Save money: Unit Bargain Hunter helps you figure out and keep track of the best value for products.
+Is that family-sized pack really a better value?
+If a brand-name item is $14.99 for 500g and the no-name item beside it is $13.99 for 20 oz, which is the better deal?
+Unit Bargain Hunter makes it easy to compare any number of items to find exactly how they stack up against each other.
+## What's Changed
+### New Features 🎉
+* Minimizing/restoring the window automatically is now an option
+* Setting in the GUI
+* CLI flag to override settings: `--no-minimize`
+### Fixes ✨
+* Several misc changes that should improve performance
+* Fix "sticky" windows on Linux not showing up
+### Code Cleanup 🪥
+* Large amounts of code cleanup
+* Will improve reliability and confidence when making changes and doing maintenance
+* Large ongoing refactoring
+* Many added unit tests
++ Similar to the incredibly useful sleep/suspend function found in consoles like the Nintendo + Switch and Sony PlayStation; suspend your game (and its resource usage) at any time, and + resume whenever you wish - at the push of a button. +
++ Nyrna can be used to suspend normal, non-game applications as well. For example: +
++ The CPU and GPU resources are being used by said task - maybe for hours - when you would like + to use the system for something else. With Nyrna you can suspend that program, freeing up the + resources (excluding RAM) until the process is resumed, without losing where you were - like + the middle of a long job, or a gaming session between save points. +