import sys import requests import random import string import re import time try: from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys except ImportError: print(""" Install selenium for python. `pip install -U selenium`. You also have to download Selenium Gecko Webdirver binary from How to install this driver can be found\n For Linux and Mac, you can just unzip and copy the driver into /usr/local/bin/. For Windows, you can follow the instructions in the page. """) exit(-1) DEBUG = 0 def random_tag(n=4): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(n)) def get_tags(receipt_e): return [ t.text for t in receipt_e.find_elements_by_class_name('tagValue') ] def get_all_receipts(driver): """ Parse all the receipts in a page $($('#receiptList')[0], '.receipt') """ for rs in driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('#receiptList > .receipt'): m = rs.find_element_by_class_name('merchant').text a = rs.find_element_by_class_name('amount').text tags = get_tags(rs) # created = rs.find_element_by_class_name('created').text yield { 'merchant': m, 'amount': a, 'tags': tags, # 'created': created } def add_receipts(driver): e = driver.find_element_by_id('add-receipt') m = 'M__' + random_tag(3) a = int(random.random() * 10000)/100 driver.find_element_by_id('merchant').send_keys(str(m)) driver.find_element_by_id('amount').send_keys(str(a)) driver.find_element_by_id('save-receipt').click() return m, a def add_tag(e, driver): """ Adds a random tag to te element e """ tag = random_tag(8) e.find_element_by_class_name('add-tag').click() driver.find_element_by_class_name('tag_input')\ .send_keys(tag) driver.find_element_by_class_name('tag_input')\ .send_keys(Keys.ENTER) # driver.find_elements_by_class_name('save-tag').click() return tag def set_up(url): driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.implicitly_wait(1) driver.get(url) return driver def test_add_receipts(driver): """ Adds a receipt and checks if the receipt is available in the page or not. """ print("-"*80) print("Test: Adding a receipt") print("-"*80) driver = driver time.sleep(1) old_receipts = list(get_all_receipts(driver)) m, a = add_receipts(driver) if DEBUG>=2: driver.refresh() time.sleep(1) new_receipts = list(get_all_receipts(driver)) if len(old_receipts) + 1 != len(new_receipts): print("old_receipts={}\n>> new_receipts={}" .format(old_receipts, new_receipts)) return -1 found = False for rs in new_receipts: if str(rs['merchant']) == str(m) and str(rs['amount']) == str(a): found = True break elif DEBUG: print("Found (but not testing):", rs) if not found: print( "ERROR: I don't see the receipt I just inserted with \n" "merchant={!r} and amount={!r}".format(m, a) ) return -1 print("Success!!!") print('<>'*40 + '\n') return 0 def test_add_tag(driver): """ Adds tag to a randomly chosen receipts, and test if the tag appears in the page. """ print("-"*80) print("Test: Adding a tag") print("-"*80) time.sleep(1) # Get all receipts receipts = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('receipt') # Choose a receipt randomly to add tag i = random.randint(0, len(receipts)-1) e = receipts[i] # Click on the add-tag element old_tags = get_tags(e) tag = add_tag(e, driver) if DEBUG>=2: driver.refresh() # Probably don't require time.sleep(1) # Fetch the new receipts again receipts = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('receipt') e = receipts[i] new_tags = get_tags(e) added_tags_ = list(set(new_tags) - set(old_tags)) if len(added_tags_) != 1 or tag not in added_tags_[0]: print(""" ERROR: The number of newly added tags did not match. Expected: {!r}, Found: {!r}""".format([tag], added_tags_)) return -1 print("Success!!!") print('<>'*40 + '\n') return 0 def test_del_tag(driver): """ Selects a random receipt and delets its one of the tag. """ print("-"*80) print("Test: Deleting a tag") print("-"*80) # Select a random receipt receipts = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('receipt') index_of_random_receipt = random.randint(0, len(receipts)-1) e = receipts[index_of_random_receipt] # Click on the add-tag element tags = get_tags(e) if not tags: add_tag(e, driver) tags = get_tags(e) e_tag = random.choice(e.find_elements_by_class_name('tagValue')) tag = e_tag.text; time.sleep(1) # Receipts DOM might have been deleted or re-drawn, pull it again receipts = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('receipt') e = receipts[index_of_random_receipt] new_tags = get_tags(e) removed_tag_ = list(set(tags) - set(new_tags)) if len(removed_tag_) != 1 or removed_tag_[0] != tag: print(""" Removed tags: {} (Should be only [{}])" """.format(removed_tag_, tag)) print("""This error might not be your fault. Either my code, or the Selenium driver is buggy. Report this problem to us. We will fix it, but in the mean time make sure the deletion works on UI.""") return -1 else: print("Success!!!") print('<>'*40 + '\n') return 0 def test_no_duplicate_tag(driver): """ Tests that no duplicate tags are present in any of the receipt rows. """ for i,rs in enumerate(driver.find_elements_by_class_name('receipt')): l = list(get_tags(rs)) if len(l) != len(set(l)): print("There are duplicate tags in the {}-th receipt line"\ .format(i)) print("Found tag: {!r}".format(l)) return -1 return 0 def tearDown(driver): driver.quit() def extract_netid_and_url(line): regex = r'\* \[.*\]\(.*\) - (?P<netid>\w+) \- \[.+\]\((?P<url>http.+)\)\s*\[\!\[CircleCI\]\((?P<circleurl>.*)\)\]\(.*\)\s*' m = re.match(regex, line) if not m: print(line) exit(-1) return'netid', 'url', 'circleurl') def get_github_student_url(netid): """ Obtain the student list from the github page. """ url = '' r = requests.get(url) assert r.ok text = r.text for l in text.split('\n'): if netid in l: return extract_netid_and_url(l) return None, None, None if __name__ == "__main__": # Parse commandline USAGE = """ $ python {0} -github <netid> # To test the final submission or $ python {0} <url> # For just testing the url you created is working or not. """.format(sys.argv[0]) url = None netid=None r = 0 if len(sys.argv)<2: print(USAGE) exit(-1) if len(sys.argv)>2 and sys.argv[1] == '-github': netid, URL, circleurl = get_github_student_url(sys.argv[2]) else: url = sys.argv[1] driver = set_up(url) r = 0 try: r += 1 + test_add_receipts(driver) if (r>=0): r += 1 + test_add_tag(driver) if (r>0): r += 1 + test_del_tag(driver) if (r>0): r += 1 + test_no_duplicate_tag(driver) except (AssertionError, ImportError) as e: print("=======") print("Error:", e) print("=======\n") print("Something went wrong. Test the test by manually and see if it\n" "is working. If yes, and check the IDs and class names in your html\n" "file matches what is dictated in teh README file. I will add the\n" "meaning of the error. \n") print("\"Element not visible\": Your server might be too slow. Find the line\n" "'implicitly_wait' in the auto-grader and change the wait time from\n" " 5 sec to something more like 15 or 20.") finally: tearDown(driver)