From 5599a5c1621b2de5564c52251010345940909453 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mobius1 Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 12:28:42 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] v2.0.0-alpha.18 --- | 2 +- dist/vanilla-dataTables.min.css | 5 +- dist/vanilla-dataTables.min.js | 4 +- src/vanilla-dataTables.css | 7 +- src/vanilla-dataTables.js | 3285 ++++++++++++++++--------------- 5 files changed, 1685 insertions(+), 1618 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 07245b8..a47f15c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ![]( ![]( -This is version 2.0 of Vanilla-DataTables. Current version is `2.0.0-alpha.17`. Not production ready. +This is version 2.0 of Vanilla-DataTables. Current version is `2.0.0-alpha.18`. 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"].join("");n=n.replace(/\{search\}/g,i)}else n=n.replace(/\{search\}/g,"");e.table.node.classList.add(t.classes.table),c(n.match(/\{pager\}/g),function(e,a){n=n.replace("{pager}",d("div",{class:t.classes.pagination}).outerHTML)}),e.wrapper.innerHTML=n,e.pagers=[]"."+t.classes.pagination)),c(e.pagers,function(t,n){e.pagers[n]=new m(e,t)}),e.container=e.wrapper.querySelector("."+t.classes.container),e.labels=e.wrapper.querySelectorAll(".",e.selectors=e.wrapper.querySelectorAll("."+t.classes.selector),e.table.node.parentNode.replaceChild(e.wrapper,e.table.node),e.container.appendChild(e.table.node),e.rect=e.table.node.getBoundingClientRect(),e.rendered=!0}},update:function(){this.rows().paginate(),this.rows().render(),this.emit("update")},getInfo:function(){var e,t=0,n=0,a=0;if(this.totalPages&&(a=(n=(t=this.currentPage-1)*this.config.perPage)+this.pages[t].length,n+=1,e=this.searching?this.searchData.length:this.table.rows.length),this.labels.length&&{var"{start}",n).replace("{end}",a).replace("{page}",this.currentPage).replace("{pages}",this.totalPages).replace("{rows}",e);c([],function(t){t.innerHTML=e?s:""})}},search:function(e,t){var n=this;if(e=e.toLowerCase(),n.currentPage=1,n.searching=!0,n.searchData=[],!e.length)return n.searching=!1,p.remove(n.wrapper,"search-results"),n.update(),!1;c(n.table.rows,function(a){var s=n.searchData.indexOf(a)>-1;void 0!==t?c(a.cells,function(i){void 0===t||i.index!=t||s||i.content.toLowerCase().indexOf(e)>=0&&n.searchData.push(a)}):e.split(" ").reduce(function(e,t){for(var s=!1,i=0;i-1){(!a.cells[i].hidden||a.cells[i].hidden&&!0);break}return e&&s},!0)&&!s&&n.searchData.push(a)}),p.add(n.wrapper,"search-results"),n.searchData.length?n.update():(p.remove(n.wrapper,"search-results"),n.setMessage(n.config.labels.noRows)),this.emit("search",e,this.searchData)},page:function(e){return e!=this.currentPage&&(isNaN(e)||(this.currentPage=parseInt(e,10)),this.onFirstPage=1===this.currentPage,this.onLastPage=this.currentPage===this.totalPages,!(e>this.totalPages||e<0)&&(this.rows().render(e),void this.emit("page",e)))},import:function(e){var t=this,n=!1,a={lineDelimiter:"\n",columnDelimiter:","};if(!s(e))return!1;if((e=l(a,e)).data.length||s({if("csv"===e.type){n={data:[]};var;i.length&&(e.headings&&(n.headings=i[0].split(e.columnDelimiter),i.shift()),c(i,function(t,a){[a]=[];var s=t.split(e.columnDelimiter);s.length&&c(s,function(e){[a].push(e)})}))}else if("json"===e.type){var o=r(;o?(n={headings:[],data:[]},c(o,function(e,t){[t]=[],c(e,function(e,a){n.headings.indexOf(a)<0&&n.headings.push(a),[t].push(e)})})):console.warn("That's not valid JSON!")}s(,n&&(c(n.headings,function(e,n){t.table.header.cells[n].setContent(e)}),this.rows().add(}return!1},setMessage:function(e){var t=1;this.table.rows.length&&(t=this.table.rows[0].cells.length);var n=d("tr",{html:''+e+""});u(this.table.body),this.table.body.appendChild(n)},columns:function(){return new x(this)},rows:function(){return new w(this)},on:function(e,t){||{},[e][e]||[],[e].push(t)},off:function(e,t){||{},e in!=!1&&[e].splice([e].indexOf(t),1)},emit:function(e){if(||{},e in!=!1)for(var t=0;t 1) { - var c = "pager", - ul = createElement("ul"), - prev = dt.onFirstPage ? 1 : dt.currentPage - 1, - next = dt.onlastPage ? pages : dt.currentPage + 1; - - // first button - if (o.firstLast) { - ul.appendChild(that.button(c, 1, o.firstText)); - } - - // prev button - if (o.nextPrev) { - ul.appendChild(that.button(c, prev, o.prevText)); - } - - var pager = that.truncate(); - // append the links - each(pager, function(btn) { - ul.appendChild(btn); - }); - - // next button - if (o.nextPrev) { - ul.appendChild(that.button(c, next, o.nextText)); - } - - // first button - if (o.firstLast) { - ul.appendChild(that.button(c, pages, o.lastText)); - } - - that.parent.appendChild(ul); - } - }, - - truncate: function() { - var that = this, - o = that.instance.config, - delta = o.pagerDelta * 2, - page = that.instance.currentPage, - left = page - o.pagerDelta, - right = page + o.pagerDelta, - pages = that.instance.totalPages, - range = [], - pager = [], - n; - - // No need to truncate if it's disabled - if (!o.truncatePager) { - each(pages, function(index) { - pager.push(that.button(index == page ? "active" : "", index, index)); - }); - } else { - if (page < 4 - o.pagerDelta + delta) { - right = 3 + delta; - } else if (page > pages - (3 - o.pagerDelta + delta)) { - left = pages - (2 + delta); - } - - // Get the links that will be visible - for (var i = 1; i <= pages; i++) { - if (i == 1 || i == pages || (i >= left && i <= right)) { - range.push(i); - } - } - - each(range, function(index) { - if (n) { - if (index - n == 2) { - pager.push(that.button("", n + 1, n + 1)); - } else if (index - n != 1) { - // Create ellipsis node - pager.push(that.button(o.classes.ellipsis, 0, o.ellipsisText, true)); - } - } - - pager.push(that.button(index == page ? "active" : "", index, index)); - n = index; - }); - } - - return pager; - }, - - button: function(className, pageNum, content, ellipsis) { - return createElement("li", { - class: className, - html: !ellipsis ? '' + content + "" : '' + content + "" - }); - } - }; - - // ROWS - var Rows = function(instance) { - this.instance = instance; - }; - - Rows.prototype = { - render: function(page) { - var that = this, - dt = that.instance; - page = page || dt.currentPage; - - empty(dt.table.body); - - if (page < 1 || page > dt.totalPages) return; - - var that = this, - head = dt.table.header, - fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); - - if (dt.table.hasHeader) { - empty(head.node); - each(head.cells, function(cell) { - if (!cell.hidden) { - head.node.appendChild(cell.node); - } - }); - } - - if (dt.pages.length) { - each(dt.pages[page - 1], function(row) { - empty(row.node); - - each(row.cells, function(cell) { - if (!cell.hidden) { - row.node.appendChild(cell.node); - } - }); - - fragment.append(row.node); - }); - } - - dt.table.body.appendChild(fragment); - - each(dt.pagers, function(pager) { - pager.render(); - }); - - dt.getInfo(); - - dt.emit("datatable.rows.render"); - }, - - paginate: function() { - var o = this.instance.config, - rows = this.instance.table.rows, - dt = this.instance; - - if (dt.searching && dt.searchData) { - rows = dt.searchData; - } - - dt.pages = rows - .map(function(tr, i) { - return i % o.perPage === 0 ? rows.slice(i, i + o.perPage) : null; - }) - .filter(function(page) { - return page; - }); - - dt.totalPages = dt.pages.length; - }, - - add: function(row, at) { - if (isArray(row)) { - at = at || 0; - if (isArray(row[0])) { - each(row, function(tr) { - tr = this.instance.table.addRow(new Row(tr, this.instance.table.rows.length + 1), at); - }, this); - // only update after adding multiple rows - // to keep performance hit to a minimum - this.instance.table.update(); - } else { - row = this.instance.table.addRow(new Row(row, this.instance.table.rows.length + 1), at, true); - } - - this.instance.update(); - - return row; - } - }, - - remove: function(obj) { - var row = false, - dt = this.instance; - - if (isArray(obj)) { - // reverse order or there'll be shit to pay - for (var i = obj.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - dt.table.removeRow(this.get(obj[i])); - } - dt.table.update(); - dt.update(); - } else { - if (row = this.get(obj)) { - dt.table.removeRow(row, true); - dt.update(); - - return row; - } - } - }, - - get: function(row) { - var rows = this.instance.table.rows; - if (row instanceof Row || row instanceof Element) { - for (var n = 0; n < rows.length; n++) { - if (rows[n].node === row || rows[n] === row) { - row = rows[n]; - break; - } - } - } else { - row = rows[row]; - } - - return row; - } - }; - - // COLUMNS - var Columns = function(instance) { - this.instance = instance; - }; - - Columns.prototype = { - sort: function(column, direction) { - - var dt = this.instance; - - column = column || 0; - direction = direction || (dt.lastDirection && "asc" === dt.lastDirection ? direction = "desc" : direction = "asc"); - - if (column < 0 || column > dt.table.header.cells.length - 1) { - return false; - } - - var node = dt.table.header.cells[column].node, - rows = dt.table.rows; - - if (dt.searching && dt.searchData) { - rows = dt.searchData; - } - - // Remove class from previus column - if (dt.lastHeading) { - classList.remove(dt.lastHeading, dt.lastDirection); - } - - if (dt.lastDirection) { - classList.remove(node, dt.lastDirection); - } - - classList.add(node, direction); - - var format, datetime; - - if (node.hasAttribute("data-type")) { - // Check for date format and moment.js - if (node.getAttribute("data-type") === "date") { - format = false; - datetime = node.hasAttribute("data-format"); - - if (datetime) { - format = node.getAttribute("data-format"); - } - } - } - - rows.sort(function(a, b) { - a = a.cells[column].content; - b = b.cells[column].content; - - if (datetime) { - a = parseDate(a, format); - b = parseDate(b, format); - } else { - a = a.replace(/(\$|\,|\s|%)/g, ""); - b = b.replace(/(\$|\,|\s|%)/g, ""); - } - - a = !isNaN(a) ? parseInt(a, 10) : a; - b = !isNaN(b) ? parseInt(b, 10) : b; - - return direction === "asc" ? a > b : a < b; - }); - - dt.table.update(); - dt.update(); - - dt.lastHeading = node; - dt.lastDirection = direction; - - dt.emit("datatable.columns.sort", direction, column, node); - - classList.remove(node, "loading"); - }, - - filter: function(column, query) { -, column); - }, - - order: function(order) { - var dt = this.instance, - head = dt.table.header, - rows = dt.table.rows, - arr; - if (isArray(order)) { - // Reorder the header - if (dt.table.hasHeader) { - arr = []; - each(order, function(column, i) { - arr[i] = head.cells[column]; - - arr[i].index = arr[i].node.dataIndex = i; - - // rearrange the tr node cells for rendering - head.node.appendChild(arr[i].node); - }); - head.cells = arr; - } - - // Reorder the body - each(rows, function(row) { - arr = []; - each(order, function(column, i) { - arr[i] = row.cells[column]; - - arr[i].index = arr[i].node.dataIndex = i; - - row.node.appendChild(arr[i].node); - }); - row.cells = arr; - }); - - dt.update(); - - dt.emit("datatable.columns.order", order); - } - }, - - hide: function(columns) { - var that = this, - dt = this.instance, - head = dt.table.header, - rows = dt.table.rows; - - if (!isNaN(columns)) { - columns = [columns]; - } - - for (var n = 0; n < columns.length; n++) { - each(head.cells, function(cell) { - if (columns[n] == cell.index) { - cell.hidden = true; - } - }); - - each(rows, function(row) { - each(row.cells, function(cell) { - if (columns[n] == cell.index) { - cell.hidden = true; - } - }); - }); - } - - dt.update(); - - dt.emit("datatable.columns.hide", columns); - }, - - show: function(columns) { - var that = this, - dt = this.instance, - head = dt.table.header, - rows = dt.table.rows; - - if (!isNaN(columns)) { - columns = [columns]; - } - - for (var n = 0; n < columns.length; n++) { - each(head.cells, function(cell) { - if (columns[n] == cell.index) { - cell.hidden = false; - } - }); - - each(rows, function(row) { - each(row.cells, function(cell) { - if (columns[n] == cell.index) { - cell.hidden = false; - } - }); - }); - } - - dt.update(); - - dt.emit("", columns); - }, - - visible: function(columns) { - var that = this, - dt = this.instance, - head = dt.table.header, - cols; - - if (columns === undefined) { - columns = { - return cell.index; - }); - } - - if (!isNaN(columns)) { - cols = !head.cells[columns].hidden; - } else if (isArray(columns)) { - cols = []; - each(columns, function(column) { - cols.push(!head.cells[column].hidden); - }); - } - - return cols; - }, - - add: function(obj) { - var dt = this.instance; - - if (isObject(obj)) { - if (isset(obj, "heading")) { - var cell = new Cell(createElement("th"), dt.table.header.cells.length); - cell.setContent(obj.heading); - - dt.table.header.node.appendChild(cell.node); - dt.table.header.cells.push(cell); - } - - if (isset(obj, "data") && isArray( { - each(dt.table.rows, function(row, i) { - var cell = new Cell(createElement("td"), row.cells.length); - cell.setContent([i] || ""); - - row.node.appendChild(cell.node); - row.cells.push(cell); - }); - } - } - - this.fix(); - dt.update(); - }, - - remove: function() { - // - }, - - fix: function() { - each( - this.instance.columnWidths, - function(size, cell) { - var w = size / this.instance.rect.width * 100; - this.instance.table.header.cells[cell] = w + "%"; - }, - this - ); - } - }; - - // MAIN LIB - var DataTable = function(table, config) { - this.config = extend(defaultConfig, config); - - if (this.config.ajax) { - var that = this, - ajax = this.config.ajax; - - this.request = new XMLHttpRequest(); - - on(this.request, "load", function(xhr) { - if (that.request.readyState === 4) { - if (that.request.status === 200) { - var obj = {}; - = ajax.load ?, that.request) : that.request.responseText; - - obj.type = "json"; - - if (ajax.content && ajax.content.type) { - obj.type = ajax.content.type; - obj = extend(obj, ajax.content); - } - - that.table = new Table(table,, that); - - that.init(); - } - } - }); - -"GET", typeof ajax === "string" ? that.config.ajax : that.config.ajax.url); - this.request.send(); - } else { - if ( { - this.table = new Table(table,, this); - } else { - this.table = new Table(table, false, this); - } - - this.init(); - } - }; - - DataTable.prototype = { - init: function() { - - if (this.initialised) return; - - var that = this, - o = that.config; - - // IE detection - that.isIE = !!/(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); - - that.currentPage = 1; - that.onFirstPage = true; - that.onLastPage = false; - - that.rows().paginate(); - that.totalPages = that.pages.length; - - that.render(); - - if (o.fixedColumns) { - that.columns().fix(); - } - - if (o.plugins) { - each(o.plugins, function(options, plugin) { - if (that[plugin] !== undefined && typeof that[plugin] === "function") { - that[plugin] = that[plugin](that, options, { - each: each, - extend: extend, - isObject: isObject, - classList: classList, - createElement: createElement - }); - - // Init plugin - if (options.enabled && that[plugin].init && typeof that[plugin].init === "function") { - that[plugin].init(); - } - } - }); - } - - // Check for the columns option - if (o.columns) { - that.selectedColumns = []; - that.columnRenderers = []; - - each(o.columns, function(data) { - // convert single column selection to array - if (!isArray( { - = []; - } - - if (isset(data, "render") && typeof data.render === "function") { - that.selectedColumns = that.selectedColumns.concat(; - - that.columnRenderers.push({ - columns:, - renderer: data.render - }); - } - - // Add the data attributes to the th elements - if (that.table.hasHeader) { - each(, function(column) { - var cell = that.table.header.cells[column]; - - if (data.type) { - cell.node.setAttribute("data-type", data.type); - } - if (data.format) { - cell.node.setAttribute("data-format", data.format); - } - if (isset(data, "sortable")) { - cell.node.setAttribute("data-sortable", data.sortable); - - if (data.sortable === false) { - classList.remove(cell.node, o.classes.sorter); - } - } - - if (isset(data, "hidden")) { - if (data.hidden !== false) { - that.columns().hide(column); - } - } - - if (isset(data, "sort") && === 1) { - that.columns().sort([0], data.sort); - } - }); - } - }); - - if (that.selectedColumns.length) { - each(that.table.rows, function(row) { - each(row.cells, function(cell) { - if (that.selectedColumns.indexOf(cell.index) > -1) { - each(that.columnRenderers, function(obj) { - if (obj.columns.indexOf(cell.index) > -1) { - cell.setContent(, cell.content, cell, row)); - } - }); - } - }); - }); - } - } - - that.rows().render(); - - that.bindEvents(); - - that.initialised = true; - - setTimeout(function() { - that.emit("datatable.init"); - }, 10); - }, - - bindEvents: function() { - var that = this, - o = that.config; - - on(that.wrapper, "mousedown", function(e) { - if (e.which === 1 && o.sortable && === "TH") { - classList.add(, "loading"); - } - }); - - on(that.wrapper, "click", function(e) { - var node =; - - if (node.hasAttribute("data-page")) { - e.preventDefault(); -"data-page"), 10)); - } - - if (o.sortable && node.nodeName === "TH") { - if (node.hasAttribute("data-sortable") && node.getAttribute("data-sortable") === "false") return false; - - e.preventDefault(); - that - .columns() - .sort(node.dataIndex, classList.contains(node, "asc") ? "desc" : "asc"); - } - }); - - if (o.perPageSelect) { - on(that.wrapper, "change", function(e) { - if ( - === "SELECT" && - classList.contains(, o.classes.selector) - ) { - e.preventDefault(); - that.config.perPage = parseInt(, 10); - - that.update(); - } - }); - } - - if (o.searchable) { - on(that.wrapper, "keyup", function(e) { - if ( - === "INPUT" && - classList.contains(, o.classes.input) - ) { - e.preventDefault(); -; - } - }); - } - - if (o.sortable) { - on(that.wrapper, "mousedown", function(e) { - if ( === "TH") { - e.preventDefault(); - } - }); - } - }, - - render: function() { - - if (this.rendered) return; - - var that = this, - o = that.config; - - if (this.table.hasHeader && o.fixedColumns) { - this.columnWidths = { - return cell.node.offsetWidth; - }); - } - - // Build - that.wrapper = createElement("div", { - class: o.classes.wrapper - }); - - // Template for custom layouts - var inner = [ - "
",, "
", - "
", - "
", o.layout.bottom, "
" - ].join(""); - - // Info placement - inner = inner.replace( - "{info}", - "
" - ); - - // Per Page Select - if (o.perPageSelect) { - var wrap = [ - "
", - "", - "
" - ].join(""); - - // Create the select - var select = createElement("select", { - class: o.classes.selector - }); - - // Create the options - each(o.perPageSelect, function(val) { - var selected = val === o.perPage; - var option = new Option(val, val, selected, selected); - select.add(option); - }); - - // Custom label - wrap = wrap.replace("{select}", select.outerHTML); - - // Selector placement - inner = inner.replace("{select}", wrap); - } else { - inner = inner.replace("{select}", ""); - } - - // Searchable - if (o.searchable) { - var form = [ - "
", - "", - "
" - ].join(""); - - // Search input placement - inner = inner.replace("{search}", form); - } else { - inner = inner.replace("{search}", ""); - } - - // Add table class - that.table.node.classList.add(o.classes.table); - - // Pagers - each(inner.match(/\{pager\}/g), function(pager, i) { - inner = inner.replace( - "{pager}", - createElement("div", { - class: o.classes.pagination - }).outerHTML - ); - }); - - that.wrapper.innerHTML = inner; - - that.pagers = [] - that.wrapper.querySelectorAll("." + o.classes.pagination) - ); - - each(that.pagers, function(pager, i) { - that.pagers[i] = new Pager(that, pager); - }); - - that.container = that.wrapper.querySelector("." + o.classes.container); - - that.labels = that.wrapper.querySelectorAll("." +; - - // Insert in to DOM tree - that.table.node.parentNode.replaceChild(that.wrapper, that.table.node); - that.container.appendChild(that.table.node); - - // Store the table dimensions - that.rect = that.table.node.getBoundingClientRect(); - - that.rendered = true; - }, - - update: function() { - this.rows().paginate(); - this.rows().render(); - - this.emit("datatable.update"); - }, - - getInfo: function() { - // Update the info - var current = 0, - f = 0, - t = 0, - items; - - if (this.totalPages) { - current = this.currentPage - 1; - f = current * this.config.perPage; - t = f + this.pages[current].length; - f = f + 1; - items = !!this.searching ? this.searchData.length : this.table.rows.length; - } - - if (this.labels.length && { - // CUSTOM LABELS - var string = - .replace("{start}", f) - .replace("{end}", t) - .replace("{page}", this.currentPage) - .replace("{pages}", this.totalPages) - .replace("{rows}", items); - - each([], function(label) { - label.innerHTML = items ? string : ""; - }); - } - }, - - search: function(query, column) { - var that = this; - - query = query.toLowerCase(); - - that.currentPage = 1; - that.searching = true; - that.searchData = []; - - if (!query.length) { - that.searching = false; - classList.remove(that.wrapper, "search-results"); - that.update(); - - return false; - } - - each(that.table.rows, function(row) { - var inArray = that.searchData.indexOf(row) > -1; - - // Filter column - if (column !== undefined) { - each(row.cells, function(cell) { - if (column !== undefined && cell.index == column && !inArray) { - if (cell.content.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) >= 0) { - that.searchData.push(row); - } - } - }); - } else { - // - var match = query.split(" ").reduce(function(bool, word) { - var includes = false; - - for (var x = 0; x < row.cells.length; x++) { - if (row.cells[x].content.toLowerCase().indexOf(word) > -1) { - if (!row.cells[x].hidden || - (row.cells[x].hidden && - ) - includes = true; - break; - } - } - - return bool && includes; - }, true); - - if (match && !inArray) { - that.searchData.push(row); - } - } - }); - - classList.add(that.wrapper, "search-results"); - - if (!that.searchData.length) { - classList.remove(that.wrapper, "search-results"); - - that.setMessage(that.config.labels.noRows); - } else { - that.update(); - } - - this.emit("", query, this.searchData); - }, - - page: function(page) { - // We don't want to load the current page again. - if (page == this.currentPage) { - return false; - } - - if (!isNaN(page)) { - this.currentPage = parseInt(page, 10); - } - - this.onFirstPage = this.currentPage === 1; - this.onLastPage = this.currentPage === this.totalPages; - - if (page > this.totalPages || page < 0) { - return false; - } - - this.rows().render(page); - - this.emit("", page); - }, - - import: function(options) { - var that = this, - obj = false; - var defaults = { - // csv - lineDelimiter: "\n", - columnDelimiter: "," - }; - - // Check for the options object - if (!isObject(options)) { - return false; - } - - options = extend(defaults, options); - - if ( || isObject( { - // Import CSV - if (options.type === "csv") { - obj = { - data: [] - }; - - // Split the string into rows - var rows =; - - if (rows.length) { - - if (options.headings) { - obj.headings = rows[0].split(options.columnDelimiter); - - rows.shift(); - } - - each(rows, function(row, i) { -[i] = []; - - // Split the rows into values - var values = row.split(options.columnDelimiter); - - if (values.length) { - each(values, function(value) { -[i].push(value); - }); - } - }); - } - } else if (options.type === "json") { - var json = isJson(; - - // Valid JSON string - if (json) { - obj = { - headings: [], - data: [] - }; - - each(json, function(data, i) { -[i] = []; - each(data, function(value, column) { - if (obj.headings.indexOf(column) < 0) { - obj.headings.push(column); - } - -[i].push(value); - }); - }); - } else { - console.warn("That's not valid JSON!"); - } - } - - if (isObject( { - obj =; - } - - if (obj) { - each(obj.headings, function(heading, i) { - that.table.header.cells[i].setContent(heading); - }); - - this.rows().add(; - } - } - - return false; - }, - - setMessage: function(message) { - var colspan = 1; - - if (this.table.rows.length) { - colspan = this.table.rows[0].cells.length; - } - - var node = createElement("tr", { - html: '' + - message + - "" - }); - - empty(this.table.body); - - this.table.body.appendChild(node); - }, - - columns: function() { - return new Columns(this); - }, - - rows: function() { - return new Rows(this); - }, - - on: function(event, callback) { - = || {}; -[event] =[event] || []; -[event].push(callback); - }, - - off: function(event, callback) { - = || {}; - if (event in === false) return; -[event].splice([event].indexOf(callback), 1); - }, - - emit: function(event) { - = || {}; - if (event in === false) return; - for (var i = 0; i <[event].length; i++) { -[event][i].apply(this,, 1)); - } - }, - - destroy: function() { - - var that = this, - o = that.config, - table = that.table; - - classList.remove(table.node, o.classes.table); - - each(table.header.cells, function(cell) { - = ""; - classList.remove(cell.node, o.classes.sorter); - }); - - var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(); - empty(table.body); - - each(table.rows, function(row) { - frag.appendChild(row.node); - }); - - table.body.appendChild(frag); - - this.wrapper.parentNode.replaceChild(table.node, this.wrapper); - - this.rendered = false; - this.initialised = false; - } - }; - - DataTable.extend = function(prop, val) { - if (typeof val === "function") { - DataTable.prototype[prop] = val; - } else { - DataTable[prop] = val; - } - }; - - return DataTable; + var plugin = "DataTable"; + + if (typeof exports === "object") { + module.exports = factory(plugin); + } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { + define([], factory(plugin)); + } else { + root[plugin] = factory(plugin); + } +})(typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this.window ||, function(plugin) { + "use strict"; + var win = window, + doc = document, + body = doc.body; + + /** + * Default configuration + * @typ {Object} + */ + var defaultConfig = { + perPage: 10, + perPageSelect: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25], + + sortable: true, + searchable: true, + + // Pagination + nextPrev: true, + firstLast: false, + prevText: "‹", + nextText: "›", + firstText: "«", + lastText: "»", + ellipsisText: "…", + ascText: "▴", + descText: "▾", + truncatePager: true, + pagerDelta: 2, + + fixedColumns: true, + fixedHeight: false, + + header: true, + footer: false, + + search: { + includeHiddenColumns: false + }, + + classes: { + table: "dataTable-table", + wrapper: "dataTable-wrapper", + container: "dataTable-container", + top: "dataTable-top", + bottom: "dataTable-bottom", + info: "dataTable-info", + dropdown: "dataTable-dropdown", + selector: "dataTable-selector", + pagination: "dataTable-pagination", + input: "dataTable-input", + search: "dataTable-search", + ellipsis: "dataTable-ellipsis", + sorter: "dataTable-sorter", + }, + + // Customise the display text + labels: { + placeholder: "Search...", // The search input placeholder + perPage: "{select} entries per page", // per-page dropdown label + noRows: "No entries found", // Message shown when there are no search results + info: "Showing {start} to {end} of {rows} entries" // + }, + + // Customise the layout + layout: { + top: "{select}{search}", + bottom: "{info}{pager}" + } + }; + + /** + * Check is item is object + * @return {Boolean} + */ + var isObject = function(val) { + return === "[object Object]"; + }; + + /** + * Check is item is array + * @return {Boolean} + */ + var isArray = function(val) { + return Array.isArray(val); + }; + + /** + * Check for valid JSON string + * @param {String} str + * @return {Boolean|Array|Object} + */ + var isJson = function(str) { + var t = !1; + try { + t = JSON.parse(str); + } catch (e) { + return !1; + } + return !(null === t || (!isArray(t) && !isObject(t))) && t; + }; + + var isset = function(obj, prop) { + return obj.hasOwnProperty(prop); + }; + + /** + * Merge objects (reccursive) + * @param {Object} r + * @param {Object} t + * @return {Object} + */ + var extend = function(src, props) { + for (var prop in props) { + if (props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { + var val = props[prop]; + if (val && isObject(val)) { + src[prop] = src[prop] || {}; + extend(src[prop], val); + } else { + src[prop] = val; + } + } + } + return src; + }; + + /** + * Iterator helper + * @param {(Array|Object|Number)} arr Any number, object, array or array-like collection. + * @param {Function} fn Callback + * @param {Object} scope Change the value of this + * @return {Void} + */ + var each = function(arr, fn, scope) { + var n; + + if (isObject(arr)) { + for (n in arr) { + if (, n)) { +, arr[n], n); + } + } + } else if (isArray(arr)) { + for (n = 0; n < arr.length; n++) { +, arr[n], n); + } + } else { + for (n = 0; n < arr; n++) { +, n + 1, n); + } + } + }; + + /** + * Create DOM element node + * @param {String} a nodeName + * @param {Object} b properties and attributes + * @return {Object} + */ + var createElement = function(type, options) { + var node = doc.createElement(type); + if (options && "object" == typeof options) { + var prop; + for (prop in options) { + if ("html" === prop) { + node.innerHTML = options[prop]; + } else { + if (prop in node) { + node[prop] = options[prop] + } else { + node.setAttribute(prop, options[prop]); + } + } + } + } + return node; + }; + + /** + * Get the closest matching ancestor + * @param {Object} el The starting node. + * @param {Function} fn Callback to find matching ancestor. + * @return {Object|Boolean} Returns the matching ancestor or false in not found. + */ + var closest = function(el, fn) { + return el && el !== document.body && (fn(el) ? el : closest(el.parentNode, fn)); + }; + + /** + * Add event listener to target + * @param {Object} el + * @param {String} e + * @param {Function} fn + */ + var on = function(el, e, fn) { + el.addEventListener(e, fn, false); + }; + + /** + * Remove event listener from target + * @param {Object} el + * @param {String} e + * @param {Function} fn + */ + var off = function(el, e, fn) { + el.removeEventListener(e, fn); + }; + + var empty = function(el, ie) { + if (ie) { + while (el.hasChildNodes()) { + el.removeChild(el.lastChild); + } + } else { + el.innerHTML = ""; + } + }; + + /** + * classList shim + * @type {Object} + */ + var classList = { + add: function(s, a) { + if (s.classList) { + s.classList.add(a); + } else { + if (!classList.contains(s, a)) { + s.className = s.className.trim() + " " + a; + } + } + }, + remove: function(s, a) { + if (s.classList) { + s.classList.remove(a); + } else { + if (classList.contains(s, a)) { + s.className = s.className.replace( + new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + a.split(" ").join("|") + "(\\s|$)", "gi"), + " " + ); + } + } + }, + contains: function(s, a) { + if (s) + return s.classList ? + s.classList.contains(a) : + !!s.className && + !!s.className.match(new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + a + "(\\s|$)")); + } + }; + + /** + * Use moment.js to parse cell contents for sorting + * @param {String} content The datetime string to parse + * @param {String} format The format for moment to use + * @return {String|Boolean} Datatime string or false + */ + var parseDate = function(content, format) { + var date = false; + + // moment() throws a fit if the string isn't a valid datetime string + // so we need to supply the format to the constructor ( + + // Converting to YYYYMMDD ensures we can accurately sort the column numerically + + if (format && win.moment) { + switch (format) { + case "ISO_8601": + date = moment(content, moment.ISO_8601).format("YYYYMMDD"); + break; + case "RFC_2822": + date = moment(content, "ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ").format("YYYYMMDD"); + break; + case "MYSQL": + date = moment(content, "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss").format("YYYYMMDD"); + break; + case "UNIX": + date = moment(parseInt(content, 10)).unix(); + break; + // User defined format using the data-format attribute or columns[n].format option + default: + date = moment(content, format).format("YYYYMMDD"); + break; + } + } else { + date = new Date(content).getTime(); + } + + return date; + }; + + var Cell = function(cell, index) { + this.node = cell; + this.content = this.originalContent = cell.innerHTML; + this.hidden = false; + this.index = this.node.dataIndex = index; + this.originalContent = this.content; + }; + + Cell.prototype.setContent = function(content) { + this.content = this.node.innerHTML = content; + }; + + var Row = function(row, index) { + + if (isArray(row)) { + this.node = createElement("tr"); + + each(row, function(val, i) { + this.node.appendChild(createElement("td", { + html: val + })) + }, this); + } else { + this.node = row; + if (index !== undefined) { + this.isHeader = row.parentNode.nodeName === "THEAD"; + } + } + + if (!this.isHeader && index !== undefined) { + this.index = this.node.dataIndex = index - 1; + } + + this.cells = [], i) { + return new Cell(cell, i, this); + }, this); + }; + + var Table = function(table, data, instance) { + this.node = table; + + if (typeof table === "string") { + this.node = document.querySelector(table); + } + + if (data) { +; + } + + this.rows = [], i) { + return new Row(row, i, this); + }, this); + + this.body = this.node.tBodies[0]; + + if (!this.body) { + this.body = createElement("tbody"); + this.node.appendChild(this.body); + } + + if (this.rows.length) { + if (this.rows[0].isHeader) { + this.hasHeader = true; + + this.header = this.rows[0]; + + this.head = this.header.node.parentNode; + + this.rows.shift(); + + if (instance.config.sortable) { + each(this.header.cells, function(cell) { + classList.add(cell.node, instance.config.classes.sorter); + }); + } + } else { + this.addHeader(); + } + } + }; + + Table.prototype = { + build: function(data) { + var thead = false, + tbody = false; + + if (data.headings) { + thead = createElement("thead"); + var tr = createElement("tr"); + each(data.headings, function(col) { + var td = createElement("th", { + html: col + }); + tr.appendChild(td); + }); + + thead.appendChild(tr); + } + + if ( && { + tbody = createElement("tbody"); + each(, function(rows) { + var tr = createElement("tr"); + each(rows, function(value) { + var td = createElement("td", { + html: value + }); + tr.appendChild(td); + }); + tbody.appendChild(tr); + }); + } + + if (thead) { + if (this.node.tHead !== null) { + this.node.removeChild(this.node.tHead); + } + this.node.appendChild(thead); + } + + if (tbody) { + if (this.node.tBodies.length) { + this.node.removeChild(this.node.tBodies[0]); + } + this.node.appendChild(tbody); + } + }, + + addHeader: function() { + var th = createElement("thead"), + tr = createElement("tr"); + + each(this.rows[0].cells, function(cell) { + tr.appendChild(createElement("td")); + }); + + th.appendChild(tr); + + this.head = th; + this.header = new Row(tr, 1); + this.hasHeader = true; + }, + + addRow: function(row, at, update) { + if (row instanceof Row) { + this.rows.splice(at || 0, 0, row); + + // We may have a table without a header + if (!this.hasHeader) { + this.addHeader(); + } + + if (update) { + this.update(); + } + + return row; + } + }, + + removeRow: function(row, update) { + if (row instanceof Row) { + this.rows.splice(this.rows.indexOf(row), 1); + + if (update) { + this.update(); + } + } + }, + + update: function(all) { + each(this.rows, function(row, i) { + row.index = row.node.dataIndex = i; + }); + } + }; + + // PAGER + var Pager = function(instance, parent) { + this.instance = instance; + this.parent = parent; + }; + + Pager.prototype = { + render: function(pages) { + var that = this, + dt = that.instance, + o = dt.config; + + pages = pages || dt.totalPages; + + empty(that.parent, that.isIE); + + if (pages > 1) { + var c = "pager", + ul = createElement("ul"), + prev = dt.onFirstPage ? 1 : dt.currentPage - 1, + next = dt.onlastPage ? pages : dt.currentPage + 1; + + // first button + if (o.firstLast) { + ul.appendChild(that.button(c, 1, o.firstText)); + } + + // prev button + if (o.nextPrev) { + ul.appendChild(that.button(c, prev, o.prevText)); + } + + var pager = that.truncate(); + // append the links + each(pager, function(btn) { + ul.appendChild(btn); + }); + + // next button + if (o.nextPrev) { + ul.appendChild(that.button(c, next, o.nextText)); + } + + // first button + if (o.firstLast) { + ul.appendChild(that.button(c, pages, o.lastText)); + } + + that.parent.appendChild(ul); + } + }, + + truncate: function() { + var that = this, + o = that.instance.config, + delta = o.pagerDelta * 2, + page = that.instance.currentPage, + left = page - o.pagerDelta, + right = page + o.pagerDelta, + pages = that.instance.totalPages, + range = [], + pager = [], + n; + + // No need to truncate if it's disabled + if (!o.truncatePager) { + each(pages, function(index) { + pager.push(that.button(index == page ? "active" : "", index, index)); + }); + } else { + if (page < 4 - o.pagerDelta + delta) { + right = 3 + delta; + } else if (page > pages - (3 - o.pagerDelta + delta)) { + left = pages - (2 + delta); + } + + // Get the links that will be visible + for (var i = 1; i <= pages; i++) { + if (i == 1 || i == pages || (i >= left && i <= right)) { + range.push(i); + } + } + + each(range, function(index) { + if (n) { + if (index - n == 2) { + pager.push(that.button("", n + 1, n + 1)); + } else if (index - n != 1) { + // Create ellipsis node + pager.push(that.button(o.classes.ellipsis, 0, o.ellipsisText, true)); + } + } + + pager.push(that.button(index == page ? "active" : "", index, index)); + n = index; + }); + } + + return pager; + }, + + button: function(className, pageNum, content, ellipsis) { + return createElement("li", { + class: className, + html: !ellipsis ? '' + content + "" : '' + content + "" + }); + } + }; + + // ROWS + var Rows = function(instance) { + this.instance = instance; + }; + + Rows.prototype = { + render: function(page) { + var that = this, + dt = that.instance; + page = page || dt.currentPage; + + empty(dt.table.body); + + if (page < 1 || page > dt.totalPages) return; + + var that = this, + head = dt.table.header, + fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); + + if (dt.table.hasHeader) { + empty(head.node); + each(head.cells, function(cell) { + if (!cell.hidden) { + head.node.appendChild(cell.node); + } + }); + } + + if (dt.pages.length) { + each(dt.pages[page - 1], function(row) { + empty(row.node); + + each(row.cells, function(cell) { + if (!cell.hidden) { + row.node.appendChild(cell.node); + } + }); + + fragment.append(row.node); + }); + } + + dt.table.body.appendChild(fragment); + + each(dt.pagers, function(pager) { + pager.render(); + }); + + dt.getInfo(); + + dt.emit("rows.render"); + }, + + paginate: function() { + var o = this.instance.config, + rows = this.instance.table.rows, + dt = this.instance; + + if (dt.searching && dt.searchData) { + rows = dt.searchData; + } + + dt.pages = rows + .map(function(tr, i) { + return i % o.perPage === 0 ? rows.slice(i, i + o.perPage) : null; + }) + .filter(function(page) { + return page; + }); + + dt.totalPages = dt.pages.length; + + // Current page maybe outside the range + if (dt.currentPage > dt.totalPages) { + dt.currentPage = dt.totalPages; + } + }, + + add: function(row, at) { + if (isArray(row)) { + at = at || 0; + if (isArray(row[0])) { + each(row, function(tr) { + tr = this.instance.table.addRow(new Row(tr, this.instance.table.rows.length + 1), at); + }, this); + // only update after adding multiple rows + // to keep performance hit to a minimum + this.instance.table.update(); + } else { + row = this.instance.table.addRow(new Row(row, this.instance.table.rows.length + 1), at, true); + } + + this.instance.update(); + + return row; + } + }, + + remove: function(obj) { + var row = false, + dt = this.instance; + + if (isArray(obj)) { + // reverse order or there'll be shit to pay + for (var i = obj.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + dt.table.removeRow(this.get(obj[i])); + } + dt.table.update(); + dt.update(); + } else { + if (row = this.get(obj)) { + dt.table.removeRow(row, true); + dt.update(); + + return row; + } + } + }, + + get: function(row) { + var rows = this.instance.table.rows; + if (row instanceof Row || row instanceof Element) { + for (var n = 0; n < rows.length; n++) { + if (rows[n].node === row || rows[n] === row) { + row = rows[n]; + break; + } + } + } else { + row = rows[row]; + } + + return row; + } + }; + + // COLUMNS + var Columns = function(instance) { + this.instance = instance; + }; + + Columns.prototype = { + sort: function(column, direction) { + + var dt = this.instance; + + column = column || 0; + direction = direction || (dt.lastDirection && "asc" === dt.lastDirection ? direction = "desc" : direction = "asc"); + + if (column < 0 || column > dt.table.header.cells.length - 1) { + return false; + } + + var node = dt.table.header.cells[column].node, + rows = dt.table.rows; + + if (dt.searching && dt.searchData) { + rows = dt.searchData; + } + + // Remove class from previus column + if (dt.lastHeading) { + classList.remove(dt.lastHeading, dt.lastDirection); + } + + if (dt.lastDirection) { + classList.remove(node, dt.lastDirection); + } + + classList.add(node, direction); + + var format, datetime; + + if (node.hasAttribute("data-type")) { + // Check for date format and moment.js + if (node.getAttribute("data-type") === "date") { + format = false; + datetime = node.hasAttribute("data-format"); + + if (datetime) { + format = node.getAttribute("data-format"); + } + } + } + + rows.sort(function(a, b) { + a = a.cells[column].content; + b = b.cells[column].content; + + if (datetime) { + a = parseDate(a, format); + b = parseDate(b, format); + } else { + a = a.replace(/(\$|\,|\s|%)/g, ""); + b = b.replace(/(\$|\,|\s|%)/g, ""); + } + + a = !isNaN(a) ? parseInt(a, 10) : a; + b = !isNaN(b) ? parseInt(b, 10) : b; + + return direction === "asc" ? a > b : a < b; + }); + + dt.table.update(); + dt.update(); + + dt.lastHeading = node; + dt.lastDirection = direction; + + dt.emit("columns.sort", direction, column, node); + + classList.remove(node, "loading"); + }, + + filter: function(column, query) { +, column); + }, + + order: function(order) { + var dt = this.instance, + head = dt.table.header, + rows = dt.table.rows, + arr; + if (isArray(order)) { + // Reorder the header + if (dt.table.hasHeader) { + arr = []; + each(order, function(column, i) { + arr[i] = head.cells[column]; + + arr[i].index = arr[i].node.dataIndex = i; + + // rearrange the tr node cells for rendering + head.node.appendChild(arr[i].node); + }); + head.cells = arr; + } + + // Reorder the body + each(rows, function(row) { + arr = []; + each(order, function(column, i) { + arr[i] = row.cells[column]; + + arr[i].index = arr[i].node.dataIndex = i; + + row.node.appendChild(arr[i].node); + }); + row.cells = arr; + }); + + dt.update(); + + dt.emit("columns.order", order); + } + }, + + hide: function(columns) { + var that = this, + dt = this.instance, + head = dt.table.header, + rows = dt.table.rows; + + if (!isNaN(columns)) { + columns = [columns]; + } + + for (var n = 0; n < columns.length; n++) { + each(head.cells, function(cell) { + if (columns[n] == cell.index) { + cell.hidden = true; + } + }); + + each(rows, function(row) { + each(row.cells, function(cell) { + if (columns[n] == cell.index) { + cell.hidden = true; + } + }); + }); + } + + this.fix(true); + dt.update(); + + dt.emit("columns.hide", columns); + }, + + show: function(columns) { + var that = this, + dt = this.instance, + head = dt.table.header, + rows = dt.table.rows; + + if (!isNaN(columns)) { + columns = [columns]; + } + + for (var n = 0; n < columns.length; n++) { + each(head.cells, function(cell) { + if (columns[n] == cell.index) { + cell.hidden = false; + } + }); + + each(rows, function(row) { + each(row.cells, function(cell) { + if (columns[n] == cell.index) { + cell.hidden = false; + } + }); + }); + } + + this.fix(true); + dt.update(); + + dt.emit("", columns); + }, + + visible: function(columns) { + var that = this, + dt = this.instance, + head = dt.table.header, + cols; + + if (columns === undefined) { + columns = { + return cell.index; + }); + } + + if (!isNaN(columns)) { + cols = !head.cells[columns].hidden; + } else if (isArray(columns)) { + cols = []; + each(columns, function(column) { + cols.push(!head.cells[column].hidden); + }); + } + + return cols; + }, + + add: function(obj) { + var dt = this.instance; + + if (isObject(obj)) { + if (isset(obj, "heading")) { + var cell = new Cell(createElement("th"), dt.table.header.cells.length); + cell.setContent(obj.heading); + + dt.table.header.node.appendChild(cell.node); + dt.table.header.cells.push(cell); + } + + if (isset(obj, "data") && isArray( { + each(dt.table.rows, function(row, i) { + var cell = new Cell(createElement("td"), row.cells.length); + cell.setContent([i] || ""); + + row.node.appendChild(cell.node); + row.cells.push(cell); + }); + } + } + + this.fix(true); + dt.update(); + + dt.emit("columns.add"); + }, + + remove: function(select, hold) { + var dt = this.instance, + table = dt.table, + head = table.header; + + if (isArray(select)) { + // Remove in reverse otherwise the indexes will be incorrect + select.sort(function(a, b) { + return b - a; + }); + + each(select, function(column, i) { + this.remove(column, i < select.length - 1); + }, this); + + return; + } else { + head.node.removeChild(head.cells[select].node); + head.cells.splice(select, 1); + + each(table.rows, function(row) { + row.node.removeChild(row.cells[select].node); + row.cells.splice(select, 1); + }); + } + + if (!hold) { + each(head.cells, function(cell, i) { + cell.index = cell.node.dataIndex = i; + }); + + each(table.rows, function(row) { + each(row.cells, function(cell, i) { + cell.index = cell.node.dataIndex = i; + }); + }); + + this.fix(true); + dt.update(); + } + + dt.emit("columns.remove", select); + }, + + fix: function(update) { + var dt = this.instance, + table = dt.table, + head = table.header; + if (update) { + if (table.hasHeader && dt.config.fixedColumns) { + dt.columnWidths = { + return cell.node.offsetWidth; + }); + } + } + + each( + dt.columnWidths, + function(size, cell) { + var w = size / dt.rect.width * 100; + head.cells[cell] = w + "%"; + }, + this + ); + } + }; + + // MAIN LIB + var DataTable = function(table, config) { + this.config = extend(defaultConfig, config); + + if (this.config.ajax) { + var that = this, + ajax = this.config.ajax; + + this.request = new XMLHttpRequest(); + + on(this.request, "load", function(xhr) { + if (that.request.readyState === 4) { + if (that.request.status === 200) { + var obj = {}; + = ajax.load ?, that.request) : that.request.responseText; + + obj.type = "json"; + + if (ajax.content && ajax.content.type) { + obj.type = ajax.content.type; + obj = extend(obj, ajax.content); + } + + that.table = new Table(table,, that); + + that.init(); + } + } + }); + +"GET", typeof ajax === "string" ? that.config.ajax : that.config.ajax.url); + this.request.send(); + } else { + if ( { + this.table = new Table(table,, this); + } else { + this.table = new Table(table, false, this); + } + + this.init(); + } + }; + + DataTable.prototype = { + init: function() { + + if (this.initialised) return; + + var that = this, + o = that.config; + + // IE detection + that.isIE = !!/(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); + + that.currentPage = 1; + that.onFirstPage = true; + that.onLastPage = false; + + that.rows().paginate(); + that.totalPages = that.pages.length; + + that.render(); + + if (o.fixedColumns) { + that.columns().fix(); + } + + if (o.plugins) { + each(o.plugins, function(options, plugin) { + if (that[plugin] !== undefined && typeof that[plugin] === "function") { + that[plugin] = that[plugin](that, options, { + each: each, + extend: extend, + isObject: isObject, + classList: classList, + createElement: createElement + }); + + // Init plugin + if (options.enabled && that[plugin].init && typeof that[plugin].init === "function") { + that[plugin].init(); + } + } + }); + } + + // Check for the columns option + if (o.columns) { + that.selectedColumns = []; + that.columnRenderers = []; + + each(o.columns, function(data) { + // convert single column selection to array + if (!isArray( { + = []; + } + + if (isset(data, "render") && typeof data.render === "function") { + that.selectedColumns = that.selectedColumns.concat(; + + that.columnRenderers.push({ + columns:, + renderer: data.render + }); + } + + // Add the data attributes to the th elements + if (that.table.hasHeader) { + each(, function(column) { + var cell = that.table.header.cells[column]; + + if (data.type) { + cell.node.setAttribute("data-type", data.type); + } + if (data.format) { + cell.node.setAttribute("data-format", data.format); + } + if (isset(data, "sortable")) { + cell.node.setAttribute("data-sortable", data.sortable); + + if (data.sortable === false) { + classList.remove(cell.node, o.classes.sorter); + } + } + + if (isset(data, "hidden")) { + if (data.hidden !== false) { + that.columns().hide(column); + } + } + + if (isset(data, "sort") && === 1) { + that.columns().sort([0], data.sort); + } + }); + } + }); + + if (that.selectedColumns.length) { + each(that.table.rows, function(row) { + each(row.cells, function(cell) { + if (that.selectedColumns.indexOf(cell.index) > -1) { + each(that.columnRenderers, function(obj) { + if (obj.columns.indexOf(cell.index) > -1) { + cell.setContent(, cell.content, cell, row)); + } + }); + } + }); + }); + } + } + + that.rows().render(); + + that.bindEvents(); + + that.initialised = true; + + setTimeout(function() { + that.emit("init"); + }, 10); + }, + + bindEvents: function() { + var that = this, + o = that.config; + + on(that.wrapper, "mousedown", function(e) { + if (e.which === 1 && o.sortable && === "TH") { + classList.add(, "loading"); + } + }); + + on(that.wrapper, "click", function(e) { + var node =; + + if (node.hasAttribute("data-page")) { + e.preventDefault(); +"data-page"), 10)); + } + + if (o.sortable && node.nodeName === "TH") { + if (node.hasAttribute("data-sortable") && node.getAttribute("data-sortable") === "false") return false; + + e.preventDefault(); + that + .columns() + .sort(node.dataIndex, classList.contains(node, "asc") ? "desc" : "asc"); + } + }); + + if (o.perPageSelect) { + on(that.wrapper, "change", function(e) { + var node =; + if ( + node.nodeName === "SELECT" && + classList.contains(node, o.classes.selector) + ) { + e.preventDefault(); + that.config.perPage = parseInt(node.value, 10); + + if (that.selectors.length > 1) { + each([], function(select) { + select.selectedIndex = node.selectedIndex; + }); + } + + that.update(); + } + }); + } + + if (o.searchable) { + on(that.wrapper, "keyup", function(e) { + if ( + === "INPUT" && + classList.contains(, o.classes.input) + ) { + e.preventDefault(); +; + } + }); + } + + if (o.sortable) { + on(that.wrapper, "mousedown", function(e) { + if ( === "TH") { + e.preventDefault(); + } + }); + } + }, + + render: function() { + + if (this.rendered) return; + + var that = this, + o = that.config; + + if (this.table.hasHeader && o.fixedColumns) { + this.columnWidths = { + return cell.node.offsetWidth; + }); + } + + // Build + that.wrapper = createElement("div", { + class: o.classes.wrapper + }); + + // Template for custom layouts + var inner = [ + "
",, "
", + "
", + "
", o.layout.bottom, "
" + ].join(""); + + // Info placement + inner = inner.replace( + "{info}", + "
" + ); + + // Per Page Select + if (o.perPageSelect) { + var wrap = [ + "
", + "", + "
" + ].join(""); + + // Create the select + var select = createElement("select", { + class: o.classes.selector + }); + + // Create the options + each(o.perPageSelect, function(val) { + var selected = val === o.perPage; + var option = new Option(val, val, selected, selected); + select.add(option); + }); + + // Custom label + wrap = wrap.replace("{select}", select.outerHTML); + + // Selector placement + inner = inner.replace(/\{select\}/g, wrap); + } else { + inner = inner.replace(/\{select\}/g, ""); + } + + // Searchable + if (o.searchable) { + var form = [ + "
", + "", + "
" + ].join(""); + + // Search input placement + inner = inner.replace(/\{search\}/g, form); + } else { + inner = inner.replace(/\{search\}/g, ""); + } + + // Add table class + that.table.node.classList.add(o.classes.table); + + // Pagers + each(inner.match(/\{pager\}/g), function(pager, i) { + inner = inner.replace( + "{pager}", + createElement("div", { + class: o.classes.pagination + }).outerHTML + ); + }); + + that.wrapper.innerHTML = inner; + + that.pagers = [] + that.wrapper.querySelectorAll("." + o.classes.pagination) + ); + + each(that.pagers, function(pager, i) { + that.pagers[i] = new Pager(that, pager); + }); + + that.container = that.wrapper.querySelector("." + o.classes.container); + + that.labels = that.wrapper.querySelectorAll("." +; + + that.selectors = that.wrapper.querySelectorAll("." + o.classes.selector) + + // Insert in to DOM tree + that.table.node.parentNode.replaceChild(that.wrapper, that.table.node); + that.container.appendChild(that.table.node); + + // Store the table dimensions + that.rect = that.table.node.getBoundingClientRect(); + + that.rendered = true; + }, + + update: function() { + this.rows().paginate(); + this.rows().render(); + + this.emit("update"); + }, + + getInfo: function() { + // Update the info + var current = 0, + f = 0, + t = 0, + items; + + if (this.totalPages) { + current = this.currentPage - 1; + f = current * this.config.perPage; + t = f + this.pages[current].length; + f = f + 1; + items = !!this.searching ? this.searchData.length : this.table.rows.length; + } + + if (this.labels.length && { + // CUSTOM LABELS + var string = + .replace("{start}", f) + .replace("{end}", t) + .replace("{page}", this.currentPage) + .replace("{pages}", this.totalPages) + .replace("{rows}", items); + + each([], function(label) { + label.innerHTML = items ? string : ""; + }); + } + }, + + search: function(query, column) { + var that = this; + + query = query.toLowerCase(); + + that.currentPage = 1; + that.searching = true; + that.searchData = []; + + if (!query.length) { + that.searching = false; + classList.remove(that.wrapper, "search-results"); + that.update(); + + return false; + } + + each(that.table.rows, function(row) { + var inArray = that.searchData.indexOf(row) > -1; + + // Filter column + if (column !== undefined) { + each(row.cells, function(cell) { + if (column !== undefined && cell.index == column && !inArray) { + if (cell.content.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) >= 0) { + that.searchData.push(row); + } + } + }); + } else { + // + var match = query.split(" ").reduce(function(bool, word) { + var includes = false; + + for (var x = 0; x < row.cells.length; x++) { + if (row.cells[x].content.toLowerCase().indexOf(word) > -1) { + if (!row.cells[x].hidden || + (row.cells[x].hidden && + ) + includes = true; + break; + } + } + + return bool && includes; + }, true); + + if (match && !inArray) { + that.searchData.push(row); + } + } + }); + + classList.add(that.wrapper, "search-results"); + + if (!that.searchData.length) { + classList.remove(that.wrapper, "search-results"); + + that.setMessage(that.config.labels.noRows); + } else { + that.update(); + } + + this.emit("search", query, this.searchData); + }, + + page: function(page) { + // We don't want to load the current page again. + if (page == this.currentPage) { + return false; + } + + if (!isNaN(page)) { + this.currentPage = parseInt(page, 10); + } + + this.onFirstPage = this.currentPage === 1; + this.onLastPage = this.currentPage === this.totalPages; + + if (page > this.totalPages || page < 0) { + return false; + } + + this.rows().render(page); + + this.emit("page", page); + }, + + import: function(options) { + var that = this, + obj = false; + var defaults = { + // csv + lineDelimiter: "\n", + columnDelimiter: "," + }; + + // Check for the options object + if (!isObject(options)) { + return false; + } + + options = extend(defaults, options); + + if ( || isObject( { + // Import CSV + if (options.type === "csv") { + obj = { + data: [] + }; + + // Split the string into rows + var rows =; + + if (rows.length) { + + if (options.headings) { + obj.headings = rows[0].split(options.columnDelimiter); + + rows.shift(); + } + + each(rows, function(row, i) { +[i] = []; + + // Split the rows into values + var values = row.split(options.columnDelimiter); + + if (values.length) { + each(values, function(value) { +[i].push(value); + }); + } + }); + } + } else if (options.type === "json") { + var json = isJson(; + + // Valid JSON string + if (json) { + obj = { + headings: [], + data: [] + }; + + each(json, function(data, i) { +[i] = []; + each(data, function(value, column) { + if (obj.headings.indexOf(column) < 0) { + obj.headings.push(column); + } + +[i].push(value); + }); + }); + } else { + console.warn("That's not valid JSON!"); + } + } + + if (isObject( { + obj =; + } + + if (obj) { + each(obj.headings, function(heading, i) { + that.table.header.cells[i].setContent(heading); + }); + + this.rows().add(; + } + } + + return false; + }, + + setMessage: function(message) { + var colspan = 1; + + if (this.table.rows.length) { + colspan = this.table.rows[0].cells.length; + } + + var node = createElement("tr", { + html: '' + + message + + "" + }); + + empty(this.table.body); + + this.table.body.appendChild(node); + }, + + columns: function() { + return new Columns(this); + }, + + rows: function() { + return new Rows(this); + }, + + on: function(event, callback) { + = || {}; +[event] =[event] || []; +[event].push(callback); + }, + + off: function(event, callback) { + = || {}; + if (event in === false) return; +[event].splice([event].indexOf(callback), 1); + }, + + emit: function(event) { + = || {}; + if (event in === false) return; + for (var i = 0; i <[event].length; i++) { +[event][i].apply(this,, 1)); + } + }, + + destroy: function() { + + var that = this, + o = that.config, + table = that.table; + + classList.remove(table.node, o.classes.table); + + each(table.header.cells, function(cell) { + = ""; + classList.remove(cell.node, o.classes.sorter); + }); + + var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(); + empty(table.body); + + each(table.rows, function(row) { + frag.appendChild(row.node); + }); + + table.body.appendChild(frag); + + this.wrapper.parentNode.replaceChild(table.node, this.wrapper); + + this.rendered = false; + this.initialised = false; + } + }; + + DataTable.extend = function(prop, val) { + if (typeof val === "function") { + DataTable.prototype[prop] = val; + } else { + DataTable[prop] = val; + } + }; + + return DataTable; }); \ No newline at end of file