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  ps3netsrv: add ps3netsrv allows you to stream games and ISOs over the network to your CFW PlayStation(R) 3 system
  luci-app-frpc:fix translate (coolsnowwolf#4726)
  Update v2ray-core to 4.23.4 (coolsnowwolf#4725)
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github-actions[bot] committed Jun 4, 2020
2 parents 45a151a + 340f1bf commit 8523806
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Showing 9 changed files with 547 additions and 3 deletions.
Binary file removed package/lean/luci-app-frpc/luasrc/i18n/frp.zh-cn.lmo
Binary file not shown.
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions package/lean/luci-app-frpc/po/zh-cn/frp.po
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"

msgid "Frp Setting"
msgstr "Frp 内网穿透"

msgid "Frp Status"
msgstr "Frp状态"

msgid "The Frp service is not running."
msgstr "Frp服务未运行"

msgid "The Frp service is running."
msgstr "Frp服务正在运行"

msgid "Frp is a fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet."
msgstr "Frp 是一个可用于内网穿透的高性能的反向代理应用。"

msgid "Global Setting"
msgstr "全局设置"

msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "基本设置"

msgid "Other Settings"
msgstr "其他设置"

msgid "Client Log"
msgstr "日志"

msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "启用"

msgid "Server"
msgstr "服务器"

msgid "Port"
msgstr "端口"

msgid "Token"
msgstr "令牌"

msgid "Time duration between server of frpc and frps mustn't exceed 15 minutes."
msgstr "frpc服务器与frps之间的时间间隔不得超过15分钟"

msgid "Vhost HTTP Port"
msgstr "HTTP穿透服务端口"

msgid "Vhost HTTPS Port"
msgstr "HTTPS穿透服务端口"

msgid "Exit program when first login failed"
msgstr "初始登录失败即退出程序"

msgid "TCP Stream Multiplexing"
msgstr "TCP端口复用"

msgid "decide if exit program when first login failed, otherwise continuous relogin to frps."
msgstr "第一次登录失败就退出程序,否则将持续尝试登陆 Frp 服务器。"

msgid "Default is Ture. This feature in frps.ini and frpc.ini must be same."
msgstr "该功能默认启用,该配置项在服务端和客户端必须保持一致。"

msgid "Protocol Type"
msgstr "协议类型"

msgid "Frp support kcp protocol since v0.12.0"
msgstr "从 v0.12.0 版本开始,底层通信协议支持选择 kcp 协议加速。"

msgid "TCP Protocol"
msgstr "TCP协议"

msgid "KCP Protocol"
msgstr "KCP协议"

msgid "Connect frps by HTTP PROXY"
msgstr "通过代理连接 frps"

msgid "frpc can connect frps using HTTP PROXY"
msgstr "frpc 支持通过 HTTP PROXY 和 frps 进行通信"

msgid "HTTP PROXY"
msgstr "HTTP代理"

msgid "Enable Connection Pool"
msgstr "启用连接池功能"

msgid "This feature is fit for a large number of short connections."
msgstr "适合有大量短连接请求时开启"

msgid "Connection Pool"
msgstr "指定预创建连接的数量"

msgid "Connections will be established in advance."
msgstr "frpc 会预先和服务端建立起指定数量的连接。"

msgid "Service registration interval"
msgstr "服务注册间隔"

msgid "0 means disable this feature, unit: min"
msgstr "0表示禁用定时注册功能,单位:分钟"

msgid "Log Level"
msgstr "日志记录等级"

msgid "Trace"
msgstr "追踪"

msgid "Debug"
msgstr "调试"

msgid "Info"
msgstr "信息"

msgid "Warning"
msgstr "警告"

msgid "Error"
msgstr "错误"

msgid "Log Keepd Max Days"
msgstr "日志记录天数"

msgid "Services List"
msgstr "服务列表"

msgid "Service Remark Name"
msgstr "服务备注名"

msgid "Domain/Subdomain"
msgstr "域名/子域名"

msgid "Remote Port"
msgstr "远程主机端口"

msgid "Local Host Address"
msgstr "内网主机地址"

msgid "Local Host Port"
msgstr "内网主机端口"

msgid "Use Encryption"
msgstr "开启数据加密"

msgid "Use Compression"
msgstr "使用压缩"

msgid "Enable State"
msgstr "开启状态"

msgid "Frp Domain Config"
msgstr "Frp域名配置"

msgid "Config Frp Protocol"
msgstr "配置 Frp 协议参数"

msgid "Disable"
msgstr "关闭"

msgid "Frp Protocol Type"
msgstr "Frp 协议类型"

msgid "Domain Type"
msgstr "域名类型"

msgid "Custom Domains"
msgstr "自定义域名"

msgid "SubDomain"
msgstr "子域名"

msgid "Both the above two Domain types"
msgstr "同时使用2种域名"

msgid "If SubDomain is used, Custom Domains couldn't be subdomain or wildcard domain of the maindomain(subdomain_host)."
msgstr "如果服务端配置了主域名(subdomain_host),则自定义域名不能是属于主域名(subdomain_host) 的子域名或者泛域名。"

msgid "subdomain_host must be configured in server: frps in advance."
msgstr "使用子域名时,必须预先在服务端配置主域名(subdomain_host)参数。"

msgid "STCP Role"
msgstr "SFTP服务类型"

msgid "Use Plugin"
msgstr "使用插件"

msgid "If plugin is defined, local_ip and local_port is useless, plugin will handle connections got from frps."
msgstr "使用插件使用插件模式时,本地 IP 地址和端口无需配置,插件将会处理来自服务端的链接请求。"

msgid "STCP Screct Key"
msgstr "SFTP密钥"

msgid "STCP Server Name"
msgstr "SFTP服务名称"

msgid "Enable URL routing"
msgstr "启用 URL 路由"

msgid "Frp support forward http requests to different backward web services by url routing."
msgstr "Frp支持通过url路由将http请求转发到不同的反向web服务。"

msgid "Choose Plugin"
msgstr "选择插件"

msgid "Proxy Authentication"
msgstr "代理认证"

msgid "Other PCs could access the Internet through frpc's network by using http_proxy plugin."
msgstr "http proxy 插件,可以使其他机器通过 frpc 的网络访问互联网;开启身份验证之后需要用户名、密码才能连接到 HTTP 代理。"

msgid "HTTP Proxy UserName"
msgstr "HTTP 代理用户名"

msgid "HTTP Proxy Password"
msgstr "HTTP 代理密码"

msgid "Plugin Unix Sock Path"
msgstr "Unix Sock 插件路径"

msgid "Password protecting your web service"
msgstr "密码保护您的web服务"

msgid "HTTP UserName"
msgstr "HTTP 用户名"

msgid "HTTP PassWord"
msgstr "HTTP 密码"

msgid "Rewriting the Host Header"
msgstr "修改 Host Header"

msgid "Frp can rewrite http requests with a modified Host header."
msgstr "Frp可以用修改后的主机头重写http请求。"

msgid "Proxy-Protocol Version"
msgstr "Proxy-Protocol 版本"

msgid "Encrypted the communication between frpc and frps, will effectively prevent the traffic intercepted."
msgstr "将 frpc 与 frps 之间的通信内容加密传输,将会有效防止流量被拦截。"

msgid "The contents will be compressed to speed up the traffic forwarding speed, but this will consume some additional cpu resources."
msgstr "对传输内容进行压缩,加快流量转发速度,但是会额外消耗一些 cpu 资源。"

msgid "Http username and password are safety certification for http protocol."
msgstr "Http用户名和密码是Http协议的安全认证。"

msgid "Proxy Protocol to send user's real IP to local services."
msgstr "将用户的真实IP发送到本地服务的代理协议。"

msgid "STCP Server Name is Service Remark Name of STCP Server"
msgstr "STCP服务器别名"

msgid "<font color=\"red\">Please ensure the remark name is unique.</font>"
msgstr "<font color=\"red\">确保备注名唯一</font>"
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions package/lean/ps3netsrv/Makefile
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# Copyright (C) 2012-2017
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
include $(TOPDIR)/




include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/

define Package/ps3netsrv
SUBMENU:=File Transfer
TITLE:=PS3 Game Server
DEPENDS:=+libpthread +libstdcpp

define Package/ps3netsrv/description
ps3netsrv allows you to stream games and ISOs over the network to your CFW PlayStation(R) 3 system.
This may be useful if you have a modified PS3, and your router has storage options.

define Build/Install
# Do nothing

define Package/ps3netsrv/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ps3netsrv $(1)/usr/bin

$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/ps3netsrv.init $(1)/etc/init.d/ps3netsrv

$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/ps3netsrv.config $(1)/etc/config/ps3netsrv

$(eval $(call BuildPackage,ps3netsrv))
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions package/lean/ps3netsrv/files/ps3netsrv.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
config ps3netsrv 'main'
option enabled '0'
option user 'root'
option dir '/root'
option port '38008'

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