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Active Record Queries Cheatsheet
When passing a select(:offering_id) into another query, it'll create a subquery, reducing the number of DB trips that are made
Person.all.joins(:role).where(roles: { billable: true })
SELECT "people".*
FROM "people"
INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles.id" = "people"."role_id"
WHERE "roles"."billable" = true;
Try to separate Concerns: chain smaller stuff together to get the same sql, but make it more clear.
class Role < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.billable
where(billable: true)
even better:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.billable
Pluck ids from associations
question_choices = Question.where(id: 40087).joins(:choices).map(&:id)
= choices ids: [40087, 40087, 40087, 40087, 40087, 40087]
Event.joins(:store).where(stores: {retailer_id: 2})
Event.joins(store: :retailer).where(stores: {retailer: {id: 2}})
.joins(user: :account)
.where(accounts: { sales_rep_id: REP_ID }
.joins(accounts: { users: :customer_requests})
.find_by(customer_requests: { id: customer_request.id} )
@readings = Reading.includes(
planet: [
country: [
region: [
{stores: :manager}
).where(manager: { name: 'John Smith' }, region: {id: 1234567 })
prefer joins over includes for inner join for performance, since includes pulls up the tables where joins just looks at the connecting columns. Use Preload only if you actually need all those tables.
gets only the requested records, doing whatever joins need to happen to ensure only the requested records are fetched ex. User.joins(:addresses).where("addresses.country = ?", "Poland")
- only fetches users with Poland addresses, doesn't fetch addresses
will eager load when necessary, using INNER JOINS ex. User.joins(:addresses).where("addresses.country = ?", "Poland").includes(:addresses)
- fetches any user with a Poland address, and their Poland address. If they have another address, that won’t be fetched
will eager load using OUTER JOINS ex. User.joins(:addresses).where("addresses.country = ?", "Poland").preload(:addresses)
- fetches all users with a Poland address, and preloads all addresses for those users
Time.now would be always the time when the class was loaded. You might not even spot the bug in development because classes are automatically reloaded for you after changes.
scope :from_the_past, where("happens_at <= ?", Time.now)
#### OK
scope :from_the_past, -> { where("happens_at <= ?", Time.now) }
def self.from_the_past
where("happens_at <= ?", Time.now)
When in doubt of which method is more performance, use these methods to benchmark the options against each other. Scale matters.
Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
x.report(‘without includes’) do
User.limit(1000).map { |u| [u.login, u.account.name] }
Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
x.report(‘with includes’) do
User.includes(:account).limit(1000).map { |u| [u.login, u.account.name] }
Avoid dot access - this pulls up each association, when you may only need a single value
User.find_by(id: 123).pluck(:email_address) (pluck is more efficient at scale)
Prefer exists? or any? (they are the same)
(fetches the whole object)
User.find_by(id: 123).present?
User.where(id: 123).exists?
:"users.first_name", :"users.last_name", :id, :name, :description).joins(:user)
Sub query
# use select over pluck to do a sub query?
offerings = @vendor.offerings.by_vendor_user(current_user.id).select(:id)
@users = @vendor.users.by_vendor_offerings(offerings).order(:first_name)