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+Added MOM_data_override modules
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  Added two new files, MOM_data_override.F90 and MOM_data_override_infra.F90, to
wrap the calls to the FMS data_override module, and to add MOM-specific variants
of these calls, including the ability to rescale quantities that are modified by
data_override into the right units or to use the right sign convention.  All
answers are bitwise identical, but there are new interfaces.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Feb 3, 2021
1 parent 2e4cd88 commit 26be13e
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Showing 2 changed files with 129 additions and 0 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/framework/MOM_data_override.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
!> These interfaces allow for ocean or sea-ice variables to be replaced with data.
module MOM_data_override

! This file is part of MOM6. See for the license.

use MOM_data_override_infra, only : data_override_init => impose_data_init
use MOM_data_override_infra, only : data_override => impose_data
use MOM_data_override_infra, only : data_override_unset_domains => impose_data_unset_domains

implicit none ; private

!> Public functions:
!> mom_data_override_infra:impose_data_init
public :: data_override_init
!> mom_data_override_infra:impose_data
public :: data_override
!> mom_data_override_infra:impose_data_unset_domains
public :: data_override_unset_domains

end module MOM_data_override

!> \namespace MOM_data_override
!! APIs are defined and implemented in MOM_data_override_infra
105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions src/framework/MOM_data_override_infra.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
!> These interfaces allow for ocean or sea-ice variables to be replaced with data.
module MOM_data_override_infra

! This file is part of MOM6. See for the license.

use MOM_domain_infra, only : MOM_domain_type, domain2d
use MOM_domain_infra, only : get_simple_array_i_ind, get_simple_array_j_ind
use MOM_time_manager, only : time_type
use data_override_mod, only : data_override_init
use data_override_mod, only : data_override
use data_override_mod, only : data_override_unset_domains

implicit none ; private

public :: impose_data_init, impose_data, impose_data_unset_domains

!> Potentially override the values of a field in the model with values from a dataset.
interface impose_data
module procedure data_override_MD, data_override_2d
end interface


!> Initialize the data override capability and set the domains for the ocean and ice components.
!> There should be a call to impose_data_init before impose_data is called.
subroutine impose_data_init(MOM_domain_in, Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in)
type (MOM_domain_type), intent(in), optional :: MOM_domain_in
type (domain2d), intent(in), optional :: Ocean_domain_in
type (domain2d), intent(in), optional :: Ice_domain_in

if (present(MOM_domain_in)) then
call data_override_init(Ocean_domain_in=MOM_domain_in%mpp_domain, Ice_domain_in=Ice_domain_in)
call data_override_init(Ocean_domain_in=Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in=Ice_domain_in)
end subroutine impose_data_init

!> Potentially override a 2-d field on a MOM6 domain with values from a dataset.
subroutine data_override_MD(domain, fieldname, data_2D, time, scale, override, is_ice)
type(MOM_domain_type), intent(in) :: domain !< MOM domain from which to extract information
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fieldname !< Name of the field to override
real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: data_2D !< Data that may be modified by this call.
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time !< The model time, and the time for the data
real, optional, intent(in) :: scale !< A scaling factor that an overridden field is
!! multiplied by before it is returned. However,
!! if there is no override, there is no rescaling.
logical, optional, intent(out) :: override !< True if the field has been overridden successfully
logical, optional, intent(in) :: is_ice !< If present and true, use the ice domain.

logical :: overridden, is_ocean
integer :: i, j, is, ie, js, je

overridden = .false.
is_ocean = .true. ; if (present(is_ice)) is_ocean = .not.is_ice
if (is_ocean) then
call data_override('OCN', fieldname, data_2D, time, override=overridden)
call data_override('ICE', fieldname, data_2D, time, override=overridden)

if (overridden .and. present(scale)) then ; if (scale /= 1.0) then
! Rescale data in the computational domain if the data override has occurred.
call get_simple_array_i_ind(domain, size(data_2D,1), is, ie)
call get_simple_array_j_ind(domain, size(data_2D,2), js, je)
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
data_2D(i,j) = scale*data_2D(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
endif ; endif

if (present(override)) override = overridden

end subroutine data_override_MD

!> Potentially override a 2-d field with values from a dataset.
subroutine data_override_2d(gridname, fieldname, data_2D, time, override)
character(len=3), intent(in) :: gridname !< String identifying the model component, in MOM6
!! and SIS this may be either 'OCN' or 'ICE'
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fieldname !< Name of the field to override
real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: data_2D !< Data that may be modified by this call
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time !< The model time, and the time for the data
logical, optional, intent(out) :: override !< True if the field has been overridden successfully

call data_override(gridname, fieldname, data_2D, time, override)

end subroutine data_override_2d

!> Unset domains that had previously been set for use by data_override.
subroutine impose_data_unset_domains(unset_Ocean, unset_Ice, must_be_set)
logical, intent(in), optional :: unset_Ocean !< If present and true, unset the ocean domain for overrides
logical, intent(in), optional :: unset_Ice !< If present and true, unset the sea-ice domain for overrides
logical, intent(in), optional :: must_be_set !< If present and true, it is a fatal error to unset
!! a domain that is not set.

call data_override_unset_domains(unset_Ocean=unset_Ocean, unset_Ice=unset_Ice, &
end subroutine impose_data_unset_domains

end module MOM_data_override_infra

!> \namespace MOM_data_override_infra
!! The routines here wrap routines from the FMS module data_override_mod, which potentially replace
!! model values with values read from a data file.

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