diff --git a/app/images/fox-chat.png b/app/images/fox-chat.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..985ad7010e3e
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/images/fox-chat.png differ
diff --git a/app/images/fox-greeting.png b/app/images/fox-greeting.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d9260e698671
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/images/fox-greeting.png differ
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/README.mdx b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/README.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e92bc95191cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/README.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import { Story, Canvas, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
+import { BannerTip } from './banner-tip';
+import { BannerBase } from '..';
+# BannerTip
+`BannerTip` is an inline notification that offers users educational tips, knowledge, and helpful links
+## Props
+The `BannerTip` accepts all props below as well as all [Box](/docs/components-ui-box--default-story#props) component props
+The `BannerTip` accepts all `BannerBase` component props below
+### Logo Type
+Use the `logoType` prop with the `BannerTipLogoType` enum from `../../component-library` to change the context of `BannerTip`.
+Possible options:
+- `BannerTipLogoType.Greeting` Default
+- `BannerTipLogoType.Chat`
+import { BannerTip } from '../../component-library';
+ This is a demo of greeting.
+ This is a demo of chat.
+### Title
+Use the `title` prop to pass a string that is sentence case no period. Use the `titleProps` prop to pass additional props to the `Text` component.
+import { BannerTip } from '../../component-library';
+ Pass only a string through the title prop
+### Description
+The `description` is the content area of the `BannerTip` that must be a string. Description shouldn't repeat title and only 1-3 lines.
+If content requires more than a string, see `children` prop below.
+import { BannerTip } from '../../component-library';
+### Children
+The `children` prop is an alternative to `description` for `BannerTip` when more than a string is needed. Children content shouldn't repeat title and only 1-3 lines.
+import { Size } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system';
+import { BannerTip } from '../../component-library';
+ Description shouldn't repeat title. 1-3 lines. Can contain a
+ hyperlink.
+### Action Button Label, onClick, & Props
+Use the `actionButtonLabel` prop to pass text, `actionButtonOnClick` prop to pass an onClick handler, and `actionButtonProps` prop to pass an object of [ButtonLink props](/docs/components-componentlibrary-buttonlink--default-story) for the action
+import { BannerTip, ICON_NAMES } from '../../component-library';
+ console.log('ButtonLink actionButtonOnClick demo')}
+ Use actionButtonLabel for action text, actionButtonOnClick for the onClick
+ handler, and actionButtonProps to pass any ButtonLink prop types such as
+ iconName
+### On Close
+Use the `onClose` prop to pass a function to the close button. The close button will appear when this prop is used.
+Additional props can be passed to the close button with `closeButtonProps`
+import { BannerTip } from '../../component-library';
+ console.log('close button clicked')}
+ Click the close button icon to hide this notifcation
+### Start Accessory
+Use the `startAccessory` prop to pass a ReactNode to the start of the `BannerTip`. This is useful for overriding the defaults defined by `BannerTip`.
+import { BannerTip } from '../../component-library';
+ title="StartAccessory"
+ This is a demo of startAccessory override.
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/__snapshots__/banner-tip.test.js.snap b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/__snapshots__/banner-tip.test.js.snap
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c44c222198ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/__snapshots__/banner-tip.test.js.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`BannerTip should render BannerTip element correctly 1`] = `
+ BannerTip test
+ should render BannerTip element correctly
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.constants.ts b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..088c6fcdf610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export enum BannerTipLogoType {
+ Greeting = 'greeting',
+ Chat = 'chat',
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.js b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8864a6e216c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import classnames from 'classnames';
+import {
+ AlignItems,
+ BorderColor,
+} from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system';
+import Box from '../../ui/box';
+import { BannerBase } from '..';
+import { BannerTipLogoType } from './banner-tip.constants';
+export const BannerTip = ({
+ children,
+ className,
+ logoType = BannerTipLogoType.Greeting,
+ logoWrapperProps,
+ logoProps,
+ startAccessory,
+ ...props
+}) => {
+ return (
+ )
+ }
+ borderColor={BorderColor.borderDefault}
+ className={classnames('mm-banner-tip', className)}
+ {...props}
+ >
+ {children}
+ );
+BannerTip.propTypes = {
+ /**
+ * An additional className to apply to the Banner
+ */
+ className: PropTypes.string,
+ /**
+ * Use the `logoType` prop with the `BannerTipLogoType` enum from `../../component-library` to change the logo image of `BannerTip`.
+ * Possible options: `BannerTipLogoType.Greeting`(Default), `BannerTipLogoType.Chat`,
+ */
+ logoType: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(BannerTipLogoType)),
+ /**
+ * logoProps accepts all the props from Box
+ */
+ logoProps: PropTypes.shape(Box.propTypes),
+ /**
+ * logoWrapperProps accepts all the props from Box
+ */
+ logoWrapperProps: PropTypes.shape(Box.propTypes),
+ /**
+ * The start(defualt left) content area of BannerBase
+ */
+ startAccessory: PropTypes.node,
+ /**
+ * BannerTip accepts all the props from BannerBase
+ */
+ ...BannerBase.propTypes,
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.scss b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.scss
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..355e8515a3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+.mm-banner-tip {
+ &--logo {
+ width: 60px;
+ }
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.stories.js b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.stories.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fe6ec1ffb294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.stories.js
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import {
+ Size,
+} from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system';
+import Box from '../../ui/box/box';
+import { ButtonLink, ButtonPrimary, Icon, ICON_NAMES } from '..';
+import README from './README.mdx';
+import { BannerTip, BannerTipLogoType } from '.';
+const marginSizeControlOptions = [
+ undefined,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 11,
+ 12,
+ 'auto',
+export default {
+ title: 'Components/ComponentLibrary/BannerTip',
+ component: BannerTip,
+ parameters: {
+ docs: {
+ page: README,
+ },
+ backgrounds: { default: 'alternative' },
+ },
+ argTypes: {
+ logoType: {
+ options: Object.values(BannerTipLogoType),
+ control: 'select',
+ },
+ className: {
+ control: 'text',
+ },
+ marginTop: {
+ options: marginSizeControlOptions,
+ control: 'select',
+ table: { category: 'box props' },
+ },
+ marginRight: {
+ options: marginSizeControlOptions,
+ control: 'select',
+ table: { category: 'box props' },
+ },
+ marginBottom: {
+ options: marginSizeControlOptions,
+ control: 'select',
+ table: { category: 'box props' },
+ },
+ marginLeft: {
+ options: marginSizeControlOptions,
+ control: 'select',
+ table: { category: 'box props' },
+ },
+ },
+export const DefaultStory = (args) => {
+ const onClose = () => console.log('BannerTip onClose trigger');
+ return ;
+DefaultStory.args = {
+ title: 'Title is sentence case no period',
+ children: "Description shouldn't repeat title. 1-3 lines.",
+ actionButtonLabel: 'Action',
+DefaultStory.storyName = 'Default';
+export const LogoType = (args) => {
+ return (
+ This is a demo of greeting.
+ This is a demo of chat.
+ );
+export const Title = (args) => {
+ return ;
+Title.args = {
+ title: 'Title is sentence case no period',
+ children: 'Pass only a string through the title prop',
+export const Description = (args) => {
+ return ;
+Description.args = {
+ title: 'Description vs children',
+ description:
+ 'Pass only a string through the description prop or you can use children if the contents require more',
+export const Children = (args) => {
+ return (
+ Description shouldn't repeat title. 1-3 lines. Can contain a{' '}
+ hyperlink.
+ );
+export const ActionButton = (args) => {
+ return ;
+ActionButton.args = {
+ title: 'Action prop demo',
+ actionButtonLabel: 'Action',
+ actionButtonOnClick: () => console.log('ButtonLink actionButtonOnClick demo'),
+ actionButtonProps: {
+ iconPositionRight: true,
+ },
+ children:
+ 'Use actionButtonLabel for action text, actionButtonOnClick for the onClick handler, and actionButtonProps to pass any ButtonLink prop types such as iconName',
+export const OnClose = (args) => {
+ const [isShown, setShown] = useState(true);
+ const bannerTipToggle = () => {
+ if (isShown) {
+ console.log('close button clicked');
+ }
+ setShown(!isShown);
+ };
+ return (
+ <>
+ {isShown ? (
+ ) : (
+ View BannerTip
+ )}
+ >
+ );
+OnClose.args = {
+ title: 'onClose demo',
+ children: 'Click the close button icon to hide this notifcation',
+export const StartAccessory = (args) => {
+ return (
+ }
+ title="StartAccessory"
+ onClose={() => console.log('close button clicked')}
+ >
+ This is a demo of startAccessory override.
+ );
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.test.js b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..772acf722b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/banner-tip.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+/* eslint-disable jest/require-top-level-describe */
+import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
+import React from 'react';
+import { renderWithUserEvent } from '../../../../test/lib/render-helpers';
+import { BannerTip, BannerTipLogoType } from '.';
+describe('BannerTip', () => {
+ it('should render BannerTip element correctly', () => {
+ const { getByTestId, container } = render(
+ should render BannerTip element correctly
+ ,
+ );
+ expect(getByTestId('bannerTip')).toHaveClass('mm-banner-tip');
+ expect(container).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('should render with different logo types', () => {
+ const { getByTestId } = render(
+ <>
+ should render BannerTip element correctly
+ should render BannerTip element correctly
+ >,
+ );
+ const imageElement = getByTestId('banner-tip-greeting');
+ expect(imageElement.tagName).toBe('IMG');
+ expect(getByTestId('banner-tip-greeting')).toHaveClass(
+ 'mm-banner-tip--logo',
+ );
+ expect(getByTestId('banner-tip-chat')).toHaveClass('mm-banner-tip--logo');
+ });
+ it('should render with added classname', () => {
+ const { getByTestId } = render(
+ should render BannerTip element correctly
+ ,
+ );
+ expect(getByTestId('bannerTip')).toHaveClass('mm-banner-tip--test');
+ });
+ it('should render BannerTip title', () => {
+ const { getByText } = render();
+ expect(getByText('BannerTip title test')).toHaveClass(
+ 'mm-banner-base__title',
+ );
+ });
+ it('should render BannerTip description', () => {
+ const { getByText } = render(
+ ,
+ );
+ expect(getByText('BannerTip description test')).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it('should render BannerTip action button', () => {
+ const { getByTestId } = render(
+ console.log('ButtonLink actionButtonOnClick demo')
+ }
+ >
+ Use actionButtonLabel for action text, actionButtonOnClick for the
+ onClick handler, and actionButtonProps to pass any ButtonLink prop types
+ such as iconName
+ ,
+ );
+ expect(getByTestId('action')).toHaveClass('mm-banner-base__action');
+ });
+ it('should render and fire onClose event', async () => {
+ const onClose = jest.fn();
+ const { user, getByTestId } = renderWithUserEvent(
+ ,
+ );
+ await user.click(getByTestId('close-button'));
+ expect(onClose).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ });
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/index.js b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d49ed487c52c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/components/component-library/banner-tip/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export { BannerTip } from './banner-tip';
+export { BannerTipLogoType } from './banner-tip.constants';
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/component-library-components.scss b/ui/components/component-library/component-library-components.scss
index 700eacd37f1a..6a10d8f99656 100644
--- a/ui/components/component-library/component-library-components.scss
+++ b/ui/components/component-library/component-library-components.scss
@@ -28,3 +28,4 @@
@import 'text-field-search/text-field-search';
@import 'form-text-field/form-text-field';
@import 'banner-alert/banner-alert';
+@import 'banner-tip/banner-tip';
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/index.js b/ui/components/component-library/index.js
index d39a8de59986..b26ea86ca244 100644
--- a/ui/components/component-library/index.js
+++ b/ui/components/component-library/index.js
@@ -35,3 +35,4 @@ export { TextFieldSearch } from './text-field-search';
// Molecules
export { BannerBase } from './banner-base';
export { BannerAlert, BANNER_ALERT_SEVERITIES } from './banner-alert';
+export { BannerTip, BannerTipLogoType } from './banner-tip';