export {}; // Make this a module

declare global {
  // This allows TypeScript to pick up the magic constants that's auto-generated by Forge's Vite
  // plugin that tells the Electron app where to look for the Vite-bundled app code (depending on
  // whether you're running in development or production).
  const MAIN_WINDOW_VITE_NAME: string;

  namespace NodeJS {
    interface Process {
      // Used for hot reload after preload scripts.
      viteDevServers: Record<string, import('vite').ViteDevServer>;

  type VitePluginConfig = ConstructorParameters<typeof import('@electron-forge/plugin-vite').VitePlugin>[0];

  interface VitePluginRuntimeKeys {
    VITE_NAME: `${string}_VITE_NAME`;

declare module 'vite' {
  interface ConfigEnv<K extends keyof VitePluginConfig = keyof VitePluginConfig> {
    root: string;
    forgeConfig: VitePluginConfig;
    forgeConfigSelf: VitePluginConfig[K][number];