/** * * Launch heat stack with CI/CD lab infrastructure * * Expected parameters: * HEAT_TEMPLATE_URL URL to git repo with Heat templates * HEAT_TEMPLATE_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Heat templates repo * HEAT_TEMPLATE_BRANCH Heat templates repo branch * HEAT_STACK_NAME Heat stack name * HEAT_STACK_TEMPLATE Heat stack HOT template * HEAT_STACK_ENVIRONMENT Heat stack environmental parameters * HEAT_STACK_ZONE Heat stack availability zone * HEAT_STACK_PUBLIC_NET Heat stack floating IP pool * HEAT_STACK_DELETE Delete Heat stack when finished (bool) * HEAT_STACK_CLEANUP_JOB Name of job for deleting Heat stack * HEAT_STACK_REUSE Reuse Heat stack (don't create one) * * SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API * SALT_MASTER_PORT Port of salt-api, defaults to 8000 * * OPENSTACK_API_URL OpenStack API address * OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the OpenStack API * OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT OpenStack project to connect to * OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT Versions of OpenStack python clients * OPENSTACK_API_VERSION Version of the OpenStack API (2/3) * */ common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() git = new com.mirantis.mk.Git() openstack = new com.mirantis.mk.Openstack() salt = new com.mirantis.mk.Salt() orchestrate = new com.mirantis.mk.Orchestrate() def python = new com.mirantis.mk.Python() def pepperEnv = "pepperEnv" _MAX_PERMITTED_STACKS = 2 timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') { node { try { // connection objects def openstackCloud // value defaults def openstackVersion = OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT ? OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT : 'liberty' def openstackEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/venv" try { sshPubKey = SSH_PUBLIC_KEY } catch (MissingPropertyException e) { sshPubKey = false } if (HEAT_STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == true && HEAT_STACK_NAME == '') { error("If you want to reuse existing stack you need to provide it's name") } if (HEAT_STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == false) { // Don't allow to set custom heat stack name wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) { if (env.BUILD_USER_ID) { HEAT_STACK_NAME = "${env.BUILD_USER_ID}-${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}" } else { HEAT_STACK_NAME = "jenkins-${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}" } currentBuild.description = HEAT_STACK_NAME } } // // Bootstrap // stage ('Download Heat templates') { git.checkoutGitRepository('template', HEAT_TEMPLATE_URL, HEAT_TEMPLATE_BRANCH, HEAT_TEMPLATE_CREDENTIALS) } stage('Install OpenStack CLI') { openstack.setupOpenstackVirtualenv(openstackEnv, openstackVersion) } stage('Connect to OpenStack cloud') { openstackCloud = openstack.createOpenstackEnv(openstackEnv, OPENSTACK_API_URL, OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS, OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT, OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT_DOMAIN, OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT_ID, OPENSTACK_API_USER_DOMAIN, OPENSTACK_API_VERSION) openstack.getKeystoneToken(openstackCloud, openstackEnv) wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) { if (env.BUILD_USER_ID && !env.BUILD_USER_ID.equals("jenkins") && !HEAT_STACK_REUSE.toBoolean()) { def existingStacks = openstack.getStacksForNameContains(openstackCloud, "${env.BUILD_USER_ID}-${JOB_NAME}", openstackEnv) if(existingStacks.size() >= _MAX_PERMITTED_STACKS){ HEAT_STACK_DELETE = "false" throw new Exception("You cannot create new stack, you already have ${_MAX_PERMITTED_STACKS} stacks of this type (${JOB_NAME}). \nStack names: ${existingStacks}") } } } } if (HEAT_STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == false) { stage('Launch new Heat stack') { envParams = [ 'cluster_zone': HEAT_STACK_ZONE, 'cluster_public_net': HEAT_STACK_PUBLIC_NET ] openstack.createHeatStack(openstackCloud, HEAT_STACK_NAME, HEAT_STACK_TEMPLATE, envParams, HEAT_STACK_ENVIRONMENT, openstackEnv) } } stage('Connect to Salt master') { def saltMasterPort try { saltMasterPort = SALT_MASTER_PORT } catch (MissingPropertyException e) { saltMasterPort = 6969 } saltMasterHost = openstack.getHeatStackOutputParam(openstackCloud, HEAT_STACK_NAME, 'salt_master_ip', openstackEnv) currentBuild.description = "${HEAT_STACK_NAME}: ${saltMasterHost}" saltMasterUrl = "http://${saltMasterHost}:${saltMasterPort}" python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pepperEnv, saltMasterUrl, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS) } // // Install // stage('Install core infra') { // salt.master, reclass // refresh_pillar // sync_all // linux,openssh,salt.minion.ntp orchestrate.installFoundationInfra(pepperEnv) orchestrate.validateFoundationInfra(pepperEnv) } stage("Deploy GlusterFS") { salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@glusterfs:server', 'glusterfs.server.service', true) retry(2) { salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'ci01*', 'glusterfs.server.setup', true) } sleep(5) salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@glusterfs:client', 'glusterfs.client', true) timeout(5) { println "Waiting for GlusterFS volumes to get mounted.." salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@glusterfs:client', 'while true; do systemctl -a|grep "GlusterFS File System"|grep -v mounted >/dev/null || break; done') } print common.prettyPrint(salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@glusterfs:client', 'mount|grep fuse.glusterfs || echo "Command failed"')) } stage("Deploy GlusterFS") { salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@haproxy:proxy', 'haproxy,keepalived') } stage("Setup Docker Swarm") { salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@docker:host', 'docker.host', true) salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@docker:swarm:role:master', 'docker.swarm', true) salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@docker:swarm:role:master', 'salt', true) salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, 'I@docker:swarm:role:master', 'mine.flush') salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, 'I@docker:swarm:role:master', 'mine.update') salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@docker:swarm', 'docker.swarm', true) print common.prettyPrint(salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@docker:swarm:role:master', 'docker node ls')) } stage("Configure OSS services") { salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@devops_portal:config', 'devops_portal.config') salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@rundeck:server', 'rundeck.server') } stage("Deploy Docker services") { // We need /etc/aptly-publisher.yaml to be present before // services are deployed // XXX: for some weird unknown reason, refresh_pillar is // required to execute here salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, 'I@aptly:publisher', 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true) salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@aptly:publisher', 'aptly.publisher', true) retry(3) { sleep(5) salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@docker:swarm:role:master', 'docker.client') } // XXX: Workaround to have `/var/lib/jenkins` on all // nodes where are jenkins_slave services are created. salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@docker:swarm', "mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins") } stage("Configure CI/CD services") { salt.syncAll(pepperEnv, '*') // Aptly timeout(10) { println "Waiting for Aptly to come up.." retry(2) { // XXX: retry to workaround magical VALUE_TRIMMED // response from salt master + to give slow cloud some // more time to settle down salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@aptly:server', 'while true; do curl -sf http://apt.mcp.mirantis.net:8081/api/version >/dev/null && break; done') } } salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@aptly:server', 'aptly', true) // OpenLDAP timeout(10) { println "Waiting for OpenLDAP to come up.." salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@openldap:client', 'while true; do curl -sf ldap:// >/dev/null && break; done') } salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@openldap:client', 'openldap', true) // Gerrit timeout(10) { println "Waiting for Gerrit to come up.." salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@gerrit:client', 'while true; do curl -sf >/dev/null && break; done') } salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@gerrit:client', 'gerrit', true) // Jenkins timeout(10) { println "Waiting for Jenkins to come up.." salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@jenkins:client', 'while true; do curl -sf >/dev/null && break; done') } retry(2) { // XXX: needs retry as first run installs python-jenkins // thus make jenkins modules available for second run salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@jenkins:client', 'jenkins', true) } // Postgres client - initialize OSS services databases timeout(300){ println "Waiting for postgresql database to come up.." salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@postgresql:client', 'while true; do if docker service logs postgresql_postgresql-db | grep "ready to accept"; then break; else sleep 5; fi; done') } // XXX: first run usually fails on some inserts, but we need to create databases at first salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@postgresql:client', 'postgresql.client', true, false) // Setup postgres database with integration between // Pushkin notification service and Security Monkey security audit service timeout(10) { println "Waiting for Pushkin to come up.." salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@postgresql:client', 'while true; do curl -sf >/dev/null && break; done') } salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@postgresql:client', 'postgresql.client', true) // Rundeck timeout(10) { println "Waiting for Rundeck to come up.." salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@rundeck:client', 'while true; do curl -sf >/dev/null && break; done') } salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@rundeck:client', 'rundeck.client', true) // Elasticsearch timeout(10) { println 'Waiting for Elasticsearch to come up..' salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@elasticsearch:client', 'while true; do curl -sf >/dev/null && break; done') } retry(3){ sleep(10) // XXX: first run sometimes fails on update indexes, so we need to wait salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@elasticsearch:client', 'elasticsearch.client', true) } } stage("Finalize") { // // Deploy user's ssh key // def adminUser def authorizedKeysFile def adminUserCmdOut = salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', "[ ! -d /home/ubuntu ] || echo 'ubuntu user exists'") if (adminUserCmdOut =~ /ubuntu user exists/) { adminUser = "ubuntu" authorizedKeysFile = "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys" } else { adminUser = "root" authorizedKeysFile = "/root/.ssh/authorized_keys" } if (sshPubKey) { println "Deploying provided ssh key at ${authorizedKeysFile}" salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, '*', "echo '${sshPubKey}' | tee -a ${authorizedKeysFile}") } // // Generate docs // try { try { // Run sphinx state to install sphinx-build needed in // upcomming orchestrate salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@sphinx:server', 'sphinx') } catch (Throwable e) { true } retry(3) { // TODO: fix salt.orchestrateSystem // print salt.orchestrateSystem(pepperEnv, ['expression': '*', 'type': 'compound'], 'sphinx.orch.generate_doc') def out = salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', 'salt-run state.orchestrate sphinx.orch.generate_doc || echo "Command execution failed"') print common.prettyPrint(out) if (out =~ /Command execution failed/) { throw new Exception("Command execution failed") } } } catch (Throwable e) { // We don't want sphinx docs to ruin whole build, so possible // errors are just ignored here true } salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@nginx:server', 'nginx') def failedSvc = salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, '*', """systemctl --failed | grep -E 'loaded[ \t]+failed' && echo 'Command execution failed' || true""") if (failedSvc =~ /Command execution failed/) { common.errorMsg("Some services are not running. Environment may not be fully functional!") } common.successMsg(""" ============================================================ Your CI/CD lab has been deployed and you can enjoy it: Use sshuttle to connect to your private subnet: sshuttle -r ${adminUser}@${saltMasterHost} And visit services running at (vip address): 9600 HAProxy statistics 8080 Gerrit 8081 Jenkins 8089 LDAP administration 4440 Rundeck 8084 DevOps Portal 8091 Docker swarm visualizer 8090 Reclass-generated documentation If you provided SSH_PUBLIC_KEY, you can use it to login, otherwise you need to get private key connected to this heat template. DON'T FORGET TO TERMINATE YOUR STACK WHEN YOU DON'T NEED IT! ============================================================""") } } catch (Throwable e) { // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed currentBuild.result = "FAILURE" currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message throw e } finally { // Cleanup if (HEAT_STACK_DELETE.toBoolean() == true) { stage('Trigger cleanup job') { build(job: 'deploy-stack-cleanup', parameters: [ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STACK_NAME', value: HEAT_STACK_NAME], [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT', value: OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT], ]) } } } } }