diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index d3a2a2fb9..ae9ebd1ee 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -249,6 +249,28 @@ jobs:
       - codecov/upload:
           file: /tmp/src/coverage/coverage.xml
+  deploy:
+    docker:
+      - image: continuumio/miniconda3
+    steps:
+      - checkout
+      - run:
+          name: init .pypirc
+          command: |
+            echo -e "[pypi]" >> ~/.pypirc
+            echo -e "username = $PYPI_USER" >> ~/.pypirc
+            echo -e "password = $PYPI_PASSWORD" >> ~/.pypirc
+      - run:
+          name: create package
+          command: |
+            python setup.py sdist
+            python setup.py bdist_wheel
+      - run:
+          name: upload to pypi
+          command: |
+            pip install twine
+            twine upload dist/*
   version: 2.1
@@ -283,3 +305,11 @@ workflows:
             - four-echo
             - five-echo
             - t2smap
+      - deploy:
+          requires:
+            - merge_coverage
+          filters:
+            tags:
+              only: /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:rc)?(?:[0-9]+)?
+            branches:
+              ignore: /.*/
diff --git a/docs/contributing.rst b/docs/contributing.rst
index b2bfa7fc6..77b6abbd8 100644
--- a/docs/contributing.rst
+++ b/docs/contributing.rst
@@ -219,13 +219,12 @@ releasing your own Python projects!
     #. Create a new release, using the GitHub `guide for creating a release on GitHub`_.
        `Release-drafter`_ should have already drafted release notes listing all
        changes since the last release; check to make sure these are correct.
-    #. Pulling from the ``master`` branch, locally build a new copy of tedana and
-       `upload it to PyPi`_.
 We have set up tedana so that releases automatically mint a new DOI with Zenodo;
 a guide for doing this integration is available `here`_.
+We have also set up the repository so that tagged releases automatically deploy
+to PyPi (for pip installation).
-.. _`upload it to PyPi`: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/#uploading-the-distribution-archives
 .. _`guide for creating a release on GitHub`: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-releases/
 .. _`Release-drafter`: https://github.com/apps/release-drafter
 .. _here: https://guides.github.com/activities/citable-code/