PROJECT = dtk-make-bossert SHELL = bash MAKE = make # zip PWD = $(shell pwd) TEMP := $(shell mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) TDIR = $(TEMP)/$(PROJECT) VERS = $(shell /bin/date "+%Y-%m-%d---%H-%M-%S") DATE = $(shell /bin/date "+%Y-%m-%d") # Colors RED = \033[0;31m CYAN = \033[0;36m NC = \033[0m echoPROJECT = @echo -e "$(CYAN) <$(PROJECT)>$(RED)" .PHONY: all article zip test # default all: $(MAKE) article $(MAKE) minimize $(MAKE) zip $(MAKE) count.colorpages $(echoPROJECT) "* all files processed * $(NC)" # compile article article: $(echoPROJECT) "* compiling article * $(NC)" latexmk \ -lualatex \ -quiet \ -view=pdf \ -output-directory=tmp \ $(PROJECT).tex @cp tmp/$(PROJECT).pdf . $(echoPROJECT) "* article compiled * $(NC)" # zip files for sending etc. zip: article $(echoPROJECT) "* start zipping files * $(NC)" @-mkdir archive @rm -f archive/$(PROJECT)-$(DATE)*.zip @mkdir $(TDIR) @cp $(PROJECT).{bib,tex,pdf,csv} makefile $(TDIR) @cd $(TEMP); \ zip -Drq $(PWD)/archive/$(PROJECT)-$(VERS).zip $(PROJECT) $(echoPROJECT) "* files zipped * $(NC)" # minimize PDF minimize: article $(echoPROJECT) "* minimizing article * $(NC)" @-mkdir archive @rm -f archive/$(PROJECT)-$(DATE)*.pdf gs \ -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \ -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 \ -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer \ -dNOPAUSE \ -dQUIET \ -dBATCH \ -sOutputFile=archive/$(PROJECT)-$(VERS).pdf \ $(PROJECT).pdf $(echoPROJECT) "* article minimized * $(NC)" # count pages with colors # > # > count.colorpages: $(echoPROJECT) "* listing and counting colored pages * $(NC)" @echo "Meta information about colors in $(PROJECT)" @gs -o - -sDEVICE=inkcov $(PROJECT).pdf \ | tail -n +5 \ | sed '/^Page*/N;s/\n//' \ | tee $(PROJECT).csv @echo -n "List of pages with colors: " @cat $(PROJECT).csv \ | awk '$$3!="0.00000" || $$4!="0.00000" || $$5!="0.00000"{if(length(colored))colored=colored","$$2;else colored=$$2} END{print colored}' \ | tee -a $(PROJECT).csv @echo -n "Total amount of pages with color: " @gs -o - -sDEVICE=inkcov $(PROJECT).pdf \ | grep -v "^ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000" \ | grep "^ " \ | wc -l \ | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g' \ | tee -a $(PROJECT).csv $(echoPROJECT) "* colored pages listed and counted * $(NC)"