Thermostat is a simple Javascript class and Jasmine unit test developed to satisfy the end-of-unit requirements of a challenge set during week 6 of the Makers Academy bootcamp.
git clone
open SpecRunner.html
open index.html # in your browser.
# Use the web interface or,
# Use the console in Chrome Developer Tools
thermostat = new Thermostat # returns instance of Thermostat class
thermostat.up() # increases temperature by 1 degree
thermostat.down() # decreases temperature by 1 degree
thermostat.temperature # displays current temperature
thermostat.energyUsage() # displays low, medium or high
The assignment was an introcution to web interfaces, and specifically connecting our classes to web interfaces. We were required to use JQuery to achieve this.
As per most of our projects at Makers, I followed a strict TDD approach to satisfying the requirements of this challenge. A systematic and iterative cycle of interpreting a series of user stories and developing feature tests/unit tests/feature implmentation/refactoring.
As a bit of a CSS entusiast I extented the scope of the project to try and model my thermostat after the Nest thermostats whilst keeping within the project requirements.
- Thanks to Giles Hodges for the background texture.