- $s1 = "This tool may be used only by system administrators. I am not responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, caused by usage of this tool."
- $s2 = "~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~_TUVWXYZ[\\]~~~|~~~ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789~~~~~~:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS"
- $s3 = ""
- $s4 = "Greetings to Andre Freitas, David Alexandre, Fabricio Leite, Marcelo Caffaro and Paulo Lopes."
- $s5 = ""
- $s6 = "NThis tool may be used only by system administrators. I am not responsible for "
- $s7 = " Freitas, David Alexandre, Fabricio Leite, Marcelo Caffaro e Paulo Lopes."
- $s8 = "o me responsabilizo por danos, diretos ou indiretos, causados pelo uso desta ferramenta."
- $s9 = "MGreetings to Andre Freitas, David Alexandre, Fabricio Leite, Marcelo Caffaro "
- condition:
- all of them
-rule BluesPortScan_3 {
- meta:
- description = "Auto-generated rule on file BluesPortScan.exe"
- author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth"
- hash = "a0026e03b498153d9dbfdd73a5ac748e"
- strings:
- $s0 = "V+nR95*Rat"
- $s1 = "This program was made by Volker Voss"
- $s2 = "q81bxuC&?8"
- $s3 = "mxEh\"O,U"
- $s4 = "The procedure entry point %s could not be located in the dynamic link library %s"
- $s5 = "7iicaN(>(L"
- $s6 = "The ordinal %u could not be located in the dynamic link library %s"
- condition:
- all of them
-rule DomainScanV1_0_2 {
- meta:
- description = "Auto-generated rule on file DomainScanV1_0.exe"
- author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth"
- hash = "aefcd73b802e1c2bdc9b2ef206a4f24e"
- strings:
- $s0 = "dIJMuX$aO-EV"
- $s1 = "XELUxP\"-\\"
- $s2 = "KaR\"U'}-M,."
- $s3 = "V.)\\ZDxpLSav"
- $s4 = "Decompress error"
- $s5 = "Can't load library"
- $s6 = "Can't load function"
- $s7 = "com0tl32:.d"
- condition:
- all of them
-rule superscan_2 {
- meta:
- description = "Auto-generated rule on file superscan.exe"
- author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth"
- hash = "0071813eb4668769a15fcd2d1ca1686d"
- strings:
- $s0 = "vkp;_*3RtiSb;sYH"
- $s1 = "\\ws2check.exe"
- $s2 = "$Id: UPX 1.00 Copyright (C) 1996-2000 the UPX Team. All Rights Reserved. $"
- $s3 = "- Kablto iniVal"
- $s4 = "$Info: This file is packed with the UPX executable packer http://upx.tsx.org $"
- $s5 = "sProcessorFeaturePsent1j{ "
- condition:
- all of them
-rule Angry_IP_Scanner_v2_08_ipscan {
- meta:
- description = "Auto-generated rule on file ipscan.exe"
- author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth"
- hash = "70cf2c09776a29c3e837cb79d291514a"
- strings:
- $s0 = "_H/EnumDisplay/"
- $s1 = "Wad^wkkAjukA\""
- $s2 = "AfxOldhProc423"
- $s3 = "ar%&MDIFrame\""
- $s4 = "EOhl'CDialogK"
- $s5 = "uECTED.MSVCRT0x"
- $s6 = " VisTC++ R9Li"
- $s7 = "akoverwriPh"
- $s8 = "NotSupported7"
- condition:
- all of them
-rule crack_Loader {
- meta:
- description = "Auto-generated rule on file Loader.exe"
- author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth"
- hash = "f4f79358a6c600c1f0ba1f7e4879a16d"
- strings:
- $s0 = "NeoWait.exe"
- $s1 = "RRRRRRRW"
- condition:
- all of them
-rule TrojanHunter15_zip_Folder_th {
- meta:
- description = "Auto-generated rule on file th.exe"
- author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth"
- hash = "6e6c8bf8b294b4c19e8e3fcaa4373037"
- strings:
- $s0 = "TAlignmseNt"
- $s1 = "kern`l32.d"
- $s2 = "Can't load library "
- $s3 = "5t1tEt:ten6"
- $s4 = "Decompress error "
- $s5 = "TrykorA- f"
- $s6 = "Can't load function "
- $s7 = "SI_CHwRrETm"
- condition:
- all of them
diff --git a/screens/output-rule-0.14.1.png b/screens/output-rule-0.14.1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eb9d43
Binary files /dev/null and b/screens/output-rule-0.14.1.png differ
diff --git a/screens/yargen-running.png b/screens/yargen-running.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..230b20f
Binary files /dev/null and b/screens/yargen-running.png differ
diff --git a/tools/byte-mapper.py b/tools/byte-mapper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61602c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/byte-mapper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Byte Mapper
+# Binary Signature Generator
+# Florian Roth
+# June 2014
+# v0.1a
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import re
+import traceback
+from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
+from colorama import init
+from hashlib import md5
+def getFiles(dir, recursive):
+ # Recursive
+ if recursive:
+ for root, directories, files in os.walk (dir, followlinks=False):
+ for filename in files:
+ filePath = os.path.join(root,filename)
+ yield filePath
+ # Non recursive
+ else:
+ for filename in os.listdir(dir):
+ filePath = os.path.join(dir,filename)
+ yield filePath
+def parseDir(dir, recursive, numBytes):
+ # Prepare dictionary
+ byte_stats = {}
+ fileCount = 0
+ for filePath in getFiles(dir, recursive):
+ if os.path.isdir(filePath):
+ if recursive:
+ parseDir(dir, recursive, numBytes)
+ continue
+ with open(filePath, 'r') as file:
+ fileCount += 1
+ header = file.read(int(numBytes))
+ pos = 0
+ for byte in header:
+ pos += 1
+ if pos in byte_stats:
+ if byte in byte_stats[pos]:
+ byte_stats[pos][byte] += 1
+ else:
+ byte_stats[pos][byte] = 1
+ else:
+ #byte_stats.append(pos)
+ byte_stats[pos] = { byte: 1 }
+ return byte_stats, fileCount
+def visiualizeStats(byteStats, fileCount, heatMapMode, byteFiller, bytesPerLine):
+ # Settings
+ # print fileCount
+ bytesPrinted = 0
+ for byteStat in byteStats:
+ if args.d:
+ print "------------------------"
+ print byteStats[byteStat]
+ byteToPrint = ".."
+ countOfByte = 0
+ highestValue = 0
+ # Evaluate the most often occured byte value at this position
+ for ( key, val ) in byteStats[byteStat].iteritems():
+ if val > highestValue:
+ highestValue = val
+ byteToPrint = key
+ countOfByte = val
+ # Heat Map Mode
+ if heatMapMode:
+ printHeatMapValue(byteToPrint, countOfByte, fileCount, byteFiller)
+ # Standard Mode
+ else:
+ if countOfByte >= fileCount:
+ sys.stdout.write("%s%s" % ( byteToPrint.encode('hex'), byteFiller ))
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write("..%s" % byteFiller)
+ # Line break
+ bytesPrinted += 1
+ if bytesPrinted >= bytesPerLine:
+ sys.stdout.write("\n")
+ bytesPrinted = 0
+ # Print Heat Map Legend
+ printHeatLegend(int(fileCount))
+def printHeatMapValue(byteToPrint, countOfByte, fileCount, byteFiller):
+ if args.d:
+ print "Count of byte: %s" % countOfByte
+ print "File Count: %s" % fileCount
+ if countOfByte == fileCount:
+ sys.stdout.write(Fore.GREEN + '%s' % byteToPrint.encode('hex') + Fore.WHITE + '%s' % byteFiller)
+ elif countOfByte == fileCount - 1:
+ sys.stdout.write(Fore.CYAN + '%s' % byteToPrint.encode('hex') + Fore.WHITE + '%s' % byteFiller)
+ elif countOfByte == fileCount - 2:
+ sys.stdout.write(Fore.YELLOW + '%s' % byteToPrint.encode('hex') + Fore.WHITE + '%s' % byteFiller)
+ elif countOfByte == fileCount - 3:
+ sys.stdout.write(Fore.RED + '%s' % byteToPrint.encode('hex') + Fore.WHITE + '%s' % byteFiller)
+ elif countOfByte == fileCount - 4:
+ sys.stdout.write(Fore.MAGENTA + '%s' % byteToPrint.encode('hex') + Fore.WHITE + '%s' % byteFiller)
+ elif countOfByte == fileCount - 5:
+ sys.stdout.write(Fore.WHITE + '%s' % byteToPrint.encode('hex') + Fore.WHITE + '%s' % byteFiller)
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write(Fore.WHITE + Style.DIM + '..' + Fore.WHITE + Style.RESET_ALL + '%s' % byteFiller)
+def printHeatLegend(fileCount):
+ print ""
+ print Fore.GREEN + 'GREEN\tContent of all %s files' % str(fileCount) + Fore.WHITE
+ if fileCount > 1:
+ print Fore.CYAN + 'CYAN\tContent of %s files' % str(fileCount-1) + Fore.WHITE
+ if fileCount > 2:
+ print Fore.YELLOW + 'YELLOW\tContent of %s files' % str(fileCount-2) + Fore.WHITE
+ if fileCount > 3:
+ print Fore.RED + 'RED\tContent of %s files' % str(fileCount-3) + Fore.WHITE
+ if fileCount > 4:
+ print Fore.MAGENTA + 'MAGENTA\tContent of %s files' % str(fileCount-4) + Fore.WHITE
+ if fileCount > 5:
+ print Fore.WHITE + 'WHITE\tContent of %s files' % str(fileCount-5) + Fore.WHITE
+ if fileCount > 6:
+ print Fore.WHITE + Style.DIM +'..\tNo identical bytes in more than %s files' % str(fileCount-6) + Fore.WHITE + Style.RESET_ALL
+# MAIN ################################################################
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Parse Arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Yara BSG')
+ parser.add_argument('-p', metavar="malware-dir", help='Path to scan for malware')
+ parser.add_argument('-r', action='store_true', default=False, help='Be recursive')
+ parser.add_argument('-m', action='store_true', default=False, help='Heat map on byte values')
+ parser.add_argument('-f', default=" ", metavar="byte-filler", help='character to fill the gap between the bytes (default: \' \')')
+ parser.add_argument('-c', default=None, metavar="num-occurances", help='Print only bytes that occur in at least X of the samples (default: all files; incompatible with heat map mode) ')
+ parser.add_argument('-b', default=1024, metavar="bytes", help='Number of bytes to print (default: 1024)')
+ parser.add_argument('-l', default=16, metavar="bytes-per-line", help='Number of bytes to print per line (default: 16)')
+ parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', default=False, help='Debug Info')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # Colorization
+ init()
+ # Parse the Files
+ ( byteStats, fileCount) = parseDir(args.p, args.r, args.b)
+ # print byteStats
+ if args.c != None and not args.m:
+ fileCount = int(args.c)
+ # Vizualize Byte Stats
+ visiualizeStats(byteStats, fileCount, args.m, args.f, args.l)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/yarGen.py b/yarGen.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..585a8b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yarGen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2435 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# yarGen
+# A Rule Generator for YARA Rules
+# Florian Roth
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import re
+import traceback
+import operator
+import datetime
+import time
+import scandir
+import pefile
+import pickle
+import gzip
+import urllib
+from collections import Counter
+from hashlib import sha256
+from naiveBayesClassifier import tokenizer
+from naiveBayesClassifier.trainer import Trainer
+from naiveBayesClassifier.classifier import Classifier
+import signal as signal_module
+ from lxml import etree
+ lxml_available = True
+except Exception as e:
+ print("[E] lxml not found - disabling PeStudio string check functionality")
+ lxml_available = False
+RELEVANT_EXTENSIONS = [".asp", ".vbs", ".ps", ".ps1", ".tmp", ".bas", ".bat", ".cmd", ".com", ".cpl",
+ ".crt", ".dll", ".exe", ".msc", ".scr", ".sys", ".vb", ".vbe", ".vbs", ".wsc",
+ ".wsf", ".wsh", ".input", ".war", ".jsp", ".php", ".asp", ".aspx", ".psd1", ".psm1", ".py"]
+ 'good-opcodes-part1.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-opcodes-part1.db',
+ 'good-opcodes-part2.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-opcodes-part2.db',
+ 'good-opcodes-part3.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-opcodes-part3.db',
+ 'good-opcodes-part4.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-opcodes-part4.db',
+ 'good-opcodes-part5.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-opcodes-part5.db',
+ 'good-opcodes-part6.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-opcodes-part6.db',
+ 'good-opcodes-part7.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-opcodes-part7.db',
+ 'good-opcodes-part8.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-opcodes-part8.db',
+ 'good-opcodes-part9.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-opcodes-part9.db',
+ 'good-strings-part1.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-strings-part1.db',
+ 'good-strings-part2.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-strings-part2.db',
+ 'good-strings-part3.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-strings-part3.db',
+ 'good-strings-part4.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-strings-part4.db',
+ 'good-strings-part5.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-strings-part5.db',
+ 'good-strings-part6.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-strings-part6.db',
+ 'good-strings-part7.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-strings-part7.db',
+ 'good-strings-part8.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-strings-part8.db',
+ 'good-strings-part9.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-strings-part9.db',
+ 'good-exports-part1.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-exports-part1.db',
+ 'good-exports-part2.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-exports-part2.db',
+ 'good-exports-part3.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-exports-part3.db',
+ 'good-exports-part4.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-exports-part4.db',
+ 'good-exports-part5.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-exports-part5.db',
+ 'good-exports-part6.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-exports-part6.db',
+ 'good-exports-part7.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-exports-part7.db',
+ 'good-exports-part8.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-exports-part8.db',
+ 'good-exports-part9.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-exports-part9.db',
+ 'good-imphashes-part1.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-imphashes-part1.db',
+ 'good-imphashes-part2.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-imphashes-part2.db',
+ 'good-imphashes-part3.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-imphashes-part3.db',
+ 'good-imphashes-part4.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-imphashes-part4.db',
+ 'good-imphashes-part5.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-imphashes-part5.db',
+ 'good-imphashes-part6.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-imphashes-part6.db',
+ 'good-imphashes-part7.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-imphashes-part7.db',
+ 'good-imphashes-part8.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-imphashes-part8.db',
+ 'good-imphashes-part9.db': 'https://www.bsk-consulting.de/yargen/good-imphashes-part9.db',
+PE_STRINGS_FILE = "./3rdparty/strings.xml"
+KNOWN_IMPHASHES = {'a04dd9f5ee88d7774203e0a0cfa1b941': 'PsExec',
+ '2b8c9d9ab6fefc247adaf927e83dcea6': 'RAR SFX variant'}
+def get_abs_path(filename):
+ return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), filename)
+def get_files(dir, notRecursive):
+ # Not Recursive
+ if notRecursive:
+ for filename in os.listdir(dir):
+ filePath = os.path.join(dir, filename)
+ if os.path.isdir(filePath):
+ continue
+ yield filePath
+ # Recursive
+ else:
+ for root, directories, files in scandir.walk(dir, followlinks=False):
+ for filename in files:
+ filePath = os.path.join(root, filename)
+ yield filePath
+def parse_sample_dir(dir, notRecursive=False, generateInfo=False, onlyRelevantExtensions=False):
+ # Prepare dictionary
+ string_stats = {}
+ opcode_stats = {}
+ file_info = {}
+ known_sha1sums = []
+ for filePath in get_files(dir, notRecursive):
+ try:
+ print("[+] Processing %s ..." % filePath)
+ # Get Extension
+ extension = os.path.splitext(filePath)[1].lower()
+ if not extension in RELEVANT_EXTENSIONS and onlyRelevantExtensions:
+ if args.debug:
+ print("[-] EXTENSION %s - Skipping file %s" % (extension, filePath))
+ continue
+ # Info file check
+ if os.path.basename(filePath) == os.path.basename(args.b) or \
+ os.path.basename(filePath) == os.path.basename(args.r):
+ continue
+ # Size Check
+ size = 0
+ try:
+ size = os.stat(filePath).st_size
+ if size > (args.fs * 1024 * 1024):
+ if args.debug:
+ print("[-] File is to big - Skipping file %s (use -fs to adjust this behaviour)" % (filePath))
+ continue
+ except Exception as e:
+ pass
+ # Check and read file
+ try:
+ with open(filePath, 'rb') as f:
+ fileData = f.read()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("[-] Cannot read file - skipping %s" % filePath)
+ # Extract strings from file
+ strings = extract_strings(fileData)
+ # Extract opcodes from file
+ opcodes = []
+ if use_opcodes:
+ print("[-] Extracting OpCodes: %s" % filePath)
+ opcodes = extract_opcodes(fileData)
+ # Add sha256 value
+ if generateInfo:
+ sha256sum = sha256(fileData).hexdigest()
+ file_info[filePath] = {}
+ file_info[filePath]["hash"] = sha256sum
+ file_info[filePath]["imphash"], file_info[filePath]["exports"] = get_pe_info(fileData)
+ # Skip if hash already known - avoid duplicate files
+ if sha256sum in known_sha1sums:
+ # if args.debug:
+ print("[-] Skipping strings/opcodes from %s due to MD5 duplicate detection" % filePath)
+ continue
+ else:
+ known_sha1sums.append(sha256sum)
+ # Magic evaluation
+ if not args.nomagic:
+ file_info[filePath]["magic"] = fileData[:2]
+ else:
+ file_info[filePath]["magic"] = ""
+ # File Size
+ file_info[filePath]["size"] = os.stat(filePath).st_size
+ # Add stats for basename (needed for inverse rule generation)
+ fileName = os.path.basename(filePath)
+ folderName = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filePath))
+ if fileName not in file_info:
+ file_info[fileName] = {}
+ file_info[fileName]["count"] = 0
+ file_info[fileName]["hashes"] = []
+ file_info[fileName]["folder_names"] = []
+ file_info[fileName]["count"] += 1
+ file_info[fileName]["hashes"].append(sha256sum)
+ if folderName not in file_info[fileName]["folder_names"]:
+ file_info[fileName]["folder_names"].append(folderName)
+ # Add strings to statistics
+ for string in strings:
+ # String is not already known
+ if string not in string_stats:
+ string_stats[string] = {}
+ string_stats[string]["count"] = 0
+ string_stats[string]["files"] = []
+ string_stats[string]["files_basename"] = {}
+ # String count
+ string_stats[string]["count"] += 1
+ # Add file information
+ if fileName not in string_stats[string]["files_basename"]:
+ string_stats[string]["files_basename"][fileName] = 0
+ string_stats[string]["files_basename"][fileName] += 1
+ string_stats[string]["files"].append(filePath)
+ # Add opcods to statistics
+ for opcode in opcodes:
+ # String is not already known
+ if opcode not in opcode_stats:
+ opcode_stats[opcode] = {}
+ opcode_stats[opcode]["count"] = 0
+ opcode_stats[opcode]["files"] = []
+ opcode_stats[opcode]["files_basename"] = {}
+ # opcode count
+ opcode_stats[opcode]["count"] += 1
+ # Add file information
+ if fileName not in opcode_stats[opcode]["files_basename"]:
+ opcode_stats[opcode]["files_basename"][fileName] = 0
+ opcode_stats[opcode]["files_basename"][fileName] += 1
+ opcode_stats[opcode]["files"].append(filePath)
+ if args.debug:
+ print("[+] Processed " + filePath + " Size: " + str(size) + " Strings: " + str(len(string_stats)) + \
+ " OpCodes: " + str(len(opcode_stats)) + " ... ")
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print("[E] ERROR reading file: %s" % filePath)
+ return string_stats, opcode_stats, file_info
+def parse_good_dir(dir, notRecursive=False, onlyRelevantExtensions=True):
+ # Prepare dictionary
+ all_strings = Counter()
+ all_opcodes = Counter()
+ all_imphashes = Counter()
+ all_exports = Counter()
+ for filePath in get_files(dir, notRecursive):
+ # Get Extension
+ extension = os.path.splitext(filePath)[1].lower()
+ if extension not in RELEVANT_EXTENSIONS and onlyRelevantExtensions:
+ if args.debug:
+ print("[-] EXTENSION %s - Skipping file %s" % (extension, filePath))
+ continue
+ # Size Check
+ size = 0
+ try:
+ size = os.stat(filePath).st_size
+ if size > (args.fs * 1024 * 1024):
+ continue
+ except Exception as e:
+ pass
+ # Check and read file
+ try:
+ with open(filePath, 'rb') as f:
+ fileData = f.read()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("[-] Cannot read file - skipping %s" % filePath)
+ # Extract strings from file
+ strings = extract_strings(fileData)
+ # Append to all strings
+ all_strings.update(strings)
+ # Extract Opcodes from file
+ opcodes = []
+ if use_opcodes:
+ print("[-] Extracting OpCodes: %s" % filePath)
+ opcodes = extract_opcodes(fileData)
+ # Append to all opcodes
+ all_opcodes.update(opcodes)
+ # Imphash and Exports
+ (imphash, exports) = get_pe_info(fileData)
+ all_exports.update(exports)
+ all_imphashes.update([imphash])
+ if args.debug:
+ print("[+] Processed %s - %d strings %d opcodes %d exports and imphash %s" % (filePath, len(strings),
+ len(opcodes), len(exports),
+ imphash))
+ # return it as a set (unique strings)
+ return all_strings, all_opcodes, all_imphashes, all_exports
+def extract_strings(fileData):
+ # String list
+ cleaned_strings = []
+ # Read file data
+ try:
+ # Read strings
+ strings_full = re.findall("[\x1f-\x7e]{6,}", fileData)
+ strings_limited = re.findall("[\x1f-\x7e]{6,%d}" % args.s, fileData)
+ strings_hex = extract_hex_strings(fileData)
+ strings = list(set(strings_full) | set(strings_limited) | set(strings_hex))
+ strings += [str("UTF16LE:%s" % ws.decode("utf-16le")) for ws in re.findall("(?:[\x1f-\x7e][\x00]){6,}", fileData)]
+ # Escape strings
+ for string in strings:
+ # Check if last bytes have been string and not yet saved to list
+ if len(string) > 0:
+ string = string.replace('\\', '\\\\')
+ string = string.replace('"', '\\"')
+ if string not in cleaned_strings:
+ cleaned_strings.append(string.lstrip(" "))
+ except Exception as e:
+ if args.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ pass
+ return cleaned_strings
+def extract_opcodes(fileData):
+ # String list
+ opcodes = []
+ # Read file data
+ try:
+ pe = pefile.PE(data=fileData)
+ name = ""
+ ep = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint
+ pos = 0
+ for sec in pe.sections:
+ if (ep >= sec.VirtualAddress) and \
+ (ep < (sec.VirtualAddress + sec.Misc_VirtualSize)):
+ name = sec.Name.replace('\x00', '')
+ break
+ else:
+ pos += 1
+ for section in pe.sections:
+ if section.Name.rstrip("\x00") == name:
+ text = section.get_data()
+ # Split text into subs
+ text_parts = re.split("[\x00]{3,}", text)
+ # Now truncate and encode opcodes
+ for text_part in text_parts:
+ if text_part == '' or len(text_part) < 8:
+ continue
+ opcodes.append(text_part[:16].encode('hex'))
+ except Exception as e:
+ #if args.debug:
+ # traceback.print_exc()
+ pass
+ return opcodes
+def get_pe_info(fileData):
+ """
+ Get different PE attributes and hashes
+ :param fileData:
+ :return:
+ """
+ imphash = ""
+ exports = []
+ # Check for MZ header (speed improvement)
+ if fileData[:2] != "MZ":
+ return imphash, exports
+ try:
+ if args.debug:
+ print("Extracting PE information")
+ p = pefile.PE(data=fileData)
+ # Imphash
+ imphash = p.get_imphash()
+ # Exports (names)
+ for exp in p.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols:
+ exports.append(exp.name)
+ except Exception as e:
+ #if args.debug:
+ # traceback.print_exc()
+ pass
+ return imphash, exports
+def sample_string_evaluation(string_stats, opcode_stats, file_info):
+ # Generate Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
+ print("[+] Generating statistical data ...")
+ file_strings = {}
+ file_opcodes = {}
+ combinations = {}
+ inverse_stats = {}
+ max_combi_count = 0
+ super_rules = []
+ # OPCODE EVALUATION --------------------------------------------------------
+ for opcode in opcode_stats:
+ # If string occurs not too often in sample files
+ if opcode_stats[opcode]["count"] < 10:
+ # If string list in file dictionary not yet exists
+ for filePath in opcode_stats[opcode]["files"]:
+ if filePath in file_opcodes:
+ # Append string
+ file_opcodes[filePath].append(opcode)
+ else:
+ # Create list and than add the first string to the file
+ file_opcodes[filePath] = []
+ file_opcodes[filePath].append(opcode)
+ # STRING EVALUATION -------------------------------------------------------
+ # Iterate through strings found in malware files
+ for string in string_stats:
+ # If string occurs not too often in (goodware) sample files
+ if string_stats[string]["count"] < 10:
+ # If string list in file dictionary not yet exists
+ for filePath in string_stats[string]["files"]:
+ if filePath in file_strings:
+ # Append string
+ file_strings[filePath].append(string)
+ else:
+ # Create list and than add the first string to the file
+ file_strings[filePath] = []
+ file_strings[filePath].append(string)
+ # INVERSE RULE GENERATION -------------------------------------
+ if args.inverse:
+ for fileName in string_stats[string]["files_basename"]:
+ string_occurrance_count = string_stats[string]["files_basename"][fileName]
+ total_count_basename = file_info[fileName]["count"]
+ # print "string_occurance_count %s - total_count_basename %s" % ( string_occurance_count,
+ # total_count_basename )
+ if string_occurrance_count == total_count_basename:
+ if fileName not in inverse_stats:
+ inverse_stats[fileName] = []
+ if args.trace:
+ print("Appending %s to %s" % (string, fileName))
+ inverse_stats[fileName].append(string)
+ # SUPER RULE GENERATION -----------------------------------------------
+ if not nosuper and not args.inverse:
+ # SUPER RULES GENERATOR - preliminary work
+ # If a string occurs more than once in different files
+ # print sample_string_stats[string]["count"]
+ if string_stats[string]["count"] > 1:
+ if args.debug:
+ print("OVERLAP Count: %s\nString: \"%s\"%s" % (string_stats[string]["count"], string,
+ "\nFILE: ".join(string_stats[string]["files"])))
+ # Create a combination string from the file set that matches to that string
+ combi = ":".join(sorted(string_stats[string]["files"]))
+ # print "STRING: " + string
+ if args.debug:
+ print("COMBI: " + combi)
+ # If combination not yet known
+ if combi not in combinations:
+ combinations[combi] = {}
+ combinations[combi]["count"] = 1
+ combinations[combi]["strings"] = []
+ combinations[combi]["strings"].append(string)
+ combinations[combi]["files"] = string_stats[string]["files"]
+ else:
+ combinations[combi]["count"] += 1
+ combinations[combi]["strings"].append(string)
+ # Set the maximum combination count
+ if combinations[combi]["count"] > max_combi_count:
+ max_combi_count = combinations[combi]["count"]
+ # print "Max Combi Count set to: %s" % max_combi_count
+ print("[+] Generating Super Rules ... (a lot of foo magic)")
+ for combi_count in range(max_combi_count, 1, -1):
+ for combi in combinations:
+ if combi_count == combinations[combi]["count"]:
+ # print "Count %s - Combi %s" % ( str(combinations[combi]["count"]), combi )
+ # Filter the string set
+ # print "BEFORE"
+ # print len(combinations[combi]["strings"])
+ # print combinations[combi]["strings"]
+ string_set = combinations[combi]["strings"]
+ combinations[combi]["strings"] = []
+ combinations[combi]["strings"] = filter_string_set(string_set)
+ # print combinations[combi]["strings"]
+ # print "AFTER"
+ # print len(combinations[combi]["strings"])
+ # Combi String count after filtering
+ # print "String count after filtering: %s" % str(len(combinations[combi]["strings"]))
+ # If the string set of the combination has a required size
+ if len(combinations[combi]["strings"]) >= int(args.rc):
+ # Remove the files in the combi rule from the simple set
+ if args.nosimple:
+ for file in combinations[combi]["files"]:
+ if file in file_strings:
+ del file_strings[file]
+ # Add it as a super rule
+ print("[-] Adding Super Rule with %s strings." % str(len(combinations[combi]["strings"])))
+ # if args.debug:
+ # print "Rule Combi: %s" % combi
+ super_rules.append(combinations[combi])
+ # Return all data
+ return (file_strings, file_opcodes, combinations, super_rules, inverse_stats)
+def filter_opcode_set(opcode_set):
+ # Preferred Opcodes
+ pref_opcodes = [' 34 ', 'ff ff ff ']
+ # Useful set
+ useful_set = []
+ pref_set = []
+ for opcode in opcode_set:
+ if opcode in good_opcodes_db:
+ continue
+ # Format the opcode
+ formatted_opcode = get_opcode_string(opcode)
+ # Preferred opcodes
+ set_in_pref = False
+ for pref in pref_opcodes:
+ if pref in formatted_opcode:
+ pref_set.append(formatted_opcode)
+ set_in_pref = True
+ if set_in_pref:
+ continue
+ # Else add to useful set
+ useful_set.append(get_opcode_string(opcode))
+ # Preferred opcodes first
+ useful_set = pref_set + useful_set
+ # Only return the number of opcodes defined with the "-n" parameter
+ return useful_set[:int(args.n)]
+def filter_string_set(string_set):
+ # This is the only set we have - even if it's a weak one
+ useful_set = []
+ # Bayes Classificator (new method)
+ stringClassifier = Classifier(stringTrainer.data, tokenizer)
+ # Local string scores
+ localStringScores = {}
+ # Local UTF strings
+ utfstrings = []
+ for string in string_set:
+ # Goodware string marker
+ goodstring = False
+ goodcount = 0
+ # Goodware Strings
+ if string in good_strings_db:
+ goodstring = True
+ goodcount = good_strings_db[string]
+ # print "%s - %s" % ( goodstring, good_strings[string] )
+ if args.excludegood:
+ continue
+ # UTF
+ original_string = string
+ if string[:8] == "UTF16LE:":
+ # print "removed UTF16LE from %s" % string
+ string = string[8:]
+ utfstrings.append(string)
+ # Good string evaluation (after the UTF modification)
+ if goodstring:
+ # Reduce the score by the number of occurence in goodware files
+ localStringScores[string] = (goodcount * -1) + 5
+ else:
+ localStringScores[string] = 0
+ # PEStudio String Blacklist Evaluation
+ if pestudio_available:
+ (pescore, type) = get_pestudio_score(string)
+ # print("PE Match: %s" % string)
+ # Reset score of goodware files to 5 if blacklisted in PEStudio
+ if type != "":
+ pestudioMarker[string] = type
+ # Modify the PEStudio blacklisted strings with their goodware stats count
+ if goodstring:
+ pescore = pescore - (goodcount / 1000.0)
+ # print "%s - %s - %s" % (string, pescore, goodcount)
+ localStringScores[string] = pescore
+ if not goodstring:
+ # Bayes Classifier
+ classification = stringClassifier.classify(string)
+ if classification[0][1] == 0 and len(string) > 10:
+ # Try to split the string into words and then check again
+ modified_string = re.sub(r'[\\\/\-\.\_<>="\']', ' ', string).rstrip(" ").lstrip(" ")
+ # print "Checking instead: %s" % modified_string
+ classification = stringClassifier.classify(modified_string)
+ #if args.debug:
+ # print "[D] Bayes Score: %s %s" % (str(classification), string)
+ localStringScores[string] += classification[0][1]
+ # Length Score
+ length = len(string)
+ if length > int(args.y) and length < int(args.s):
+ localStringScores[string] += round(len(string) / 8, 2)
+ #if length >= int(args.s):
+ # localStringScores[string] += 1
+ # Reduction
+ if ".." in string:
+ localStringScores[string] -= 5
+ if " " in string:
+ localStringScores[string] -= 5
+ # Packer Strings
+ if re.search(r'(WinRAR\\SFX)', string):
+ localStringScores[string] -= 4
+ # US ASCII char
+ if "\x1f" in string:
+ localStringScores[string] -= 4
+ # Chains of 00s
+ if string.count('0000000000') > 2:
+ localStringScores[string] -= 5
+ # Repeated characters
+ if re.search(r'(?!.* ([A-Fa-f0-9])\1{8,})', string):
+ localStringScores[string] -= 5
+ # Certain strings add-ons ----------------------------------------------
+ # Extensions - Drive
+ if re.search(r'[A-Za-z]:\\', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2
+ # Relevant file extensions
+ if re.search(r'(\.exe|\.pdb|\.scr|\.log|\.cfg|\.txt|\.dat|\.msi|\.com|\.bat|\.dll|\.pdb|\.vbs|'
+ r'\.tmp|\.sys|\.ps1|\.vbp|\.hta|\.lnk)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # System keywords
+ if re.search(r'(cmd.exe|system32|users|Documents and|SystemRoot|Grant|hello|password|process|log)',
+ string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 5
+ # Protocol Keywords
+ if re.search(r'(ftp|irc|smtp|command|GET|POST|Agent|tor2web|HEAD)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 5
+ # Connection keywords
+ if re.search(r'(error|http|closed|fail|version|proxy)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Browser User Agents
+ if re.search(r'(Mozilla|MSIE|Windows NT|Macintosh|Gecko|Opera|User\-Agent)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 5
+ # Temp and Recycler
+ if re.search(r'(TEMP|Temporary|Appdata|Recycler)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # Malicious keywords - hacktools
+ if re.search(r'(scan|sniff|poison|intercept|fake|spoof|sweep|dump|flood|inject|forward|scan|vulnerable|'
+ r'credentials|creds|coded|p0c|Content|host)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 5
+ # Network keywords
+ if re.search(r'(address|port|listen|remote|local|process|service|mutex|pipe|frame|key|lookup|connection)',
+ string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Drive
+ if re.search(r'([C-Zc-z]:\\)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # IP
+ if re.search(
+ r'\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b',
+ string, re.IGNORECASE): # IP Address
+ localStringScores[string] += 5
+ # Copyright Owner
+ if re.search(r'(coded | c0d3d |cr3w\b|Coded by |codedby)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 7
+ # Extension generic
+ if re.search(r'\.[a-zA-Z]{3}\b', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # All upper case
+ if re.search(r'^[A-Z]{6,}$', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2.5
+ # All lower case
+ if re.search(r'^[a-z]{6,}$', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2
+ # All lower with space
+ if re.search(r'^[a-z\s]{6,}$', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2
+ # All characters
+ if re.search(r'^[A-Z][a-z]{5,}$', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2
+ # URL
+ if re.search(r'(%[a-z][:\-,;]|\\\\%s|\\\\[A-Z0-9a-z%]+\\[A-Z0-9a-z%]+)', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2.5
+ # certificates
+ if re.search(r'(thawte|trustcenter|signing|class|crl|CA|certificate|assembly)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] -= 4
+ # Parameters
+ if re.search(r'( \-[a-z]{,2}[\s]?[0-9]?| /[a-z]+[\s]?[\w]*)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # Directory
+ if re.search(r'([a-zA-Z]:|^|%)\\[A-Za-z]{4,30}\\', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # Executable - not in directory
+ if re.search(r'^[^\\]+\.(exe|com|scr|bat|sys)$', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # Date placeholders
+ if re.search(r'(yyyy|hh:mm|dd/mm|mm/dd|%s:%s:)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Placeholders
+ if re.search(r'[^A-Za-z](%s|%d|%i|%02d|%04d|%2d|%3s)[^A-Za-z]', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # String parts from file system elements
+ if re.search(r'(cmd|com|pipe|tmp|temp|recycle|bin|secret|private|AppData|driver|config)', string,
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Programming
+ if re.search(r'(execute|run|system|shell|root|cimv2|login|exec|stdin|read|process|netuse|script|share)',
+ string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Credentials
+ if re.search(r'(user|pass|login|logon|token|cookie|creds|hash|ticket|NTLM|LMHASH|kerberos|spnego|session|'
+ r'identif|account|login|auth|privilege)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Malware
+ if re.search(r'(\.[a-z]/[^/]+\.txt|)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Variables
+ if re.search(r'%[A-Z_]+%', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # RATs / Malware
+ if re.search(r'(spy|logger|dark|cryptor|RAT\b|eye|comet|evil|xtreme|poison|meterpreter|metasploit)',
+ string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 5
+ # Missed user profiles
+ if re.search(r'[\\](users|profiles|username|benutzer|Documents and Settings|Utilisateurs|Utenti|'
+ r'Usuários)[\\]', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Strings: Words ending with numbers
+ if re.search(r'^[A-Z][a-z]+[0-9]+$', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 1
+ # Spying
+ if re.search(r'(implant)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 1
+ # Program Path - not Programs or Windows
+ if re.search(r'^[Cc]:\\\\[^PW]', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Special strings
+ if re.search(r'(\\\\\.\\|kernel|.dll|usage|\\DosDevices\\)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 5
+ # Parameters
+ if re.search(r'( \-[a-z] | /[a-z] | \-[a-z]:[a-zA-Z]| \/[a-z]:[a-zA-Z])', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # File
+ if re.search(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,40}\.[a-zA-Z]{3}', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Comment Line / Output Log
+ if re.search(r'^([\*\#]+ |\[[\*\-\+]\] |[\-=]> |\[[A-Za-z]\] )', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # Output typo / special expression
+ if re.search(r'(!\.$|!!!$| :\)$| ;\)$|fucked|[\w]\.\.\.\.$)', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # Base64
+ if re.search(r'^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4}){30,}(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$', string) and \
+ re.search(r'[A-Za-z]', string) and re.search(r'[0-9]', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 6
+ # Base64 Executables
+ localStringScores[string] += 5
+ # Malicious intent
+ if re.search(r'(loader|cmdline|ntlmhash|lmhash|infect|encrypt|exec|elevat|dump|target|victim|override|'
+ r'traverse|mutex|pawnde|exploited|shellcode|injected|spoofed|dllinjec|exeinj|reflective|'
+ r'payload|inject|back conn)',
+ string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 5
+ # Privileges
+ if re.search(r'(administrator|highest|system|debug|dbg|admin|adm|root) privilege', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # System file/process names
+ if re.search(r'(LSASS|SAM|lsass.exe|cmd.exe|LSASRV.DLL)', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # System file/process names
+ if re.search(r'(\.exe|\.dll|\.sys)$', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # Indicators that string is valid
+ if re.search(r'(^\\\\)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 1
+ # Compiler output directories
+ if re.search(r'(\\Release\\|\\Debug\\|\\bin|\\sbin)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2
+ # Special - Malware related strings
+ if re.search(r'(Management Support Team1|/c rundll32|DTOPTOOLZ Co.|net start|Exec|taskkill)', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # Powershell
+ if re.search(r'(bypass|windowstyle | hidden |-command|IEX |Invoke-Expression|Net.Webclient|Invoke[A-Z]|'
+ r'Net.WebClient|-w hidden |-encoded'
+ r'-encodedcommand| -nop |MemoryLoadLibrary|FromBase64String|Download|EncodedCommand)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # WMI
+ if re.search(r'( /c WMIC)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Windows Commands
+ if re.search(r'( net user | net group |ping |whoami |bitsadmin |rundll32.exe javascript:|'
+ r'schtasks.exe /create|/c start )',
+ string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # JavaScript
+ if re.search(r'(new ActiveXObject\("WScript.Shell"\).Run|.Run\("cmd.exe|.Run\("%comspec%\)|'
+ r'.Run\("c:\\Windows|.RegisterXLL\()', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Signing Certificates
+ if re.search(r'( Inc | Co.| Ltd.,| LLC| Limited)', string):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2
+ # Privilege escalation
+ if re.search(r'(sysprep|cryptbase|secur32)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2
+ # Webshells
+ if re.search(r'(isset\($post\[|isset\($get\[|eval\(Request)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2
+ # Suspicious words 1
+ if re.search(r'(impersonate|drop|upload|download|execute|shell|\bcmd\b|decode|rot13|decrypt)', string,
+ localStringScores[string] += 2
+ # Suspicious words 1
+ if re.search(r'([+] |[-] |[*] |injecting|exploit|dumped|dumping|scanning|scanned|elevation|'
+ r'elevated|payload|vulnerable|payload|reverse connect|bind shell|reverse shell| dump | '
+ r'back connect |privesc|privilege escalat|debug privilege| inject |interactive shell|'
+ r'shell commands| spawning |] target |] Transmi|] Connect|] connect|] Dump|] command |'
+ r'] token|] Token |] Firing | hashes | etc/passwd| SAM | NTML|unsupported target|'
+ r'race condition|Token system |LoaderConfig| add user |ile upload |ile download |'
+ r'Attaching to |ser has been successfully added|target system |LSA Secrets|DefaultPassword|'
+ r'Password: |loading dll|.Execute\(|Shellcode|Loader|inject x86|inject x64|bypass|katz|'
+ r'sploit|ms[0-9][0-9][^0-9]|\bCVE[^a-zA-Z]|privilege::|lsadump)',
+ string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 4
+ # Mutex / Named Pipes
+ if re.search(r'(Mutex|NamedPipe|\\Global\\|\\pipe\\)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Usage
+ if re.search(r'(isset\($post\[|isset\($get\[)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2
+ # Hash
+ if re.search(r'\b([a-f0-9]{32}|[a-f0-9]{40}|[a-f0-9]{64})\b', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 2
+ # Persistence
+ if re.search(r'(sc.exe |schtasks|at \\\\|at [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Unix/Linux
+ if re.search(r'(;chmod |; chmod |sh -c|/dev/tcp/|/bin/telnet|selinux| shell| cp /bin/sh )', string,
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Attack
+ if re.search(
+ r'(attacker|brute force|bruteforce|connecting back|EXHAUSTIVE|exhaustion| spawn| evil| elevated)',
+ string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # Strings with less value
+ if re.search(r'(abcdefghijklmnopqsst|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ|0123456789:;)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] -= 5
+ # VB Backdoors
+ if re.search(
+ r'(kill|wscript|plugins|svr32|Select |)',
+ string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] += 3
+ # ENCODING DETECTIONS --------------------------------------------------
+ try:
+ if len(string) > 8:
+ # Try different ways - fuzz string
+ # Base64
+ if args.trace:
+ print("Starting Base64 string analysis ...")
+ for m_string in (string, string[1:], string[1:] + "=", string + "=", string + "=="):
+ if is_base_64(m_string):
+ decoded_string = m_string.decode('base64')
+ # print decoded_string
+ if is_ascii_string(decoded_string, padding_allowed=True):
+ # print "match"
+ localStringScores[string] += 10
+ base64strings[string] = decoded_string
+ # Hex Encoded string
+ if args.trace:
+ print("Starting Hex encoded string analysis ...")
+ for m_string in ([string, re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', string)]):
+ #print m_string
+ if is_hex_encoded(m_string):
+ #print("^ is HEX")
+ decoded_string = m_string.decode('hex')
+ #print removeNonAsciiDrop(decoded_string)
+ if is_ascii_string(decoded_string, padding_allowed=True):
+ # not too many 00s
+ if '00' in m_string:
+ if len(m_string) / float(m_string.count('0')) <= 1.2:
+ continue
+ #print("^ is ASCII / WIDE")
+ localStringScores[string] += 8
+ hexEncStrings[string] = decoded_string
+ except Exception as e:
+ if args.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ pass
+ # Reversed String -----------------------------------------------------
+ if string[::-1] in good_strings_db:
+ localStringScores[string] += 10
+ reversedStrings[string] = string[::-1]
+ # Certain string reduce -----------------------------------------------
+ if re.search(r'(rundll32\.exe$|kernel\.dll$)', string, re.IGNORECASE):
+ localStringScores[string] -= 4
+ # Set the global string score
+ stringScores[original_string] = localStringScores[string]
+ if args.debug:
+ if string in utfstrings:
+ is_utf = True
+ else:
+ is_utf = False
+ # print "SCORE: %s\tUTF: %s\tSTRING: %s" % ( localStringScores[string], is_utf, string )
+ sorted_set = sorted(localStringScores.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
+ # Only the top X strings
+ c = 0
+ result_set = []
+ for string in sorted_set:
+ # Skip the one with a score lower than -z X
+ if not args.noscorefilter and not args.inverse:
+ if string[1] < int(args.z):
+ continue
+ if string[0] in utfstrings:
+ result_set.append("UTF16LE:%s" % string[0])
+ else:
+ result_set.append(string[0])
+ #c += 1
+ #if c > int(args.rc):
+ # break
+ if args.trace:
+ print("RESULT SET:")
+ print(result_set)
+ # return the filtered set
+ return result_set
+def generate_general_condition(file_info):
+ """
+ Generates a general condition for a set of files
+ :param file_info:
+ :return:
+ """
+ conditions_string = ""
+ conditions = []
+ pe_module_neccessary = False
+ # Different Magic Headers and File Sizes
+ magic_headers = []
+ file_sizes = []
+ imphashes = []
+ try:
+ for filePath in file_info:
+ # Short file name info used for inverse generation has no magic/size fields
+ if "magic" not in file_info[filePath]:
+ continue
+ magic = file_info[filePath]["magic"]
+ size = file_info[filePath]["size"]
+ imphash = file_info[filePath]["imphash"]
+ # Add them to the lists
+ if magic not in magic_headers and magic != "":
+ magic_headers.append(magic)
+ if size not in file_sizes:
+ file_sizes.append(size)
+ if imphash not in imphashes and imphash != "":
+ imphashes.append(imphash)
+ # If different magic headers are less than 5
+ if len(magic_headers) <= 5:
+ magic_string = " or ".join(get_uint_string(h) for h in magic_headers)
+ if " or " in magic_string:
+ conditions.append("( {0} )".format(magic_string))
+ else:
+ conditions.append("{0}".format(magic_string))
+ # Biggest size multiplied with maxsize_multiplier
+ if not args.nofilesize and len(file_sizes) > 0:
+ conditions.append(get_file_range(max(file_sizes)))
+ # If different magic headers are less than 5
+ if len(imphashes) == 1:
+ conditions.append("pe.imphash() == \"{0}\"".format(imphashes[0]))
+ pe_module_neccessary = True
+ # If enough attributes were special
+ condition_string = " and ".join(conditions)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if args.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ exit(1)
+ print("[E] ERROR while generating general condition - check the global rule and remove it if it's faulty")
+ return condition_string, pe_module_neccessary
+def generate_rules(file_strings, file_opcodes, super_rules, file_info, inverse_stats):
+ # Write to file ---------------------------------------------------
+ if args.o:
+ try:
+ fh = open(args.o, 'w')
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # General Info
+ general_info = "/*\n"
+ general_info += " YARA Rule Set\n"
+ general_info += " Author: {0}\n".format(args.a)
+ general_info += " Date: {0}\n".format(get_timestamp_basic())
+ general_info += " Identifier: {0}\n".format(identifier)
+ general_info += " Reference: {0}\n".format(reference)
+ if args.l != "":
+ general_info += " License: {0}\n".format(args.l)
+ general_info += "*/\n\n"
+ fh.write(general_info)
+ # GLOBAL RULES ----------------------------------------------------
+ if args.globalrule:
+ condition, pe_module_necessary = generate_general_condition(file_info)
+ # Global Rule
+ if condition != "":
+ global_rule = "/* Global Rule -------------------------------------------------------------- */\n"
+ global_rule += "/* Will be evaluated first, speeds up scanning process, remove at will */\n\n"
+ global_rule += "global private rule gen_characteristics {\n"
+ global_rule += " condition:\n"
+ global_rule += " {0}\n".format(condition)
+ global_rule += "}\n\n"
+ # Write rule
+ if args.o:
+ fh.write(global_rule)
+ # General vars
+ rules = ""
+ printed_rules = {}
+ opcodes_to_add = []
+ rule_count = 0
+ inverse_rule_count = 0
+ super_rule_count = 0
+ pe_module_necessary = False
+ if not args.inverse:
+ # PROCESS SIMPLE RULES ----------------------------------------------------
+ print("[+] Generating Simple Rules ...")
+ # Apply intelligent filters
+ print("[-] Applying intelligent filters to string findings ...")
+ for filePath in file_strings:
+ print("[-] Filtering string set for %s ..." % filePath)
+ # Replace the original string set with the filtered one
+ string_set = file_strings[filePath]
+ file_strings[filePath] = []
+ file_strings[filePath] = filter_string_set(string_set)
+ # Replace the original string set with the filtered one
+ if filePath not in file_opcodes:
+ file_opcodes[filePath] = []
+ else:
+ print("[-] Filtering opcode set for %s ..." % filePath)
+ opcode_set = file_opcodes[filePath]
+ file_opcodes[filePath] = []
+ file_opcodes[filePath] = filter_opcode_set(opcode_set)
+ # GENERATE SIMPLE RULES -------------------------------------------
+ fh.write("/* Rule Set ----------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n")
+ for filePath in file_strings:
+ # Skip if there is nothing to do
+ if len(file_strings[filePath]) == 0:
+ print("[W] Not enough high scoring strings to create a rule. "
+ "(Try -z 0 to reduce the min score or --opcodes to include opcodes) FILE: %s" % filePath)
+ continue
+ elif len(file_strings[filePath]) == 0 and len(file_opcodes[filePath]) == 0:
+ print("[W] Not enough high scoring strings and opcodes to create a rule. " \
+ "(Try -z 0 to reduce the min score) FILE: %s" % filePath)
+ continue
+ # Create Rule
+ try:
+ rule = ""
+ (path, file) = os.path.split(filePath)
+ # Prepare name
+ fileBase = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
+ # Create a clean new name
+ cleanedName = fileBase
+ # Adapt length of rule name
+ if len(fileBase) < 8: # if name is too short add part from path
+ cleanedName = path.split('\\')[-1:][0] + "_" + cleanedName
+ # File name starts with a number
+ if re.search(r'^[0-9]', cleanedName):
+ cleanedName = "sig_" + cleanedName
+ # clean name from all characters that would cause errors
+ cleanedName = re.sub('[^\w]', r'_', cleanedName)
+ # Check if already printed
+ if cleanedName in printed_rules:
+ printed_rules[cleanedName] += 1
+ cleanedName = cleanedName + "_" + str(printed_rules[cleanedName])
+ else:
+ printed_rules[cleanedName] = 1
+ # Print rule title ----------------------------------------
+ rule += "rule %s {\n" % cleanedName
+ # Meta data -----------------------------------------------
+ rule += " meta:\n"
+ rule += " description = \"%s - file %s\"\n" % (prefix, file)
+ rule += " author = \"%s\"\n" % args.a
+ rule += " reference = \"%s\"\n" % reference
+ rule += " date = \"%s\"\n" % get_timestamp_basic()
+ rule += " hash1 = \"%s\"\n" % file_info[filePath]["hash"]
+ rule += " strings:\n"
+ # Get the strings -----------------------------------------
+ # Rule String generation
+ (rule_strings, opcodes_included, string_rule_count, high_scoring_strings) = \
+ get_rule_strings(file_strings[filePath], file_opcodes[filePath])
+ rule += rule_strings
+ # Extract rul strings
+ if args.strings:
+ strings = get_strings(file_strings[filePath])
+ write_strings(filePath, strings, args.e, args.score)
+ # Condition -----------------------------------------------
+ # Conditions list (will later be joined with 'or')
+ conditions = [] # AND connected
+ subconditions = [] # OR connected
+ # Condition PE
+ # Imphash and Exports - applicable to PE files only
+ condition_pe = []
+ condition_pe_part1 = []
+ condition_pe_part2 = []
+ if not args.noextras and file_info[filePath]["magic"] == "MZ":
+ # Add imphash - if certain conditions are met
+ if file_info[filePath]["imphash"] not in good_imphashes_db and file_info[filePath]["imphash"] != "":
+ # Comment to imphash
+ imphash = file_info[filePath]["imphash"]
+ comment = ""
+ if imphash in KNOWN_IMPHASHES:
+ comment = " /* {0} */".format(KNOWN_IMPHASHES[imphash])
+ # Add imphash to condition
+ condition_pe_part1.append("pe.imphash() == \"{0}\"{1}".format(imphash, comment))
+ pe_module_necessary = True
+ if file_info[filePath]["exports"]:
+ e_count = 0
+ for export in file_info[filePath]["exports"]:
+ if export not in good_exports_db:
+ condition_pe_part2.append("pe.exports(\"{0}\")".format(export))
+ e_count += 1
+ pe_module_necessary = True
+ if e_count > 5:
+ break
+ # 1st Part of Condition 1
+ basic_conditions = []
+ # Filesize
+ if not args.nofilesize:
+ basic_conditions.insert(0, get_file_range(file_info[filePath]["size"]))
+ # Magic
+ if file_info[filePath]["magic"] != "":
+ uint_string = get_uint_string(file_info[filePath]["magic"])
+ basic_conditions.insert(0, uint_string)
+ # Basic Condition
+ if len(basic_conditions):
+ conditions.append(" and ".join(basic_conditions))
+ # Add extra PE conditions to condition 1
+ pe_conditions_add = False
+ if condition_pe_part1 or condition_pe_part2:
+ if len(condition_pe_part1) == 1:
+ condition_pe.append(condition_pe_part1[0])
+ elif len(condition_pe_part1) > 1:
+ condition_pe.append("( %s )" % " or ".join(condition_pe_part1))
+ if len(condition_pe_part2) == 1:
+ condition_pe.append(condition_pe_part2[0])
+ elif len(condition_pe_part2) > 1:
+ condition_pe.append("( %s )" % " and ".join(condition_pe_part2))
+ # Marker that PE conditions have been added
+ pe_conditions_add = True
+ # Add to sub condition
+ subconditions.append(" and ".join(condition_pe))
+ # String combinations
+ cond_op = "" # opcodes condition
+ cond_hs = "" # high scoring strings condition
+ cond_ls = "" # low scoring strings condition
+ low_scoring_strings = (string_rule_count - high_scoring_strings)
+ if high_scoring_strings > 0:
+ cond_hs = "1 of ($x*)"
+ if low_scoring_strings > 0:
+ if low_scoring_strings > 10:
+ if high_scoring_strings > 0:
+ cond_ls = "4 of them"
+ else:
+ cond_ls = "8 of them"
+ else:
+ cond_ls = "all of them"
+ # If low scoring and high scoring
+ cond_combined = "all of them"
+ needs_brackets = False
+ if low_scoring_strings > 0 and high_scoring_strings > 0:
+ # If PE conditions have been added, don't be so strict with the strings
+ if pe_conditions_add:
+ cond_combined = "{0} or {1}".format(cond_hs, cond_ls)
+ needs_brackets = True
+ else:
+ cond_combined = "{0} and {1}".format(cond_hs, cond_ls)
+ elif low_scoring_strings > 0 and not high_scoring_strings > 0:
+ cond_combined = "{0}".format(cond_ls)
+ elif not low_scoring_strings > 0 and high_scoring_strings > 0:
+ cond_combined = "{0}".format(cond_hs)
+ if opcodes_included:
+ cond_op = " and all of ($op*)"
+ # Opcodes (if needed)
+ if cond_op or needs_brackets:
+ subconditions.append("( {0}{1} )".format(cond_combined, cond_op))
+ else:
+ subconditions.append(cond_combined)
+ # Now add string condition to the conditions
+ if len(subconditions) == 1:
+ conditions.append(subconditions[0])
+ elif len(subconditions) > 1:
+ conditions.append("( %s )" % " or ".join(subconditions))
+ # Create condition string
+ condition_string = " and\n ".join(conditions)
+ rule += " condition:\n"
+ rule += " %s\n" % condition_string
+ rule += "}\n\n"
+ # Add to rules string
+ rules += rule
+ rule_count += 1
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # GENERATE SUPER RULES --------------------------------------------
+ if not nosuper and not args.inverse:
+ rules += "/* Super Rules ------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n"
+ super_rule_names = []
+ print("[+] Generating Super Rules ...")
+ printed_combi = {}
+ for super_rule in super_rules:
+ try:
+ rule = ""
+ # Prepare Name
+ rule_name = ""
+ file_list = []
+ # Loop through files
+ imphashes = Counter()
+ for filePath in super_rule["files"]:
+ (path, file) = os.path.split(filePath)
+ file_list.append(file)
+ # Prepare name
+ fileBase = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
+ # Create a clean new name
+ cleanedName = fileBase
+ # Append it to the full name
+ rule_name += "_" + cleanedName
+ # Check if imphash of all files is equal
+ imphash = file_info[filePath]["imphash"]
+ if imphash != "-" and imphash != "":
+ imphashes.update([imphash])
+ # Imphash usable
+ if len(imphashes) == 1:
+ unique_imphash = imphashes.items()[0][0]
+ if unique_imphash in good_imphashes_db:
+ unique_imphash = ""
+ # Shorten rule name
+ rule_name = rule_name[:124]
+ # Add count if rule name already taken
+ if rule_name not in super_rule_names:
+ rule_name = "%s_%s" % (rule_name, super_rule_count)
+ super_rule_names.append(rule_name)
+ # Create a list of files
+ file_listing = ", ".join(file_list)
+ # File name starts with a number
+ if re.search(r'^[0-9]', rule_name):
+ rule_name = "sig_" + rule_name
+ # clean name from all characters that would cause errors
+ rule_name = re.sub('[^\w]', r'_', rule_name)
+ # Check if already printed
+ if rule_name in printed_rules:
+ printed_combi[rule_name] += 1
+ rule_name = rule_name + "_" + str(printed_combi[rule_name])
+ else:
+ printed_combi[rule_name] = 1
+ # Print rule title
+ rule += "rule %s {\n" % rule_name
+ rule += " meta:\n"
+ rule += " description = \"%s - from files %s\"\n" % (prefix, file_listing)
+ rule += " author = \"%s\"\n" % args.a
+ rule += " reference = \"%s\"\n" % reference
+ rule += " date = \"%s\"\n" % get_timestamp_basic()
+ for i, filePath in enumerate(super_rule["files"]):
+ rule += " hash%s = \"%s\"\n" % (str(i + 1), file_info[filePath]["hash"])
+ rule += " strings:\n"
+ # Adding the strings
+ if file_opcodes.get(filePath) is None:
+ tmp_file_opcodes = {}
+ else:
+ tmp_file_opcodes = file_opcodes.get(filePath)
+ (rule_strings, opcodes_included, string_rule_count, high_scoring_strings) = \
+ get_rule_strings(super_rule["strings"], tmp_file_opcodes)
+ rule += rule_strings
+ # Condition -----------------------------------------------
+ # Conditions list (will later be joined with 'or')
+ conditions = []
+ # 1st condition
+ # Evaluate the general characteristics
+ file_info_super = {}
+ for filePath in super_rule["files"]:
+ file_info_super[filePath] = file_info[filePath]
+ condition_strings, pe_module_necessary_gen = generate_general_condition(file_info_super)
+ if pe_module_necessary_gen:
+ pe_module_necessary = True
+ # 2nd condition
+ # String combinations
+ cond_op = "" # opcodes condition
+ cond_hs = "" # high scoring strings condition
+ cond_ls = "" # low scoring strings condition
+ low_scoring_strings = (string_rule_count - high_scoring_strings)
+ if high_scoring_strings > 0:
+ cond_hs = "1 of ($x*)"
+ if low_scoring_strings > 0:
+ if low_scoring_strings > 10:
+ if high_scoring_strings > 0:
+ cond_ls = "4 of them"
+ else:
+ cond_ls = "8 of them"
+ else:
+ cond_ls = "all of them"
+ # If low scoring and high scoring
+ cond_combined = "all of them"
+ if low_scoring_strings > 0 and high_scoring_strings > 0:
+ cond_combined = "{0} and {1}".format(cond_hs, cond_ls)
+ elif low_scoring_strings > 0 and not high_scoring_strings > 0:
+ cond_combined = "{0}".format(cond_ls)
+ elif not low_scoring_strings > 0 and high_scoring_strings > 0:
+ cond_combined = "{0}".format(cond_hs)
+ if opcodes_included:
+ cond_op = " and all of ($op*)"
+ condition2 = "( {0} ){1}".format(cond_combined, cond_op)
+ conditions.append(" and ".join([condition_strings, condition2]))
+ # 3nd condition
+ # In memory detection base condition (no magic, no filesize)
+ condition_pe = "all of them"
+ conditions.append(condition_pe)
+ # Create condition string
+ condition_string = "\n ) or ( ".join(conditions)
+ rule += " condition:\n"
+ rule += " ( %s )\n" % condition_string
+ rule += "}\n\n"
+ # print rule
+ # Add to rules string
+ rules += rule
+ super_rule_count += 1
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ try:
+ # PE Module -------------------------------------------------------
+ if not args.noextras:
+ if pe_module_necessary:
+ fh.write('import "pe"\n\n')
+ # RULES -----------------------------------------------------------
+ if args.o:
+ fh.write(rules)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # PROCESS INVERSE RULES ---------------------------------------------------
+ # print inverse_stats.keys()
+ if args.inverse:
+ print("[+] Generating inverse rules ...")
+ inverse_rules = ""
+ # Apply intelligent filters -------------------------------------------
+ print("[+] Applying intelligent filters to string findings ...")
+ for fileName in inverse_stats:
+ print("[-] Filtering string set for %s ..." % fileName)
+ # Replace the original string set with the filtered one
+ string_set = inverse_stats[fileName]
+ inverse_stats[fileName] = []
+ inverse_stats[fileName] = filter_string_set(string_set)
+ # Preset if empty
+ if fileName not in file_opcodes:
+ file_opcodes[fileName] = {}
+ # GENERATE INVERSE RULES -------------------------------------------
+ fh.write("/* Inverse Rules ------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n")
+ for fileName in inverse_stats:
+ try:
+ rule = ""
+ # Create a clean new name
+ cleanedName = fileName.replace(".", "_")
+ cleanedName += "_ANOMALY"
+ # File name starts with a number
+ if re.search(r'^[0-9]', cleanedName):
+ cleanedName = "sig_" + cleanedName
+ # clean name from all characters that would cause errors
+ cleanedName = re.sub('[^\w]', r'_', cleanedName)
+ # Check if already printed
+ if cleanedName in printed_rules:
+ printed_rules[cleanedName] += 1
+ cleanedName = cleanedName + "_" + str(printed_rules[cleanedName])
+ else:
+ printed_rules[cleanedName] = 1
+ # Print rule title ----------------------------------------
+ rule += "rule %s {\n" % cleanedName
+ # Meta data -----------------------------------------------
+ rule += " meta:\n"
+ rule += " description = \"%s for anomaly detection - file %s\"\n" % (prefix, fileName)
+ rule += " author = \"%s\"\n" % args.a
+ rule += " reference = \"%s\"\n" % reference
+ rule += " date = \"%s\"\n" % get_timestamp_basic()
+ for i, hash in enumerate(file_info[fileName]["hashes"]):
+ rule += " hash%s = \"%s\"\n" % (str(i + 1), hash)
+ rule += " strings:\n"
+ # Get the strings -----------------------------------------
+ # Rule String generation
+ (rule_strings, opcodes_included, string_rule_count, high_scoring_strings) = \
+ get_rule_strings(inverse_stats[fileName], file_opcodes[fileName])
+ rule += rule_strings
+ # Condition -----------------------------------------------
+ folderNames = ""
+ if not args.nodirname:
+ folderNames += "and ( filepath matches /"
+ folderNames += "$/ or filepath matches /".join(file_info[fileName]["folder_names"])
+ folderNames += "$/ )"
+ condition = "filename == \"%s\" %s and not ( all of them )" % (fileName, folderNames)
+ rule += " condition:\n"
+ rule += " %s\n" % condition
+ rule += "}\n\n"
+ # print rule
+ # Add to rules string
+ inverse_rules += rule
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ try:
+ # Try to write rule to file
+ if args.o:
+ fh.write(inverse_rules)
+ inverse_rule_count += 1
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # Close the rules file --------------------------------------------
+ if args.o:
+ try:
+ fh.close()
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # Print rules to command line -------------------------------------
+ if args.debug:
+ print(rules)
+ return (rule_count, inverse_rule_count, super_rule_count)
+def get_rule_strings(string_elements, opcode_elements):
+ rule_strings = ""
+ high_scoring_strings = 0
+ string_rule_count = 0
+ # Adding the strings --------------------------------------
+ for i, string in enumerate(string_elements):
+ # Collect the data
+ is_fullword = True
+ initial_string = string
+ enc = " ascii"
+ base64comment = ""
+ hexEncComment = ""
+ reversedComment = ""
+ fullword = ""
+ pestudio_comment = ""
+ score_comment = ""
+ goodware_comment = ""
+ if string in good_strings_db:
+ goodware_comment = " /* Goodware String - occured %s times */" % (good_strings_db[string])
+ if string in stringScores:
+ if args.score:
+ score_comment += " /* score: '%.2f'*/" % (stringScores[string])
+ else:
+ print("NO SCORE: %s" % string)
+ if string[:8] == "UTF16LE:":
+ string = string[8:]
+ enc = " wide"
+ if string in base64strings:
+ base64comment = " /* base64 encoded string '%s' */" % base64strings[string]
+ if string in hexEncStrings:
+ hexEncComment = " /* hex encoded string '%s' */" % removeNonAsciiDrop(hexEncStrings[string])
+ if string in pestudioMarker and args.score:
+ pestudio_comment = " /* PEStudio Blacklist: %s */" % pestudioMarker[string]
+ if string in reversedStrings:
+ reversedComment = " /* reversed goodware string '%s' */" % reversedStrings[string]
+ # Extra checks
+ if is_hex_encoded(string, check_length=False):
+ is_fullword = False
+ # Checking string length
+ if len(string) >= args.s:
+ # cut string
+ string = string[:args.s].rstrip("\\")
+ # not fullword anymore
+ is_fullword = False
+ # Show as fullword
+ if is_fullword:
+ fullword = " fullword"
+ # Now compose the rule line
+ if float(stringScores[initial_string]) > score_highly_specific:
+ high_scoring_strings += 1
+ rule_strings += " $x%s = \"%s\"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n" % (
+ str(i + 1), string, fullword, enc, base64comment, reversedComment, pestudio_comment, score_comment,
+ goodware_comment, hexEncComment)
+ else:
+ rule_strings += " $s%s = \"%s\"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n" % (
+ str(i + 1), string, fullword, enc, base64comment, reversedComment, pestudio_comment, score_comment,
+ goodware_comment, hexEncComment)
+ # If too many string definitions found - cut it at the
+ # count defined via command line param -rc
+ if (i + 1) >= int(args.rc):
+ break
+ string_rule_count += 1
+ # If too few strings - add opcodes
+ # Adding the strings --------------------------------------
+ opcodes_included = False
+ if len(opcode_elements) > 0:
+ rule_strings += "\n"
+ for i, opcode in enumerate(opcode_elements):
+ rule_strings += " $op%s = { %s }\n" % (str(i), opcode)
+ opcodes_included = True
+ else:
+ if args.opcodes:
+ print("[-] Not enough unique opcodes found to include them")
+ return rule_strings, opcodes_included, string_rule_count, high_scoring_strings
+def get_strings(string_elements):
+ """
+ Get a dictionary of all string types
+ :param string_elements:
+ :return:
+ """
+ strings = {
+ "ascii": [],
+ "wide": [],
+ "base64 encoded": [],
+ "hex encoded": [],
+ "reversed": []
+ }
+ # Adding the strings --------------------------------------
+ for i, string in enumerate(string_elements):
+ if string[:8] == "UTF16LE:":
+ string = string[8:]
+ strings["wide"].append(string)
+ elif string in base64strings:
+ strings["base64 encoded"].append(string)
+ elif string in hexEncStrings:
+ strings["hex encoded"].append(string)
+ elif string in reversedStrings:
+ strings["reversed"].append(string)
+ else:
+ strings["ascii"].append(string)
+ return strings
+def write_strings(filePath, strings, output_dir, scores):
+ """
+ Writes string information to an output file
+ :param filePath:
+ :param strings:
+ :param output_dir:
+ :param scores:
+ :return:
+ """
+ SECTIONS = ["ascii", "wide", "base64 encoded", "hex encoded", "reversed"]
+ # File
+ filename = os.path.basename(filePath)
+ strings_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s_strings.txt" % filename)
+ print("[+] Writing strings to file %s" % strings_filename)
+ # Strings
+ output_string = []
+ for key in SECTIONS:
+ # Skip empty
+ if len(strings[key]) < 1:
+ continue
+ # Section
+ output_string.append("%s Strings" % key.upper())
+ output_string.append("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+ for string in strings[key]:
+ if scores:
+ score = "unknown"
+ if key == "wide":
+ score = stringScores["UTF16LE:%s" % string]
+ else:
+ score = stringScores[string]
+ output_string.append("%d;%s" % score, string)
+ else:
+ output_string.append(string)
+ # Empty line between sections
+ output_string.append("\n")
+ with open(strings_filename, "w") as fh:
+ fh.write("\n".join(output_string))
+def initialize_pestudio_strings():
+ pestudio_strings = {}
+ tree = etree.parse(get_abs_path(PE_STRINGS_FILE))
+ pestudio_strings["strings"] = tree.findall(".//string")
+ pestudio_strings["av"] = tree.findall(".//av")
+ pestudio_strings["folder"] = tree.findall(".//folder")
+ pestudio_strings["os"] = tree.findall(".//os")
+ pestudio_strings["reg"] = tree.findall(".//reg")
+ pestudio_strings["guid"] = tree.findall(".//guid")
+ pestudio_strings["ssdl"] = tree.findall(".//ssdl")
+ pestudio_strings["ext"] = tree.findall(".//ext")
+ pestudio_strings["agent"] = tree.findall(".//agent")
+ pestudio_strings["oid"] = tree.findall(".//oid")
+ pestudio_strings["priv"] = tree.findall(".//priv")
+ # Obsolete
+ # for elem in string_elems:
+ # strings.append(elem.text)
+ return pestudio_strings
+def initialize_bayes_filter():
+ # BayesTrainer
+ stringTrainer = Trainer(tokenizer)
+ # Read the sample files and train the algorithm
+ print("[-] Training filter with good strings from ./lib/good.txt")
+ with open(get_abs_path("./lib/good.txt"), "r") as fh_goodstrings:
+ for line in fh_goodstrings:
+ # print line.rstrip("\n")
+ stringTrainer.train(line.rstrip("\n"), "string")
+ modified_line = re.sub(r'(\\\\|\/|\-|\.|\_)', ' ', line)
+ stringTrainer.train(modified_line, "string")
+ return stringTrainer
+def get_pestudio_score(string):
+ for type in pestudio_strings:
+ for elem in pestudio_strings[type]:
+ # Full match
+ if elem.text.lower() == string.lower():
+ # Exclude the "extension" black list for now
+ if type != "ext":
+ return 5, type
+ return 0, ""
+def get_opcode_string(opcode):
+ return ' '.join(opcode[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(opcode), 2))
+def get_uint_string(magic):
+ if len(magic) == 2:
+ return "uint16(0) == 0x{1}{0}".format(magic[0].encode('hex'), magic[1].encode('hex'))
+ if len(magic) == 4:
+ return "uint32(0) == 0x{3}{2}{1}{0}".format(magic[0].encode('hex'), magic[1].encode('hex'),
+ magic[2].encode('hex'), magic[3].encode('hex'))
+ return ""
+def get_file_range(size):
+ size_string = ""
+ try:
+ # max sample size - args.fm times the original size
+ max_size_b = size * args.fm
+ # Minimum size
+ if max_size_b < 1024:
+ max_size_b = 1024
+ # in KB
+ max_size = max_size_b / 1024
+ max_size_kb = max_size
+ # Round
+ if len(str(max_size)) == 2:
+ max_size = int(round(max_size, -1))
+ elif len(str(max_size)) == 3:
+ max_size = int(round(max_size, -2))
+ elif len(str(max_size)) == 4:
+ max_size = int(round(max_size, -3))
+ elif len(str(max_size)) == 5:
+ max_size = int(round(max_size, -3))
+ size_string = "filesize < {0}KB".format(max_size)
+ if args.debug:
+ print("File Size Eval: SampleSize (b): {0} SizeWithMultiplier (b/Kb): {1} / {2} RoundedSize: {3}".format(
+ str(size), str(max_size_b), str(max_size_kb), str(max_size)))
+ except Exception as e:
+ if args.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ pass
+ finally:
+ return size_string
+def get_timestamp_basic(date_obj=None):
+ if not date_obj:
+ date_obj = datetime.datetime.now()
+ date_str = date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ return date_str
+def is_ascii_char(b, padding_allowed=False):
+ if padding_allowed:
+ if (ord(b) < 127 and ord(b) > 31) or ord(b) == 0:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if ord(b) < 127 and ord(b) > 31:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def is_ascii_string(string, padding_allowed=False):
+ for b in string:
+ if padding_allowed:
+ if not ((ord(b) < 127 and ord(b) > 31) or ord(b) == 0):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ if not (ord(b) < 127 and ord(b) > 31):
+ return 0
+ return 1
+def is_base_64(s):
+ return (len(s) % 4 == 0) and re.match('^[A-Za-z0-9+/]+[=]{0,2}$', s)
+def is_hex_encoded(s, check_length=True):
+ if re.match('^[A-Fa-f0-9]+$', s):
+ if check_length:
+ if len(s) % 2 == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return True
+ return False
+def extract_hex_strings(s):
+ strings = []
+ hex_strings = re.findall("([a-fA-F0-9]{10,})", s)
+ for string in list(hex_strings):
+ hex_strings += string.split('0000')
+ hex_strings += string.split('0d0a')
+ hex_strings += re.findall(r'((?:0000|002[a-f0-9]|00[3-9a-f][0-9a-f]){6,})', string, re.IGNORECASE)
+ hex_strings = list(set(hex_strings))
+ # ASCII Encoded Strings
+ for string in hex_strings:
+ for x in string.split('00'):
+ if len(x) > 10:
+ strings.append(x)
+ # WIDE Encoded Strings
+ for string in hex_strings:
+ try:
+ if len(string) % 2 != 0 or len(string) < 8:
+ continue
+ dec = string.replace('00', '').decode('hex')
+ #print("Testing: %s" % string)
+ #print("Decoded: %s" % dec)
+ if is_ascii_string(dec, padding_allowed=True):
+ #print("CAN USE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %s" % string)
+ strings.append(string)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ #print len(hex_strings)
+ #sys.exit(0)
+ return strings
+def removeNonAsciiDrop(string):
+ nonascii = "error"
+ try:
+ # Generate a new string without disturbing characters
+ nonascii = "".join(i for i in string if ord(i)<127 and ord(i)>31)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ pass
+ return nonascii
+def save(object, filename, protocol=0):
+ file = gzip.GzipFile(filename, 'wb')
+ file.write(pickle.dumps(object, protocol))
+ file.close()
+def load(filename):
+ file = gzip.GzipFile(filename, 'rb')
+ buffer = ""
+ while 1:
+ data = file.read()
+ if data == "":
+ break
+ buffer += data
+ object = pickle.loads(buffer)
+ del (buffer)
+ file.close()
+ return object
+def update_databases():
+ # Preparations
+ try:
+ dbDir = './dbs/'
+ if not os.path.exists(dbDir):
+ os.makedirs(dbDir)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if args.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print("Error while creating the database directory ./dbs")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Downloading current repository
+ try:
+ for filename, repo_url in REPO_URLS.iteritems():
+ print("Downloading %s from %s ..." % (filename, repo_url))
+ fileDownloader = urllib.URLopener()
+ fileDownloader.retrieve(repo_url, "./dbs/%s" % filename)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if args.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print("Error while downloading the database file - check your Internet connection")
+ print("Alterntive download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2S_IOa0MiOHS0xmekR6VWRhZ28")
+ print("Download the files and place them into the ./dbs/ folder")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def processSampleDir(targetDir):
+ """
+ Processes samples in a given directory and creates a yara rule file
+ :param directory:
+ :return:
+ """
+ # Special strings
+ base64strings = {}
+ hexEncStrings = {}
+ reversedStrings = {}
+ pestudioMarker = {}
+ stringScores = {}
+ # Extract all information
+ (sample_string_stats, sample_opcode_stats, file_info) = \
+ parse_sample_dir(targetDir, args.nr, generateInfo=True, onlyRelevantExtensions=args.oe)
+ # Evaluate Strings
+ (file_strings, file_opcodes, combinations, super_rules, inverse_stats) = \
+ sample_string_evaluation(sample_string_stats, sample_opcode_stats, file_info)
+ # Create Rule Files
+ (rule_count, inverse_rule_count, super_rule_count) = \
+ generate_rules(file_strings, file_opcodes, super_rules, file_info, inverse_stats)
+ if args.inverse:
+ print("[=] Generated %s INVERSE rules." % str(inverse_rule_count))
+ else:
+ print("[=] Generated %s SIMPLE rules." % str(rule_count))
+ if not nosuper:
+ print("[=] Generated %s SUPER rules." % str(super_rule_count))
+ print("[=] All rules written to %s" % args.o)
+def emptyFolder(dir):
+ """
+ Removes all files from a given folder
+ :return:
+ """
+ for file in os.listdir(dir):
+ filePath = os.path.join(dir, file)
+ try:
+ if os.path.isfile(filePath):
+ print("[!] Removing %s ..." % filePath)
+ os.unlink(filePath)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+def getReference(ref):
+ """
+ Get a reference string - if the provided string is the path to a text file, then read the contents and return it as
+ reference
+ :param ref:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if os.path.exists(ref):
+ reference = getFileContent(ref)
+ print("[+] Read reference from file %s > %s" % (ref, reference))
+ return reference
+ else:
+ return ref
+def getIdentifier(id, path):
+ """
+ Get a identifier string - if the provided string is the path to a text file, then read the contents and return it as
+ reference, otherwise use the last element of the full path
+ :param ref:
+ :return:
+ """
+ # Identifier
+ if id == "not set" or not os.path.exists(id):
+ # Identifier is the highest folder name
+ return os.path.basename(path.rstrip('/'))
+ else:
+ # Read identifier from file
+ identifier = getFileContent(id)
+ print("[+] Read identifier from file %s > %s" % (id, identifier))
+ return identifier
+def getPrefix(prefix, identifier):
+ """
+ Get a prefix string for the rule description based on the identifier
+ :param prefix:
+ :param identifier:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if prefix == "Auto-generated rule":
+ return identifier
+ else:
+ return prefix
+def getFileContent(file):
+ """
+ Gets the contents of a file (limited to 1024 characters)
+ :param file:
+ :return:
+ """
+ try:
+ with open(file) as f:
+ return f.read(1024)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return "not found"
+# CTRL+C Handler --------------------------------------------------------------
+def signal_handler(signal_name, frame):
+ print("> yarGen's work has been interrupted")
+ sys.exit(0)
+def print_welcome():
+ print("###############################################################################")
+ print(" ______")
+ print(" __ ______ ______/ ____/__ ____")
+ print(" / / / / __ `/ ___/ / __/ _ \/ __ \\")
+ print(" / /_/ / /_/ / / / /_/ / __/ / / /")
+ print(" \__, /\__,_/_/ \____/\___/_/ /_/")
+ print(" /____/")
+ print(" ")
+ print(" Yara Rule Generator")
+ print(" by Florian Roth")
+ print(" November 2018")
+ print(" Version 0.21.0")
+ print(" ")
+ print("###############################################################################")
+# MAIN ################################################################
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Signal handler for CTRL+C
+ signal_module.signal(signal_module.SIGINT, signal_handler)
+ # Parse Arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='yarGen')
+ group_creation = parser.add_argument_group('Rule Creation')
+ group_creation.add_argument('-m', help='Path to scan for malware')
+ group_creation.add_argument('-y', help='Minimum string length to consider (default=8)', metavar='min-size',
+ default=8)
+ group_creation.add_argument('-z', help='Minimum score to consider (default=5)', metavar='min-score', default=5)
+ group_creation.add_argument('-x', help='Score required to set string as \'highly specific string\' (default: 30)', metavar='high-scoring', default=30)
+ group_creation.add_argument('-s', help='Maximum length to consider (default=128)', metavar='max-size', default=128)
+ group_creation.add_argument('-rc', help='Maximum number of strings per rule (default=20, intelligent filtering '
+ 'will be applied)', metavar='maxstrings', default=20)
+ group_creation.add_argument('--excludegood', help='Force the exclude all goodware strings', action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ group_output = parser.add_argument_group('Rule Output')
+ group_output.add_argument('-o', help='Output rule file', metavar='output_rule_file', default='yargen_rules.yar')
+ group_output.add_argument('-e', help='Output directory for string exports', metavar='output_dir_strings', default='')
+ group_output.add_argument('-a', help='Author Name', metavar='author', default='yarGen Rule Generator')
+ group_output.add_argument('-r', help='Reference (can be string or text file)', metavar='ref',
+ default='https://github.com/Neo23x0/yarGen')
+ group_output.add_argument('-l', help='License', metavar='lic', default='')
+ group_output.add_argument('-p', help='Prefix for the rule description', metavar='prefix',
+ default='Auto-generated rule')
+ group_output.add_argument('-b', help='Text file from which the identifier is read (default: last folder name in '
+ 'the full path, e.g. "myRAT" if -m points to /mnt/mal/myRAT)',
+ metavar='identifier',
+ default='not set')
+ group_output.add_argument('--score', help='Show the string scores as comments in the rules', action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ group_output.add_argument('--strings', help='Show the string scores as comments in the rules', action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ group_output.add_argument('--nosimple', help='Skip simple rule creation for files included in super rules',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ group_output.add_argument('--nomagic', help='Don\'t include the magic header condition statement',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ group_output.add_argument('--nofilesize', help='Don\'t include the filesize condition statement',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ group_output.add_argument('-fm', help='Multiplier for the maximum \'filesize\' condition value (default: 3)',
+ default=3)
+ group_output.add_argument('--globalrule', help='Create global rules (improved rule set speed)',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ group_output.add_argument('--nosuper', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t try to create super rules '
+ 'that match against various files')
+ group_db = parser.add_argument_group('Database Operations')
+ group_db.add_argument('--update', action='store_true', default=False, help='Update the local strings and opcodes '
+ 'dbs from the online repository')
+ group_db.add_argument('-g', help='Path to scan for goodware (dont use the database shipped with yaraGen)')
+ group_db.add_argument('-u', action='store_true', default=False, help='Update local standard goodware database with '
+ 'a new analysis result (used with -g)')
+ group_db.add_argument('-c', action='store_true', default=False, help='Create new local goodware database '
+ '(use with -g and optionally -i "identifier")')
+ group_db.add_argument('-i', default="", help='Specify an identifier for the newly created databases '
+ '(good-strings-identifier.db, good-opcodes-identifier.db)')
+ group_general = parser.add_argument_group('General Options')
+ group_general.add_argument('--dropzone', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='Dropzone mode - monitors a directory [-m] for new samples to process'
+ 'WARNING: Processed files will be deleted!')
+ group_general.add_argument('--nr', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not recursively scan directories')
+ group_general.add_argument('--oe', action='store_true', default=False, help='Only scan executable extensions EXE, '
+ group_general.add_argument('-fs', help='Max file size in MB to analyze (default=10)', metavar='size-in-MB',
+ default=10)
+ group_general.add_argument('--noextras', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='Don\'t use extras like Imphash or PE header specifics')
+ group_general.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Debug output')
+ group_general.add_argument('--trace', action='store_true', default=False, help='Trace output')
+ group_opcode = parser.add_argument_group('Other Features')
+ group_opcode.add_argument('--opcodes', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do use the OpCode feature '
+ '(use this if not enough high '
+ 'scoring strings can be found)')
+ group_opcode.add_argument('-n', help='Number of opcodes to add if not enough high scoring string could be found '
+ '(default=3)', metavar='opcode-num', default=3)
+ group_inverse = parser.add_argument_group('Inverse Mode (unstable)')
+ group_inverse.add_argument('--inverse', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', default=False)
+ group_inverse.add_argument('--nodirname', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', default=False)
+ group_inverse.add_argument('--noscorefilter', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', default=False)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # Print Welcome
+ print_welcome()
+ # Update
+ if args.update:
+ update_databases()
+ print("[+] Updated databases - you can now start creating YARA rules")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # Typical input erros
+ if args.m:
+ if os.path.isfile(args.m):
+ print("[E] Input is a file, please use a directory instead (-m path)")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # Opcodes evaluation or not
+ use_opcodes = False
+ if args.opcodes:
+ use_opcodes = True
+ # Read PEStudio string list
+ pestudio_strings = {}
+ pestudio_available = False
+ # Super Rule Generation
+ nosuper = args.nosuper
+ # Identifier
+ sourcepath = args.m
+ if args.g:
+ sourcepath = args.g
+ identifier = getIdentifier(args.b, sourcepath)
+ print("[+] Using identifier '%s'" % identifier)
+ # Reference
+ reference = getReference(args.r)
+ print("[+] Using reference '%s'" % reference)
+ # Prefix
+ prefix = getPrefix(args.p, identifier)
+ print("[+] Using prefix '%s'" % prefix)
+ if os.path.isfile(get_abs_path(PE_STRINGS_FILE)) and lxml_available:
+ print("[+] Processing PEStudio strings ...")
+ pestudio_strings = initialize_pestudio_strings()
+ pestudio_available = True
+ else:
+ if lxml_available:
+ print("\nTo improve the analysis process please download the awesome PEStudio tool by marc @ochsenmeier " \
+ "from http://winitor.com and place the file 'strings.xml' in the ./3rdparty directory.\n")
+ time.sleep(5)
+ # Highly specific string score
+ score_highly_specific = int(args.x)
+ # Scan goodware files
+ if args.g:
+ print("[+] Processing goodware files ...")
+ good_strings_db, good_opcodes_db, good_imphashes_db, good_exports_db = \
+ parse_good_dir(args.g, args.nr, args.oe)
+ # Update existing databases
+ if args.u:
+ try:
+ print("[+] Updating databases ...")
+ # Evaluate the database identifiers
+ db_identifier = ""
+ if args.i != "":
+ db_identifier = "-%s" % args.i
+ strings_db = "./dbs/good-strings%s.db" % db_identifier
+ opcodes_db = "./dbs/good-opcodes%s.db" % db_identifier
+ imphashes_db = "./dbs/good-imphashes%s.db" % db_identifier
+ exports_db = "./dbs/good-exports%s.db" % db_identifier
+ # Strings -----------------------------------------------------
+ print("[+] Updating %s ..." % strings_db)
+ good_pickle = load(get_abs_path(strings_db))
+ print("Old string database entries: %s" % len(good_pickle))
+ good_pickle.update(good_strings_db)
+ print("New string database entries: %s" % len(good_pickle))
+ save(good_pickle, strings_db)
+ # Opcodes -----------------------------------------------------
+ print("[+] Updating %s ..." % opcodes_db)
+ good_opcode_pickle = load(get_abs_path(opcodes_db))
+ print("Old opcode database entries: %s" % len(good_opcode_pickle))
+ good_opcode_pickle.update(good_opcodes_db)
+ print("New opcode database entries: %s" % len(good_opcode_pickle))
+ save(good_opcode_pickle, opcodes_db)
+ # Imphashes ---------------------------------------------------
+ print("[+] Updating %s ..." % imphashes_db)
+ good_imphashes_pickle = load(get_abs_path(imphashes_db))
+ print("Old opcode database entries: %s" % len(good_imphashes_pickle))
+ good_imphashes_pickle.update(good_imphashes_db)
+ print("New opcode database entries: %s" % len(good_imphashes_pickle))
+ save(good_imphashes_pickle, imphashes_db)
+ # Exports -----------------------------------------------------
+ print("[+] Updating %s ..." % exports_db)
+ good_exports_pickle = load(get_abs_path(exports_db))
+ print("Old opcode database entries: %s" % len(good_exports_pickle))
+ good_exports_pickle.update(good_exports_db)
+ print("New opcode database entries: %s" % len(good_exports_pickle))
+ save(good_exports_pickle, exports_db)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # Create new databases
+ if args.c:
+ print("[+] Creating local database ...")
+ # Evaluate the database identifiers
+ db_identifier = ""
+ if args.i != "":
+ db_identifier = "-%s" % args.i
+ strings_db = "./dbs/good-strings%s.db" % db_identifier
+ opcodes_db = "./dbs/good-opcodes%s.db" % db_identifier
+ imphashes_db = "./dbs/good-imphashes%s.db" % db_identifier
+ exports_db = "./dbs/good-exports%s.db" % db_identifier
+ # Creating the databases
+ print("[+] Using '%s' as filename for newly created strings database" % strings_db)
+ print("[+] Using '%s' as filename for newly created opcodes database" % opcodes_db)
+ print("[+] Using '%s' as filename for newly created opcodes database" % imphashes_db)
+ print("[+] Using '%s' as filename for newly created opcodes database" % exports_db)
+ try:
+ if os.path.isfile(strings_db):
+ raw_input("File %s alread exists. Press enter to proceed or CTRL+C to exit." % strings_db)
+ os.remove(strings_db)
+ if os.path.isfile(opcodes_db):
+ raw_input("File %s alread exists. Press enter to proceed or CTRL+C to exit." % opcodes_db)
+ os.remove(opcodes_db)
+ if os.path.isfile(imphashes_db):
+ raw_input("File %s alread exists. Press enter to proceed or CTRL+C to exit." % imphashes_db)
+ os.remove(imphashes_db)
+ if os.path.isfile(exports_db):
+ raw_input("File %s alread exists. Press enter to proceed or CTRL+C to exit." % exports_db)
+ os.remove(exports_db)
+ # Strings
+ good_pickle = Counter()
+ good_pickle = good_strings_db
+ # Opcodes
+ good_op_pickle = Counter()
+ good_op_pickle = good_opcodes_db
+ # Imphashes
+ good_imphashes_pickle = Counter()
+ good_imphashes_pickle = good_imphashes_db
+ # Exports
+ good_exports_pickle = Counter()
+ good_exports_pickle = good_exports_db
+ # Save
+ save(good_pickle, strings_db)
+ save(good_op_pickle, opcodes_db)
+ save(good_imphashes_pickle, imphashes_db)
+ save(good_exports_pickle, exports_db)
+ print("New database with %d string, %d opcode, %d imphash, %d export entries created. " \
+ "(remember to use --opcodes to extract opcodes from the samples and create the opcode databases)"\
+ % (len(good_strings_db), len(good_opcodes_db), len(good_imphashes_db), len(good_exports_db)))
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # Analyse malware samples and create rules
+ else:
+ if use_opcodes:
+ print("[+] Reading goodware strings from database 'good-strings.db' and 'good-opcodes.db' ...")
+ print(" (This could take some time and uses at least 6 GB of RAM)")
+ else:
+ print("[+] Reading goodware strings from database 'good-strings.db' ...")
+ print(" (This could take some time and uses at least 3 GB of RAM)")
+ good_strings_db = Counter()
+ good_opcodes_db = Counter()
+ good_imphashes_db = Counter()
+ good_exports_db = Counter()
+ opcodes_num = 0
+ strings_num = 0
+ imphash_num = 0
+ exports_num = 0
+ # Initialize all databases
+ for file in os.listdir(get_abs_path("./dbs/")):
+ if not file.endswith(".db"):
+ continue
+ filePath = os.path.join("./dbs/", file)
+ # String databases
+ if file.startswith("good-strings"):
+ try:
+ print("[+] Loading %s ..." % filePath)
+ good_pickle = load(get_abs_path(filePath))
+ good_strings_db.update(good_pickle)
+ print("[+] Total: %s / Added %d entries" % (
+ len(good_strings_db), len(good_strings_db) - strings_num))
+ strings_num = len(good_strings_db)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # Opcode databases
+ if file.startswith("good-opcodes"):
+ try:
+ if use_opcodes:
+ print("[+] Loading %s ..." % filePath)
+ good_op_pickle = load(get_abs_path(filePath))
+ good_opcodes_db.update(good_op_pickle)
+ print("[+] Total: %s (removed duplicates) / Added %d entries" % (
+ len(good_opcodes_db), len(good_opcodes_db) - opcodes_num))
+ opcodes_num = len(good_opcodes_db)
+ except Exception as e:
+ use_opcodes = False
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # Imphash databases
+ if file.startswith("good-imphash"):
+ try:
+ print("[+] Loading %s ..." % filePath)
+ good_imphashes_pickle = load(get_abs_path(filePath))
+ good_imphashes_db.update(good_imphashes_pickle)
+ print("[+] Total: %s / Added %d entries" % (
+ len(good_imphashes_db), len(good_imphashes_db) - imphash_num))
+ imphash_num = len(good_imphashes_db)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # Export databases
+ if file.startswith("good-exports"):
+ try:
+ print("[+] Loading %s ..." % filePath)
+ good_exports_pickle = load(get_abs_path(filePath))
+ good_exports_db.update(good_exports_pickle)
+ print("[+] Total: %s / Added %d entries" % (
+ len(good_exports_db), len(good_exports_db) - exports_num))
+ exports_num = len(good_exports_db)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ if use_opcodes and len(good_opcodes_db) < 1:
+ print("[E] Missing goodware opcode databases."
+ " Please run 'yarGen.py --update' to retrieve the newest database set.")
+ use_opcodes = False
+ if len(good_exports_db) < 1 and len(good_imphashes_db) < 1:
+ print("[E] Missing goodware imphash/export databases. "
+ " Please run 'yarGen.py --update' to retrieve the newest database set.")
+ use_opcodes = False
+ if len(good_strings_db) < 1 and not args.c:
+ print("[E] Error - no goodware databases found. "
+ " Please run 'yarGen.py --update' to retrieve the newest database set.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # If malware directory given
+ if args.m:
+ # Initialize Bayes Trainer (we will use the goodware string database for this)
+ print("[+] Initializing Bayes Filter ...")
+ stringTrainer = initialize_bayes_filter()
+ # Deactivate super rule generation if there's only a single file in the folder
+ if len(os.listdir(args.m)) < 2:
+ nosuper = True
+ # Special strings
+ base64strings = {}
+ reversedStrings = {}
+ hexEncStrings = {}
+ pestudioMarker = {}
+ stringScores = {}
+ # Dropzone mode
+ if args.dropzone:
+ # Monitoring folder for changes
+ print("Monitoring %s for new sample files (processed samples will be removed)" % args.m)
+ while(True):
+ if len(os.listdir(args.m)) > 0:
+ # Deactivate super rule generation if there's only a single file in the folder
+ if len(os.listdir(args.m)) < 2:
+ nosuper = True
+ else:
+ nosuper = False
+ # Read a new identifier
+ identifier = getIdentifier(args.b, args.m)
+ # Read a new reference
+ reference = getReference(args.r)
+ # Generate a new description prefix
+ prefix = getPrefix(args.p, identifier)
+ # Process the samples
+ processSampleDir(args.m)
+ # Delete all samples from the dropzone folder
+ emptyFolder(args.m)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ else:
+ # Scan malware files
+ print("[+] Processing malware files ...")
+ processSampleDir(args.m)
+ print("[+] yarGen run finished")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/yara-brg.py b/yara-brg.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 86fc0a5..0000000
--- a/yara-brg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Yara BRG
-# A bulk rule generator for Yara rules
-# Florian Roth
-# January 2014
-# v0.5
-import os
-import sys
-import betterwalk
-import argparse
-import re
-import traceback
-from hashlib import md5
-from collections import OrderedDict
-def getFiles(dir, recursive):
- # Recursive
- if recursive:
- for root, directories, files in betterwalk.walk (dir, followlinks=False):
- for filename in files:
- filePath = os.path.join(root,filename)
- yield filePath
- # Non recursive
- else:
- for filename in os.listdir(dir):
- filePath = os.path.join(dir,filename)
- yield filePath
-def parseDir(dir, recursive=False, generateInfo=False):
- # Prepare dictionary
- string_stats = {}
- file_info = {}
- known_md5s = []
- for filePath in getFiles(dir, recursive):
- # Get Extension
- extension = os.path.splitext(filePath)[1];
- if not extension in [ ".exe", ".dll", ".cmd", ".asp", ".php", ".jsp" ]:
- continue
- # Size Check
- size = 0
- try:
- size = os.stat(filePath).st_size
- if size > 3000000:
- continue
- except Exception, e:
- pass
- # Extract strings from file
- ( strings, md5sum ) = extractStrings(filePath, generateInfo)
- # Skip if MD5 already known - avoid duplicate files
- if md5sum in known_md5s:
- #if args.debug:
- print "Skipping strings from %s due to MD5 duplicate detection" % filePath
- continue
- # Add md5 value
- if generateInfo:
- known_md5s.append(md5sum)
- file_info[filePath] = {}
- file_info[filePath]["md5"] = md5sum
- # Add strings to statistics
- invalid_count = 0
- for string in strings:
- if string in string_stats:
- string_stats[string]["count"] += 1
- string_stats[string]["files"].append(filePath)
- else:
- string_stats[string] = {}
- string_stats[string]["count"] = 0
- string_stats[string]["files"] = []
- string_stats[string]["files"].append(filePath)
- if args.debug:
- print "Processed " + filePath + " Size: "+ str(size) +" Strings: "+ str(len(string_stats)) + " ... "
- return string_stats, file_info
-def extractStrings(filePath, generateInfo):
- # String list
- strings = []
- # Read file data
- try:
- f = open(filePath, 'rb')
- filedata = f.read()
- f.close()
- # Generate md5
- md5sum = ""
- if generateInfo:
- md5sum = md5(filedata).hexdigest()
- # Read strings to list
- string = ""
- for byte in filedata:
- if isAscii(byte):
- string += byte
- else:
- if len(string) >= args.l:
- # Escape string and than add it to the list
- string = string.replace('\\','\\\\')
- string = string.replace('"','\\"')
- if not string in strings:
- strings.append(string)
- if args.debug:
- #print string
- pass
- string = ""
- # Check if last bytes have been string and not yet saved to list
- if len(string) > 0:
- string = string.replace('\\','\\\\')
- string = string.replace('"','\\"')
- if not string in strings:
- strings.append(string)
- except Exception,e:
- if args.debug:
- traceback.print_exc()
- pass
- return strings, md5sum
-def filterStringSet(string_set):
- string_count = len(string_set)
- # filter = [ "words", "length" ] # first filter
- filter = "words"
- # This is the only set we have - even if it's a weak one
- last_useful_set = string_set
- # As long as too many strings are in the result set
- while string_count > int(args.rc):
- if args.debug:
- print "Filtering: " + filePath
- # Length filter
- if filter == "length":
- # Get the shortest string length
- shortest_string_length = len(min(string_set, key=len))
- if args.debug:
- print "BEFORE LENGTH FILTER: Size %s" % len(string_set)
- string_set = [ s for s in string_set if len(s) != shortest_string_length ]
- if args.debug:
- print "AFTER LENGTH FILTER: Size %s" % len(string_set)
- # Words filter
- if filter == "words":
- new_string_set = []
- for string in string_set:
- if re.search(r'[qwrtzpsdfghjklxcvbnm][euioa][qwrtzpsdfghjklxcvbnm]', string, re.IGNORECASE):
- new_string_set.append(string)
- # If new string count is too low - try the other filter
- if not len(new_string_set) < int(args.rc):
- # Replace string set
- string_set = new_string_set
- # Now set filter to length
- filter = "length"
- # Count the new size
- string_count = len(string_set)
- # Save the last useful set
- if string_count > 3:
- last_useful_set = string_set
- if args.debug:
- print "Setting last useful set with a length of %s" % str(string_count)
- # If filtering has gone too far
- if string_count < int(args.rc):
- string_set = last_useful_set
- # return the filtered set
- return last_useful_set
-def isAscii(b):
- if ord(b)<127 and ord(b)>31 :
- return 1
- return 0
-def printWelcome():
- print "###############################################################################"
- print " __ __ ___ ___ _____"
- print " \ \/ /__ ________ _ / _ )/ _ \/ ___/"
- print " \ / _ `/ __/ _ `/ / _ / , _/ (_ / "
- print " /_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/ /____/_/|_|\___/ "
- print " "
- print " by Florian Roth"
- print " January 2014"
- print " Version 0.5"
- print " "
- print "###############################################################################"
-# MAIN ################################################################
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Parse Arguments
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Yara BRG')
- parser.add_argument('-m', required=True, help='Path to scan for malware')
- parser.add_argument('-g', required=True, help='Path to scan for goodware')
- parser.add_argument('-o', help='Output rule file', metavar='output_rule_file', default='yara_brg_rules.yar')
- parser.add_argument('-p', help='Prefix for the rule description', metavar='prefix', default='Auto-generated rule')
- parser.add_argument('-a', help='Athor Name', metavar='author', default='Yara Bulk Rule Generator')
- parser.add_argument('-l', help='Minimal string length to consider (default=6)', metavar='size', default=6)
- parser.add_argument('-rm', action='store_true', default=False, help='Recursive scan of malware directories')
- parser.add_argument('-rg', action='store_true', default=False, help='Recursive scan of goodware directories')
- parser.add_argument('-fs', help='Max file size to analyze (default=2000000)', metavar='dir', default=2000000)
- parser.add_argument('-rc', help='Maximum number of strings per rule (default=10, intelligent filtering will be applied)', metavar='maxstrings', default=10)
- parser.add_argument('--nosuper', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t try to create super rules that match against various files')
- parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Debug output')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # Print Welcome
- printWelcome()
- # Scan goodware files
- print "Processing goodware files ..."
- good_string_stats, file_info_good = parseDir(args.g, args.rg, False)
- # Scan malware files
- print "Processing malware files ..."
- mal_string_stats, file_info_mal = parseDir(args.m, args.rm, True)
- # Generate Stats --------------------------------------------------
- print "Generating statistical data ..."
- file_strings = {}
- combinations = {}
- max_combi_count = 0
- # Iterate through strings found in malware files
- for string in mal_string_stats:
- # Skip if string is a good string
- if string in good_string_stats:
- continue
- # If string occurs not too often in malware files
- if mal_string_stats[string]["count"] < 10:
- if args.debug:
- # print "String: " +string +" Found in: "+ ", ".join(mal_string_stats[string]["files"])
- pass
- # If string list in file dictionary not yet exists
- for file in mal_string_stats[string]["files"]:
- if file in file_strings:
- # Append string
- file_strings[file].append(string)
- else:
- # Create list and than add the first string to the file
- file_strings[file] = []
- file_strings[file].append(string)
- # SUPER RULES GENERATOR - preliminary work
- # If a string occurs more than once in different files
- if mal_string_stats[string]["count"] > 1:
- if args.debug:
- print "OVERLAP Count: %s\nString: \"%s\"%s" % ( mal_string_stats[string]["count"], string, "\nFILE: ".join(mal_string_stats[string]["files"]) )
- # Create a cobination string from the file set that matches to that string
- combi = ":".join(sorted(mal_string_stats[string]["files"]))
- # print "STRING: " + string
- # print "COMBI: " + combi
- # If combination not yet known
- if not combi in combinations:
- combinations[combi] = {}
- combinations[combi]["count"] = 1
- combinations[combi]["strings"] = []
- combinations[combi]["strings"].append(string)
- combinations[combi]["files"] = mal_string_stats[string]["files"]
- else:
- combinations[combi]["count"] += 1
- combinations[combi]["strings"].append(string)
- # Set the maximum combination count
- if combinations[combi]["count"] > max_combi_count:
- max_combi_count = combinations[combi]["count"]
- # print "Max Combi Count set to: %s" % max_combi_count
- # SUPER RULE GENERATION -------------------------------------------
- super_rules = []
- if not args.nosuper:
- print "Generating Super Rules ... (a lot of foo magic)"
- for combi_count in range(max_combi_count, 1, -1):
- for combi in combinations:
- if combi_count == combinations[combi]["count"]:
- #print "Count %s - Combi %s" % ( str(combinations[combi]["count"]), combi )
- # Filter the string set
- #print "BEFORE"
- #print len(combinations[combi]["strings"])
- string_set = combinations[combi]["strings"]
- combinations[combi]["strings"] = []
- combinations[combi]["strings"] = filterStringSet(string_set)
- #print "AFTER"
- #print len(combinations[combi]["strings"])
- # Combi String count after filtering
- #print "String count after filtering: %s" % str(len(combinations[combi]["strings"]))
- # If the string set of the combination has a required size
- if len(combinations[combi]["strings"]) >= int(args.rc):
- # Remove the files in the combi rule from the simple set
- for file in combinations[combi]["files"]:
- if file in file_strings:
- del file_strings[file]
- # Add it as a super rule
- print "Adding Super Rule with %s strings." % str(len(combinations[combi]["strings"]))
- super_rules.append(combinations[combi])
- # Apply intelligent filters ---------------------------------------
- print "Applying intelligent filters to string findings ..."
- for filePath in file_strings:
- # Replace the original string set with the filtered one
- string_set = file_strings[filePath]
- file_strings[filePath] = []
- file_strings[filePath] = filterStringSet(string_set)
- # Write to file ---------------------------------------------------
- if args.o:
- try:
- fh = open(args.o, 'w')
- except Exception, e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- # GENERATE SIMPLE RULES -------------------------------------------
- print "Generating simple rules ..."
- rules = ""
- printed_rules = {}
- rule_count = 0
- for filePath in file_strings:
- try:
- rule = ""
- (path, file) = os.path.split(filePath)
- # Prepare name
- fileBase = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
- # Create a clean new name
- cleanedName = fileBase
- # Adapt length of rule name
- if len(fileBase) < 8: # if name is too short add part from path
- cleanedName = path.split('\\')[-1:][0] + "_" + cleanedName
- # File name starts with a number
- if re.search(r'^[0-9]', cleanedName):
- cleanedName = "sig_" + cleanedName
- # clean name from all characters that would cause errors
- cleanedName = re.sub('[^\w]', r'_', cleanedName)
- # Check if already printed
- if cleanedName in printed_rules:
- printed_rules[cleanedName] += 1
- cleanedName = cleanedName + "_" + str(printed_rules[cleanedName])
- else:
- printed_rules[cleanedName] = 1
- # Print rule title
- rule += "rule %s {\n" % cleanedName
- rule += "\tmeta:\n"
- rule += "\t\tdescription = \"%s - file %s\"\n" % ( args.p, file )
- rule += "\t\tauthor = \"%s\"\n" %args.a
- rule += "\t\thash = \"%s\"\n" % file_info_mal[filePath]["md5"]
- rule += "\tstrings:\n"
- # Adding the strings
- for i, string in enumerate(file_strings[filePath]):
- # Checking string length
- fullword = True
- if len(string) > 80:
- # cut string
- string = string[:80].rstrip("\\")
- # not fullword anymore
- fullword = False
- # Add rule
- if fullword:
- rule += "\t\t$s%s = \"%s\" fullword\n" % ( str(i), string )
- else:
- rule += "\t\t$s%s = \"%s\"\n" % ( str(i), string )
- # If too many string definitions found - cut it at the
- # count defined via command line param -rc
- if i > int(args.rc):
- break
- rule += "\tcondition:\n"
- rule += "\t\tall of them\n"
- rule += "}\n"
- # print rule
- # Add to rules string
- rules += rule
- # Try to write rule to file
- if args.o:
- fh.write(rule)
- rule_count += 1
- except Exception, e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- # GENERATE SUPER RULES --------------------------------------------
- if not args.nosuper:
- print "Generating super rules ..."
- printed_combi = {}
- super_rule_count = 0
- for super_rule in super_rules:
- try:
- rule = ""
- # Prepare Name
- rule_name = ""
- file_list = []
- # Loop through files
- for filePath in super_rule["files"]:
- (path, file) = os.path.split(filePath)
- file_list.append(file)
- # Prepare name
- fileBase = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
- # Create a clean new name
- cleanedName = fileBase
- # Append it to the full name
- rule_name += "_" + cleanedName
- # Create a list of files
- file_listing = ", ".join(file_list)
- # File name starts with a number
- if re.search(r'^[0-9]', rule_name):
- rule_name = "sig_" + rule_name
- # clean name from all characters that would cause errors
- rule_name = re.sub('[^\w]', r'_', rule_name)
- # Check if already printed
- if rule_name in printed_rules:
- printed_combi[rule_name] += 1
- rule_name = rule_name + "_" + str(printed_combi[rule_name])
- else:
- printed_combi[rule_name] = 1
- # Print rule title
- rule += "rule %s {\n" % rule_name
- rule += "\tmeta:\n"
- rule += "\t\tdescription = \"%s - from files %s\"\n" % ( args.p, file_listing )
- rule += "\t\tauthor = \"%s\"\n" %args.a
- rule += "\t\tsuper_rule = 1\n"
- for i, filePath in enumerate(super_rule["files"]):
- rule += "\t\thash%s = \"%s\"\n" % (str(i), file_info_mal[filePath]["md5"])
- rule += "\tstrings:\n"
- # Adding the strings
- for i, string in enumerate(super_rule["strings"]):
- # Checking string length
- fullword = True
- if len(string) > 80:
- # cut string
- string = string[:80].rstrip("\\")
- # not fullword anymore
- fullword = False
- # Add rule
- if fullword:
- rule += "\t\t$s%s = \"%s\" fullword\n" % ( str(i), string )
- else:
- rule += "\t\t$s%s = \"%s\"\n" % ( str(i), string )
- # If too many string definitions found - cut it at the
- # count defined via command line param -rc
- if i > int(args.rc):
- break
- rule += "\tcondition:\n"
- rule += "\t\tall of them\n"
- rule += "}\n"
- # print rule
- # Add to rules string
- rules += rule
- # Try to write rule to file
- if args.o:
- fh.write(rule)
- super_rule_count += 1
- except Exception, e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- # Close the rules file --------------------------------------------
- if args.o:
- try:
- fh.close()
- except Exception, e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- # Print rules to command line -------------------------------------
- if args.debug:
- print rules
- print "Generated %s SIMPLE rules." % str(rule_count)
- if not args.nosuper:
- print "Generated %s SUPER rules." % str(super_rule_count)
- print "All rules written to %s" % args.o
\ No newline at end of file