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Testimony of Fate

MimisK edited this page Mar 27, 2020 · 3 revisions


  • Quest ID: 219
  • Type: ``````
  • Race: ``````
  • Level: 37
  • Starting NPC: Magister Karia
  • Location : Giran
  • Reward : Mark of Fate


  1. Talk to Magister Karia (Giran). She tells you that as you find more hidden knowledge and truth, your race will gain power. Those who uncover the forbidden knowledge will be rewarded with the Mark of Fate to honor the dead of increasing spiritual heritage.
  2. She sends you to Brother Metheus.
  3. Metheus sends you to the Execution Ground (near the giant guillotine) to kill a Hangman Tree. Return to Metheus.
  4. Talk to Master Ixia (Dion). She needs materials.
  5. Kill Tyrants (the middle of the Wastelands) to get 10 Tyrant's Bloods.
  6. Kill Marsh Stakatos and Marsh Spiders (Cruma Swamp) to get 10. Nightshade Roots and 10 Marsh Spider Fluids.
  7. Kill Dead Seekers (Execution Ground) to get 10 Dead Seakers Drugs.
  8. Kill Medusas (east from Giran) to get 10 Medusa Ichors.
  9. Talk to Metheus. He gives you the Elder's Skull to give to Kaira.
  10. Talk to Kaira. She conjures Adler's Spirit. Talk to Adler, who sends you to Magister Roa.
  11. Talk to Magister Roa. She gives you a receipt.
  12. Talk to Warehouse Keeper Norman (Gludin). Now return to Kaira. To continue, you must be Level 38.
  13. Kaira sends you to Tetrach Thifiel (Dark Elven Village).
  14. Thifiell sends you to Arkenia at the Altar of Rites. Arkenia tells you to get a special kind of ink.
  15. Talk to a Bloody Pixy and a Blight Treant. They are common all over the Dark Elven Land.
  16. Now go to the Swamp west of the waterfall. Kill a Black Willow Lurker, in the swamp west of the waterfall between the Elven and Dark Elven Villages.
  17. Hunt Break Orc Overlords (exit Giran and travek north).
  18. Hunt Grandis (10).
  19. Hunt Karul Bugbears south of the east exit of the tunnel that leads to Hunter's Village.
  20. Hunt Leto Lizardmen Overlords along the path that leads to Oren Castle.
  21. Talk again to any Bloody Pixy and Blight Treant.
  22. Talk to Arkenia. She sends you to Tetrarch Thifiell.
  23. Talk to Thifiell and he gives you the Mark of Fate.
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