I'm Game is an app for tracking video games in your collection and is a social center for gamers. With thousands of games available in the GiantBomb API, build out a collection of your favorite games. When you feel like gaming, click the "I'm Game" button. Connect with gamers worldwide who love the same games as you do and start chatting to coordinate your next gaming session!
- Product Owner: Brian Hassett
- Scrum Master: Michael Chiang
- Development Team: Daniel Ritchie, Gwynn Dandridge-Perry
Add games to your collection and join game rooms to chat with other gamers.
- Node v6.9.4
- MySQL v2.12.0
- Angular v1.6.1
- Express v4.14.0
- Sequelize v3.27.0
From within the root directory:
$ npm install
Press release for this project
Contribution guidelines for this project
Style guidelines for this project
- Product Owner: Andy Walz
- Scrum Master: Kevin Jang
- Development Team: Eric Forsell, Josephine Chen