Improved version from the original Litium. A cool imaginary and retro styled game console and game framework
- [ :fa-wifi: ] Version checking system
- [ :fa-laptop: ] Better OS with improved UI
- [ :fa-folder: ] Save system
- [ :fa-paint-brush: ] Customizable OS with colors
- [ :fa-tint: ] - Support to 25 colors (+1 as transparent)
- and much more
This project is constantly development, so scripts and functions can be added, removed, renamed or moved to other parts. please check for the most recently version of source to not have compatibility issues.
- :fa-windows: : :tw-2705: (Supported)
- :fa-android: : :tw-274c: (Not supported)
- :fa-linux: : :tw-26a0: (Unstable)
- :fa-apple: : :tw-274c: (Not supported)
[ :tw-31-20e3: ] - Make sure you have Love2D 11.4 Mysterious Mysteries installed and setup with %path%, to see if you have set up correclty open your terminal and type "love" if it open a screen with no game means it all working correctly.
[ :tw-32-20e3: ] - on your terminal run boot.cmd or click 2 times on .cmd file to run the current version of the project.
Install love ^11.4 and SuperLitium dependencies
- Love
- lua51
- lua
- luajit
- cmake
sudo pacman -S love lua51 lua cmake luajit
sudo apt-get install love lua5.1 lua cmake luajit
* Not tested
sudo dnf install love lua5.1 lua-devel lua5.1-devel libcurl-devel cmake luajit
Change shell script file permission
sudo chmod u+x
* u+x args make the file executable only for the user
Then run
You can contribute with the development of engine by clonning this repository with the most recent version of code and make your changes.
Everyone who helps will be credited here (social media or Github page)