diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_core.F b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_core.F index 48564598d690..245ccc8d8643 100644 --- a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_core.F +++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_core.F @@ -129,9 +129,11 @@ function li_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp) result(err) err = ior(err, err_tmp) if (config_do_restart) then + call mpas_log_write("This is a restart: read stream 'restart'.") call mpas_stream_mgr_read(domain % streamManager, streamID='restart', ierr=err_tmp) err = ior(err, err_tmp) else + call mpas_log_write("This is not a restart: read stream 'input'.") call mpas_stream_mgr_read(domain % streamManager, streamID='input', ierr=err_tmp) err = ior(err, err_tmp) end if @@ -145,6 +147,7 @@ function li_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp) result(err) ! ! Read the remaining input streams ! + call mpas_log_write("Looking for other input streams set for 'initial_only'.") call mpas_timer_start('io_read', .false.) call mpas_stream_mgr_read(domain % streamManager, ierr=err_tmp) err = ior(err, err_tmp) @@ -153,6 +156,7 @@ function li_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp) result(err) call mpas_stream_mgr_reset_alarms(domain % streamManager, direction=MPAS_STREAM_INPUT, ierr=err_tmp) err = ior(err, err_tmp) call mpas_timer_stop('reset_io_alarms') + call mpas_log_write("Finished reading 'initial_only' input streams.") ! ! Read time-varying inputs, if present (i.e., forcing) @@ -161,6 +165,7 @@ function li_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp) result(err) ! But in general, we want that behavior - we do not want to have to wait a whole time step (or input_interval) ! before having forcing applied. Therefore, we must force those streams to be read here. call mpas_timer_start('io_read', .false.) + call mpas_log_write("Looking for recurring input streams (forcing) that should be forced to be read at the initial time.") stream_cursor => domain % streamManager % streams % head do while (associated(stream_cursor)) if (stream_cursor % direction == MPAS_STREAM_INPUT) then @@ -169,6 +174,7 @@ function li_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp) result(err) (trim(stream_cursor % name) == 'restart')) then ! Don't attempt to interact with these two special streams ! (even though restart is not type input, including to be safe) + stream_cursor => stream_cursor % next cycle endif ! Only force a read of streams that are recurring. To find out if a stream is recurring, we need to @@ -181,22 +187,23 @@ function li_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp) result(err) ! Force a read of this stream, and use the latest before time available in the file call mpas_stream_mgr_read(domain % streamManager, streamID = stream_cursor % name, rightNow = .true., & whence = MPAS_STREAM_LATEST_BEFORE, actualWhen=actualWhen, ierr=err_tmp) - call mpas_log_write("Forced an initial read of input stream '" // stream_cursor%name //"' from time: " // & - trim(actualWhen)) + call mpas_log_write(" * Forced an initial read of input stream '" // trim(stream_cursor%name) // & + "' from time: " // trim(actualWhen)) err = ior(err, err_tmp) endif exit ! skip the rest of this loop - we processed the alarm we were looking for endif alarm_cursor => alarm_cursor % next end do - stream_cursor => stream_cursor % next end if ! if stream direction is INPUT + stream_cursor => stream_cursor % next end do call mpas_timer_stop('io_read') call mpas_timer_start('reset_io_alarms', .false.) call mpas_stream_mgr_reset_alarms(domain % streamManager, direction=MPAS_STREAM_INPUT, ierr=err_tmp) err = ior(err, err_tmp) call mpas_timer_stop('reset_io_alarms') + call mpas_log_write("Finished processing recurring input streams at initial time.") ! === ! Initialize some time stuff on each block