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Experience unlimited phone shopping at BOUTIQUE APPLE. With a variety of designs, quality, and value, we offer you a convenient and reliable online shopping space. Explore the world of smart technology today!

Project Description

  • Layout Creation: Includes NavBar and Footer
  • Categories: List of product categories
  • Products: List of products
  • Product Details: Display detailed product information in a popup
  • Product List View: Create an interface for listing products
  • Product Detail View: Create an interface to view product details
  • Account Management: Handle account login/registration
  • Cart Management: Add products to the cart
  • Cart View: Create an interface to view the cart
  • Checkout: Create a checkout interface
  • Live Chat: Create a live chat screen


  1. Create a New ReactJS Project: Initialize a new project with:

    npx create-react-app rjs-asm03
  2. Set Up Router: Install react-router-dom and configure routes:

    • HomePage: /
    • ShopPage: /shop
    • DetailPage: /detail/<productId>
    • CartPage: /cart
    • CheckoutPage: /checkout
    • LoginPage: /login
    • RegisterPage: /register
  3. Create Layout:

    • NavBar: Includes links to HomePage, ShopPage, LoginPage, and CartPage.
    • Footer: Three columns with dummy links (using Bootstrap 5).
  4. Home Page:

    • Banner: Features a "Browse collections" button.
    • Categories: Hover effect and redirection to ShopPage.
    • Products: Display up to 8 products, format price, and use img1 for images.
    • Additional Info: Use Bootstrap for layout.
  5. Product Popup:

    • Create Popup component with Redux actions SHOW_POPUP and HIDE_POPUP.
  6. Shop Page:

    • Display products based on categories with a ProductList component.
    • Enable product search and redirection to Detail Page.
  7. Detail Page:

    • Show detailed product information and related products.
  8. Account Management:

    • Sign Up: Validate and store user data in localStorage.
    • Sign In: Validate login credentials and manage session with Redux.
    • Logout: Clear user session and update localStorage.
  9. Cart Management:

    • Manage cart items with Redux actions ADD_CART, UPDATE_CART, DELETE_CART.
    • Persist cart data in localStorage.
  10. Cart Page:

    • Display cart items, total price, and provide options to continue shopping or proceed to checkout.
  11. Checkout Page:

    • Form for entering shipping and payment information; display order summary.
  12. Live Chat (Optional):

    • Floating chat interface with toggle functionality.

Tech Stack

  • ReactJS
  • React-Redux
  • React-Router-Dom
  • Bootstrap
  • Prettier, ESLint, and Husky

Setup Prettier, ESLint, and Husky for code quality

  • Installed and configured Prettier for code formatting
  • Installed and configured ESLint for code linting
  • Set up Husky with pre-commit hooks to enforce linting and formatting
  • Added lint-staged to run Prettier and ESLint on staged files before commits


👉 Home Page: Dynamic home page showcasing featured products.

👉 Detail Page: Display detailed information about products.

👉 Cart Page: Update the user's shopping cart when adding products, displaying essential information about prices and quantities in the cart.

👉 SignUp/SignIn Page: Seamless and secure registration and login functionalities.

👉 Responsive: Fully responsive design across devices; fluid design adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, ensuring accessibility.

Quick Start

Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.


Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Git
  • Node.js
  • npm (Node Package Manager)


Install the project dependencies using npm:

npm install

Running the Project

npm run start