I write this weather report program in python and it works perfectly in my ubuntu desktop 12.04 You can run the .py file directly in the unzipped directory,or open a terminal and imput:
$cd [the unzipped directory]
$python *.py
It's just a small program,hope you like it! Screenshot at http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/50ebb8adjw1e8gmxxy8f9j20bd06paaa.jpg
这是我用python写的一个天气预报的程序,它在我的Ubuntu desktop 12.04上运行的很好! 直接运行解压后文件夹中的.py文件即可看到运行效果,也可以打开命令行输入:
$cd [the unzipped directory]
$python *.py
它只是一个很小的程序,希望你会喜欢它! 程序截图:http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/50ebb8adjw1e8gmxxy8f9j20bd06paaa.jpg