WackyScript is a minimalistic programming language. In WackyScript there is a list of cells, the size of the list can change, also there is a pointer which points to a cell which you can move around. Here are the operations WackyScript supports:
'#' - input a number and store it in the current cell ';' - output the ASCII value of the number stored in the current cell '>' - increase the pointer by one '<' - decrease the pointer by one '|' - insert a new cell after the current one with the same value as the current cell '$+' - erase the current cell and add the value in the current cell to the previous cell '$-' - erase the current cell and subtract the value in the current cell from the previous cell '&' - set the value of the current cell to one '[]' - this is a while loop which ends when the value of the current cell is 0 '{}' - this is a while loop which ends when there is only one cell
- A pointer can never pointer can never be negative (indexing from 0).
- A pointer can never be greater than the amount of cells.
- After a program executes there should be only one cell with the value 0.
- The program should be written in the reverse order.
Painometer is a way of mesuring how "good" your program is. Let's imagine the painometer value of your program is X, than the chance that each individual command works is X. When i say a command didn't work i mean the command was skipped.
I will soon add a better explanation of the painometer.
The hello world program is written in main.wacs.