workspace(name = "org_tensorflow") http_archive( name = "io_bazel_rules_closure", sha256 = "60fc6977908f999b23ca65698c2bb70213403824a84f7904310b6000d78be9ce", strip_prefix = "rules_closure-5ca1dab6df9ad02050f7ba4e816407f88690cf7d", urls = [ "", # 2017-02-03 "", ], ) load("@io_bazel_rules_closure//closure:defs.bzl", "closure_repositories") closure_repositories() load("//tensorflow:workspace.bzl", "check_version", "tf_workspace") # We must check the bazel version before trying to parse any other BUILD files, # in case the parsing of those build files depends on the bazel version we # require here. check_version("0.4.2") # Uncomment and update the paths in these entries to build the Android demo. #android_sdk_repository( # name = "androidsdk", # api_level = 23, # build_tools_version = "25.0.1", # # Replace with path to Android SDK on your system # path = "<PATH_TO_SDK>", #) # #android_ndk_repository( # name="androidndk", # path="<PATH_TO_NDK>", # api_level=14) # Please add all new TensorFlow dependencies in workspace.bzl. tf_workspace() new_http_archive( name = "inception5h", build_file = "models.BUILD", url = "", sha256 = "d13569f6a98159de37e92e9c8ec4dae8f674fbf475f69fe6199b514f756d4364" ) new_http_archive( name = "mobile_multibox", build_file = "models.BUILD", url = "", sha256 = "859edcddf84dddb974c36c36cfc1f74555148e9c9213dedacf1d6b613ad52b96" ) new_http_archive( name = "stylize", build_file = "models.BUILD", url = "", sha256 = "3d374a730aef330424a356a8d4f04d8a54277c425e274ecb7d9c83aa912c6bfa" ) # TENSORBOARD_BOWER_AUTOGENERATED_BELOW_THIS_LINE_DO_NOT_EDIT new_http_archive( name = "d3", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "d3-bower-3.5.15", ) new_http_archive( name = "dagre", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "dagre-0.7.4", ) new_http_archive( name = "es6_promise", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "es6-promise-2.1.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "font_roboto", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "font-roboto-1.0.1", ) new_http_archive( name = "graphlib", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "graphlib-1.0.7", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_a11y_announcer", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-a11y-announcer-1.0.5", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_a11y_keys_behavior", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-a11y-keys-behavior-1.1.8", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_ajax", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-ajax-1.2.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_autogrow_textarea", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-autogrow-textarea-1.0.12", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_behaviors", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-behaviors-1.0.17", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_checked_element_behavior", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-checked-element-behavior-1.0.4", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_collapse", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-collapse-1.0.8", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_dropdown", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-dropdown-1.4.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_fit_behavior", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-fit-behavior-1.2.5", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_flex_layout", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-flex-layout-1.3.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_form_element_behavior", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-form-element-behavior-1.0.6", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_icon", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-icon-1.0.11", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_icons", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-icons-1.1.3", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_iconset_svg", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-iconset-svg-1.1.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_input", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-input-1.0.10", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_list", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-list-1.3.9", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_menu_behavior", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-menu-behavior-1.1.10", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_meta", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-meta-1.1.1", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_overlay_behavior", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-overlay-behavior-1.10.1", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_range_behavior", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-range-behavior-1.0.4", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_resizable_behavior", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-resizable-behavior-1.0.3", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_scroll_target_behavior", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-scroll-target-behavior-1.0.3", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_selector", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-selector-1.5.2", ) new_http_archive( name = "iron_validatable_behavior", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "iron-validatable-behavior-1.1.1", ) new_http_archive( name = "lodash", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "lodash-3.8.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "neon_animation", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "neon-animation-1.2.2", ) http_file( name = "numericjs_numeric_min_js", url = "", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_behaviors", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-behaviors-1.0.12", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_button", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-button-1.0.11", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_checkbox", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-checkbox-1.4.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_dialog", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-dialog-1.0.4", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_dialog_behavior", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-dialog-behavior-1.2.5", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_dialog_scrollable", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-dialog-scrollable-1.1.5", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_dropdown_menu", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-dropdown-menu-1.4.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_header_panel", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-header-panel-1.1.4", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_icon_button", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-icon-button-1.1.3", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_input", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-input-1.1.18", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_item", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-item-1.1.4", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_listbox", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-listbox-1.1.2", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_material", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-material-1.0.6", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_menu", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-menu-1.2.2", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_menu_button", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-menu-button-1.5.1", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_progress", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-progress-1.0.9", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_radio_button", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-radio-button-1.1.2", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_radio_group", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-radio-group-1.0.9", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_ripple", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-ripple-1.0.5", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_slider", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-slider-1.0.10", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_spinner", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-spinner-1.1.1", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_styles", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-styles-1.1.4", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_tabs", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-tabs-1.7.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_toast", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-toast-1.3.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_toggle_button", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-toggle-button-1.2.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_toolbar", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-toolbar-1.1.4", ) new_http_archive( name = "paper_tooltip", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "paper-tooltip-1.1.2", ) new_http_archive( name = "plottable", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "plottable-1.16.1", ) new_http_archive( name = "polymer", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "polymer-1.7.0", ) new_http_archive( name = "promise_polyfill", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "promise-polyfill-1.0.0", ) http_file( name = "three_js_three_min_js", url = "", ) http_file( name = "three_js_orbitcontrols_js", url = "", ) new_http_archive( name = "web_animations_js", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "web-animations-js-2.2.1", ) new_http_archive( name = "webcomponentsjs", build_file = "bower.BUILD", url = "", strip_prefix = "webcomponentsjs-0.7.22", ) http_file( name = "weblas_weblas_js", url = "", )