diff --git a/model/fv_regional_bc.F90 b/model/fv_regional_bc.F90 index e3b633256..b1d429aeb 100644 --- a/model/fv_regional_bc.F90 +++ b/model/fv_regional_bc.F90 @@ -3701,7 +3701,7 @@ subroutine remap_scalar_nggps_regional_bc(Atm & ! If the source is from old GFS or operational GSM then the tracers will be fixed in the boundaries ! and may not provide a very good result ! -! if (cld_amt .gt. 0) BC_side%q_BC(:,:,:,cld_amt) = 0. + if (cld_amt .gt. 0) BC_side%q_BC(:,:,:,cld_amt) = 0. if (trim(data_source) /= 'FV3GFS GAUSSIAN NEMSIO FILE') then if ( Atm%flagstruct%nwat .eq. 6 ) then do k=1,npz