Ensure that two JS files containing objects have the same keys.
We use it at @Bringr for diffing traduction files.
jsobject-diff permet de comparer la différence entre chaque clé de chaque objet, et l'affiche dans des tables
make this configurable
"pre": "(function (Bringr) {",
"post": "return Bringr;})({});",
"files": [{
"filePath": "./fixtures/en_US.js",
"objectPath": "i18n.en_US"
}, {
"filePath": "./fixtures/fr_FR.js",
"objectPath": "i18n.fr_FR"
- post: retourne l'objet
- files: an array of (placer les fichiers a comparer dans le dossier fixtures)
compare two file 'en_US', 'fr_FR' return an error if the files are not matching
difference between two file
The file ./fixtures/en_US.js have 1 key(s) added line(s) : 6
The file ./fixtures/fr_FR.js have 1 key(s) added line(s) : 6
Laura Felix laura.felix.loratus@gmail.com, Nicolas Bruel bruel.nicolas85@gmail.com, authored by Francois-Guillaume Ribreau npm@fgribreau.com (http://fgribreau.com/)