Digideps Proof of Concept
“Web application to automate the analysis of submitted financial information in a deputy report”
My project focuses on building a full-stack web application where deputies can submit all payments via a single spreadsheet and automates the analysis of their financial information through user-friendly graphs.
This provides an opportunity for the following:
- Improved deputy experience as they can upload data via one file upload.
- Visualisation of data sets.
- Point of reference to flag discrepancies, which will improve the financial accuracy of submitted deputy reports. This will in turn assist caseworkers when checking submitted deputy reports for safeguarding purposes.
- A solid basis for further automated data analysis in other parts of the reporting process.
A video demonstration of the deployed proof of concept and how it interacts with the database can be viewed here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEQFdxO8CoU.
To run web server using localhost:
- type 'symfony server:start –d'
- type 'Symfony open:local'
- Write test cases in the tests/ folder
- Run the tests with php vendor/bin/phpunit tests/[name of file.php]
Feature Testing
- Open cypress from project root with command 'npm run cypress:open'