

If upgrading from a version prior to 4.7.1, be sure to review the applicable migration considerations:

Using the Release

Run or extend the Docker image from or download and install as described at

Executable jar files for the fhir-persistence-schema, fhir-swagger-generator, fhir-bucket, and fhir-path projects are also available:

Usage is documented in the corresponding README files:

For Maven users, all project binaries are posted to Maven Central with a version of 4.8.0

IBM FHIR Server 4.7.1

24 Apr 21:09
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This version of the IBM FHIR Server supports HL7 FHIR Specification version v4.0.1.

This release introduces support for integration with external terminology servers, fixes caching-related issues in terminology support, and adds support for skipping unnecessary update interactions.




Migration Considerations

To migrate from a prior version of the IBM FHIR Server to version 4.7.1:

  1. Analyze configuration changes and prepare for the upgrade
    • This release adds support for configuring multiple graphTermServiceProviders. The fhirServer/term/remoteTermServiceProvider property is now fhirServer/term/remoteTermServiceProviders and it is now an array of objects instead of a single object.
    • This release introduces numerous properties under fhirServer/term/remoteTermServiceProviders. See the Terminology guide for more information.
  2. Deploy the new server.

If upgrading from a version prior to 4.7.0, be sure to review the applicable migration considerations:

Using the Release

Run or extend the Docker image from or download and install as described at

Executable jar files for the fhir-persistence-schema, fhir-swagger-generator, fhir-bucket, and fhir-path projects are also available:

Usage is documented in the corresponding README files:

For Maven users, all project binaries are posted to Maven Central with a version of 4.7.1.

IBM FHIR Server 4.7.0

13 Apr 14:02
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This version of the IBM FHIR Server supports HL7 FHIR Specification version v4.0.1.

This release expands search behavior, introduces a new experimental fhir-term-graph module, includes numerous dependency updates, and makes significant changes to the ibmcom/ibm-fhir-server docker image.

Per JFrog, BinTray is being sunset. The IBM FHIR Server team has transitioned to Open Source Repository Hosting by Sonatype, and sychronizes to Maven Central. To reference any dependency in this project, please remove any existing references to Bintray in the <repositories> tag of your pom.xml, and recompile with the latest version.






Migration Considerations

To migrate from a prior version of the IBM FHIR Server to version 4.7.0:

  1. Analyze configuration changes and prepare for the upgrade
    • This release introduces fhirServer/bulkdata/core/cos/presignedExpiry, fhirServer/core/defaultPageSize, and fhirServer/bulkdata/core/maxChunkReadTime as described above.
    • This release introduces numerous new properties under fhirServer/term/graphTermServiceProvider for new, experimental, Graph-based terminology provider.
    • For users of the ibmcom/ibm-fhir-server docker image, the liberty server name has changed from fhir-server to defaultServer. All absolute path references to the server's location within the image must be updated.
  2. Deploy the new server.
  3. Perform re-indexing.

There are no database schema updates associated with this release, but fhir-persistence-schema-4.7.0-cli.jar --update-schema will be required for upgrading from versions prior to 4.6.1

If upgrading from a version prior to 4.6.1, be sure to review the applicable migration considerations:

Using the Release

Run or extend the Docker image from or download and install as described at

Executable jar files for the fhir-persistence-schema, fhir-swagger-generator, and fhir-bucket projects are also available:

Usage is documented in the corresponding README files:

For Maven users, all project binaries are posted to Maven Central with a version of 4.7.0.

IBM FHIR Server 4.6.1

24 Mar 14:30
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This version of the IBM FHIR Server supports HL7 FHIR Specification version v4.0.1.

This release focuses on fixing bulk import/export bugs, adding additional search options, and introduces an initial implementation of the Patient/$everything operation.





Migration Considerations

To migrate from a prior version of the IBM FHIR Server to version 4.6.1:

  1. Analyze configuration changes and prepare for the upgrade
    • See #2111 for a change in the default value of fhirServer/search/useStoredCompartmentParam
  2. Stop the server (or otherwise prevent write requests).
  3. Perform a database back up.
  4. Run the fhir-persistence-schema-4.6.1-cli.jar --update-schema command. If using a non-admin user (recommended), also perform the --grant-to action. Note: it is no longer necessary to separately invoke --refresh-tenants.
  5. Deploy the new server.
  6. Perform re-indexing.

Special considerations for upgrading to 4.6.1:

  • For #2109 we added a column to the xx_LOGICAL_RESOURCES tables. The --update-schema action will automatically fill in the data, but the execution time will be dependent on the number of resources to backfill.

Using the Release

Run or extend the Docker image from or download and install as described at

Executable jar files for the fhir-persistence-schema, fhir-swagger-generator, and fhir-bucket projects are also available:

Usage is documented in the corresponding README files:

For Maven users, all project binaries are posted to BinTray with a version of 4.6.1.