Rocket Space Stuff Project is a Web-Service-Application, Library, and Demo Application ensemble.
- Developed by Miro Rava and Oleg Lastocichin, two undergraduate students at SUPSI, (Lugano, CH)
This Readme contains information mainly for the Library, all the information about the Web-Service-Application and the Demo App, will be contained in a separate report.
The dist folder contains the EXE files for the demo_app, the EXE file for the web_service (if you want to test it locally) and also the library_package as a wheel.
Rocket Space Stuff is a Python library that allows you to interact with various space-related API endpoints. With this library, you can retrieve information about astronauts, launches, and launchers.
Library Creator: Miro Rava Linkedin profile
Library Tester: Oleg Lastocichin Linkedin profile
python -m pip install rocket-space-stuff
- From Database:
# Initialize the SpaceAPI client
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
# Find astronaut by name
astro = api.find_astro_by('name', 'John Smith')
- Manually
from space_py import Astronaut
astro = Astronaut({"name": name, "date_of_birth": birth, "date_of_death": death, "nationality": nationality,
"bio": description,
"twitter": twitter, "instagram": insta, "wiki": wiki,
"profile_image": profile_img,
"profile_image_thumbnail": profile_img_thmb,
"flights_count": flights, "landings_count": landings, "last_flight": last_fl,
"first_flight": first_fl, "status_name": status, "type_name": enroll,
"agency_name": agency, "agency_type": agency_type,
"agency_country_code": agency_countries, "agency_abbrev": agency_acr,
"agency_logo_url": agency_logo})
Retrieves the astronaut's age.
# Get astronaut's age
age = astro.age
Retrieves the astronaut's age of death.
# Get astronaut's age_of_death
age_of_death = astro.age_of_death
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's agency abbreviation.
# Get astronaut's agency abbreviation
agency_abbrev = astro.agency_abbrev
# Set astronaut's agency abbreviation
astro.agency_abbrev = "NASA"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's agency country code.
# Get astronaut's agency country code
agency_country_code = astro.agency_country_code
# Set astronaut's agency country code
astro.agency_country_code = "US"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's agency logo url.
# Get astronaut's agency logo url
agency_logo_url = astro.agency_logo_url
# Set astronaut's agency logo url
astro.agency_logo_url = ""
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's agency name.
# Get astronaut's agency name
agency_name = astro.agency_name
# Set astronaut's agency name
astro.agency_name = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's agency type.
# Get astronaut's agency type
agency_type = astro.agency_type
# Set astronaut's agency type
astro.agency_type = "Governmental"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's bio.
# Get astronaut's bio
bio =
# Set astronaut's bio = "John Smith is an astronaut with NASA. He has flown on 3 space missions."
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's birth date.
# Get astronaut's birth date
birth_date = astro.birth_date
# Set astronaut's birth date
astro.birth_date = "1970-01-01"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's death date.
# Get astronaut's death date
death_date = astro.death_date
# Set astronaut's death date
astro.death_date = "2050-01-01"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's first flight.
# Get astronaut's first flight
first_flight = astro.first_flight
# Set astronaut's first flight
astro.first_flight = "2000-01-01"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's flights count.
# Get astronaut's flights count
flights_count = astro.flights_count
# Set astronaut's flights count
astro.flights_count = "3"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's Instagram page url.
# Get astronaut's Instagram page url
instagram = astro.instagram
# Set astronaut's Instagram handle
astro.instagram = ""
Retrieves the astronaut's information in JSON format.
# Get astronaut's information in JSON format
json_data = astro.jsonify
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's landings count.
# Get astronaut's landings count
landings_count = astro.landings_count
# Set astronaut's landings count
astro.landings_count = "2"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's last flight.
# Get astronaut's last flight
last_flight = astro.last_flight
# Set astronaut's last flight
astro.last_flight = "2022-01-01"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's name.
# Get astronaut's name
name =
# Set astronaut's name = "John Smith"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's nationality.
# Get astronaut's nationality
nationality = astro.nationality
# Set astronaut's nationality
astro.nationality = "USA"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's profile image url.
# Get astronaut's profile image url
profile_image = astro.profile_image
# Set astronaut's profile image url
astro.profile_image = ""
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's profile image thumbnail url.
# Get astronaut's profile image thumbnail url
profile_image_thumbnail = astro.profile_image_thumbnail
# Set astronaut's profile image thumbnail url
astro.profile_image_thumbnail = ""
Retrieves the astronaut's basic information.
# Get astronaut's basic information
basic_info = astro.show_basic_info
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's status name.
# Get astronaut's status name
status_name = astro.status_name
# Set astronaut's status name
astro.status_name = "Active"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's twitter url.
# Get astronaut's twitter url
twitter = astro.twitter
# Set astronaut's twitter handle
astro.twitter = ""
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's type name.
# Get astronaut's type name
type_name = astro.type_name
# Set astronaut's type name
astro.type_name = "Government"
Retrieves and Set the astronaut's wiki page url.
# Get astronaut's wiki page url
wiki =
# Set astronaut's wiki page url = ""
- From Database:
# Initialize the SpaceAPI client
api = SpaceApi()
# Find astronaut by name
launcher = api.find_launcher_by('full_name', 'Atlas V')
- Manually
from space_py import Launcher
launcher = Launcher({"flight_proven": flight_proven, "serial_number": serial_number, "status": status,
"details": details, "image_url": image_url, "flights": flights,
"last_launch_date": last_launch_date, "first_launch_date": first_launch_date,
"launcher_config_full_name": launcher_config_full_name})
- The methods
are similar to the Astronaut's ones. - All these following methods are both Getters and Setters similarly to the Astronaut's ones:
[launcher.description, launcher.first_launch, launcher.flights_count, launcher.full_name, launcher.is_flight_proven,
launcher.last_launch, launcher.launcher_image, launcher.serial_n, launcher.status]
- From Database:
# Initialize the SpaceAPI client
api = SpaceApi()
# Find astronaut by name
launch = api.find_launch_by('name', 'Atlas V')
- Manually
from space_py import Launch
launch = Launch({"name": name, "net": net, "window_start": window_start,
"window_end": window_end, "failreason": fail_reason, "image": image,
"infographic": infographic, "orbital_launch_attempt_count": orbital_launch_attempt_count,
"orbital_launch_attempt_count_year": orbital_launch_attempt_count_year,
"location_launch_attempt_count": location_launch_attempt_count,
"location_launch_attempt_count_year": location_launch_attempt_count_year,
"pad_launch_attempt_count": pad_launch_attempt_count,
"pad_launch_attempt_count_year": pad_launch_attempt_count_year,
"agency_launch_attempt_count": agency_launch_attempt_count,
"agency_launch_attempt_count_year": agency_launch_attempt_count_year,
"status_name": status_name, "launch_service_provider_name": launch_service_provider_name,
"launch_service_provider_type": launch_service_provider_type, "rocket_id": rocket_id,
"rocket_configuration_full_name": rocket_config_full_name,
"mission_name": mission_name, "mission_description": mission_description,
"mission_type": mission_type, "mission_orbit_name": mission_orbit_name,
"pad_wiki_url": pad_wiki_url, "pad_longitude": pad_longitude,
"pad_latitude": pad_latitude, "pad_location_name": pad_location_name,
"pad_location_country_code": pad_location_country_code})
- The methods
are similar to the Astronaut's ones. - All these methods are both Getters and Setters similarly to the Astronaut's ones:
[launch.agency_launch_attempt_count, launch.agency_launch_attempt_count_year, launch.fail_reason, launch.image,
launch.infographic, launch.jsonify, launch.launch_service_provider_name, launch.launch_service_provider_type,
launch.location_launch_attempt_count, launch.location_launch_attempt_count_year, launch.mission_description,
launch.mission_name, launch.mission_orbit_name, launch.mission_type,,,
launch.orbital_launch_attempt_count, launch.orbital_launch_attempt_count_year, launch.pad_latitude,
launch.pad_launch_attempt_count, launch.pad_launch_attempt_count_year, launch.pad_location_country_code,
launch.pad_location_name, launch.pad_longitude, launch.pad_wiki_url, launch.rocket_config_full_name, launch.rocket_id,
launch.show_basic_info, launch.status_name, launch.window_end, launch.window_start]
- Instead of Initializing manually Astronaut, Launch or Launcher Objects, we can use SpaceApi
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
astro = api.populate_astro(name: str, birth: str, death: str, nationality: str, description: str, flights: str,
landings: str, last_fl: str, agency_acr: str, twitter: str = "None", insta: str = "None",
wiki: str = "None", profile_img: str = "None", profile_img_thmb: str = "None",
first_fl: str = "None",
status: str = "None", enroll: str = "None", agency: str = "None", agency_type: str = "None",
agency_countries: str = "None", agency_logo: str = "None")
launch = api.populate_launch(name: str, net: str, status_name: str, launch_service_provider_name: str,
rocket_config_full_name: str,
mission_description: str, pad_location_name: str,
window_start: str = "None", window_end: str = "None", fail_reason: str = "None",
image: str = "None",
infographic: str = "None", orbital_launch_attempt_count: str = "None",
orbital_launch_attempt_count_year: str = "None",
location_launch_attempt_count: str = "None", location_launch_attempt_count_year: str = "None",
pad_launch_attempt_count: str = "None", pad_launch_attempt_count_year: str = "None",
agency_launch_attempt_count: str = "None", agency_launch_attempt_count_year: str = "None",
launch_service_provider_type: str = "None", rocket_id: str = "None",
mission_name: str = "None", mission_type: str = "None",
mission_orbit_name: str = "None", pad_wiki_url: str = "None", pad_longitude: str = "None",
pad_latitude: str = "None",
pad_location_country_code: str = "None")
launcher = api.populate_launcher(launcher_config_full_name: str, serial_number: str, status: str, details: str, flights: str,
image_url: str = "None",
last_launch_date: str = "None", first_launch_date: str = "None",
flight_proven: str = "False")
: Returns the default API URL.
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
default_url = api.default_url
: Returns the current API URL and can permit you to change it.
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
new_url = ''
api.url = new_url
add_astro(astro: Astronaut)
: Adds a new astronaut to the API. Theastro
parameter should be an Astronaut object containing the astronaut's information.
from space_py import SpaceApi, Astronaut
api = SpaceApi()
new_astro = Astronaut({"name": name, "date_of_birth": birth, "date_of_death": death, "nationality": nationality,
"bio": description,
"twitter": twitter, "instagram": insta, "wiki": wiki,
"profile_image": profile_img,
"profile_image_thumbnail": profile_img_thmb,
"flights_count": flights, "landings_count": landings, "last_flight": last_fl,
"first_flight": first_fl, "status_name": status, "type_name": enroll,
"agency_name": agency, "agency_type": agency_type,
"agency_country_code": agency_countries, "agency_abbrev": agency_acr,
"agency_logo_url": agency_logo})
add_launch(launch: Launch)
: Adds a new launch to the API. Thelaunch
parameter should be a Launch Object containing the launch's information.
from space_py import SpaceApi, Launch
api = SpaceApi()
new_astro = Launch({"name": name, "net": net, "window_start": window_start,
"window_end": window_end, "failreason": fail_reason, "image": image,
"infographic": infographic,
"orbital_launch_attempt_count": orbital_launch_attempt_count,
"orbital_launch_attempt_count_year": orbital_launch_attempt_count_year,
"location_launch_attempt_count": location_launch_attempt_count,
"location_launch_attempt_count_year": location_launch_attempt_count_year,
"pad_launch_attempt_count": pad_launch_attempt_count,
"pad_launch_attempt_count_year": pad_launch_attempt_count_year,
"agency_launch_attempt_count": agency_launch_attempt_count,
"agency_launch_attempt_count_year": agency_launch_attempt_count_year,
"status_name": status_name,
"launch_service_provider_name": launch_service_provider_name,
"launch_service_provider_type": launch_service_provider_type, "rocket_id": rocket_id,
"rocket_configuration_full_name": rocket_config_full_name,
"mission_name": mission_name, "mission_description": mission_description,
"mission_type": mission_type, "mission_orbit_name": mission_orbit_name,
"pad_wiki_url": pad_wiki_url, "pad_longitude": pad_longitude,
"pad_latitude": pad_latitude, "pad_location_name": pad_location_name,
"pad_location_country_code": pad_location_country_code})
add_launcher(launcher: Launcher)
: Adds a new launcher to the API. Thelauncher
parameter should be a Launch Object containing the launcher's information.
from space_py import SpaceApi, Launcher
api = SpaceApi()
new_astro = Launcher({"flight_proven": flight_proven, "serial_number": serial_number, "status": status,
"details": details, "image_url": image_url, "flights": flights,
"last_launch_date": last_launch_date, "first_launch_date": first_launch_date,
"launcher_config_full_name": launcher_config_full_name})
delete_astro_by(field: str, value: str)
: Deletes an astronaut from the API based on the specified field and value.
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
api.delete_astro_by('name', 'John Smith')
delete_launch_by(field: str, value: str)
: Deletes a launch from the API based on the specified field and value.
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
api.delete_launch_by('name', 'Falcon 9')
delete_launcher_by(field: str, value: str)
: Deletes a launcher from the API based on the specified field and value.
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
api.delete_launcher_by('full_name', 'Atlas V')
find_astro_by(field: str, value: str)
: Retrieves an astronaut from the API based on the specified field and value. If astronaut is found,astro
is an Astronaut Object, otherwise it is a string like:'entry non found'
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
astro = api.find_astro_by('name', 'John Smith')
find_launch_by(field: str, value: str)
: Retrieves a launch from the API based on the specified field and value. If launch is found,launch
is a Launch Object, otherwise it is a string like:'entry non found'
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
launch = api.find_launch_by('name', 'Falcon 9')
find_launcher_by(field: str, value: str)
: Retrieves a launcher from the API based on the specified field and value. If launcher is found,launcher
is a Launcher Object, otherwise it is a string like:'entry non found'
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
launcher = api.find_launcher_by('full_name', 'Atlas V')
search_astro_by(field: str, value: str)
: Retrieves an astronaut from the API based on the specified field and value. If astronaut is found,astro
is a dictionary containing Astronaut Objects, otherwise it is a dictionary like:{'error':'entry non found'}
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
astro = api.search_astro_by('name', 'John Smith')
search_launch_by(field: str, value: str)
: Retrieves a launch from the API based on the specified field and value. If launch is found,launch
is a dictionary containing Launch Objects, otherwise it is a dictionary like:{'error':'entry non found'}
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
launch = api.search_launch_by('name', 'Falcon 9')
search_launcher_by(field: str, value: str)
: Retrieves a launcher from the API based on the specified field and value. If launcher is found,launcher
is a dictionary containing Launcher Objects, otherwise it is a dictionary like:{'error':'entry non found'}
from space_py import SpaceApi
api = SpaceApi()
launcher = api.search_launcher_by('full_name', 'Atlas V')
update_astro_by(field: str, value: str, update: Astronaut)
: Updates an astronaut record in the API based on the specified field and value. Theastro
parameter should be an Astronaut object containing the astronaut's information.
from space_py import SpaceApi, Astronaut
api = SpaceApi()
updated_astro = Astronaut({"name": name, "date_of_birth": birth, "date_of_death": death, "nationality": nationality,
"bio": description,
"twitter": twitter, "instagram": insta, "wiki": wiki,
"profile_image": profile_img,
"profile_image_thumbnail": profile_img_thmb,
"flights_count": flights, "landings_count": landings, "last_flight": last_fl,
"first_flight": first_fl, "status_name": status, "type_name": enroll,
"agency_name": agency, "agency_type": agency_type,
"agency_country_code": agency_countries, "agency_abbrev": agency_acr,
"agency_logo_url": agency_logo})
api.update_astro_by('name', 'John Smith', updated_astro)
update_launch_by(field: str, value: str, update: Launch)
: Updates a launch record in the API based on the specified field and value. Thelaunch
parameter should be a Launch Object containing the launch's information.
from space_py import SpaceApi, Launch
api = SpaceApi()
updated_astro = Launch({"name": name, "net": net, "window_start": window_start,
"window_end": window_end, "failreason": fail_reason, "image": image,
"infographic": infographic,
"orbital_launch_attempt_count": orbital_launch_attempt_count,
"orbital_launch_attempt_count_year": orbital_launch_attempt_count_year,
"location_launch_attempt_count": location_launch_attempt_count,
"location_launch_attempt_count_year": location_launch_attempt_count_year,
"pad_launch_attempt_count": pad_launch_attempt_count,
"pad_launch_attempt_count_year": pad_launch_attempt_count_year,
"agency_launch_attempt_count": agency_launch_attempt_count,
"agency_launch_attempt_count_year": agency_launch_attempt_count_year,
"status_name": status_name,
"launch_service_provider_name": launch_service_provider_name,
"launch_service_provider_type": launch_service_provider_type, "rocket_id": rocket_id,
"rocket_configuration_full_name": rocket_config_full_name,
"mission_name": mission_name, "mission_description": mission_description,
"mission_type": mission_type, "mission_orbit_name": mission_orbit_name,
"pad_wiki_url": pad_wiki_url, "pad_longitude": pad_longitude,
"pad_latitude": pad_latitude, "pad_location_name": pad_location_name,
"pad_location_country_code": pad_location_country_code})
api.update_launch_by('name', 'Falcon 9', updated_astro)
update_launcher_by(field: str, value: str, update: Launcher)
: Updates a launcher record in the API based on the specified field and value. Thelauncher
parameter should be a Launch Object containing the launcher's information.
from space_py import SpaceApi, Launcher
api = SpaceApi()
updated_astro = Launcher({"flight_proven": flight_proven, "serial_number": serial_number, "status": status,
"details": details, "image_url": image_url, "flights": flights,
"last_launch_date": last_launch_date, "first_launch_date": first_launch_date,
"launcher_config_full_name": launcher_config_full_name})
api.update_launcher_by('full_name', 'Atlas V', updated_astro)
If you would like to contribute to the development of SpaceApi, please feel free to submit a pull request.