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A lisp interpreter and compiler written in Scala, inspired by Peter Norvig
You can either clone this repo and use sbt
or you can download the precompiled
and execute that.
To be able to compile the resulting scala code, you should also download
and place it in the same directory as the compiled
It's a bit incomplete and probably buggy, but it works good enough to for most applications:
(define fact (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
(fact 10)
produces 3628800
Also, Merge sort can be implemented without a problem:
; note that you can also use comments
; and split functions over multiple lines for readability
(define msort
(lambda (list)
(if (<= (length list) 1)
(define split (/ (length list) 2))
(msort (subseq list 0 split))
(msort (subseq list split))
; ordering is not important, as functions are evaluated lazily
(define merge
(lambda (a b)
(if (< (length a) 1)
(if (< (length b) 1)
(if (< (car a) (car b))
(cons (car a) (merge (cdr a) b))
(cons (car b) (merge a (cdr b)))
Usage is just like you'd expect
(msort '(5 7 2 1 3 4 6))
And results in '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
It's also possible to execute files, simply do
scalisp filename.l
or, from the sbt-console
run filename.l
Instead of taking the traditional route and compiling to byte code (which
Clojure already does), I decided to compile to Scala instead. Just use scalisp
like you would for interpetation, but add the -c
For example, the compiled merge sort looks like this:
def merge(a: Any, b: Any): Any = {
if(length(a) < 1l) {
} else {
if(length(b) < 1l) {
} else {
if(car(a) < car(b)) {
car(a) :: merge(cdr(a), b)
} else {
car(b) :: merge(a, cdr(b))
def msort(list: Any): Any = {
if(length(list) <= 1l) {
} else {
var split = (length(list) / 2l)
merge(msort(subseq(list, 0l, split)), msort(subseq(list, split)))
If you specify a whole file, you'll get a complete .scala
file back, ready to
be compiled. If you just execute scalisp -c
, you get a REPL, which simply
compiles snippets of code.