diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7cb473d8..23a6def3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ - [Providers development guide](providers/dev-guide.md) - Provider setup instructions - [Amazon AWS](providers/amazon_aws_config.md) + - [Embedded Ansible](providers/embedded_ansible.md) - [Openshift](providers/openshift.md) - [Openstack Infra](providers/openstack_infra_provider.md) - [Interactive debugging with Pry-Remote](developer_setup/debugging.md) diff --git a/providers/embedded_ansible.md b/providers/embedded_ansible.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4a54044 --- /dev/null +++ b/providers/embedded_ansible.md @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +## Embedded Ansbile - via AWX in a docker container + +ManageIQ supports more than one way (`manageiq/lib/embedded_ansible*`) of connecting to the Embedded Ansible provider. + +Here, we'll set up `DockerEmbeddedAnsible`, introduced in [ManageIQ/manageiq#16205](https://github.com/ManageIQ/manageiq/pull/16205) - this will download an awx docker container, and set local manageiq to connect to it. + + + +### Dependencies + +You need docker. + +On a mac, you also need `docker-machine`: + +``` +brew install docker docker-machine + +# read the output and start the service + +# run this in your .bashrc, or every shell where needed +eval `docker-machine env default` +``` + + +### DB config + +Your PostgreSQL must be configured to allow connections from the docker container, so that AWX can connect to manageiq's database. + +Your ManageIQ DB user (the one in `manageiq/config/database.yml`) must have the `SUPERUSER` privilege (or at least needs to be able to create roles and databases). + + +Config file locations (where to expect it): + + * Debian: `/etc/postgresql/9.6/main/` + * Fedora: `/var/lib/pgsql/data/` + * MacOSX: `/usr/local/var/postgres/` + +Note that these may depend on your version, or oven on how you installed PostgreSQL. +If you still can't find the right location, you may have luck running `psql -d postgres -c 'show config_file'`. + + + +Make sure your `postgresql.conf` contains this line: + +``` +listen_addresses = '*' +``` + + +Make sure your `pg_hba.conf` contains: + +``` +host all all md5 +``` + +Note: that `` may depend on the address of your docker network interface - run `ip addr show dev docker0` and you should see an `inet` line with a similar address - use that. + + +Mac users: you may also need to add this one, for `docker-machine`. + +``` +host all all md5 +``` + + +Ensure your DB user (the one in `config/database.yml`) has `superuser` rights.. + + * Debian: `sudo su - postgres -c psql -c 'ALTER ROLE "root" SUPERUSER'` + * Fedora / MacOSX: `psql -c 'ALTER ROLE "root" SUPERUSER' postgres` + + +### Clean up + +If you've already set up an AWX instance this way and want to clean it up: + +``` +psql -d postgres -c 'DROP DATABASE awx' +psql -d postgres -c 'DROP ROLE awx' +bin/rake evm:db:reset +bin/rake db:seed +``` + + +If you had previously added an embedded ansible using the [old way](http://talk.manageiq.org/t/howto-setup-embedded-ansible/2291/5?u=himdel), you'll need to clean up the provider (in Rails console): + +``` +ManageIQ::Providers::EmbeddedAnsible::Provider.first.destroy! +``` + + +In both cases, you may also need to clean up the old authentications (in Rails console): + +``` +db = MiqDatabase.first +db.authentication_type('ansible_secret_key').delete # db.ansible_secret_key.delete +db.ansible_rabbitmq_authentication.delete +db.ansible_admin_authentication.delete +db.ansible_database_authentication.delete +``` + + +### Procfiles + +Under your `manageiq/` directory, there should be a `Procfile.example` file. + +You need to uncomment these lines: + +``` +generic: ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb MiqGenericWorker +ansible: ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb EmbeddedAnsibleWorker +embedded_ansible_refresh: ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb --ems-id ManageIQ::Providers::EmbeddedAnsible::AutomationManager::RefreshWorker +embedded_ansible_event: ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb --ems-id ManageIQ::Providers::EmbeddedAnsible::AutomationManager::EventCatcher +``` + +And you'll need to replace that `` with the id of the newly created **manager** instance (`ManageIQ::Providers::EmbeddedAnsible::AutomationManager`, not `ManageIQ::Providers::EmbeddedAnsible::Provider`). + + +### Setting it up + + * configure your server to enable the ansible role (from Rails console): + +``` +server = MiqServer.my_server(true) +server.role = "embedded_ansible,ems_inventory,ems_operations,event" +server.activate_roles(%w(embedded_ansible ems_inventory ems_operations event)) +server.save! +``` + + * run rails: `bin/rails s` + + * run the worker that will download and set up the container: `foreman start -f Procfile.example` (only the `ansible` worker is needed at this point). + + * grab a coffee or two - you can watch the progress by watching: + * authentication errors, docker problems: `tail -f managiq/log/evm.log` + * running containers: `docker ps` + * container logs: `docker logs -f awx_web` + * seeing awx initial upgrade progress `localhost:54321` + + * once everything suceeded, you should see `Finished starting embedded ansible service.` in `evm.log` + + * if you got that far, AWX is running and ManageIQ has an EmbeddedAnsible provider instance + + * you need to edit `Procfile.example`, to replace that `` with the actual id of the new manager (not provider) instance: + +``` +ManageIQ::Providers::EmbeddedAnsible::Provider.first.managers.first.id +``` + + * run `foreman start -f Procfile.example` + + * try adding a Repository in ManageIQ (Automate > Ansible > Repositories) :) + + +If you're on MacOSX, you will also need to run these first: + +``` +# redirect local 54321 to docker-machine - otherwise, localhost:54321 doesn't work +docker-machine ssh default -L 54321: + +# inside that docker-machine ssh shell - redirect postgres from the docker machine to the real one (otherwise, awx_web can't connect to manageiq DB) +sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward' +sudo iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING --dst -p tcp --dport 5432 -j DNAT --to-destination + +# don't exit the shell +``` + +(`` is the docker host IP address, `` is the adress `docker-machine` gives to the host (the VM will have `` most likely), and `default` is the default name for the docker machine) + +(Alternately, something like `VBoxManage modifyvm "default" --natpf1 "awx,tcp,,54321,,54321"` might work too.) + + +### Running it again + +Just run these 3, each in a different terminal: + +``` +bin/rails s +foreman start -f Procfile.example +``` + + +On a mac, you'll also need to do the `docker-machine ssh...` command running. +And if you've restarted the machine (or `docker-machine`) since the last time, you'll also need the `iptables...` command. + + +### Connecting to AWX directly + +Your docker awx instance is listening on `localhost:54321`. + +To log in, you can use the `admin` account - to determine the password, run Rails console and do: + +``` +MiqDatabase.first.ansible_admin_authentication.password +``` + + +### Troubleshooting + + * watch `manageiq/log/evm.log` + +``` +# should see this in evm.log +[----] I, [2017-12-07T11:32:46.833998 #29139:2acb0db2ef8c] INFO -- : MIQ(EmbeddedAnsibleWorker::Runner#setup_ansible) Starting embedded ansible service ... +[----] I, [2017-12-07T11:33:06.637266 #29139:2acb0db2ef8c] INFO -- : MIQ(DockerEmbeddedAnsible#start) Waiting for Ansible container to respond +... a whole lot of this .... +[----] I, [2017-12-07T11:33:08.732190 #29139:2acb0db2ef8c] INFO -- : MIQ(DockerEmbeddedAnsible#start) Waiting for Ansible container to respond +[----] I, [2017-12-07T11:33:13.530599 #29139:2acb0db2ef8c] INFO -- : MIQ(EmbeddedAnsibleWorker::Runner#setup_ansible) Finished starting embedded ansible service. +[----] I, [2017-12-07T11:33:15.605973 #29139:2acb0db2ef8c] INFO -- : MIQ(ManageIQ::Providers::EmbeddedAnsible::Provider#with_provider_connection) Connecting through ManageIQ::Providers::EmbeddedAnsible::Provider: [Embedded Ansible] +[----] I, [2017-12-07T11:33:16.033227 #29139:2acb0db2ef8c] INFO -- : MIQ(AuthUseridPassword#validation_successful) [Provider] [1], previously valid/invalid on: []/[], previous status: [] +``` + + * watch docker container output - for problems like awx not being able to connect to ManageIQ database + +``` +docker logs -f awx_web +``` + + * watch `docker ps` output + +``` +# should see this in `docker ps` +CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES +d10993d1f25b ansible/awx_task:latest "/tini -- /bin/sh ..." 6 seconds ago Up 5 seconds 8052/tcp awx_task +b63a677d32a7 ansible/awx_web:latest "/tini -- /bin/sh ..." 7 seconds ago Up 6 seconds>8052/tcp awx_web +59806de1bcd1 memcached:alpine "docker-entrypoint..." 27 seconds ago Up 26 seconds 11211/tcp memcached +a89aa0e4a395 rabbitmq:3 "docker-entrypoint..." 27 seconds ago Up 26 seconds 4369/tcp, 5671-5672/tcp, 25672/tcp rabbitmq +```