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+# Contribute to Made. for Developers
+Made is always evolving – thanks to you.
+Every time you share bug fixes, components, or documentation with us, you’re helping us to understand your needs.
+## Propose an update or new feature
+Whether you’re proposing an update, a new feature or simply making something better, we welcome contribution.
+Simply email an issue to made@mastercard.com and provide the following information:
+- A brief description of the update you want to propose.
+- Include mockups of any fidelity (optional)
+- Include any inspirations from other products (optional)
+- Once your request is raised, we’ll review and set up a meeting to discuss the proposal in greater detail.
+We’ll cover the following:
+- What exactly needs working on
+- How much you’d like to contribute
+- Support needed to get the job done
+- Suitable timings that work for you
+- If your work meets our contribution criteria, your request will be added to our backlog and marked as 'To do'.
+At this stage, you can either start contribution or leave it for a member of the Made production team to pick up.
+## Submit an issue or bug fix
+To report bugs and leave feedback, open an issue on GitHub and provide the following information:
+- A brief description of the fix you want to propose.
+- What did you expect to happen? What happened instead? What would you like to see changed?
+- What browser are you working in?
+- Steps to reproduce the issue
+- Additional information (Screenshots or code)
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diff --git a/storybook/stories/hello/GettingStarted.stories.mdx b/storybook/stories/hello/GettingStarted.stories.mdx
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--- a/storybook/stories/hello/GettingStarted.stories.mdx
+++ b/storybook/stories/hello/GettingStarted.stories.mdx
@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ import { Meta, Canvas, Story } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks";
## Install
-Made for Developers packages can be downloaded via the Mastercard GitHub.
+Made for Developers packages can be downloaded via the Mastercard GitHub .
Before moving further, please make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine.
If you're planning on using Made packages in a project that doesn't yet use Node Package Manager, you'll have to first create a package.json file. You can read more on how to do this in the npm documentation.
-As Made. for Developers packages are hosted on the GitHub Packages you will need to to set your registry to point to the GitHub Packages repository.
+As Made. for Developers packages are hosted on GitHub Packages you will need to to set your registry to point to the GitHub Packages repository.
-To configure your project to use the GitHub Packages Registry run this the command line:
+To configure your project to use the GitHub Packages Registry run this in the command line:
npm config set registry https://npm.pkg.github.com