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+Only do reads from root_PE for get_var_sizes
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  Modified get_var_sizes to have the root_PE do the reading and then broadcast
this information to the other processors, unless directed not to via the new
optional argument all_read.  Part of this involved splitting read_var_sizes out
from get_var_sizes.  Also added the new optional argument alt_units to
verify_variable_units, to give some flexibility when checking units without hard
coding the "meters" to "m" comparison within verify_variable_units.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Jan 29, 2021
1 parent 2f5a0c8 commit 14727e5
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Showing 2 changed files with 88 additions and 24 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/ALE/MOM_regridding.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ subroutine initialize_regridding(CS, GV, US, max_depth, param_file, mdl, coord_m
character(len=40) :: coord_units, param_name, coord_res_param ! Temporary strings
character(len=200) :: inputdir, fileName
character(len=320) :: message ! Temporary strings
character(len=12) :: expected_units ! Temporary strings
character(len=12) :: expected_units, alt_units ! Temporary strings
logical :: tmpLogical, fix_haloclines, set_max, do_sum, main_parameters
logical :: coord_is_state_dependent, ierr
logical :: default_2018_answers, remap_answers_2018
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,16 +360,16 @@ subroutine initialize_regridding(CS, GV, US, max_depth, param_file, mdl, coord_m
!if (.not. field_exists(fileName,trim(varName))) call MOM_error(FATAL,trim(mdl)//", initialize_regridding: "// &
! "Specified field not found: Looking for '"//trim(varName)//"' ("//trim(string)//")")
if (CS%regridding_scheme == REGRIDDING_SIGMA) then
expected_units = 'nondim'
expected_units = 'nondim' ; alt_units = expected_units
elseif (CS%regridding_scheme == REGRIDDING_RHO) then
expected_units = 'kg m-3'
expected_units = 'kg m-3' ; alt_units = expected_units
expected_units = 'meters'
expected_units = 'meters' ; alt_units = 'm'
if (index(trim(varName),'interfaces=')==1) then
call verify_variable_units(filename, varName, expected_units, message, ierr)
if (ierr) call MOM_error(FATAL,trim(mdl)//", initialize_regridding: "//&
call verify_variable_units(filename, varName, expected_units, message, ierr, alt_units)
if (ierr) call MOM_error(FATAL, trim(mdl)//", initialize_regridding: "//&
"Unsupported format in grid definition '"//trim(filename)//"'. Error message "//trim(message))
call field_size(trim(fileName), trim(varName), nzf)
ke = nzf(1)-1
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100 changes: 82 additions & 18 deletions src/framework/MOM_io.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ module MOM_io
! This file is part of MOM6. See for the license.

use MOM_array_transform, only : allocate_rotated_array, rotate_array
use MOM_domains, only : MOM_domain_type, domain1D, get_domain_components
use MOM_domains, only : MOM_domain_type, domain1D, broadcast, get_domain_components
use MOM_domains, only : AGRID, BGRID_NE, CGRID_NE
use MOM_dyn_horgrid, only : dyn_horgrid_type
use MOM_ensemble_manager, only : get_ensemble_id
use MOM_error_handler, only : MOM_error, NOTE, FATAL, WARNING
use MOM_error_handler, only : MOM_error, NOTE, FATAL, WARNING, is_root_PE
use MOM_file_parser, only : log_version, param_file_type
use MOM_grid, only : ocean_grid_type
use MOM_io_infra, only : MOM_read_data, MOM_read_vector, read_field_chksum
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ function num_timelevels(filename, varname, min_dims) result(n_time)
! However, this does not handle the case where the time axis for the variable is not the record
! axis, it does not do a case-insensitive search for the variable, and min_dims is not used.

call get_var_sizes(filename, varname, ndims, sizes, match_case=.false.)
call get_var_sizes(filename, varname, ndims, sizes, match_case=.false., caller="num_timelevels")

n_time = sizes(ndims)

Expand All @@ -475,7 +475,50 @@ end function num_timelevels

!> get_var_sizes returns the number and size of dimensions associate with a variable in a file.
subroutine get_var_sizes(filename, varname, ndims, sizes, match_case, caller)
!! Usually only the root PE does the read, and then the information is broadcast
subroutine get_var_sizes(filename, varname, ndims, sizes, match_case, caller, all_read)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename !< Name of the file to read, used here in messages
character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The variable name, used here for messages
integer, intent(out) :: ndims !< The number of dimensions to the variable
integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: sizes !< The dimension sizes, or 0 for extra values
logical, optional, intent(in) :: match_case !< If false, allow for variables name matches to be
!! case insensitive, but take a perfect match if
!! found. The default is true.
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: caller !< The name of a calling routine for use in error messages
logical, optional, intent(in) :: all_read !< If present and true, all PEs that call this
!! routine actually do the read, otherwise only
!! root PE reads and then it broadcasts the results.

logical :: do_read, do_broadcast
integer, allocatable :: size_msg(:) ! An array combining the number of dimensions and the sizes.
integer :: n, nval

do_read = is_root_pe()
if (present(all_read)) do_read = all_read .or. do_read
do_broadcast = .true. ; if (present(all_read)) do_broadcast = .not.all_read

if (do_read) call read_var_sizes(filename, varname, ndims, sizes, match_case, caller)

if (do_broadcast) then
! Distribute the sizes from the root PE.
nval = size(sizes) + 1

size_msg(1) = ndims
do n=2,nval ; size_msg(n) = sizes(n-1) ; enddo

call broadcast(size_msg, nval, blocking=.true.)

ndims = size_msg(1)
do n=2,nval ; sizes(n-1) = size_msg(n) ; enddo

end subroutine get_var_sizes

!> read_var_sizes returns the number and size of dimensions associate with a variable in a file.
!! Every processor for which this is called does the reading.
subroutine read_var_sizes(filename, varname, ndims, sizes, match_case, caller)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename !< Name of the file to read, used here in messages
character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< The variable name, used here for messages
integer, intent(out) :: ndims !< The number of dimensions to the variable
Expand All @@ -488,7 +531,6 @@ subroutine get_var_sizes(filename, varname, ndims, sizes, match_case, caller)
character(len=256) :: hdr
integer, allocatable :: dimids(:)
integer :: varid, ncid, n, status

hdr = "get_var_size: " ; if (present(caller)) hdr = trim(hdr)//": "
sizes(:) = 0 ; ndims = -1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -530,7 +572,7 @@ subroutine get_var_sizes(filename, varname, ndims, sizes, match_case, caller)
if (status /= NF90_NOERR) call MOM_error(WARNING, trim(hdr) // trim(NF90_STRERROR(status)) //&
" Difficulties closing "//trim(filename))

end subroutine get_var_sizes
end subroutine read_var_sizes

!> get_varid finds the netcdf handle for the potentially case-insensitive variable name in a file
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -607,17 +649,23 @@ subroutine get_varid(varname, ncid, filename, varid, match_case)
end subroutine get_varid

!> Verify that a file contains a named variable with the expected units.
subroutine verify_variable_units(filename, varname, expected_units, msg, ierr)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename !< File name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< Variable name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: expected_units !< Expected units of variable
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: msg !< Message to use for errors
logical, intent(out) :: ierr !< True if an error occurs
subroutine verify_variable_units(filename, varname, expected_units, msg, ierr, alt_units)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename !< File name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< Variable name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: expected_units !< Expected units of variable
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: msg !< Message to use for errors
logical, intent(out) :: ierr !< True if an error occurs
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: alt_units !< Alterate acceptable units of variable

! Local variables
character (len=200) :: units
logical :: units_correct
integer :: i, ncid, status, vid

if (.not.is_root_pe()) then ! Only the root PE should do the verification.
ierr = .false. ; msg = '' ; return

ierr = .true.
status = NF90_OPEN(trim(filename), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid)
if (status /= NF90_NOERR) then
Expand All @@ -640,8 +688,11 @@ subroutine verify_variable_units(filename, varname, expected_units, msg, ierr)
if (units(i:i) == CHAR(0)) units(i:i) = " "

if ((trim(units) == trim(expected_units)) .or. &
((trim(expected_units) == "meters") .and. (trim(units) == "m"))) then
units_correct = (trim(units) == trim(expected_units))
if (present(alt_units)) then
units_correct = units_correct .or. (trim(units) == trim(alt_units))
if (units_correct) then
ierr = .false.
msg = ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,7 +741,7 @@ function var_desc(name, units, longname, hor_grid, z_grid, t_grid, &

call modify_vardesc(vd, units=units, longname=longname, hor_grid=hor_grid, &
z_grid=z_grid, t_grid=t_grid, &
cmor_field_name=cmor_field_name,cmor_units=cmor_units, &
cmor_field_name=cmor_field_name, cmor_units=cmor_units, &
cmor_longname=cmor_longname, conversion=conversion, caller=cllr)

end function var_desc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -912,17 +963,30 @@ subroutine MOM_write_field_0d(io_unit, field_md, field, tstamp, fill_value)
end subroutine MOM_write_field_0d

!> Given filename and fieldname, this subroutine returns the size of the field in the file
subroutine field_size(filename, fieldname, sizes, field_found, no_domain)
subroutine field_size(filename, fieldname, sizes, field_found, no_domain, ndims)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename !< The name of the file to read
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fieldname !< The name of the variable whose sizes are returned
integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: sizes !< The sizes of the variable in each dimension
logical, optional, intent(out) :: field_found !< This indicates whether the field was found in
!! the input file. Without this argument, there
!! is a fatal error if the field is not found.
logical, optional, intent(in) :: no_domain !< If present and true, do not check for file
!! names with an appended tile number
!! names with an appended tile number. If
!! ndims is present, the default changes to true.
integer, optional, intent(out) :: ndims !< The number of dimensions to the variable

call get_field_size(filename, fieldname, sizes, field_found=field_found, no_domain=no_domain)
if (present(ndims)) then
if (present(no_domain)) then ; if (.not.no_domain) call MOM_error(FATAL, &
"field_size does not support the ndims argument when no_domain is present and false.")
call get_var_sizes(filename, fieldname, ndims, sizes, match_case=.false.)
if (present(field_found)) field_found = (ndims >= 0)
if ((ndims < 0) .and. .not.present(field_found)) then
call MOM_error(FATAL, "Variable "//trim(fieldname)//" not found in "//trim(filename) )
call get_field_size(filename, fieldname, sizes, field_found=field_found, no_domain=no_domain)

end subroutine field_size

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