diff --git a/odm2api/ODM2/models.py b/odm2api/ODM2/models.py
index 5f8c4ac..0e6445e 100644
--- a/odm2api/ODM2/models.py
+++ b/odm2api/ODM2/models.py
@@ -1,1929 +1,9 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-from odm2api.base import modelBase
+import warnings
-from sqlalchemy import BigInteger, Boolean, Column, Date, DateTime, Float, ForeignKey, Integer, String, case
-from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql, postgresql, sqlite
-from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
+from odm2api.models import * # noqa
-Base = modelBase.Base
-BigIntegerType = BigInteger()
-BigIntegerType = BigIntegerType.with_variant(sqlite.INTEGER(), 'sqlite')
-BigIntegerType = BigIntegerType.with_variant(postgresql.BIGINT(), 'postgresql')
-BigIntegerType = BigIntegerType.with_variant(mysql.BIGINT(), 'mysql')
-DateTimeType = DateTime()
-DateTimeType = DateTimeType.with_variant(sqlite.INTEGER(), 'sqlite')
-def is_hex(s):
- try:
- int(s, base=16)
- return True
- except ValueError:
- return False
-# CV
-class CV(object):
- __table_args__ = {u'schema': 'odm2'}
- Term = Column('term', String(255), nullable=False)
- Name = Column('name', String(255), primary_key=True)
- Definition = Column('definition', String(1000))
- Category = Column('category', String(255))
- SourceVocabularyURI = Column('sourcevocabularyuri', String(255))
-class CVActionType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_actiontype'
-class CVAggregationStatistic(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_aggregationstatistic'
-class CVAnnotationType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_annotationtype'
-class CVCensorCode(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_censorcode'
-class CVDataQualityType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_dataqualitytype'
-class CVDataSetType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_datasettypecv'
-class CVDeploymentType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_deploymenttype'
-class CVDirectiveType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_directivetype'
-class CVElevationDatum(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_elevationdatum'
-class CVEquipmentType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_equipmenttype'
-class CVMediumType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_medium'
-class CVMethodType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_methodtype'
-class CVOrganizationType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_organizationtype'
-class CVPropertyDataType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_propertydatatype'
-class CVQualityCode(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_qualitycode'
-class CVResultType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_resulttype'
-class CVRelationshipType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_relationshiptype'
-class CVSamplingFeatureGeoType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_samplingfeaturegeotype'
-class CVSamplingFeatureType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_samplingfeaturetype'
-class CVSpatialOffsetType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_spatialoffsettype'
-class CVSpeciation(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_speciation'
-class CVSpecimenType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_specimentype'
-class CVSiteType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_sitetype'
-class CVStatus(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_status'
-class CVTaxonomicClassifierType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_taxonomicclassifiertype'
-class CVUnitsType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_unitstype'
-class CVVariableName(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_variablename'
-class CVVariableType(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_variabletype'
-class CVReferenceMaterialMedium(Base, CV):
- __tablename__ = 'cv_referencematerialmedium'
-# ################################################################################
-# Core
-# ################################################################################
-class People(Base):
- """
- Individuals that perform actions.
- """
- PersonID = Column('personid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- PersonFirstName = Column('personfirstname', String(255), nullable=False)
- PersonMiddleName = Column('personmiddlename', String(255))
- PersonLastName = Column('personlastname', String(255), nullable=False)
-class Organizations(Base):
- """
- A group of people.
- """
- OrganizationID = Column('organizationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- OrganizationTypeCV = Column('organizationtypecv', ForeignKey(CVOrganizationType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- OrganizationCode = Column('organizationcode', String(50), nullable=False)
- OrganizationName = Column('organizationname', String(255), nullable=False)
- OrganizationDescription = Column('organizationdescription', String(500))
- OrganizationLink = Column('organizationlink', String(255))
- ParentOrganizationID = Column('parentorganizationid', ForeignKey('odm2.organizations.organizationid'))
- OrganizationObj = relationship(u'Organizations', remote_side=[OrganizationID])
-class Affiliations(Base):
- AffiliationID = Column('affiliationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- PersonID = Column('personid', ForeignKey(People.PersonID), nullable=False)
- OrganizationID = Column('organizationid', ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID))
- IsPrimaryOrganizationContact = Column('isprimaryorganizationcontact', Boolean)
- AffiliationStartDate = Column('affiliationstartdate', Date, nullable=False)
- AffiliationEndDate = Column('affiliationenddate', Date)
- PrimaryPhone = Column('primaryphone', String(50))
- PrimaryEmail = Column('primaryemail', String(255), nullable=False)
- PrimaryAddress = Column('primaryaddress', String(255))
- PersonLink = Column('personlink', String(255))
- OrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
- PersonObj = relationship(People)
-class Methods(Base):
- """
- The procedure used to perform an action.
- """
- MethodID = Column('methodid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- MethodTypeCV = Column('methodtypecv', ForeignKey(CVMethodType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- MethodCode = Column('methodcode', String(50), nullable=False)
- MethodName = Column('methodname', String(255), nullable=False)
- MethodDescription = Column('methoddescription', String(500))
- MethodLink = Column('methodlink', String(255))
- OrganizationID = Column('organizationid', Integer, ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID))
- OrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
-class Actions(Base):
- """
- Actions are performed by people and may have a result.
- """
- ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ActionTypeCV = Column('actiontypecv', ForeignKey(CVActionType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- MethodID = Column('methodid', ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
- BeginDateTime = Column('begindatetime', DateTime, nullable=False)
- BeginDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('begindatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- EndDateTime = Column('enddatetime', DateTime)
- EndDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('enddatetimeutcoffset', Integer)
- ActionDescription = Column('actiondescription', String(500))
- ActionFileLink = Column('actionfilelink', String(255))
- MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
-class ActionBy(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- AffiliationID = Column('affiliationid', ForeignKey(Affiliations.AffiliationID), nullable=False)
- IsActionLead = Column('isactionlead', Boolean, nullable=False)
- RoleDescription = Column('roledescription', String(500))
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
- AffiliationObj = relationship(Affiliations)
-class SamplingFeatures(Base):
- """
- Where or on what an action was performed.
- """
- SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- """int: Primary key identifier."""
- SamplingFeatureUUID = Column('samplingfeatureuuid', String(36), nullable=False)
- """str: A universally unique identifier for the sampling feature."""
- SamplingFeatureTypeCV = Column('samplingfeaturetypecv', ForeignKey(CVSamplingFeatureType.Name),
- nullable=False, index=True)
- """str: CV term describing the type of sampling feature."""
- SamplingFeatureCode = Column('samplingfeaturecode', String(50), nullable=False)
- """str: A short but meaningful text identifier for the sampling feature."""
- SamplingFeatureName = Column('samplingfeaturename', String(255))
- """str: Sampling Feature name (free text)."""
- SamplingFeatureDescription = Column('samplingfeaturedescription', String(500))
- """str: Text describing the sampling feature."""
- SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV = Column('samplingfeaturegeotypecv', ForeignKey(CVSamplingFeatureGeoType.Name),
- index=True)
- """str: Dimensionality of SamplingFeature; point2d, line2d, etc."""
- Elevation_m = Column('elevation_m', Float(53))
- """float: The elevation of the sampling feature in meters, or in the case of Specimen,
- the elevation from where the SamplingFeature.Specimen was collected""" # noqa
- ElevationDatumCV = Column('elevationdatumcv', ForeignKey(CVElevationDatum.Name), index=True)
- """str: The code for the vertical geodetic datum that specifies the zero point for
- the Sampling Feature Elevation""" # noqa
- # FeatureGeometry = Column('featuregeometry', String(50))
- """object: The location geometry of the sampling feature on the Earth expressed using a
- geometry data type. Can be a Point, Curve (profile, trajectory, etc),
- Surface (flat polygons, etc) or Solid/Volume (although often limited to
- 2D geometries). """ # noqa
- FeatureGeometryWKT = Column('featuregeometrywkt', String(50))
- """str: The location geometry of the sampling feature on the Earth expressed as
- well known text (WKT). Can be a Point, Curve (profile, trajectory, etc.),
- Surface (flat polygons, etc.), or Solid/Volume (although often limited to
- 2D geometries).""" # noqa
- __mapper_args__ = {
- 'polymorphic_on': case(
- [
- (SamplingFeatureTypeCV == 'Specimen', 'Specimen'),
- (SamplingFeatureTypeCV == 'Site', 'Site'),
- ],
- else_='samplingfeatures'),
- 'polymorphic_identity': 'samplingfeatures',
- }
-class FeatureActions(Base):
- """
- Provides flexible linkage between Actions and the SamplingFeatures
- on which or at which they were performed.
- """
- FeatureActionID = Column('featureactionid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
- nullable=False)
- ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
- SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(SamplingFeatures)
-class DataSets(Base):
- """
- Enables grouping of results into a larger dataset.
- """
- DataSetID = Column('datasetid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- # This has been changed to String to support multiple database uuid types
- DataSetUUID = Column('datasetuuid', String(255), nullable=False)
- DataSetTypeCV = Column('datasettypecv', ForeignKey(CVDataSetType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- DataSetCode = Column('datasetcode', String(50), nullable=False)
- DataSetTitle = Column('datasettitle', String(255), nullable=False)
- DataSetAbstract = Column('datasetabstract', String(500), nullable=False)
-class ProcessingLevels(Base):
- """
- Levels to which data have been quality controlled.
- """
- ProcessingLevelID = Column('processinglevelid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ProcessingLevelCode = Column('processinglevelcode', String(50), nullable=False)
- Definition = Column('definition', String(500))
- Explanation = Column('explanation', String(500))
-class RelatedActions(Base):
- """
- Enables specifying relationships among Actions (e.g., workflows, etc.)
- """
- RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- RelatedActionID = Column('relatedactionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions, primaryjoin='RelatedActions.ActionID == Actions.ActionID')
- RelatedActionObj = relationship(Actions, primaryjoin='RelatedActions.RelatedActionID == Actions.ActionID')
-class TaxonomicClassifiers(Base):
- """
- Terms for classifying results.
- """
- TaxonomicClassifierID = Column('taxonomicclassifierid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- TaxonomicClassifierTypeCV = Column(
- 'taxonomicclassifiertypecv',
- ForeignKey(CVTaxonomicClassifierType.Name),
- nullable=False,
- index=True
- )
- TaxonomicClassifierName = Column('taxonomicclassifiername', String(255),
- nullable=False)
- TaxonomicClassifierCommonName = Column('taxonomicclassifiercommonname', String(255))
- TaxonomicClassifierDescription = Column('taxonomicclassifierdescription', String(500))
- ParentTaxonomicClassifierID = Column('parenttaxonomicclassifierid',
- ForeignKey('odm2.taxonomicclassifiers.taxonomicclassifierid'))
- parent = relationship(u'TaxonomicClassifiers', remote_side=[TaxonomicClassifierID])
-class Units(Base):
- """
- Units of measure.
- """
- UnitsID = Column('unitsid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- UnitsTypeCV = Column('unitstypecv', ForeignKey(CVUnitsType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- UnitsAbbreviation = Column('unitsabbreviation', String(255), nullable=False)
- UnitsName = Column('unitsname', String, nullable=False)
- UnitsLink = Column('unitslink', String(255))
-class Variables(Base):
- """
- What was observed.
- """
- VariableID = Column('variableid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- VariableTypeCV = Column('variabletypecv', ForeignKey(CVVariableType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- VariableCode = Column('variablecode', String(50), nullable=False)
- VariableNameCV = Column('variablenamecv', ForeignKey(CVVariableName.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- VariableDefinition = Column('variabledefinition', String(500))
- SpeciationCV = Column('speciationcv', ForeignKey(CVSpeciation.Name), index=True)
- NoDataValue = Column('nodatavalue', Float(asdecimal=True), nullable=False)
-class Results(Base):
- """
- The result of an action.
- """
- ResultID = Column('resultid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
- # This has been changed to String to support multiple database uuid types
- # ResultUUID = Column(UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, nullable=False)
- ResultUUID = Column('resultuuid', String(36), nullable=False)
- FeatureActionID = Column('featureactionid', ForeignKey(FeatureActions.FeatureActionID), nullable=False)
- ResultTypeCV = Column('resulttypecv', ForeignKey(CVResultType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- VariableID = Column('variableid', ForeignKey(Variables.VariableID), nullable=False)
- UnitsID = Column('unitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- TaxonomicClassifierID = Column('taxonomicclassifierid',
- ForeignKey(TaxonomicClassifiers.TaxonomicClassifierID))
- ProcessingLevelID = Column('processinglevelid', ForeignKey(ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelID),
- nullable=False)
- ResultDateTime = Column('resultdatetime', DateTime)
- ResultDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('resultdatetimeutcoffset', BigIntegerType)
- ValidDateTime = Column('validdatetime', DateTime)
- ValidDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('validdatetimeutcoffset', BigIntegerType)
- StatusCV = Column('statuscv', ForeignKey(CVStatus.Name), index=True)
- SampledMediumCV = Column('sampledmediumcv', ForeignKey(CVMediumType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- ValueCount = Column('valuecount', Integer, nullable=False)
- FeatureActionObj = relationship(FeatureActions)
- ProcessingLevelObj = relationship(ProcessingLevels)
- TaxonomicClassifierObj = relationship(TaxonomicClassifiers)
- UnitsObj = relationship(Units)
- VariableObj = relationship(Variables)
- __mapper_args__ = {
- 'polymorphic_on': case([
- (ResultTypeCV == 'Point coverage', 'Point coverage'),
- (ResultTypeCV == 'Profile Coverage', 'Profile Coverage'),
- (ResultTypeCV == 'Category coverage', 'Category coverage'),
- (ResultTypeCV == 'Transect Coverage', 'Transect Coverage'),
- (ResultTypeCV == 'Spectra coverage', 'Spectra coverage'),
- (ResultTypeCV == 'Time series coverage', 'Time series coverage'),
- (ResultTypeCV == 'Section coverage', 'Section coverage'),
- (ResultTypeCV == 'Profile Coverage', 'Profile Coverage'),
- (ResultTypeCV == 'Trajectory coverage', 'Trajectory coverage'),
- (ResultTypeCV == 'Measurement', 'Measurement'),
- ], else_='results'),
- 'polymorphic_identity': 'results',
- }
-# ################################################################################
-# Equipment
-# ################################################################################
-class DataLoggerProgramFiles(Base):
- ProgramID = Column('programid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- AffiliationID = Column('affiliationid', Integer, ForeignKey(Affiliations.AffiliationID), nullable=False)
- ProgramName = Column('programname', String(255), nullable=False)
- ProgramDescription = Column('programdescription', String(500))
- ProgramVersion = Column('programversion', String(50))
- ProgramFileLink = Column('programfilelink', String(255))
- AffiliationObj = relationship(Affiliations)
-class DataLoggerFiles(Base):
- DataLoggerFileID = Column('dataloggerfileid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ProgramID = Column('programid', Integer, ForeignKey(DataLoggerProgramFiles.ProgramID), nullable=False)
- DataLoggerFileName = Column('dataloggerfilename', String(255), nullable=False)
- DataLoggerOutputFileDescription = Column('dataloggerfiledescription', String(500))
- DataLoggerOutputFileLink = Column('dataloggerfilelink', String(255))
- ProgramObj = relationship(DataLoggerProgramFiles)
-class EquipmentModels(Base):
- ModelID = Column('modelid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ModelManufacturerID = Column('modelmanufacturerid', Integer,
- ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID), nullable=False)
- ModelPartNumber = Column('modelpartnumber', String(50))
- ModelName = Column('modelname', String(255), nullable=False)
- ModelDescription = Column('modeldescription', String(500))
- ModelSpecificationsFileLink = Column('modelspecificationsfilelink', String(255))
- ModelLink = Column('modellink', String(255))
- IsInstrument = Column('isinstrument', Boolean, nullable=False)
- OrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
-class InstrumentOutputVariables(Base):
- InstrumentOutputVariableID = Column(
- 'instrumentoutputvariableid',
- Integer,
- primary_key=True,
- nullable=False
- )
- ModelID = Column('modelid', Integer, ForeignKey(EquipmentModels.ModelID), nullable=False)
- VariableID = Column('variableid', Integer, ForeignKey(Variables.VariableID), nullable=False)
- InstrumentMethodID = Column('instrumentmethodid', Integer, ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
- InstrumentResolution = Column('instrumentresolution', String(255))
- InstrumentAccuracy = Column('instrumentaccuracy', String(255))
- InstrumentRawOutputUnitsID = Column('instrumentrawoutputunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
- nullable=False)
- MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
- OutputUnitObj = relationship(Units)
- EquipmentModelObj = relationship(EquipmentModels)
- VariableObj = relationship(Variables)
-class DataLoggerFileColumns(Base):
- DataLoggerFileColumnID = Column('dataloggerfilecolumnid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(Results.ResultID))
- DataLoggerFileID = Column('dataloggerfileid', Integer,
- ForeignKey(DataLoggerFiles.DataLoggerFileID), nullable=False)
- InstrumentOutputVariableID = Column('instrumentoutputvariableid', Integer,
- ForeignKey(InstrumentOutputVariables.VariableID),
- nullable=False)
- ColumnLabel = Column('columnlabel', String(50), nullable=False)
- ColumnDescription = Column('columndescription', String(500))
- MeasurementEquation = Column('measurementequation', String(255))
- ScanInterval = Column('scaninterval', Float(50))
- ScanIntervalUnitsID = Column('scanintervalunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- RecordingInterval = Column('recordinginterval', Float(50))
- RecordingIntervalUnitsID = Column('recordingintervalunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- AggregationStatisticCV = Column(
- 'aggregationstatisticcv',
- String(255),
- ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
- index=True
- )
- ResultObj = relationship(Results)
- DataLoggerFileObj = relationship(DataLoggerFiles)
- InstrumentOutputVariableObj = relationship(InstrumentOutputVariables)
- ScanIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='DataLoggerFileColumns.ScanIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- RecordingIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='DataLoggerFileColumns.RecordingIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
-class Equipment(Base):
- EquipmentID = Column('equipmentid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- EquipmentCode = Column('equipmentcode', String(50), nullable=False)
- EquipmentName = Column('equipmentname', String(255), nullable=False)
- EquipmentTypeCV = Column('equipmenttypecv', ForeignKey(CVEquipmentType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- ModelID = Column('modelid', ForeignKey(EquipmentModels.ModelID), nullable=False)
- EquipmentSerialNumber = Column('equipmentseriealnumber', String(50), nullable=False)
- EquipmentInventoryNumber = Column('equipmentinventorynumber', String(50))
- EquipmentOwnerID = Column('equipmentownerid', ForeignKey(People.PersonID), nullable=False)
- EquipmentVendorID = Column('equipmentvendorid', ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID), nullable=False)
- EquipmentPurchaseDate = Column('equipmentpurchasedate', DateTime, nullable=False)
- EquipmentPurchaseOrderNumber = Column('equipmentpurchaseordernumber', String(50))
- EquipmentDescription = Column('equipmentdescription', String(500))
- PersonObj = relationship(People)
- OrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
- EquipmentModelObj = relationship(EquipmentModels)
-class CalibrationReferenceEquipment(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- EquipmentID = Column('equipmentid', Integer, ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID), nullable=False)
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
- EquipmentObj = relationship(Equipment)
-class EquipmentActions(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- EquipmentID = Column('equipmentid', ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID), nullable=False)
- ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
- EquipmentObj = relationship(Equipment)
-class EquipmentUsed(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- EquipmentID = Column('equipmentid', Integer, ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID), nullable=False)
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
- EquipmentObj = relationship(Equipment)
-class MaintenanceActions(Base):
- ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- IsFactoryService = Column('isfactoryservce', Boolean, nullable=False)
- MaintenanceCode = Column('maintenancecode', String(50))
- MantenanceReason = Column('maintenancereason', String(50))
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
-class RelatedEquipment(Base):
- RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=True)
- EquipmentID = Column('equipmentid', Integer, ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID), nullable=True)
- RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', String(255), nullable=True, index=True)
- RelatedEquipmentID = Column(
- 'relatedequipmentid',
- Integer,
- ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID),
- nullable=True
- )
- RelationshipStartDateTime = Column('relationshipstartdatetime', DateTime, nullable=True)
- RelationshipStartDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('relationshipstartdatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=True)
- RelationshipEndDateTime = Column('relationshipenddatetime', DateTime)
- RelationshipEndDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('relationshipenddatetimeutcoffset', Integer)
- EquipmentObj = relationship(
- Equipment,
- primaryjoin='RelatedEquipment.EquipmentID == Equipment.EquipmentID'
- )
- RelatedEquipmentObj = relationship(
- Equipment,
- primaryjoin='RelatedEquipment.RelatedEquipmentID == Equipment.EquipmentID'
- )
-class CalibrationActions(Base):
- ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- CalibrationCheckValue = Column('calibrationcheckvalue', Float(53))
- InstrumentOutputVariableID = Column('instrumentoutputvariableid', Integer,
- ForeignKey(InstrumentOutputVariables.VariableID), nullable=False)
- CalibrationEquation = Column('calibrationequation', String(255))
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
- InstrumentOutputVariableObj = relationship(InstrumentOutputVariables)
-# ################################################################################
-# Lab Analyses
-# ################################################################################
-class Directives(Base):
- DirectiveID = Column('directiveid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- DirectiveTypeCV = Column('directivetypecv', ForeignKey(CVDirectiveType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- DirectiveDescription = Column('directivedescription', String(500), nullable=False)
-class ActionDirectives(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- DirectiveID = Column('directiveid', ForeignKey(Directives.DirectiveID), nullable=False)
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
- DirectiveObj = relationship(Directives)
-class SpecimenBatchPositions(Base):
- # todo fix misspelling
- __tablename__ = u'specimenbatchpostions'
- FeatureActionID = Column(
- 'featureactionid',
- Integer,
- ForeignKey(FeatureActions.FeatureActionID),
- primary_key=True,
- nullable=False
- )
- BatchPositionsNumber = Column('batchpositionnumber', Integer, nullable=False)
- BatchPositionLabel = Column('batchpositionlabel', String(255))
- FeatureActionObj = relationship(FeatureActions)
-# ################################################################################
-# Sampling Features
-# ################################################################################
-class SpatialReferences(Base):
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- SRSCode = Column('srscode', String(50))
- SRSName = Column('srsname', String(255), nullable=False)
- SRSDescription = Column('srsdescription', String(500))
- SRSLink = Column('srslink', String(255))
-class Specimens(SamplingFeatures):
- SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
- primary_key=True)
- SpecimenTypeCV = Column('specimentypecv', ForeignKey(CVSpecimenType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- SpecimenMediumCV = Column('specimenmediumcv', ForeignKey(CVMediumType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- IsFieldSpecimen = Column('isfieldspecimen', Boolean, nullable=False)
- __mapper_args__ = {
- 'polymorphic_identity': 'Specimen',
- }
-class SpatialOffsets(Base):
- SpatialOffsetID = Column('spatialoffsetid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- SpatialOffsetTypeCV = Column('spatialoffsettypecv', ForeignKey(CVSpatialOffsetType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- Offset1Value = Column('offset1value', Float(53), nullable=False)
- Offset1UnitID = Column('offset1unitid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- Offset2Value = Column('offset2value', Float(53))
- Offset2UnitID = Column('offset2unitid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- Offset3Value = Column('offset3value', Float(53))
- Offset3UnitID = Column('offset3unitid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- Offset1UnitObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpatialOffsets.Offset1UnitID == Units.UnitsID')
- Offset2UnitObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpatialOffsets.Offset2UnitID == Units.UnitsID')
- Offset3UnitObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpatialOffsets.Offset3UnitID == Units.UnitsID')
-class Sites(SamplingFeatures):
- SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
- primary_key=True)
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID),
- nullable=False)
- SiteTypeCV = Column('sitetypecv', ForeignKey(CVSiteType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- Latitude = Column('latitude', Float(53), nullable=False)
- Longitude = Column('longitude', Float(53), nullable=False)
- SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
- __mapper_args__ = {
- 'polymorphic_identity': 'Site',
- }
-class RelatedFeatures(Base):
- RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
- nullable=False)
- RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- RelatedFeatureID = Column(
- 'relatedfeatureid',
- ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
- nullable=False
- )
- SpatialOffsetID = Column('spatialoffsetid', ForeignKey(SpatialOffsets.SpatialOffsetID))
- SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(
- SamplingFeatures,
- primaryjoin='RelatedFeatures.SamplingFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID'
- )
- RelatedFeatureObj = relationship(
- SamplingFeatures,
- primaryjoin='RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID'
- )
- SpatialOffsetObj = relationship(SpatialOffsets)
-class SpecimenTaxonomicClassifiers(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(Specimens.SamplingFeatureID), nullable=False)
- TaxonomicClassifierID = Column('taxonomicclassifierid',
- ForeignKey(TaxonomicClassifiers.TaxonomicClassifierID), nullable=False)
- CitationID = Column('citationid', Integer)
- SpecimenObj = relationship(Specimens)
- TaxonomicClassifierObj = relationship(TaxonomicClassifiers)
-# ################################################################################
-# Simulation
-# ################################################################################
-class Models(Base):
- ModelID = Column('modelid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ModelCode = Column('modelcode', String(255), nullable=False)
- ModelName = Column('modelname', String(255), nullable=False)
- ModelDescription = Column('modeldescription', String(500))
-class RelatedModels(Base):
- RelatedID = Column('relatedid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ModelID = Column('modelid', ForeignKey(Models.ModelID), nullable=False)
- RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- RelatedModelID = Column('relatedmodelid', ForeignKey(Models.ModelID), nullable=False)
- ModelObj = relationship(Models, primaryjoin='RelatedModels.ModelID == Models.ModelID')
- RelatedModelObj = relationship(Models, primaryjoin='RelatedModels.RelatedModelID == Models.ModelID')
-class Simulations(Base):
- SimulationID = Column('simulationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- SimulationName = Column('simulationname', String(255), nullable=False)
- SimulationDescription = Column('simulationdescription', String(500))
- SimulationStartDateTime = Column('simulationstartdatetime', Date, nullable=False)
- SimulationStartDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('simulationstartdatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- SimulationEndDateTime = Column('simulationenddatetime', Date, nullable=False)
- SimulationEndDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('simulationenddatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- TimeStepValue = Column('timestepvalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
- TimeStepUnitsID = Column('timestepunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- InputDataSetID = Column('inputdatasetid', ForeignKey(DataSets.DataSetID))
- # OutputDataSetID = Column('outputdatasetid', Integer) # What's this ?
- ModelID = Column('modelid', ForeignKey(Models.ModelID), nullable=False)
- Action = relationship(Actions)
- DataSet = relationship(DataSets)
- Model = relationship(Models)
- Unit = relationship(Units)
-# Part of the Provenance table, needed here to meet dependencies
-class Citations(Base):
- CitationID = Column('citationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- Title = Column('title', String(255), nullable=False)
- Publisher = Column('publisher', String(255), nullable=False)
- PublicationYear = Column('publicationyear', Integer, nullable=False)
- CitationLink = Column('citationlink', String(255))
-# ################################################################################
-# Annotations
-# ################################################################################
-class Annotations(Base):
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- AnnotationTypeCV = Column(
- 'annotationtypecv',
- ForeignKey(CVAnnotationType.Name),
- nullable=False,
- index=True
- )
- AnnotationCode = Column('annotationcode', String(50))
- AnnotationText = Column('annotationtext', String(500), nullable=False)
- AnnotationDateTime = Column('annotationdatetime', DateTime)
- AnnotationUTCOffset = Column('annotationutcoffset', Integer)
- AnnotationLink = Column('annotationlink', String(255))
- AnnotatorID = Column('annotatorid', ForeignKey(People.PersonID))
- CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID))
- # PersonObj = relationship(People)
- AnnotatorObj = relationship(People)
- CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
-class ActionAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
-class EquipmentAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- EquipmentID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- EquipmentObj = relationship(Equipment)
-class MethodAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- MethodID = Column('methodid', ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
-class ResultAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- BeginDateTime = Column('begindatetime', DateTime, nullable=False)
- EndDateTime = Column('enddatetime', DateTime, nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- ResultObj = relationship(Results)
-class SamplingFeatureAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
- nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(SamplingFeatures)
-# ################################################################################
-# Data Quality
-# ################################################################################
-class DataSetsResults(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- DataSetID = Column('datasetid', ForeignKey(DataSets.DataSetID), nullable=False)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
- DataSetObj = relationship(DataSets)
- ResultObj = relationship(Results)
-class DataQuality(Base):
- DataQualityID = Column('dataqualityid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- DataQualityTypeCV = Column('dataqualitytypecv', ForeignKey(CVDataQualityType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- DataQualityCode = Column('dataqualitycode', String(255), nullable=False)
- DataQualityValue = Column('dataqualityvalue', Float(53))
- DataQualityValueUnitsID = Column('dataqualityvalueunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- DataQualityDescription = Column('dataqualitydescription', String(500))
- DataQualityLink = Column('dataqualitylink', String(255))
- UnitObj = relationship(Units)
-class ReferenceMaterials(Base):
- ReferenceMaterialID = Column('referencematerialid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ReferenceMaterialMediumCV = Column(
- 'referencematerialmediumcv',
- ForeignKey(CVReferenceMaterialMedium.Name),
- nullable=False,
- index=True
- )
- ReferenceMaterialOrganizationID = Column('referencematerialoranizationid',
- ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID), nullable=False)
- ReferenceMaterialCode = Column('referencematerialcode', String(50), nullable=False)
- ReferenceMaterialLotCode = Column('referencemateriallotcode', String(255))
- ReferenceMaterialPurchaseDate = Column('referencematerialpurchasedate', DateTime)
- ReferenceMaterialExpirationDate = Column('referencematerialexpirationdate', DateTime)
- ReferenceMaterialCertificateLink = Column('referencematerialcertificatelink', String(255))
- SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID))
- OrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
- SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(SamplingFeatures)
-class CalibrationStandards(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- ReferenceMaterialID = Column(
- 'referencematerialid',
- Integer,
- ForeignKey(ReferenceMaterials.ReferenceMaterialID),
- nullable=False
- )
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
- ReferenceMaterialObj = relationship(ReferenceMaterials)
-class ReferenceMaterialValues(Base):
- ReferenceMaterialValueID = Column('referencematerialvalueid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ReferenceMaterialID = Column('referencematerialid', ForeignKey(ReferenceMaterials.ReferenceMaterialID),
- nullable=False)
- ReferenceMaterialValue = Column('referencematerialvalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ReferenceMaterialAccuracy = Column('referencematerialaccuracy', Float(53))
- VariableID = Column('variableid', ForeignKey(Variables.VariableID), nullable=False)
- UnitsID = Column('unitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
- CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
- ReferenceMaterialObj = relationship(ReferenceMaterials)
- UnitObj = relationship(Units)
- VariableObj = relationship(Variables)
-class ResultNormalizationValues(Base):
- ResultID = Column(u'resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
- ReferenceMaterialValueID = Column(u'referencematerialvalueid',
- ForeignKey(ReferenceMaterialValues.ReferenceMaterialValueID),
- nullable=False)
- ResultsObj = relationship(Results)
- ReferenceMaterialValueObj = relationship(ReferenceMaterialValues)
-class ResultsDataQuality(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
- DataQualityID = Column('dataqualityid', ForeignKey(DataQuality.DataQualityID), nullable=False)
- DataQualityObj = relationship(DataQuality)
- ResultObj = relationship(Results)
-# ################################################################################
-# Extension Properties
-# ################################################################################
-class ExtensionProperties(Base):
- PropertyID = Column('propertyid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- PropertyName = Column('propertyname', String(255), nullable=False)
- PropertyDescription = Column('propertydescription', String(500))
- PropertyDataTypeCV = Column('propertydatatypecv', ForeignKey(CVPropertyDataType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- PropertyUnitsID = Column('propertyunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- UnitObj = relationship(Units)
-class ActionExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
- PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
- PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
- ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
- ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
-class CitationExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
- PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
- PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
- CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
- ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
-class MethodExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- MethodID = Column('methodid', ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
- PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
- PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
- MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
- ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
-class ResultExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
- PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
- PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
- ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
- ResultObj = relationship(Results)
-class SamplingFeatureExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
- nullable=False)
- PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
- PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
- ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
- SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(SamplingFeatures)
-class VariableExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- VariableID = Column('variableid', ForeignKey(Variables.VariableID), nullable=False)
- PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
- PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
- ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
- VariableObj = relationship(Variables)
-# ################################################################################
-# Extension Identifiers
-# ################################################################################
-class ExternalIdentifierSystems(Base):
- ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column(
- 'externalidentifiersystemid',
- Integer,
- primary_key=True,
- nullable=False
- )
- ExternalIdentifierSystemName = Column('externalidentifiersystemname', String(255), nullable=False)
- IdentifierSystemOrganizationID = Column('identifiersystemorganizationid',
- ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID), nullable=False)
- ExternalIdentifierSystemDescription = Column('externalidentifiersystemdescription', String(500))
- ExternalIdentifierSystemURL = Column('externalidentifiersystemurl', String(255))
- IdentifierSystemOrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
-class CitationExternalIdentifiers(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
- ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
- ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
- nullable=False)
- CitationExternalIdentifier = Column('citationexternaldentifier', String(255), nullable=False)
- CitationExternalIdentifierURI = Column('citationexternaldentifieruri', String(255))
- CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
- ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
-class MethodExternalIdentifiers(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- MethodID = Column('methodid', ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
- ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
- ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
- nullable=False)
- MethodExternalIdentifier = Column('methodexternalidentifier', String(255), nullable=False)
- MethodExternalIdentifierURI = Column('methodexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
- ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
- MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
-class PersonExternalIdentifiers(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- PersonID = Column('personid', ForeignKey(People.PersonID), nullable=False)
- ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
- ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
- nullable=False)
- PersonExternalIdentifier = Column('personexternalidentifier', String(255), nullable=False)
- PersonExternalIdentifierURI = Column('personexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
- ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
- PersonObj = relationship(People)
-class ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifiers(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ReferenceMaterialID = Column(ForeignKey(ReferenceMaterials.ReferenceMaterialID), nullable=False)
- ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
- ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
- nullable=False)
- ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifier = Column(
- 'referencematerialexternalidentifier',
- String(255),
- nullable=False
- )
- ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifierURI = Column('referencematerialexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
- ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
- ReferenceMaterialObj = relationship(ReferenceMaterials)
-class SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifiers(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
- nullable=False)
- ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
- ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
- nullable=False)
- SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifier = Column(
- 'samplingfeatureexternalidentifier',
- String(255),
- nullable=False
- )
- SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifierURI = Column('samplingfeatureexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
- ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
- SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(SamplingFeatures)
-class SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifiers(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID),
- nullable=False)
- ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
- ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
- nullable=False)
- SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifier = Column(
- 'spatialreferenceexternalidentifier',
- String(255),
- nullable=False
- )
- SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifierURI = Column('spatialreferenceexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
- ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
- SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
-class TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- TaxonomicClassifierID = Column('taxonomicclassifierid',
- ForeignKey(TaxonomicClassifiers.TaxonomicClassifierID), nullable=False)
- ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
- ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
- nullable=False)
- TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifier = Column(
- 'taxonomicclassifierexternalidentifier',
- String(255),
- nullable=False
- )
- TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifierURI = Column('taxonomicclassifierexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
- ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
- TaxonomicClassifierObj = relationship(TaxonomicClassifiers)
-class VariableExternalIdentifiers(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- VariableID = Column('variableid', ForeignKey(Variables.VariableID), nullable=False)
- ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
- ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
- nullable=False)
- VariableExternalIdentifier = Column('variableexternalidentifer', String(255), nullable=False)
- VariableExternalIdentifierURI = Column('variableexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
- ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
- VariableObj = relationship(Variables)
-# ################################################################################
-# Provenance
-# ################################################################################
-class AuthorLists(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
- PersonID = Column('personid', ForeignKey(People.PersonID), nullable=False)
- AuthorOrder = Column('authororder', Integer, nullable=False)
- CitationObj = relationship(Citations, primaryjoin='AuthorLists.CitationID == Citations.CitationID')
- PersonObj = relationship(People, primaryjoin='AuthorLists.PersonID == People.PersonID')
-class DataSetCitations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- DataSetID = Column('datasetid', ForeignKey(DataSets.DataSetID), nullable=False)
- RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
- CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
- DataSetObj = relationship(DataSets)
-class DerivationEquations(Base):
- DerivationEquationID = Column('derivationequationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- DerivationEquation = Column('derivationequation', String(255), nullable=False)
-class ResultDerivationEquations(Base):
- ResultID = Column(u'resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
- DerivationEquationID = Column(
- u'derivationequationid',
- ForeignKey(DerivationEquations.DerivationEquationID),
- nullable=False
- )
- ResultsObj = relationship(Results)
- DerivationEquationsObj = relationship(DerivationEquations)
-class MethodCitations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- MethodID = Column('methodid', ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
- RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
- CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
- MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
-class RelatedAnnotations(Base):
- RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- RelatedAnnotationID = Column('relatedannotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(
- Annotations,
- primaryjoin='RelatedAnnotations.AnnotationID == Annotations.AnnotationID'
- )
- RelatedAnnotationObj = relationship(
- Annotations,
- primaryjoin='RelatedAnnotations.RelatedAnnotationID == Annotations.AnnotationID'
- )
-class RelatedCitations(Base):
- RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
- RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- RelatedCitationID = Column('relatedcitationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
- CitationObj = relationship(Citations, primaryjoin='RelatedCitations.CitationID == Citations.CitationID')
- RelatedCitationObj = relationship(
- Citations,
- primaryjoin='RelatedCitations.RelatedCitationID == Citations.CitationID'
- )
-class RelatedDataSets(Base):
- RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- DataSetID = Column('datasetid', ForeignKey(DataSets.DataSetID), nullable=False)
- RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- RelatedDataSetID = Column('relateddatasetid', ForeignKey(DataSets.DataSetID), nullable=False)
- VersionCode = Column('versioncode', String(50))
- DataSetObj = relationship(DataSets, primaryjoin='RelatedDataSets.DataSetID == DataSets.DataSetID')
- RelatedDataSetObj = relationship(
- DataSets,
- primaryjoin='RelatedDataSets.RelatedDataSetID == DataSets.DataSetID'
- )
-class RelatedResults(Base):
- RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
- RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
- index=True)
- RelatedResultID = Column('relatedresultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
- VersionCode = Column('versioncode', String(50))
- RelatedResultSequenceNumber = Column('relatedresultsequencenumber', Integer)
- ResultObj = relationship(Results, primaryjoin='RelatedResults.RelatedResultID == Results.ResultID')
- RelatedResultObj = relationship(Results, primaryjoin='RelatedResults.ResultID == Results.ResultID')
-# ################################################################################
-# Results
-# ################################################################################
-class PointCoverageResults(Results):
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
- ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
- ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
- IntendedXSpacing = Column('intendedxspacing', Float(53))
- IntendedXSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedxspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- IntendedYSpacing = Column('intendedyspacing', Float(53))
- IntendedYSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedyspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
- nullable=False, index=True)
- TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', Integer, nullable=False)
- IntendedXSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='PointCoverageResults.IntendedXSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- IntendedYSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='PointCoverageResults.IntendedYSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
- ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='PointCoverageResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Point coverage'}
-class ProfileResults(Results):
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
- XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53))
- XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
- YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
- IntendedZSpacing = Column('intendedzspacing', Float(53))
- IntendedZSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedzspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- IntendedTimeSpacing = Column('intendedtimespacing', Float(53))
- IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtimespacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
- nullable=False, index=True)
- IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='ProfileResults.IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- IntendedZSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='ProfileResults.IntendedZSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
- XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='ProfileResults.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
- YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='ProfileResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
- __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Profile Coverage'}
-class CategoricalResults(Results):
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
- XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53))
- XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
- YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
- ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
- QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
- XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='CategoricalResults.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='CategoricalResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='CategoricalResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': ' Category coverage'}
-class TransectResults(Results):
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
- ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
- ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
- IntendedTransectSpacing = Column('intendedtransectspacing', Float(53))
- IntendedTransectSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtransectspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- IntendedTimeSpacing = Column('intendedtimespacing', Float(53))
- IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtimespacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
- nullable=False, index=True)
- IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TransectResults.IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- IntendedTransectSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TransectResults.IntendedTransectSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
- ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='TransectResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
- __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Transect Coverage'}
-class SpectraResults(Results):
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
- XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53))
- XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
- YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
- ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
- IntendedWavelengthSpacing = Column('intendedwavelengthspacing', Float(53))
- IntendedWavelengthSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedwavelengthspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
- nullable=False, index=True)
- IntendedWavelengthSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='SpectraResults.IntendedWavelengthSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
- XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpectraResults.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
- YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpectraResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
- ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpectraResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
- __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Spectra coverage'}
-class TimeSeriesResults(Results):
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
- XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53))
- XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
- YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
- ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
- IntendedTimeSpacing = Column('intendedtimespacing', Float(53))
- IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtimespacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
- nullable=False, index=True)
- IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TimeSeriesResults.IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
- XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='TimeSeriesResults.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
- YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='TimeSeriesResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
- ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='TimeSeriesResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
- __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Time series coverage'}
-class SectionResults(Results):
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
- YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
- YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
- IntendedXSpacing = Column('intendedxspacing', Float(53))
- IntendedXSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedxspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- IntendedZSpacing = Column('intendedzspacing', Float(53))
- IntendedZSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedzspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- IntendedTimeSpacing = Column('intendedtimespacing', Float(53))
- IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtimespacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- AggregationStatisticCV = Column(
- 'aggregationstatisticcv',
- ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
- nullable=False,
- index=True
- )
- IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='SectionResults.IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- IntendedXSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='SectionResults.IntendedXSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- IntendedZSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='SectionResults.IntendedZSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
- YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SectionResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
- __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Section coverage'}
-class TrajectoryResults(Results):
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
- IntendedTrajectorySpacing = Column('intendedtrajectoryspacing', Float(53))
- IntendedTrajectorySpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtrajectoryspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- IntendedTimeSpacing = Column('intendedtimespacing', Float(53))
- IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtimespacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
- nullable=False, index=True)
- IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TrajectoryResults.IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- IntendedTrajectorySpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TrajectoryResults.IntendedTrajectorySpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
- __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Trajectory coverage'}
-class MeasurementResults(Results):
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
- XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53))
- XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
- YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
- ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
- SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
- CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
- nullable=False, index=True)
- TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
- nullable=False)
- SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='MeasurementResults.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='MeasurementResults.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='MeasurementResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='MeasurementResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Measurement'}
-class CategoricalResultValues(Base):
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(CategoricalResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
- DataValue = Column('datavalue', String(255), nullable=False)
- ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
- ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- ResultObj = relationship(CategoricalResults)
-class MeasurementResultValues(Base):
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(MeasurementResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
- DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
- ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- ResultObj = relationship(MeasurementResults)
-class PointCoverageResultValues(Base):
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(PointCoverageResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
- DataValue = Column('datavalue', BigIntegerType, nullable=False)
- ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
- ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
- XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
- YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- ResultObj = relationship(PointCoverageResults)
- XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='PointCoverageResultValues.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- YLocationUnitsobj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='PointCoverageResultValues.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
-class ProfileResultValues(Base):
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(ProfileResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
- DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
- ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ZAggregationInterval = Column('zaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
- nullable=False)
- ResultObj = relationship(ProfileResults)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='ProfileResultValues.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='ProfileResultValues.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
-class SectionResultValues(Base):
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(SectionResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
- DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
- ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
- XAggregationInterval = Column('xaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
- XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- ZLocation = Column('zlocation', BigIntegerType, nullable=False)
- ZAggregationInterval = Column('zaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
- nullable=False, index=True)
- TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
- nullable=False)
- ResultObj = relationship(SectionResults)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='SectionResultValues.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='SectionResultValues.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='SectionResultValues.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
-class SpectraResultValues(Base):
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(SpectraResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
- DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
- ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- ExcitationWavelength = Column('excitationwavelength', Float(53), nullable=False)
- EmissionWavelength = Column('emmistionwavelength', Float(53), nullable=False)
- WavelengthUnitsID = Column('wavelengthunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
- nullable=False)
- ResultObj = relationship(SpectraResults)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='SpectraResultValues.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- WavelengthUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='SpectraResultValues.WavelengthUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
-class TimeSeriesResultValues(Base):
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(TimeSeriesResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
- DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
- ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
- nullable=False)
- ResultObj = relationship(TimeSeriesResults)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(Units)
- def get_columns(self):
- return ['ValueID', 'ResultID', 'DataValue', 'ValueDateTime', 'ValueDateTimeUTCOffset',
- 'CensorCodeCV', 'QualityCodeCV', 'TimeAggregationInterval', 'TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID']
- def list_repr(self):
- return [self.ValueID, self.ResultID, self.DataValue, self.ValueDateTime, self.ValueDateTimeUTCOffset,
- self.CensorCodeCV, self.QualityCodeCV, self.TimeAggregationInterval,
- self.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID]
-class TrajectoryResultValues(Base):
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(TrajectoryResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
- DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
- ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
- XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
- YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- TrajectoryDistance = Column('trajectorydistance', Float(53), nullable=False)
- TrajectoryDistanceAggregationInterval = Column(
- 'trajectorydistanceaggregationinterval',
- Float(53),
- nullable=False
- )
- TrajectoryDistanceUnitsID = Column('trajectorydistanceunitsid', Integer, nullable=False)
- CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
- nullable=False)
- ResultObj = relationship(TrajectoryResults)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TrajectoryResultValues.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TrajectoryResultValues.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TrajectoryResultValues.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TrajectoryResultValues.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
-class TransectResultValues(Base):
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
- ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(TransectResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
- DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
- ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
- ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
- XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
- XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
- YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- TransectDistance = Column('transectdistance', Float(53), nullable=False)
- TransectDistanceAggregationInterval = Column(
- 'transectdistanceaggregationinterval',
- Float(53),
- nullable=False
- )
- TransectDistanceUnitsID = Column('transectdistanceunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
- CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
- AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
- nullable=False, index=True)
- TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column(
- 'timeaggregationintervalunitsid',
- ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
- nullable=False
- )
- ResultObj = relationship(TransectResults)
- TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TransectResultValues.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TransectResultValues.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TransectResultValues.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
- TransectDistanceUnitsObj = relationship(
- Units,
- primaryjoin='TransectResultValues.TransectDistanceUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
- )
-class CategoricalResultValueAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(CategoricalResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- ValueObj = relationship(CategoricalResultValues)
-class MeasurementResultValueAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(MeasurementResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- ValueObj = relationship(MeasurementResultValues)
-class PointCoverageResultValueAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(PointCoverageResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- ValueObj = relationship(PointCoverageResultValues)
-class ProfileResultValueAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(ProfileResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- ValueObj = relationship(ProfileResultValues)
-class SectionResultValueAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(SectionResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- ValueObj = relationship(SectionResultValues)
-class SpectraResultValueAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(SpectraResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- ValueObj = relationship(SpectraResultValues)
-class TimeSeriesResultValueAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(TimeSeriesResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- ValueObj = relationship(TimeSeriesResultValues)
-class TrajectoryResultValueAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(TrajectoryResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- ValueObj = relationship(TrajectoryResultValues)
-class TransectResultValueAnnotations(Base):
- BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
- ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(TransectResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
- AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
- ValueObj = relationship(TransectResultValues)
-def _changeSchema(schema):
- import inspect
- import sys
- # get a list of all of the classes in the module
- clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__],
- lambda member: inspect.isclass(member) and member.__module__ == __name__)
- for name, Tbl in clsmembers:
- import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api as api
- if isinstance(Tbl, api.DeclarativeMeta):
- # check to see if the schema is already set correctly
- if Tbl.__table__.schema == schema:
- return
- Tbl.__table__.schema = schema
- Tbl.__table_args__['schema'] = schema
-def _getSchema(engine):
- from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
- insp = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
- for name in insp.get_schema_names():
- if 'odm2' == name.lower():
- return name
- return insp.default_schema_name
-def setSchema(engine):
- s = _getSchema(engine)
- _changeSchema(s)
+warnings.warn('The module odm2api.ODM2.models will be deprecated. '
+ 'Please use odm2api.models instead.',
+ FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
diff --git a/odm2api/ODM2/services/createService.py b/odm2api/ODM2/services/createService.py
index 1fceb2f..158a14c 100644
--- a/odm2api/ODM2/services/createService.py
+++ b/odm2api/ODM2/services/createService.py
@@ -1,154 +1,19 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-import uuid
+import warnings
-from odm2api.ODM2 import serviceBase
-from odm2api.ODM2.models import TimeSeriesResultValues
+from odm2api.services import CreateODM2 as newClass
-__author__ = 'sreeder'
-class CreateODM2(serviceBase):
- # Annotations
- def create(self, value):
- self._session.add(value)
- self._session.commit()
- return value
- def createAll(self, values):
- self._session.add_all(values)
- self._session.commit()
- return values
- def createVariable(self, var):
- self._session.add(var)
- self._session.commit()
- return var
- def createMethod(self, method):
- self._session.add(method)
- self._session.commit()
- return method
- def createProcessingLevel(self, proclevel):
- self._session.add(proclevel)
- self._session.commit()
- return proclevel
- def createSamplingFeature(self, samplingfeature):
- if samplingfeature.SamplingFeatureUUID is None:
- samplingfeature.SamplingFeatureUUID = str(uuid.uuid1())
- self._session.add(samplingfeature)
- self._session.commit()
- return samplingfeature
- def createUnit(self, unit):
- self._session.add(unit)
- self._session.commit()
- return unit
- def createOrganization(self, org):
- self._session.add(org)
- self._session.commit()
- return org
- def createPerson(self, person):
- self._session.add(person)
- self._session.commit()
- return person
- def createAffiliation(self, affiliation):
- self._session.add(affiliation)
- self._session.commit()
- return affiliation
+warnings.warn('The module odm2api.ODM2.services.createService will be deprecated. '
+ 'Please use odm2api.services.createService instead.',
+ FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
- def createDataset(self, dataset):
- self._session.add(dataset)
- self._session.commit()
- return dataset
- def createDatasetResults(self, datasetresult):
- self._session.add(datasetresult)
- self._session.commit()
- return datasetresult
- def createAction(self, action):
- self._session.add(action)
- self._session.commit()
- return action
- def createActionby(self, actionby):
- self._session.add(actionby)
- self._session.commit()
- return actionby
- def createFeatureAction(self, action):
- self._session.add(action)
- self._session.commit()
- return action
- def createAnnotations(self, anno):
- self._session.add(anno)
- self._session.commit()
- return anno
- def createRelatedAction(self, relatedaction):
- self._session.add(relatedaction)
- self._session.commit()
- return relatedaction
- def createResult(self, result):
- if result.ResultUUID is None:
- result.ResultUUID = str(uuid.uuid1())
- self._session.add(result)
- self._session.commit()
- return result
- def createResultValue(self, value):
- self._session.add(value)
- self._session.commit()
- self._session.flush()
- return value
- def createSpatialReference(self, spatialref):
- self._session.add(spatialref)
- self._session.commit()
- return spatialref
- def createModel(self, model):
- self._session.add(model)
- self._session.commit()
- return model
- def createRelatedModel(self, relatedmodel):
- self._session.add(relatedmodel)
- self._session.commit()
- return relatedmodel
- def createSimulation(self, simulation):
- self._session.add(simulation)
- self._session.commit()
- return simulation
+__author__ = 'sreeder'
- def createTimeSeriesResultValues(self, datavalues):
- try:
- # FXIME: F841 local variable 'tablename' is assigned to but never used.
- # tablename = TimeSeriesResultValues.__tablename__
- datavalues.to_sql(
- name='TimeSeriesResultValues',
- schema=TimeSeriesResultValues.__table_args__['schema'],
- if_exists='append',
- chunksize=1000,
- con=self._session_factory.engine,
- index=False
- )
- self._session.commit()
- return datavalues
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- return None
+def CreateODM2(*args, **kwargs):
+ warnings.warn('The class odm2api.ODM2.services.readService.CreateODM2 will be deprecated. '
+ 'Please use odm2api.services.readService.CreateODM2 instead.',
+ FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ return newClass(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/odm2api/ODM2/services/deleteService.py b/odm2api/ODM2/services/deleteService.py
index 43f944a..ff5a06a 100644
--- a/odm2api/ODM2/services/deleteService.py
+++ b/odm2api/ODM2/services/deleteService.py
@@ -1,42 +1,21 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-from odm2api.ODM2 import serviceBase
-from odm2api.ODM2.models import TimeSeriesResultValues
+import warnings
+from odm2api.services.deleteService import DeleteODM2 as newClass
-__author__ = 'jmeline'
+warnings.warn('The module odm2api.ODM2.services.deleteService will be deprecated. '
+ 'Please use odm2api.services.deleteService instead.',
+ FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
-# Annotations
+__author__ = 'jmeline'
-class DeleteODM2(serviceBase):
+# Annotations
- def remove(self, obj):
- self._session.delete(obj)
-# CV
-# Core
-# Data Quality
-# Equipment
-# Extension Properties
-# External Identifiers
-# Lab Analyses
-# Provenance
-# Annotations
-# Sampling Features
-# Sensors
-# Result Values
- def deleteTSRValues(self, ids=None, startdate=None, dates=None):
- q = self._session.query(TimeSeriesResultValues)
- if ids:
- q = q.filter(TimeSeriesResultValues.ResultID.in_(ids))
- if startdate:
- # delete all values on or after the startdate.
- q = q.filter(TimeSeriesResultValues.ValueDateTime >= startdate)
- if dates:
- q = q.filter(TimeSeriesResultValues.ValueDateTime.in_(dates))
- numvals = q.count()
- q.delete(False)
- return numvals
+def DeleteODM2(*args, **kwargs):
+ warnings.warn('The class odm2api.ODM2.services.readService.DeleteODM2 will be deprecated. '
+ 'Please use odm2api.services.readService.DeleteODM2 instead.',
+ FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ return newClass(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/odm2api/ODM2/services/readService.py b/odm2api/ODM2/services/readService.py
index a7d4e4f..177f784 100644
--- a/odm2api/ODM2/services/readService.py
+++ b/odm2api/ODM2/services/readService.py
@@ -2,1502 +2,18 @@
import warnings
-from odm2api.ODM2 import serviceBase
-from odm2api.ODM2.models import (
- ActionAnnotations, ActionDirectives, ActionExtensionPropertyValues, Actions,
- Affiliations, Annotations, AuthorLists, CVActionType, CVAggregationStatistic,
- CVAnnotationType, CVCensorCode, CVDataQualityType, CVDataSetType, CVDirectiveType,
- CVElevationDatum, CVEquipmentType, CVMediumType, CVMethodType, CVOrganizationType,
- CVPropertyDataType, CVQualityCode, CVRelationshipType, CVResultType, CVSamplingFeatureGeoType,
- CVSamplingFeatureType, CVSiteType, CVSpatialOffsetType, CVSpeciation, CVSpecimenType,
- CVStatus, CVTaxonomicClassifierType, CVUnitsType, CVVariableName, CVVariableType,
- CalibrationActions, CalibrationReferenceEquipment, CalibrationStandards,
- CategoricalResultValueAnnotations, CategoricalResultValues, CitationExtensionPropertyValues,
- CitationExternalIdentifiers, DataLoggerFileColumns, DataLoggerFiles, DataLoggerProgramFiles,
- DataQuality, DataSetCitations, DataSets, DataSetsResults, DerivationEquations, Directives, Equipment,
- EquipmentActions, EquipmentAnnotations, EquipmentModels, EquipmentUsed, ExtensionProperties,
- ExternalIdentifierSystems, FeatureActions, InstrumentOutputVariables, MaintenanceActions,
- MeasurementResultValueAnnotations, MeasurementResultValues, MethodAnnotations,
- MethodCitations, MethodExtensionPropertyValues, MethodExternalIdentifiers,
- Methods, Models, Organizations, People, PersonExternalIdentifiers,
- PointCoverageResultValueAnnotations, PointCoverageResultValues, ProcessingLevels,
- ProfileResultValueAnnotations, ProfileResultValues, ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifiers,
- ReferenceMaterialValues, ReferenceMaterials, RelatedActions, RelatedAnnotations,
- RelatedCitations, RelatedDataSets, RelatedEquipment, RelatedFeatures, RelatedModels,
- RelatedResults, ResultAnnotations, ResultDerivationEquations, ResultExtensionPropertyValues,
- ResultNormalizationValues, Results, ResultsDataQuality, SamplingFeatureAnnotations,
- SamplingFeatureExtensionPropertyValues, SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifiers,
- SamplingFeatures, SectionResultValueAnnotations, SectionResults, Simulations,
- SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifiers, SpatialReferences, SpecimenBatchPositions,
- SpectraResultValueAnnotations, SpectraResultValues, TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers,
- TaxonomicClassifiers, TimeSeriesResultValueAnnotations, TimeSeriesResultValues,
- TrajectoryResultValueAnnotations, TrajectoryResultValues,
- TransectResultValueAnnotations, TransectResultValues, Units, VariableExtensionPropertyValues,
- VariableExternalIdentifiers, Variables,
+from odm2api.services.readService import ReadODM2 as newClass
-import pandas as pd
+warnings.warn('The module odm2api.ODM2.services.readService will be deprecated. '
+ 'Please use odm2api.services.readService instead.',
+ FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
-from sqlalchemy import distinct, exists
-from sqlalchemy.orm import contains_eager
__author__ = 'sreeder'
-class DetailedResult:
- def __init__(self, action, result,
- sc, sn,
- method, variable,
- processingLevel,
- unit):
- # result.result_id etc.
- self.ResultID = result.ResultID
- self.SamplingFeatureCode = sc
- self.MethodCode = method.MethodCode
- self.VariableCode = variable.VariableCode
- self.ProcessingLevelCode = processingLevel.ProcessingLevelCode
- self.UnitsName = unit.UnitsName
- self.SamplingFeatureName = sn
- self.MethodName = method.MethodName
- self.VariableNameCV = variable.VariableNameCV
- self.ProcessingLevelDefinition = processingLevel.Definition
- self.ValueCount = result.ValueCount
- self.BeginDateTime = action.BeginDateTime
- self.EndDateTime = action.EndDateTime
- self.ResultObj = result
-class DetailedAffiliation:
- def __init__(self, affiliation, person, org):
- self.AffiliationID = affiliation.AffiliationID
- self.Name = person.PersonFirstName + ' ' + person.PersonLastName
- self.Organization = '(' + org.OrganizationCode + ') ' + org.OrganizationName
-class SamplingFeatureDataSet():
- datasets = {}
- related_features = {}
- def __init__(self, samplingfeature, datasetresults, relatedfeatures):
- sf = samplingfeature
- self.SamplingFeatureID = sf.SamplingFeatureID
- self.SamplingFeatureUUID = sf.SamplingFeatureUUID
- self.SamplingFeatureTypeCV = sf.SamplingFeatureTypeCV
- self.SamplingFeatureCode = sf.SamplingFeatureCode
- self.SamplingFeatureName = sf.SamplingFeatureName
- self.SamplingFeatureDescription = sf.SamplingFeatureDescription
- self.SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV = sf.SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV
- self.Elevation_m = sf.Elevation_m
- self.ElevationDatumCV = sf.ElevationDatumCV
- self.FeatureGeometryWKT = sf.FeatureGeometryWKT
- self.assignDatasets(datasetresults)
- self.assignRelatedFeatures(relatedfeatures)
- print(self.datasets)
- def assignDatasets(self, datasetresults):
- self.datasets = {}
- if datasetresults:
- for dsr in datasetresults:
- if dsr.DataSetObj not in self.datasets:
- # if the dataset is not in the dictionary, add it and the first result
- self.datasets[dsr.DataSetObj] = []
- res = dsr.ResultObj
- # res.FeatureActionObj = None
- self.datasets[dsr.DataSetObj].append(res)
- else:
- # if the dataset is in the dictionary, append the result object to the list
- res = dsr.ResultObj
- # res.FeatureActionObj = None
- self.datasets[dsr.DataSetObj].append(res)
- def assignRelatedFeatures(self, relatedfeatures):
- self.related_features = {}
- if relatedfeatures:
- for related in relatedfeatures:
- if related.SamplingFeatureTypeCV == 'Site':
- self.related_features = related
-class ReadODM2(serviceBase):
- def _get_columns(self, model):
- """Internal helper function to get a dictionary of a model column properties.
- Args:
- model (object): Sqlalchemy object, Ex. ODM2 model.
- Returns:
- dict: Dictionary of column properties Ex. {'resultid': 'ResultID'}
- """
- from sqlalchemy.orm.properties import ColumnProperty
- columns = [(prop.key.lower(), prop.key) for prop in model.__mapper__.iterate_properties if
- isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty)]
- return dict(columns)
- def _check_kwargs(self, args, kwargs):
- """Internal helper function to check for unused keyword arguments
- Args:
- args (list): List of expected, valid arguments.
- kwargs (dict): Dictionary of keyword arguments from user
- Returns:
- None
- """
- invkwd = filter(lambda x: x not in args, kwargs.keys())
- if invkwd:
- warnings.warn('Got unexpected keyword argument(s) {}'.format(','.join(invkwd)), stacklevel=2)
- # Exists functions
- def resultExists(self, result):
- """
- Check to see if a Result Object exists
- * Pass Result Object - return a boolean value of wether the given object exists
- """
- try:
- ret = self._session.query(exists().where(Results.ResultTypeCV == result.ResultTypeCV)
- .where(Results.VariableID == result.VariableID)
- .where(Results.UnitsID == result.UnitsID)
- .where(Results.ProcessingLevelID == result.ProcessingLevelID)
- .where(Results.SampledMediumCV == result.SampledMediumCV)
- )
- return ret.scalar()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # Annotations
- def getAnnotations(self, annottype=None, codes=None, ids=None, **kwargs):
- """
- * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
- * Pass AnnotationTypeCV - return a list of all objects of the fiven type
- * Pass a list of codes - return a list of objects, one for each of the given codes
- * Pass a list of ids -return a list of objects, one for each of the given ids
- """
- # TODO What keywords do I use for type.
- a = Annotations
- self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
- if 'type' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the annottype parameter instead.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- annottype = kwargs['type']
- if annottype:
- if annottype == 'action':
- a = ActionAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'categoricalresultvalue':
- a = CategoricalResultValueAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'equipmentannotation':
- a = EquipmentAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'measurementresultvalue':
- a = MeasurementResultValueAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'method':
- a = MethodAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'pointcoverageresultvalue':
- a = PointCoverageResultValueAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'profileresultvalue':
- a = ProfileResultValueAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'result':
- a = ResultAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'samplingfeature':
- a = SamplingFeatureAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'sectionresultvalue':
- a = SectionResultValueAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'spectraresultvalue':
- a = SpectraResultValueAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'timeseriesresultvalue':
- a = TimeSeriesResultValueAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'trajectoryresultvalue':
- a = TrajectoryResultValueAnnotations
- elif annottype == 'transectresultvalue':
- a = TransectResultValueAnnotations
- try:
- query = self._session.query(a)
- if codes:
- query = query.filter(Annotations.AnnotationCode.in_(codes))
- if ids:
- query = query.filter(Annotations.AnnotationID.in_(ids))
- return query.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # CV
- def getCVs(self, cvtype, **kwargs):
- """
- getCVs(self, type):
- * Pass CVType - return a list of all objects of the given type
- """
- self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
- if 'type' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the cvtype parameter instead.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- cvtype = kwargs['type']
- if cvtype == 'actiontype':
- CV = CVActionType
- elif cvtype == 'aggregationstatistic':
- CV = CVAggregationStatistic
- elif cvtype == 'annotationtype':
- CV = CVAnnotationType
- elif cvtype == 'censorcode':
- CV = CVCensorCode
- elif cvtype == 'dataqualitytype':
- CV = CVDataQualityType
- elif cvtype == 'dataset type':
- CV = CVDataSetType
- elif cvtype == 'Directive Type':
- CV = CVDirectiveType
- elif cvtype == 'Elevation Datum':
- CV = CVElevationDatum
- elif cvtype == 'Equipment Type':
- CV = CVEquipmentType
- elif cvtype == 'Medium':
- CV = CVMediumType
- elif cvtype == 'Method Type':
- CV = CVMethodType
- elif cvtype == 'Organization Type':
- CV = CVOrganizationType
- elif cvtype == 'Property Data Type':
- CV = CVPropertyDataType
- elif cvtype == 'Quality Code':
- CV = CVQualityCode
- elif cvtype == 'Relationship Type':
- CV = CVRelationshipType
- elif cvtype == 'Result Type':
- CV = CVResultType
- elif cvtype == 'Sampling Feature Geo-type':
- CV = CVSamplingFeatureGeoType
- elif cvtype == 'Sampling Feature Type':
- CV = CVSamplingFeatureType
- elif cvtype == 'Site Type':
- CV = CVSiteType
- elif cvtype == 'Spatial Offset Type':
- CV = CVSpatialOffsetType
- elif cvtype == 'Speciation':
- CV = CVSpeciation
- elif cvtype == 'Specimen Type':
- CV = CVSpecimenType
- elif cvtype == 'Status':
- CV = CVStatus
- elif cvtype == 'Taxonomic Classifier Type':
- CV = CVTaxonomicClassifierType
- elif cvtype == 'Units Type':
- CV = CVUnitsType
- elif cvtype == 'Variable Name':
- CV = CVVariableName
- elif cvtype == 'Variable Type':
- CV = CVVariableType
- else:
- return None
- try:
- return self._session.query(CV).all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- # Core
- def getDetailedAffiliationInfo(self):
- """
- * Pass Nothing - Return a list of all Affiliations with detailed information,
- including Affiliation, People and Organization
- """
- q = self._session.query(Affiliations, People, Organizations) \
- .filter(Affiliations.PersonID == People.PersonID) \
- .filter(Affiliations.OrganizationID == Organizations.OrganizationID)
- affiliationList = []
- for a, p, o in q.all():
- detailedAffiliation = DetailedAffiliation(a, p, o)
- affiliationList.append(detailedAffiliation)
- return affiliationList
- def getDetailedResultInfo(self, resultTypeCV=None, resultID=None, sfID=None):
- # TODO can this be done by just getting the result object and drilling down?
- # What is the performance comparison.
- """
- Get detailed information for all selected Results including , unit info, site info,
- method info , ProcessingLevel info.
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- * Pass resultTypeCV - All objects of given type
- * Pass a result ID - single object with the given result ID
- * Pass a SamplingFeatureID - All objects associated with the given sampling feature.
- """
- q = self._session.query(
- Actions,
- Results,
- SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode,
- SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureName,
- Methods,
- Variables,
- ProcessingLevels,
- Units).filter(Results.VariableID == Variables.VariableID) \
- .filter(Results.UnitsID == Units.UnitsID) \
- .filter(Results.FeatureActionID == FeatureActions.FeatureActionID) \
- .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID) \
- .filter(FeatureActions.ActionID == Actions.ActionID) \
- .filter(Actions.MethodID == Methods.MethodID) \
- .filter(Results.ProcessingLevelID == ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelID) \
- .filter(Results.ResultTypeCV == resultTypeCV) \
- .order_by(Results.ResultID)
- resultList = []
- if sfID:
- q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID == sfID)
- if resultID:
- q = q.filter(Results.ResultID == resultID)
- for a, r, sc, sn, m, v, p, u in q.all():
- detailedResult = DetailedResult(
- a, r, sc, sn, m, v, p, u
- )
- resultList.append(detailedResult)
- return resultList
- # Taxonomic Classifiers
- def getTaxonomicClassifiers(self):
- """
- getTaxonomicClassifiers(self):
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(TaxonomicClassifiers).all()
- # Variable
- def getVariables(self, ids=None, codes=None, sitecode=None, results=False):
- """
- * Pass nothing - returns full list of variable objects
- * Pass a list of VariableID - returns a single variable object
- * Pass a list of VariableCode - returns a single variable object
- * Pass a SiteCode - returns a list of Variable objects that are collected at the given site.
- * Pass whether or not you want to return the sampling features that have results associated with them
- """
- if sitecode:
- try:
- variables = [
- x[0] for x in
- self._session.query(distinct(Results.VariableID))
- .filter(Results.FeatureActionID == FeatureActions.FeatureActionID)
- .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID)
- .filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode == sitecode).all()
- ]
- if ids:
- ids = list(set(ids).intersection(variables))
- else:
- ids = variables
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- pass
- if results:
- try:
- variables = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(Results.VariableID)).all()]
- if ids:
- ids = list(set(ids).intersection(variables))
- else:
- ids = variables
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- pass
- query = self._session.query(Variables)
- if ids:
- query = query.filter(Variables.VariableID.in_(ids))
- if codes:
- query = query.filter(Variables.VariableCode.in_(codes))
- try:
- return query.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # Method
- def getMethods(self, ids=None, codes=None, methodtype=None, **kwargs):
- """
- * Pass nothing - returns full list of method objects
- * Pass a list of MethodIDs - returns a single method object for each given id
- * Pass a list of MethodCode - returns a single method object for each given code
- * Pass a MethodType - returns a list of method objects of the given MethodType
- """
- self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
- if 'type' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the medtype parameter instead.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- methodtype = kwargs['type']
- q = self._session.query(Methods)
- if ids:
- q = q.filter(Methods.MethodID.in_(ids))
- if codes:
- q = q.filter(Methods.MethodCode.in_(codes))
- if methodtype:
- q = q.filter_by(MethodTypeCV=methodtype)
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # ProcessingLevel
- def getProcessingLevels(self, ids=None, codes=None):
- """
- Retrieve a list of Processing Levels
- If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
- all Processing Levels objects in the database will be returned.
- Args:
- ids (list, optional): List of Processing Levels IDs.
- codes (list, optional): List of Processing Levels Codes.
- Returns:
- list: List of ProcessingLevels Objects
- Examples:
- >>> READ.getProcessingLevels(ids=[1, 3])
- >>> READ.getProcessingLevels(codes=['L1', 'L3'])
- """
- q = self._session.query(ProcessingLevels)
- if ids:
- q = q.filter(ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelID.in_(ids))
- if codes:
- q = q.filter(ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelCode.in_(codes))
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # Sampling Feature
- def getSamplingFeatures(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None,
- sftype=None, wkt=None, results=False, **kwargs):
- """Retrieve a list of Sampling Feature objects.
- If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
- all Sampling Feature objects in the database will be returned.
- Args:
- ids (list, optional): List of SamplingFeatureIDs.
- codes (list, optional): List of SamplingFeature Codes.
- uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string.
- sftype (str, optional): Type of Sampling Feature from
- `controlled vocabulary name `_.
- wkt (str, optional): SamplingFeature Well Known Text.
- results (bool, optional): Whether or not you want to return only the
- sampling features that have results associated with them.
- Returns:
- list: List of Sampling Feature objects
- Examples:
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(ids=[39, 40])
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
- ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(type='Site')
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(wkt='POINT (30 10)')
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(results=True)
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(type='Site', results=True)
- """
- self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
- if 'type' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the sftype parameter instead.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- sftype = kwargs['type']
- if results:
- try:
- fas = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(Results.FeatureActionID)).all()]
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- sf = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID)).filter(FeatureActions.FeatureActionID.in_(fas)).all()] # noqa
- if ids:
- ids = list(set(ids).intersection(sf))
- else:
- ids = sf
- q = self._session.query(SamplingFeatures)
- if sftype:
- q = q.filter_by(SamplingFeatureTypeCV=sftype)
- if ids:
- q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID.in_(ids))
- if codes:
- q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode.in_(codes))
- if uuids:
- q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureUUID.in_(uuids))
- if wkt:
- q = q.filter_by(FeatureGeometryWKT=wkt)
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- def getRelatedSamplingFeatures(self, sfid=None, rfid=None, relationshiptype=None):
- # TODO: add functionality to filter by code
- """
- * Pass a SamplingFeatureID - get a list of sampling feature objects
- related to the input sampling feature
- * Pass a RelatedFeatureID - get a list of Sampling features objects through the related feature
- * Pass a RelationshipTypeCV - get a list of sampling feature objects with the given type
- """
- sf = self._session.query(distinct(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID)) \
- .select_from(RelatedFeatures)
- if sfid:
- sf = sf.join(RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureObj).filter(RelatedFeatures.SamplingFeatureID == sfid)
- if rfid:
- sf = sf.join(RelatedFeatures.SamplingFeatureObj).filter(RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureID == rfid)
- if relationshiptype:
- sf = sf.filter(RelatedFeatures.RelationshipTypeCV == relationshiptype)
- try:
- sfids = [x[0] for x in sf.all()]
- if len(sfids) > 0:
- sflist = self.getSamplingFeatures(ids=sfids)
- return sflist
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # Action
- def getActions(self, ids=None, acttype=None, sfid=None, **kwargs):
- """
- * Pass nothing - returns a list of all Actions
- * Pass a list of Action ids - returns a list of Action objects
- * Pass a ActionTypeCV - returns a list of Action objects of that type
- * Pass a SamplingFeature ID - returns a list of Action objects
- associated with that Sampling feature ID, Found through featureAction table
- """
- self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
- if 'type' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the acttype parameter instead.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- acttype = kwargs['type']
- a = Actions
- if acttype == 'equipment':
- a = EquipmentActions
- elif acttype == 'calibration':
- a = CalibrationActions
- elif acttype == 'maintenance':
- a = MaintenanceActions
- q = self._session.query(a)
- if ids:
- q = q.filter(a.ActionID.in_(ids))
- if sfid:
- q = q.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sfid)
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- def getRelatedActions(self, actionid=None):
- """
- * Pass an ActionID - get a list of Action objects related to the input
- action along with the relationship type
- """
- q = self._session.query(Actions).select_from(RelatedActions).join(RelatedActions.RelatedActionObj)
- if actionid:
- q = q.filter(RelatedActions.ActionID == actionid)
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # Unit
- def getUnits(self, ids=None, name=None, unittype=None, **kwargs):
- """
- * Pass nothing - returns a list of all units objects
- * Pass a list of UnitsID - returns a single units object for the given id
- * Pass UnitsName - returns a single units object
- * Pass a type- returns a list of all objects of the given type
- """
- self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
- if 'type' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the unittype parameter instead.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- unittype = kwargs['type']
- q = self._session.query(Units)
- if ids:
- q = q.filter(Units.UnitsID.in_(ids))
- if name:
- q = q.filter(Units.UnitsName.ilike(name))
- if unittype:
- q = q.filter(Units.UnitsTypeCV.ilike(unittype))
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # Organization
- def getOrganizations(self, ids=None, codes=None):
- """
- * Pass nothing - returns a list of all organization objects
- * Pass a list of OrganizationID - returns a single organization object
- * Pass a list of OrganizationCode - returns a single organization object
- """
- q = self._session.query(Organizations)
- if ids:
- q = q.filter(Organizations.OrganizationID.in_(ids))
- if codes:
- q = q.filter(Organizations.OrganizationCode.in_(codes))
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # Person
- def getPeople(self, ids=None, firstname=None, lastname=None):
- """
- * Pass nothing - returns a list of all People objects
- * Pass a list of PeopleID - returns a single People object
- * Pass a First Name - returns a single People object
- * Pass a Last Name - returns a single People object
- """
- q = self._session.query(People)
- if ids:
- q = q.filter(People.PersonID.in_(ids))
- if firstname:
- q = q.filter(People.PersonFirstName.ilike(firstname))
- if lastname:
- q = q.filter(People.PersonLastName.ilike(lastname))
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- def getAffiliations(self, ids=None, personfirst=None, personlast=None, orgcode=None):
- """Retrieve a list of Affiliation objects.
- If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
- all Affiliation objects in the database will be returned.
- Args:
- ids (list, optional): List of AffiliationIDs.
- personfirst (str, optional): Person First Name.
- personlast (str, optional): Person Last Name.
- orgcode (str, optional): Organization Code.
- Returns:
- list: List of Affiliation objects
- Examples:
- >>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(ids=[39,40])
- >>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(personfirst='John',
- ... personlast='Smith')
- >>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(orgcode='Acme')
- """
- q = self._session.query(Affiliations)
- if ids:
- q = q.filter(Affiliations.AffiliationID.in_(ids))
- if orgcode:
- q = q.join(Affiliations.OrganizationObj).filter(Organizations.OrganizationCode.ilike(orgcode))
- if personfirst:
- q = q.join(Affiliations.PersonObj).filter(People.PersonFirstName.ilike(personfirst))
- if personlast:
- q = q.join(Affiliations.PersonObj).filter(People.PersonLastName.ilike(personlast))
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # Results
- def getResults(self, ids=None, restype=None, uuids=None, actionid=None, simulationid=None,
- variableid=None, siteid=None, sfids=None, sfuuids=None, sfcodes=None, **kwargs):
- # TODO what if user sends in both type and actionid vs just actionid
- """Retrieve a list of Result objects.
- If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
- all Result objects in the database will be returned.
- Args:
- ids (list, optional): List of ResultIDs.
- restype (str, optional): Type of Result from
- `controlled vocabulary name `_.
- uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string.
- actionid (int, optional): ActionID.
- simulationid (int, optional): SimulationID.
- variableid (int, optional): VariableID.
- siteid (int, optional): SiteID. - goes through related features table and finds all of results
- recorded at the given site
- sfids(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature IDs integer.
- sfuuids(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature UUIDs string.
- sfcodes=(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature codes string.
- Returns:
- list: List of Result objects
- Examples:
- >>> ReadODM2.getResults(ids=[39,40])
- >>> ReadODM2.getResults(restype='Time series coverage')
- >>> ReadODM2.getResults(sfids=[65])
- >>> ReadODM2.getResults(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
- ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
- >>> ReadODM2.getResults(simulationid=50)
- >>> ReadODM2.getResults(siteid=6)
- >>> ReadODM2.getResults(variableid=7)
- >>> ReadODM2.getResults(actionid=20)
- """
- query = self._session.query(Results)
- self._check_kwargs(['type', 'sfid'], kwargs)
- if 'type' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the restype parameter instead.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- restype = kwargs['type']
- if restype:
- query = query.filter_by(ResultTypeCV=restype)
- if variableid:
- query = query.filter_by(VariableID=variableid)
- if ids:
- query = query.filter(Results.ResultID.in_(ids))
- if uuids:
- query = query.filter(Results.ResultUUID.in_(uuids))
- if simulationid:
- query = query.join(FeatureActions) \
- .join(Actions) \
- .join(Simulations) \
- .filter_by(SimulationID=simulationid)
- if actionid:
- query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter_by(ActionID=actionid)
- if 'sfid' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'sfid\' is deprecated. '
- 'Please use the sfids parameter instead and send in a list.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- if kwargs['sfid']:
- query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter_by(SamplingFeatureID=kwargs['sfid'])
- if sfids or sfcodes or sfuuids:
- sf_list = self.getSamplingFeatures(ids=sfids, codes=sfcodes, uuids=sfuuids)
- sfids = []
- for sf in sf_list:
- sfids.append(sf.SamplingFeatureID)
- query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID.in_(sfids))
- if siteid:
- sfids = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(
- distinct(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID))
- .select_from(RelatedFeatures)
- .join(RelatedFeatures.SamplingFeatureObj)
- .filter(RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureID == siteid)
- .all()
- ]
- # TODO does this code do the same thing as the code above?
- # sf_list = self.getRelatedSamplingFeatures(rfid=siteid)
- # sfids = []
- # for sf in sf_list:
- # sfids.append(sf.SamplingFeatureID)
- query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID.in_(sfids))
- try:
- return query.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # Datasets
- def getDataSets(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None):
- """
- Retrieve a list of Datasets
- Args:
- ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs.
- codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes.
- uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string.
- dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
- `controlled vocabulary name `_.
- Returns:
- list: List of DataSets Objects
- Examples:
- >>> READ.getDataSets(ids=[39, 40])
- >>> READ.getDataSets(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
- >>> READ.getDataSets(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
- ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
- >>> READ.getDataSets(dstype='singleTimeSeries')
- """
- q = self._session.query(DataSets)
- if ids:
- q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetID.in_(ids))
- if codes:
- q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetCode.in_(codes))
- if uuids:
- q.filter(DataSets.DataSetUUID.in_(uuids))
- if dstype:
- q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetTypeCV == dstype)
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # Datasets
- def getDataSetsResults(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None):
- """
- Retrieve a detailed list of Datasets along with detailed metadata about the datasets
- and the results contained within them
- **Must specify either DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode)**
- Args:
- ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs.
- codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes.
- uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string.
- dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
- `controlled vocabulary name `_.
- Returns:
- list: List of DataSetsResults Objects
- Examples:
- >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(ids=[39, 40])
- >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
- >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
- ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
- >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(dstype='singleTimeSeries')
- """
- # make sure one of the three arguments has been sent in
- if all(v is None for v in [ids, codes, uuids]):
- raise ValueError('Expected DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode argument')
- q = self._session.query(DataSetsResults) \
- .join(DataSets)
- if ids:
- q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetID.in_(ids))
- if codes:
- q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetCode.in_(codes))
- if uuids:
- q.filter(DataSets.DataSetUUID.in_(uuids))
- if dstype:
- q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetTypeCV == dstype)
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query {}'.format(e))
- return None
- def getDataSetsValues(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None, lowercols=True):
- """
- Retrieve a list of datavalues associated with the given dataset info
- **Must specify either DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode)**
- Args:
- ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs.
- codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes.
- uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string.
- dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
- `controlled vocabulary name `_.
- lowercols (bool, optional): Make column names to be lowercase.
- Default to True.
- **Please start upgrading your code to rely on CamelCase column names,
- In a near-future release,
- the default will be changed to False,
- and later the parameter may be removed**.
- Returns:
- list: List of Result Values Objects
- Examples:
- >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(ids=[39, 40])
- >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
- >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
- ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
- >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(dstype='singleTimeSeries', lowercols=False)
- """
- dsr = self.getDataSetsResults(ids, codes, uuids, dstype)
- resids = []
- for ds in dsr:
- resids.append(ds.ResultID)
- try:
- return self.getResultValues(resultids=resids, lowercols=lowercols)
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query {}'.format(e))
- return None
- def getSamplingFeatureDatasets(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None, sftype=None):
- """
- Retrieve a list of Datasets associated with the given sampling feature data.
- **Must specify either samplingFeatureID OR samplingFeatureUUID OR samplingFeatureCode)**
- Args:
- ids (list, optional): List of SamplingFeatureIDs.
- codes (list, optional): List of SamplingFeature Codes.
- uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string.
- dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
- `controlled vocabulary name `_.
- sftype (str, optional): Type of SamplingFeature from
- `controlled vocabulary name `_.
- Returns:
- list: List of DataSetsResults Objects associated with the given sampling feature
- Examples:
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(ids=[39, 40])
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
- ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(dstype='singleTimeSeries')
- >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(sftype='Specimen')
- """
- # make sure one of the three arguments has been sent in
- if all(v is None for v in [ids, codes, uuids, sftype]):
- raise ValueError(
- 'Expected samplingFeatureID OR samplingFeatureUUID '
- 'OR samplingFeatureCode OR samplingFeatureType '
- 'argument')
- sf_query = self._session.query(SamplingFeatures)
- if sftype:
- sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureTypeCV == sftype)
- if ids:
- sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID.in_(ids))
- if codes:
- sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode.in_(codes))
- if uuids:
- sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureUUID.in_(uuids))
- sf_list = []
- for sf in sf_query.all():
- sf_list.append(sf)
- try:
- sfds = []
- for sf in sf_list:
- # Eager loading the data.
- q = self._session.query(DataSetsResults)\
- .join(DataSetsResults.ResultObj)\
- .join(Results.FeatureActionObj)\
- .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sf.SamplingFeatureID)\
- .options(contains_eager(DataSetsResults.ResultObj)
- .contains_eager(Results.FeatureActionObj)
- .load_only(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID))
- if dstype:
- q = q.filter_by(DatasetTypeCV=dstype)
- vals = q.all()
- related = self.getRelatedSamplingFeatures(sf.SamplingFeatureID)
- sfds.append(SamplingFeatureDataSet(sf, vals, related))
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- return sfds
- # Data Quality
- def getDataQuality(self):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(DataQuality).all()
- # TODO DataQuality Schema Queries
- def getReferenceMaterials(self):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(ReferenceMaterials).all()
- def getReferenceMaterialValues(self):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(ReferenceMaterialValues).all()
- def getResultNormalizationValues(self):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(ResultNormalizationValues).all()
- def getResultsDataQuality(self):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(ResultsDataQuality).all()
- # TODO Equipment Schema Queries
- # Equipment
- def getEquipment(self, codes=None, equiptype=None, sfid=None, actionid=None, **kwargs):
- """
- * Pass nothing - returns a list of all Equipment objects
- * Pass a list of EquipmentCodes- return a list of all Equipment objects that match each of the codes
- * Pass a EquipmentType - returns a single Equipment object
- * Pass a SamplingFeatureID - returns a single Equipment object
- * Pass an ActionID - returns a single Equipment object
- """
- self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
- if 'type' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the equiptype parameter instead.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- equiptype = kwargs['type']
- # NOTE: Equiptype currently unused!
- if equiptype:
- pass
- e = self._session.query(Equipment)
- if sfid:
- e = e.join(EquipmentUsed) \
- .join(Actions) \
- .join(FeatureActions) \
- .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sfid)
- if codes:
- e = e.filter(Equipment.EquipmentCode.in_(codes))
- if actionid:
- e = e.join(EquipmentUsed).join(Actions) \
- .filter(Actions.ActionID == actionid)
- return e.all()
- def CalibrationReferenceEquipment(self):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(CalibrationReferenceEquipment).all()
- def CalibrationStandards(self):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(CalibrationStandards).all()
- def DataloggerFileColumns(self):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(DataLoggerFileColumns).all()
- def DataLoggerFiles(self):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(DataLoggerFiles).all()
- def DataloggerProgramFiles(self):
- """
- * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(DataLoggerProgramFiles).all()
- def EquipmentModels(self):
- """
- * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(EquipmentModels).all()
- def EquipmentUsed(self):
- """
- * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(EquipmentUsed).all()
- def InstrumentOutputVariables(self, modelid=None, variableid=None):
- """
- * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
- * Pass ModelID
- * Pass VariableID
- """
- i = self._session.query(InstrumentOutputVariables)
- if modelid:
- i = i.filter_by(ModelID=modelid)
- if variableid:
- i = i.filter_by(VariableID=variableid)
- return i.all()
- def RelatedEquipment(self, code=None):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- * Pass code- return a single object with the given code
- """
- r = self._session.query(RelatedEquipment)
- if code:
- r = r.filter_by(EquipmentCode=code)
- return r.all()
- # Extension Properties
- def getExtensionProperties(self, exptype=None, **kwargs):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- * Pass type- return a list of all objects of the given type
- """
- # Todo what values to use for extensionproperties type
- self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
- if 'type' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the exptype parameter instead.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- exptype = kwargs['type']
- e = ExtensionProperties
- if exptype == 'action':
- e = ActionExtensionPropertyValues
- elif exptype == 'citation':
- e = CitationExtensionPropertyValues
- elif exptype == 'method':
- e = MethodExtensionPropertyValues
- elif exptype == 'result':
- e = ResultExtensionPropertyValues
- elif exptype == 'samplingfeature':
- e = SamplingFeatureExtensionPropertyValues
- elif exptype == 'variable':
- e = VariableExtensionPropertyValues
- try:
- return self._session.query(e).all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # External Identifiers
- def getExternalIdentifiers(self, eitype=None, **kwargs):
- """
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- * Pass type- return a list of all objects of the given type
- """
- self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
- if 'type' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the eitype parameter instead.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- eitype = kwargs['type']
- e = ExternalIdentifierSystems
- if eitype.lowercase == 'citation':
- e = CitationExternalIdentifiers
- elif eitype == 'method':
- e = MethodExternalIdentifiers
- elif eitype == 'person':
- e = PersonExternalIdentifiers
- elif eitype == 'referencematerial':
- e = ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifiers
- elif eitype == 'samplingfeature':
- e = SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifiers
- elif eitype == 'spatialreference':
- e = SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifiers
- elif eitype == 'taxonomicclassifier':
- e = TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers
- elif eitype == 'variable':
- e = VariableExternalIdentifiers
- try:
- return self._session.query(e).all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # TODO functions for Lab Analyses
- # Lab Analyses
- def getDirectives(self):
- """
- getDirectives(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(Directives).all()
- def getActionDirectives(self):
- """
- getActionDirectives(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(ActionDirectives).all()
- def getSpecimenBatchPositions(self):
- """
- getSpecimenBatchPositions(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(SpecimenBatchPositions).all()
- # TODO functions for Provenance
- # Provenance
- def getAuthorLists(self):
- """
- getAuthorLists(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(AuthorLists).all()
- def getDatasetCitations(self):
- """
- getDatasetCitations(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(DataSetCitations).all()
- def getDerivationEquations(self):
- """
- getDerivationEquations(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(DerivationEquations).all()
- def getMethodCitations(self):
- """
- getMethodCitations(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(MethodCitations).all()
- def getRelatedAnnotations(self):
- """
- getRelatedAnnotations(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(RelatedAnnotations).all()
- def getRelatedCitations(self):
- """
- getRelatedCitations(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(RelatedCitations).all()
- def getRelatedDatasets(self):
- """
- getRelatedDatasets(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(RelatedDataSets).all()
- def getRelatedResults(self):
- """
- getRelatedResults(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(RelatedResults).all()
- def getResultDerivationEquations(self):
- """
- getResultDerivationEquations(self)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
- """
- return self._session.query(ResultDerivationEquations).all()
- def getResultValues(self, resultids, starttime=None, endtime=None, lowercols=True):
- """
- Retrieve result values associated with the given result.
- **The resultids must be associated with the same result type**
- Args:
- resultids (list): List of SamplingFeatureIDs.
- starttime (object, optional): Start time to filter by as datetime object.
- endtime (object, optional): End time to filter by as datetime object.
- lowercols (bool, optional): Make column names to be lowercase.
- Default to True.
- **Please start upgrading your code to rely on CamelCase column names,
- In a near-future release,
- the default will be changed to False,
- and later the parameter may be removed**.
- Returns:
- DataFrame: Pandas dataframe of result values.
- Examples:
- >>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[10, 11])
- >>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[100, 20, 34], starttime=datetime.today())
- >>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[1, 2, 3, 4],
- >>> starttime=datetime(2000, 01, 01),
- >>> endtime=datetime(2003, 02, 01), lowercols=False)
- """
- restype = self._session.query(Results).filter_by(ResultID=resultids[0]).first().ResultTypeCV
- ResultValues = TimeSeriesResultValues
- if 'categorical' in restype.lower():
- ResultValues = CategoricalResultValues
- elif 'measurement' in restype.lower():
- ResultValues = MeasurementResultValues
- elif 'point' in restype.lower():
- ResultValues = PointCoverageResultValues
- elif 'profile' in restype.lower():
- ResultValues = ProfileResultValues
- elif 'section' in restype.lower():
- ResultValues = SectionResults
- elif 'spectra' in restype.lower():
- ResultValues = SpectraResultValues
- elif 'time' in restype.lower():
- ResultValues = TimeSeriesResultValues
- elif 'trajectory' in restype.lower():
- ResultValues = TrajectoryResultValues
- elif 'transect' in restype.lower():
- ResultValues = TransectResultValues
- q = self._session.query(ResultValues).filter(ResultValues.ResultID.in_(resultids))
- if starttime:
- q = q.filter(ResultValues.ValueDateTime >= starttime)
- if endtime:
- q = q.filter(ResultValues.ValueDateTime <= endtime)
- try:
- # F841 local variable 'vals' is assigned to but never used
- # vals = q.order_by(ResultType.ValueDateTime)
- query = q.statement.compile(dialect=self._session_factory.engine.dialect)
- df = pd.read_sql_query(
- sql=query,
- con=self._session_factory.engine,
- params=query.params
- )
- if not lowercols:
- df.columns = [self._get_columns(ResultValues)[c] for c in df.columns]
- else:
- warnings.warn(
- 'In a near-future release, '
- 'the parameter \'lowercols\' default will be changed to False, '
- 'and later the parameter may be removed.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- return df
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # SamplingFeatures
- # Site
- def getSpatialReferences(self, srsCodes=None):
- """
- getSpatialReferences(self, srsCodes=None)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all Spatial References
- * Pass in a list of SRS Codes-
- """
- q = self._session.query(SpatialReferences)
- if srsCodes:
- q.filter(SpatialReferences.SRSCode.in_(srsCodes))
- try:
- return q.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- # Simulation
- def getSimulations(self, name=None, actionid=None):
- """
- getSimulations(self, name=None, actionid=None)
- * Pass nothing - get a list of all converter simuation objects
- * Pass a SimulationName - get a single simulation object
- * Pass an ActionID - get a single simulation object
- """
- s = self._session.query(Simulations)
- if name:
- s = s.filter(Simulations.SimulationName.ilike(name))
- if actionid:
- s = s.filter_by(ActionID=actionid)
- try:
- return s.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- def getModels(self, codes=None):
- """
- getModels(self, codes=None)
- * Pass nothing - return a list of all Model Objects
- * Pass a list of ModelCodes - get a list of converter objects related to the converter having ModeCode
- """
- m = self._session.query(Models)
- if codes:
- m = m.filter(Models.ModelCode.in_(codes))
- try:
- return m.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
- def getRelatedModels(self, modid=None, code=None, **kwargs):
- """
- getRelatedModels(self, id=None, code=None)
- * Pass a ModelID - get a list of converter objects related to the converter having ModelID
- * Pass a ModelCode - get a list of converter objects related to the converter having ModeCode
- """
- self._check_kwargs(['id'], kwargs)
- if 'id' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The parameter \'id\' is deprecated. Please use the modid parameter instead.',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- modid = kwargs['id']
- m = self._session.query(Models).select_from(RelatedModels).join(RelatedModels.ModelObj)
- if modid:
- m = m.filter(RelatedModels.ModelID == modid)
- if code:
- m = m.filter(Models.ModelCode == code)
- try:
- return m.all()
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
- return None
+def ReadODM2(*args, **kwargs):
+ warnings.warn('The class odm2api.ODM2.services.readService.ReadODM2 will be deprecated. '
+ 'Please use odm2api.services.readService.ReadODM2 instead.',
+ FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ return newClass(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/odm2api/ODM2/services/updateService.py b/odm2api/ODM2/services/updateService.py
index 87e77b8..6b70c82 100644
--- a/odm2api/ODM2/services/updateService.py
+++ b/odm2api/ODM2/services/updateService.py
@@ -1,93 +1,18 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__author__ = 'jmeline'
-from datetime import datetime
-from odm2api.ODM2 import serviceBase
-from odm2api.ODM2.models import (Actions, Results)
-# ################################################################################
-# Annotations
-# ################################################################################
+import warnings
-class UpdateODM2(serviceBase):
- def update(self, value):
- self._session.add(value)
- self._session.commit()
- return value
+from odm2api.services import UpdateODM2 as newClass
- # ################################################################################
- # Core
- # ################################################################################
- def updateResultValidDateTime(self, resultId, dateTime):
+warnings.warn('The module odm2api.ODM2.services.updateService will be deprecated. '
+ 'Please use odm2api.services.updateService instead.',
+ FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
- # check type of "validdatetime'
- # if not datetime do this:
- # dt = dateTime.to_datetime()
- # else dt = dateTime
- if (type(dateTime) != datetime):
- dt = dateTime.to_datetime()
- else:
- dt = dateTime
- q = self._session.query(Results).filter(Results.ResultID == int(resultId))
- q.update({'ValidDateTime': dt})
- self._session.commit()
- def updateResult(self, resultID=None, valuecount=None, result=None):
- if resultID:
- q = self._session.query(Results).filter(Results.ResultID == int(resultID))
- if valuecount:
- q.update({'ValueCount': valuecount})
- if result:
- self._session.add(result)
- self._session.commit()
- def updateAction(self, actionID=None, begin=None, end=None, action=None):
- if actionID:
- q = self._session.query(Actions).filter(Actions.ActionID == int(actionID))
- # if (type(begin) != datetime):
- # begin = begin.to_datetime()
- # if (type(end) != datetime):
- # end = end.to_datetime()
+__author__ = 'jmeline'
- if begin:
- q.update({'BeginDateTime': begin})
- if end:
- q.update({'EndDateTime': end})
- elif action:
- self._session.add(action)
- self._session.commit()
-# ################################################################################
-# Data Quality
-# ################################################################################
-# ################################################################################
-# Equipment
-# ################################################################################
-# ################################################################################
-# Extension Properties
-# ################################################################################
-# ################################################################################
-# External Identifiers
-# ################################################################################
-# ################################################################################
-# Lab Analyses
-# ################################################################################
-# ################################################################################
-# Provenance
-# ################################################################################
-# ################################################################################
-# Results
-# ################################################################################
-# ################################################################################
-# Sampling Features
-# ################################################################################
-# ################################################################################
-# Sensors
-# ################################################################################
-# ODM2
-# ################################################################################
+def UpdateODM2(*args, **kwargs):
+ warnings.warn('The class odm2api.ODM2.services.readService.CreateODM2 will be deprecated. '
+ 'Please use odm2api.services.readService.CreateODM2 instead.',
+ FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ return newClass(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/odm2api/ODMconnection.py b/odm2api/ODMconnection.py
index c3c1833..1a10b74 100644
--- a/odm2api/ODMconnection.py
+++ b/odm2api/ODMconnection.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
except ImportError:
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
-from odm2api.ODM2.models import setSchema
+from odm2api.models import setSchema
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
diff --git a/odm2api/models.py b/odm2api/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f8c4ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odm2api/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1929 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+from odm2api.base import modelBase
+from sqlalchemy import BigInteger, Boolean, Column, Date, DateTime, Float, ForeignKey, Integer, String, case
+from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql, postgresql, sqlite
+from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
+Base = modelBase.Base
+BigIntegerType = BigInteger()
+BigIntegerType = BigIntegerType.with_variant(sqlite.INTEGER(), 'sqlite')
+BigIntegerType = BigIntegerType.with_variant(postgresql.BIGINT(), 'postgresql')
+BigIntegerType = BigIntegerType.with_variant(mysql.BIGINT(), 'mysql')
+DateTimeType = DateTime()
+DateTimeType = DateTimeType.with_variant(sqlite.INTEGER(), 'sqlite')
+def is_hex(s):
+ try:
+ int(s, base=16)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+# CV
+class CV(object):
+ __table_args__ = {u'schema': 'odm2'}
+ Term = Column('term', String(255), nullable=False)
+ Name = Column('name', String(255), primary_key=True)
+ Definition = Column('definition', String(1000))
+ Category = Column('category', String(255))
+ SourceVocabularyURI = Column('sourcevocabularyuri', String(255))
+class CVActionType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_actiontype'
+class CVAggregationStatistic(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_aggregationstatistic'
+class CVAnnotationType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_annotationtype'
+class CVCensorCode(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_censorcode'
+class CVDataQualityType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_dataqualitytype'
+class CVDataSetType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_datasettypecv'
+class CVDeploymentType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_deploymenttype'
+class CVDirectiveType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_directivetype'
+class CVElevationDatum(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_elevationdatum'
+class CVEquipmentType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_equipmenttype'
+class CVMediumType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_medium'
+class CVMethodType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_methodtype'
+class CVOrganizationType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_organizationtype'
+class CVPropertyDataType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_propertydatatype'
+class CVQualityCode(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_qualitycode'
+class CVResultType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_resulttype'
+class CVRelationshipType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_relationshiptype'
+class CVSamplingFeatureGeoType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_samplingfeaturegeotype'
+class CVSamplingFeatureType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_samplingfeaturetype'
+class CVSpatialOffsetType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_spatialoffsettype'
+class CVSpeciation(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_speciation'
+class CVSpecimenType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_specimentype'
+class CVSiteType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_sitetype'
+class CVStatus(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_status'
+class CVTaxonomicClassifierType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_taxonomicclassifiertype'
+class CVUnitsType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_unitstype'
+class CVVariableName(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_variablename'
+class CVVariableType(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_variabletype'
+class CVReferenceMaterialMedium(Base, CV):
+ __tablename__ = 'cv_referencematerialmedium'
+# ################################################################################
+# Core
+# ################################################################################
+class People(Base):
+ """
+ Individuals that perform actions.
+ """
+ PersonID = Column('personid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ PersonFirstName = Column('personfirstname', String(255), nullable=False)
+ PersonMiddleName = Column('personmiddlename', String(255))
+ PersonLastName = Column('personlastname', String(255), nullable=False)
+class Organizations(Base):
+ """
+ A group of people.
+ """
+ OrganizationID = Column('organizationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ OrganizationTypeCV = Column('organizationtypecv', ForeignKey(CVOrganizationType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ OrganizationCode = Column('organizationcode', String(50), nullable=False)
+ OrganizationName = Column('organizationname', String(255), nullable=False)
+ OrganizationDescription = Column('organizationdescription', String(500))
+ OrganizationLink = Column('organizationlink', String(255))
+ ParentOrganizationID = Column('parentorganizationid', ForeignKey('odm2.organizations.organizationid'))
+ OrganizationObj = relationship(u'Organizations', remote_side=[OrganizationID])
+class Affiliations(Base):
+ AffiliationID = Column('affiliationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ PersonID = Column('personid', ForeignKey(People.PersonID), nullable=False)
+ OrganizationID = Column('organizationid', ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID))
+ IsPrimaryOrganizationContact = Column('isprimaryorganizationcontact', Boolean)
+ AffiliationStartDate = Column('affiliationstartdate', Date, nullable=False)
+ AffiliationEndDate = Column('affiliationenddate', Date)
+ PrimaryPhone = Column('primaryphone', String(50))
+ PrimaryEmail = Column('primaryemail', String(255), nullable=False)
+ PrimaryAddress = Column('primaryaddress', String(255))
+ PersonLink = Column('personlink', String(255))
+ OrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
+ PersonObj = relationship(People)
+class Methods(Base):
+ """
+ The procedure used to perform an action.
+ """
+ MethodID = Column('methodid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ MethodTypeCV = Column('methodtypecv', ForeignKey(CVMethodType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ MethodCode = Column('methodcode', String(50), nullable=False)
+ MethodName = Column('methodname', String(255), nullable=False)
+ MethodDescription = Column('methoddescription', String(500))
+ MethodLink = Column('methodlink', String(255))
+ OrganizationID = Column('organizationid', Integer, ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID))
+ OrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
+class Actions(Base):
+ """
+ Actions are performed by people and may have a result.
+ """
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ActionTypeCV = Column('actiontypecv', ForeignKey(CVActionType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ MethodID = Column('methodid', ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
+ BeginDateTime = Column('begindatetime', DateTime, nullable=False)
+ BeginDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('begindatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ EndDateTime = Column('enddatetime', DateTime)
+ EndDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('enddatetimeutcoffset', Integer)
+ ActionDescription = Column('actiondescription', String(500))
+ ActionFileLink = Column('actionfilelink', String(255))
+ MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
+class ActionBy(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ AffiliationID = Column('affiliationid', ForeignKey(Affiliations.AffiliationID), nullable=False)
+ IsActionLead = Column('isactionlead', Boolean, nullable=False)
+ RoleDescription = Column('roledescription', String(500))
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
+ AffiliationObj = relationship(Affiliations)
+class SamplingFeatures(Base):
+ """
+ Where or on what an action was performed.
+ """
+ SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ """int: Primary key identifier."""
+ SamplingFeatureUUID = Column('samplingfeatureuuid', String(36), nullable=False)
+ """str: A universally unique identifier for the sampling feature."""
+ SamplingFeatureTypeCV = Column('samplingfeaturetypecv', ForeignKey(CVSamplingFeatureType.Name),
+ nullable=False, index=True)
+ """str: CV term describing the type of sampling feature."""
+ SamplingFeatureCode = Column('samplingfeaturecode', String(50), nullable=False)
+ """str: A short but meaningful text identifier for the sampling feature."""
+ SamplingFeatureName = Column('samplingfeaturename', String(255))
+ """str: Sampling Feature name (free text)."""
+ SamplingFeatureDescription = Column('samplingfeaturedescription', String(500))
+ """str: Text describing the sampling feature."""
+ SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV = Column('samplingfeaturegeotypecv', ForeignKey(CVSamplingFeatureGeoType.Name),
+ index=True)
+ """str: Dimensionality of SamplingFeature; point2d, line2d, etc."""
+ Elevation_m = Column('elevation_m', Float(53))
+ """float: The elevation of the sampling feature in meters, or in the case of Specimen,
+ the elevation from where the SamplingFeature.Specimen was collected""" # noqa
+ ElevationDatumCV = Column('elevationdatumcv', ForeignKey(CVElevationDatum.Name), index=True)
+ """str: The code for the vertical geodetic datum that specifies the zero point for
+ the Sampling Feature Elevation""" # noqa
+ # FeatureGeometry = Column('featuregeometry', String(50))
+ """object: The location geometry of the sampling feature on the Earth expressed using a
+ geometry data type. Can be a Point, Curve (profile, trajectory, etc),
+ Surface (flat polygons, etc) or Solid/Volume (although often limited to
+ 2D geometries). """ # noqa
+ FeatureGeometryWKT = Column('featuregeometrywkt', String(50))
+ """str: The location geometry of the sampling feature on the Earth expressed as
+ well known text (WKT). Can be a Point, Curve (profile, trajectory, etc.),
+ Surface (flat polygons, etc.), or Solid/Volume (although often limited to
+ 2D geometries).""" # noqa
+ __mapper_args__ = {
+ 'polymorphic_on': case(
+ [
+ (SamplingFeatureTypeCV == 'Specimen', 'Specimen'),
+ (SamplingFeatureTypeCV == 'Site', 'Site'),
+ ],
+ else_='samplingfeatures'),
+ 'polymorphic_identity': 'samplingfeatures',
+ }
+class FeatureActions(Base):
+ """
+ Provides flexible linkage between Actions and the SamplingFeatures
+ on which or at which they were performed.
+ """
+ FeatureActionID = Column('featureactionid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
+ SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(SamplingFeatures)
+class DataSets(Base):
+ """
+ Enables grouping of results into a larger dataset.
+ """
+ DataSetID = Column('datasetid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ # This has been changed to String to support multiple database uuid types
+ DataSetUUID = Column('datasetuuid', String(255), nullable=False)
+ DataSetTypeCV = Column('datasettypecv', ForeignKey(CVDataSetType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ DataSetCode = Column('datasetcode', String(50), nullable=False)
+ DataSetTitle = Column('datasettitle', String(255), nullable=False)
+ DataSetAbstract = Column('datasetabstract', String(500), nullable=False)
+class ProcessingLevels(Base):
+ """
+ Levels to which data have been quality controlled.
+ """
+ ProcessingLevelID = Column('processinglevelid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ProcessingLevelCode = Column('processinglevelcode', String(50), nullable=False)
+ Definition = Column('definition', String(500))
+ Explanation = Column('explanation', String(500))
+class RelatedActions(Base):
+ """
+ Enables specifying relationships among Actions (e.g., workflows, etc.)
+ """
+ RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ RelatedActionID = Column('relatedactionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions, primaryjoin='RelatedActions.ActionID == Actions.ActionID')
+ RelatedActionObj = relationship(Actions, primaryjoin='RelatedActions.RelatedActionID == Actions.ActionID')
+class TaxonomicClassifiers(Base):
+ """
+ Terms for classifying results.
+ """
+ TaxonomicClassifierID = Column('taxonomicclassifierid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ TaxonomicClassifierTypeCV = Column(
+ 'taxonomicclassifiertypecv',
+ ForeignKey(CVTaxonomicClassifierType.Name),
+ nullable=False,
+ index=True
+ )
+ TaxonomicClassifierName = Column('taxonomicclassifiername', String(255),
+ nullable=False)
+ TaxonomicClassifierCommonName = Column('taxonomicclassifiercommonname', String(255))
+ TaxonomicClassifierDescription = Column('taxonomicclassifierdescription', String(500))
+ ParentTaxonomicClassifierID = Column('parenttaxonomicclassifierid',
+ ForeignKey('odm2.taxonomicclassifiers.taxonomicclassifierid'))
+ parent = relationship(u'TaxonomicClassifiers', remote_side=[TaxonomicClassifierID])
+class Units(Base):
+ """
+ Units of measure.
+ """
+ UnitsID = Column('unitsid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ UnitsTypeCV = Column('unitstypecv', ForeignKey(CVUnitsType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ UnitsAbbreviation = Column('unitsabbreviation', String(255), nullable=False)
+ UnitsName = Column('unitsname', String, nullable=False)
+ UnitsLink = Column('unitslink', String(255))
+class Variables(Base):
+ """
+ What was observed.
+ """
+ VariableID = Column('variableid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ VariableTypeCV = Column('variabletypecv', ForeignKey(CVVariableType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ VariableCode = Column('variablecode', String(50), nullable=False)
+ VariableNameCV = Column('variablenamecv', ForeignKey(CVVariableName.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ VariableDefinition = Column('variabledefinition', String(500))
+ SpeciationCV = Column('speciationcv', ForeignKey(CVSpeciation.Name), index=True)
+ NoDataValue = Column('nodatavalue', Float(asdecimal=True), nullable=False)
+class Results(Base):
+ """
+ The result of an action.
+ """
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
+ # This has been changed to String to support multiple database uuid types
+ # ResultUUID = Column(UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, nullable=False)
+ ResultUUID = Column('resultuuid', String(36), nullable=False)
+ FeatureActionID = Column('featureactionid', ForeignKey(FeatureActions.FeatureActionID), nullable=False)
+ ResultTypeCV = Column('resulttypecv', ForeignKey(CVResultType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ VariableID = Column('variableid', ForeignKey(Variables.VariableID), nullable=False)
+ UnitsID = Column('unitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ TaxonomicClassifierID = Column('taxonomicclassifierid',
+ ForeignKey(TaxonomicClassifiers.TaxonomicClassifierID))
+ ProcessingLevelID = Column('processinglevelid', ForeignKey(ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ResultDateTime = Column('resultdatetime', DateTime)
+ ResultDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('resultdatetimeutcoffset', BigIntegerType)
+ ValidDateTime = Column('validdatetime', DateTime)
+ ValidDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('validdatetimeutcoffset', BigIntegerType)
+ StatusCV = Column('statuscv', ForeignKey(CVStatus.Name), index=True)
+ SampledMediumCV = Column('sampledmediumcv', ForeignKey(CVMediumType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ ValueCount = Column('valuecount', Integer, nullable=False)
+ FeatureActionObj = relationship(FeatureActions)
+ ProcessingLevelObj = relationship(ProcessingLevels)
+ TaxonomicClassifierObj = relationship(TaxonomicClassifiers)
+ UnitsObj = relationship(Units)
+ VariableObj = relationship(Variables)
+ __mapper_args__ = {
+ 'polymorphic_on': case([
+ (ResultTypeCV == 'Point coverage', 'Point coverage'),
+ (ResultTypeCV == 'Profile Coverage', 'Profile Coverage'),
+ (ResultTypeCV == 'Category coverage', 'Category coverage'),
+ (ResultTypeCV == 'Transect Coverage', 'Transect Coverage'),
+ (ResultTypeCV == 'Spectra coverage', 'Spectra coverage'),
+ (ResultTypeCV == 'Time series coverage', 'Time series coverage'),
+ (ResultTypeCV == 'Section coverage', 'Section coverage'),
+ (ResultTypeCV == 'Profile Coverage', 'Profile Coverage'),
+ (ResultTypeCV == 'Trajectory coverage', 'Trajectory coverage'),
+ (ResultTypeCV == 'Measurement', 'Measurement'),
+ ], else_='results'),
+ 'polymorphic_identity': 'results',
+ }
+# ################################################################################
+# Equipment
+# ################################################################################
+class DataLoggerProgramFiles(Base):
+ ProgramID = Column('programid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ AffiliationID = Column('affiliationid', Integer, ForeignKey(Affiliations.AffiliationID), nullable=False)
+ ProgramName = Column('programname', String(255), nullable=False)
+ ProgramDescription = Column('programdescription', String(500))
+ ProgramVersion = Column('programversion', String(50))
+ ProgramFileLink = Column('programfilelink', String(255))
+ AffiliationObj = relationship(Affiliations)
+class DataLoggerFiles(Base):
+ DataLoggerFileID = Column('dataloggerfileid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ProgramID = Column('programid', Integer, ForeignKey(DataLoggerProgramFiles.ProgramID), nullable=False)
+ DataLoggerFileName = Column('dataloggerfilename', String(255), nullable=False)
+ DataLoggerOutputFileDescription = Column('dataloggerfiledescription', String(500))
+ DataLoggerOutputFileLink = Column('dataloggerfilelink', String(255))
+ ProgramObj = relationship(DataLoggerProgramFiles)
+class EquipmentModels(Base):
+ ModelID = Column('modelid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ModelManufacturerID = Column('modelmanufacturerid', Integer,
+ ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID), nullable=False)
+ ModelPartNumber = Column('modelpartnumber', String(50))
+ ModelName = Column('modelname', String(255), nullable=False)
+ ModelDescription = Column('modeldescription', String(500))
+ ModelSpecificationsFileLink = Column('modelspecificationsfilelink', String(255))
+ ModelLink = Column('modellink', String(255))
+ IsInstrument = Column('isinstrument', Boolean, nullable=False)
+ OrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
+class InstrumentOutputVariables(Base):
+ InstrumentOutputVariableID = Column(
+ 'instrumentoutputvariableid',
+ Integer,
+ primary_key=True,
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ ModelID = Column('modelid', Integer, ForeignKey(EquipmentModels.ModelID), nullable=False)
+ VariableID = Column('variableid', Integer, ForeignKey(Variables.VariableID), nullable=False)
+ InstrumentMethodID = Column('instrumentmethodid', Integer, ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
+ InstrumentResolution = Column('instrumentresolution', String(255))
+ InstrumentAccuracy = Column('instrumentaccuracy', String(255))
+ InstrumentRawOutputUnitsID = Column('instrumentrawoutputunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
+ nullable=False)
+ MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
+ OutputUnitObj = relationship(Units)
+ EquipmentModelObj = relationship(EquipmentModels)
+ VariableObj = relationship(Variables)
+class DataLoggerFileColumns(Base):
+ DataLoggerFileColumnID = Column('dataloggerfilecolumnid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(Results.ResultID))
+ DataLoggerFileID = Column('dataloggerfileid', Integer,
+ ForeignKey(DataLoggerFiles.DataLoggerFileID), nullable=False)
+ InstrumentOutputVariableID = Column('instrumentoutputvariableid', Integer,
+ ForeignKey(InstrumentOutputVariables.VariableID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ColumnLabel = Column('columnlabel', String(50), nullable=False)
+ ColumnDescription = Column('columndescription', String(500))
+ MeasurementEquation = Column('measurementequation', String(255))
+ ScanInterval = Column('scaninterval', Float(50))
+ ScanIntervalUnitsID = Column('scanintervalunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ RecordingInterval = Column('recordinginterval', Float(50))
+ RecordingIntervalUnitsID = Column('recordingintervalunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ AggregationStatisticCV = Column(
+ 'aggregationstatisticcv',
+ String(255),
+ ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
+ index=True
+ )
+ ResultObj = relationship(Results)
+ DataLoggerFileObj = relationship(DataLoggerFiles)
+ InstrumentOutputVariableObj = relationship(InstrumentOutputVariables)
+ ScanIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='DataLoggerFileColumns.ScanIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ RecordingIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='DataLoggerFileColumns.RecordingIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+class Equipment(Base):
+ EquipmentID = Column('equipmentid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ EquipmentCode = Column('equipmentcode', String(50), nullable=False)
+ EquipmentName = Column('equipmentname', String(255), nullable=False)
+ EquipmentTypeCV = Column('equipmenttypecv', ForeignKey(CVEquipmentType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ ModelID = Column('modelid', ForeignKey(EquipmentModels.ModelID), nullable=False)
+ EquipmentSerialNumber = Column('equipmentseriealnumber', String(50), nullable=False)
+ EquipmentInventoryNumber = Column('equipmentinventorynumber', String(50))
+ EquipmentOwnerID = Column('equipmentownerid', ForeignKey(People.PersonID), nullable=False)
+ EquipmentVendorID = Column('equipmentvendorid', ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID), nullable=False)
+ EquipmentPurchaseDate = Column('equipmentpurchasedate', DateTime, nullable=False)
+ EquipmentPurchaseOrderNumber = Column('equipmentpurchaseordernumber', String(50))
+ EquipmentDescription = Column('equipmentdescription', String(500))
+ PersonObj = relationship(People)
+ OrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
+ EquipmentModelObj = relationship(EquipmentModels)
+class CalibrationReferenceEquipment(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ EquipmentID = Column('equipmentid', Integer, ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID), nullable=False)
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
+ EquipmentObj = relationship(Equipment)
+class EquipmentActions(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ EquipmentID = Column('equipmentid', ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID), nullable=False)
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
+ EquipmentObj = relationship(Equipment)
+class EquipmentUsed(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ EquipmentID = Column('equipmentid', Integer, ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID), nullable=False)
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
+ EquipmentObj = relationship(Equipment)
+class MaintenanceActions(Base):
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ IsFactoryService = Column('isfactoryservce', Boolean, nullable=False)
+ MaintenanceCode = Column('maintenancecode', String(50))
+ MantenanceReason = Column('maintenancereason', String(50))
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
+class RelatedEquipment(Base):
+ RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=True)
+ EquipmentID = Column('equipmentid', Integer, ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID), nullable=True)
+ RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', String(255), nullable=True, index=True)
+ RelatedEquipmentID = Column(
+ 'relatedequipmentid',
+ Integer,
+ ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID),
+ nullable=True
+ )
+ RelationshipStartDateTime = Column('relationshipstartdatetime', DateTime, nullable=True)
+ RelationshipStartDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('relationshipstartdatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=True)
+ RelationshipEndDateTime = Column('relationshipenddatetime', DateTime)
+ RelationshipEndDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('relationshipenddatetimeutcoffset', Integer)
+ EquipmentObj = relationship(
+ Equipment,
+ primaryjoin='RelatedEquipment.EquipmentID == Equipment.EquipmentID'
+ )
+ RelatedEquipmentObj = relationship(
+ Equipment,
+ primaryjoin='RelatedEquipment.RelatedEquipmentID == Equipment.EquipmentID'
+ )
+class CalibrationActions(Base):
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ CalibrationCheckValue = Column('calibrationcheckvalue', Float(53))
+ InstrumentOutputVariableID = Column('instrumentoutputvariableid', Integer,
+ ForeignKey(InstrumentOutputVariables.VariableID), nullable=False)
+ CalibrationEquation = Column('calibrationequation', String(255))
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
+ InstrumentOutputVariableObj = relationship(InstrumentOutputVariables)
+# ################################################################################
+# Lab Analyses
+# ################################################################################
+class Directives(Base):
+ DirectiveID = Column('directiveid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ DirectiveTypeCV = Column('directivetypecv', ForeignKey(CVDirectiveType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ DirectiveDescription = Column('directivedescription', String(500), nullable=False)
+class ActionDirectives(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ DirectiveID = Column('directiveid', ForeignKey(Directives.DirectiveID), nullable=False)
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
+ DirectiveObj = relationship(Directives)
+class SpecimenBatchPositions(Base):
+ # todo fix misspelling
+ __tablename__ = u'specimenbatchpostions'
+ FeatureActionID = Column(
+ 'featureactionid',
+ Integer,
+ ForeignKey(FeatureActions.FeatureActionID),
+ primary_key=True,
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ BatchPositionsNumber = Column('batchpositionnumber', Integer, nullable=False)
+ BatchPositionLabel = Column('batchpositionlabel', String(255))
+ FeatureActionObj = relationship(FeatureActions)
+# ################################################################################
+# Sampling Features
+# ################################################################################
+class SpatialReferences(Base):
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ SRSCode = Column('srscode', String(50))
+ SRSName = Column('srsname', String(255), nullable=False)
+ SRSDescription = Column('srsdescription', String(500))
+ SRSLink = Column('srslink', String(255))
+class Specimens(SamplingFeatures):
+ SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
+ primary_key=True)
+ SpecimenTypeCV = Column('specimentypecv', ForeignKey(CVSpecimenType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ SpecimenMediumCV = Column('specimenmediumcv', ForeignKey(CVMediumType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ IsFieldSpecimen = Column('isfieldspecimen', Boolean, nullable=False)
+ __mapper_args__ = {
+ 'polymorphic_identity': 'Specimen',
+ }
+class SpatialOffsets(Base):
+ SpatialOffsetID = Column('spatialoffsetid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ SpatialOffsetTypeCV = Column('spatialoffsettypecv', ForeignKey(CVSpatialOffsetType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ Offset1Value = Column('offset1value', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ Offset1UnitID = Column('offset1unitid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ Offset2Value = Column('offset2value', Float(53))
+ Offset2UnitID = Column('offset2unitid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ Offset3Value = Column('offset3value', Float(53))
+ Offset3UnitID = Column('offset3unitid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ Offset1UnitObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpatialOffsets.Offset1UnitID == Units.UnitsID')
+ Offset2UnitObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpatialOffsets.Offset2UnitID == Units.UnitsID')
+ Offset3UnitObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpatialOffsets.Offset3UnitID == Units.UnitsID')
+class Sites(SamplingFeatures):
+ SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
+ primary_key=True)
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID),
+ nullable=False)
+ SiteTypeCV = Column('sitetypecv', ForeignKey(CVSiteType.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ Latitude = Column('latitude', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ Longitude = Column('longitude', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
+ __mapper_args__ = {
+ 'polymorphic_identity': 'Site',
+ }
+class RelatedFeatures(Base):
+ RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
+ nullable=False)
+ RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ RelatedFeatureID = Column(
+ 'relatedfeatureid',
+ ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ SpatialOffsetID = Column('spatialoffsetid', ForeignKey(SpatialOffsets.SpatialOffsetID))
+ SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(
+ SamplingFeatures,
+ primaryjoin='RelatedFeatures.SamplingFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID'
+ )
+ RelatedFeatureObj = relationship(
+ SamplingFeatures,
+ primaryjoin='RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID'
+ )
+ SpatialOffsetObj = relationship(SpatialOffsets)
+class SpecimenTaxonomicClassifiers(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(Specimens.SamplingFeatureID), nullable=False)
+ TaxonomicClassifierID = Column('taxonomicclassifierid',
+ ForeignKey(TaxonomicClassifiers.TaxonomicClassifierID), nullable=False)
+ CitationID = Column('citationid', Integer)
+ SpecimenObj = relationship(Specimens)
+ TaxonomicClassifierObj = relationship(TaxonomicClassifiers)
+# ################################################################################
+# Simulation
+# ################################################################################
+class Models(Base):
+ ModelID = Column('modelid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ModelCode = Column('modelcode', String(255), nullable=False)
+ ModelName = Column('modelname', String(255), nullable=False)
+ ModelDescription = Column('modeldescription', String(500))
+class RelatedModels(Base):
+ RelatedID = Column('relatedid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ModelID = Column('modelid', ForeignKey(Models.ModelID), nullable=False)
+ RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ RelatedModelID = Column('relatedmodelid', ForeignKey(Models.ModelID), nullable=False)
+ ModelObj = relationship(Models, primaryjoin='RelatedModels.ModelID == Models.ModelID')
+ RelatedModelObj = relationship(Models, primaryjoin='RelatedModels.RelatedModelID == Models.ModelID')
+class Simulations(Base):
+ SimulationID = Column('simulationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ SimulationName = Column('simulationname', String(255), nullable=False)
+ SimulationDescription = Column('simulationdescription', String(500))
+ SimulationStartDateTime = Column('simulationstartdatetime', Date, nullable=False)
+ SimulationStartDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('simulationstartdatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ SimulationEndDateTime = Column('simulationenddatetime', Date, nullable=False)
+ SimulationEndDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('simulationenddatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ TimeStepValue = Column('timestepvalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ TimeStepUnitsID = Column('timestepunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ InputDataSetID = Column('inputdatasetid', ForeignKey(DataSets.DataSetID))
+ # OutputDataSetID = Column('outputdatasetid', Integer) # What's this ?
+ ModelID = Column('modelid', ForeignKey(Models.ModelID), nullable=False)
+ Action = relationship(Actions)
+ DataSet = relationship(DataSets)
+ Model = relationship(Models)
+ Unit = relationship(Units)
+# Part of the Provenance table, needed here to meet dependencies
+class Citations(Base):
+ CitationID = Column('citationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ Title = Column('title', String(255), nullable=False)
+ Publisher = Column('publisher', String(255), nullable=False)
+ PublicationYear = Column('publicationyear', Integer, nullable=False)
+ CitationLink = Column('citationlink', String(255))
+# ################################################################################
+# Annotations
+# ################################################################################
+class Annotations(Base):
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ AnnotationTypeCV = Column(
+ 'annotationtypecv',
+ ForeignKey(CVAnnotationType.Name),
+ nullable=False,
+ index=True
+ )
+ AnnotationCode = Column('annotationcode', String(50))
+ AnnotationText = Column('annotationtext', String(500), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationDateTime = Column('annotationdatetime', DateTime)
+ AnnotationUTCOffset = Column('annotationutcoffset', Integer)
+ AnnotationLink = Column('annotationlink', String(255))
+ AnnotatorID = Column('annotatorid', ForeignKey(People.PersonID))
+ CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID))
+ # PersonObj = relationship(People)
+ AnnotatorObj = relationship(People)
+ CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
+class ActionAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+class EquipmentAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ EquipmentID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(Equipment.EquipmentID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ EquipmentObj = relationship(Equipment)
+class MethodAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ MethodID = Column('methodid', ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
+class ResultAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ BeginDateTime = Column('begindatetime', DateTime, nullable=False)
+ EndDateTime = Column('enddatetime', DateTime, nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ ResultObj = relationship(Results)
+class SamplingFeatureAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
+ nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(SamplingFeatures)
+# ################################################################################
+# Data Quality
+# ################################################################################
+class DataSetsResults(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ DataSetID = Column('datasetid', ForeignKey(DataSets.DataSetID), nullable=False)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ DataSetObj = relationship(DataSets)
+ ResultObj = relationship(Results)
+class DataQuality(Base):
+ DataQualityID = Column('dataqualityid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ DataQualityTypeCV = Column('dataqualitytypecv', ForeignKey(CVDataQualityType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ DataQualityCode = Column('dataqualitycode', String(255), nullable=False)
+ DataQualityValue = Column('dataqualityvalue', Float(53))
+ DataQualityValueUnitsID = Column('dataqualityvalueunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ DataQualityDescription = Column('dataqualitydescription', String(500))
+ DataQualityLink = Column('dataqualitylink', String(255))
+ UnitObj = relationship(Units)
+class ReferenceMaterials(Base):
+ ReferenceMaterialID = Column('referencematerialid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ReferenceMaterialMediumCV = Column(
+ 'referencematerialmediumcv',
+ ForeignKey(CVReferenceMaterialMedium.Name),
+ nullable=False,
+ index=True
+ )
+ ReferenceMaterialOrganizationID = Column('referencematerialoranizationid',
+ ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID), nullable=False)
+ ReferenceMaterialCode = Column('referencematerialcode', String(50), nullable=False)
+ ReferenceMaterialLotCode = Column('referencemateriallotcode', String(255))
+ ReferenceMaterialPurchaseDate = Column('referencematerialpurchasedate', DateTime)
+ ReferenceMaterialExpirationDate = Column('referencematerialexpirationdate', DateTime)
+ ReferenceMaterialCertificateLink = Column('referencematerialcertificatelink', String(255))
+ SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID))
+ OrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
+ SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(SamplingFeatures)
+class CalibrationStandards(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', Integer, ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ ReferenceMaterialID = Column(
+ 'referencematerialid',
+ Integer,
+ ForeignKey(ReferenceMaterials.ReferenceMaterialID),
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
+ ReferenceMaterialObj = relationship(ReferenceMaterials)
+class ReferenceMaterialValues(Base):
+ ReferenceMaterialValueID = Column('referencematerialvalueid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ReferenceMaterialID = Column('referencematerialid', ForeignKey(ReferenceMaterials.ReferenceMaterialID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ReferenceMaterialValue = Column('referencematerialvalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ReferenceMaterialAccuracy = Column('referencematerialaccuracy', Float(53))
+ VariableID = Column('variableid', ForeignKey(Variables.VariableID), nullable=False)
+ UnitsID = Column('unitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
+ CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
+ ReferenceMaterialObj = relationship(ReferenceMaterials)
+ UnitObj = relationship(Units)
+ VariableObj = relationship(Variables)
+class ResultNormalizationValues(Base):
+ ResultID = Column(u'resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
+ ReferenceMaterialValueID = Column(u'referencematerialvalueid',
+ ForeignKey(ReferenceMaterialValues.ReferenceMaterialValueID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ResultsObj = relationship(Results)
+ ReferenceMaterialValueObj = relationship(ReferenceMaterialValues)
+class ResultsDataQuality(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ DataQualityID = Column('dataqualityid', ForeignKey(DataQuality.DataQualityID), nullable=False)
+ DataQualityObj = relationship(DataQuality)
+ ResultObj = relationship(Results)
+# ################################################################################
+# Extension Properties
+# ################################################################################
+class ExtensionProperties(Base):
+ PropertyID = Column('propertyid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ PropertyName = Column('propertyname', String(255), nullable=False)
+ PropertyDescription = Column('propertydescription', String(500))
+ PropertyDataTypeCV = Column('propertydatatypecv', ForeignKey(CVPropertyDataType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ PropertyUnitsID = Column('propertyunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ UnitObj = relationship(Units)
+class ActionExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ActionID = Column('actionid', ForeignKey(Actions.ActionID), nullable=False)
+ PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
+ PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
+ ActionObj = relationship(Actions)
+ ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
+class CitationExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
+ PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
+ PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
+ CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
+ ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
+class MethodExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ MethodID = Column('methodid', ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
+ PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
+ PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
+ MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
+ ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
+class ResultExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
+ PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
+ ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
+ ResultObj = relationship(Results)
+class SamplingFeatureExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
+ nullable=False)
+ PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
+ PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
+ ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
+ SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(SamplingFeatures)
+class VariableExtensionPropertyValues(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ VariableID = Column('variableid', ForeignKey(Variables.VariableID), nullable=False)
+ PropertyID = Column('propertyid', ForeignKey(ExtensionProperties.PropertyID), nullable=False)
+ PropertyValue = Column('propertyvalue', String(255), nullable=False)
+ ExtensionPropertyObj = relationship(ExtensionProperties)
+ VariableObj = relationship(Variables)
+# ################################################################################
+# Extension Identifiers
+# ################################################################################
+class ExternalIdentifierSystems(Base):
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column(
+ 'externalidentifiersystemid',
+ Integer,
+ primary_key=True,
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemName = Column('externalidentifiersystemname', String(255), nullable=False)
+ IdentifierSystemOrganizationID = Column('identifiersystemorganizationid',
+ ForeignKey(Organizations.OrganizationID), nullable=False)
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemDescription = Column('externalidentifiersystemdescription', String(500))
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemURL = Column('externalidentifiersystemurl', String(255))
+ IdentifierSystemOrganizationObj = relationship(Organizations)
+class CitationExternalIdentifiers(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
+ ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
+ nullable=False)
+ CitationExternalIdentifier = Column('citationexternaldentifier', String(255), nullable=False)
+ CitationExternalIdentifierURI = Column('citationexternaldentifieruri', String(255))
+ CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
+class MethodExternalIdentifiers(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ MethodID = Column('methodid', ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
+ ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
+ nullable=False)
+ MethodExternalIdentifier = Column('methodexternalidentifier', String(255), nullable=False)
+ MethodExternalIdentifierURI = Column('methodexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
+ MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
+class PersonExternalIdentifiers(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ PersonID = Column('personid', ForeignKey(People.PersonID), nullable=False)
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
+ ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
+ nullable=False)
+ PersonExternalIdentifier = Column('personexternalidentifier', String(255), nullable=False)
+ PersonExternalIdentifierURI = Column('personexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
+ PersonObj = relationship(People)
+class ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifiers(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ReferenceMaterialID = Column(ForeignKey(ReferenceMaterials.ReferenceMaterialID), nullable=False)
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
+ ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifier = Column(
+ 'referencematerialexternalidentifier',
+ String(255),
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifierURI = Column('referencematerialexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
+ ReferenceMaterialObj = relationship(ReferenceMaterials)
+class SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifiers(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ SamplingFeatureID = Column('samplingfeatureid', ForeignKey(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
+ ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
+ nullable=False)
+ SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifier = Column(
+ 'samplingfeatureexternalidentifier',
+ String(255),
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifierURI = Column('samplingfeatureexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
+ SamplingFeatureObj = relationship(SamplingFeatures)
+class SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifiers(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
+ ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
+ nullable=False)
+ SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifier = Column(
+ 'spatialreferenceexternalidentifier',
+ String(255),
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifierURI = Column('spatialreferenceexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
+ SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
+class TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ TaxonomicClassifierID = Column('taxonomicclassifierid',
+ ForeignKey(TaxonomicClassifiers.TaxonomicClassifierID), nullable=False)
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
+ ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
+ nullable=False)
+ TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifier = Column(
+ 'taxonomicclassifierexternalidentifier',
+ String(255),
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifierURI = Column('taxonomicclassifierexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
+ TaxonomicClassifierObj = relationship(TaxonomicClassifiers)
+class VariableExternalIdentifiers(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ VariableID = Column('variableid', ForeignKey(Variables.VariableID), nullable=False)
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemID = Column('externalidentifiersystemid',
+ ForeignKey(ExternalIdentifierSystems.ExternalIdentifierSystemID),
+ nullable=False)
+ VariableExternalIdentifier = Column('variableexternalidentifer', String(255), nullable=False)
+ VariableExternalIdentifierURI = Column('variableexternalidentifieruri', String(255))
+ ExternalIdentifierSystemObj = relationship(ExternalIdentifierSystems)
+ VariableObj = relationship(Variables)
+# ################################################################################
+# Provenance
+# ################################################################################
+class AuthorLists(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
+ PersonID = Column('personid', ForeignKey(People.PersonID), nullable=False)
+ AuthorOrder = Column('authororder', Integer, nullable=False)
+ CitationObj = relationship(Citations, primaryjoin='AuthorLists.CitationID == Citations.CitationID')
+ PersonObj = relationship(People, primaryjoin='AuthorLists.PersonID == People.PersonID')
+class DataSetCitations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ DataSetID = Column('datasetid', ForeignKey(DataSets.DataSetID), nullable=False)
+ RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
+ CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
+ DataSetObj = relationship(DataSets)
+class DerivationEquations(Base):
+ DerivationEquationID = Column('derivationequationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ DerivationEquation = Column('derivationequation', String(255), nullable=False)
+class ResultDerivationEquations(Base):
+ ResultID = Column(u'resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
+ DerivationEquationID = Column(
+ u'derivationequationid',
+ ForeignKey(DerivationEquations.DerivationEquationID),
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ ResultsObj = relationship(Results)
+ DerivationEquationsObj = relationship(DerivationEquations)
+class MethodCitations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ MethodID = Column('methodid', ForeignKey(Methods.MethodID), nullable=False)
+ RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
+ CitationObj = relationship(Citations)
+ MethodObj = relationship(Methods)
+class RelatedAnnotations(Base):
+ RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ RelatedAnnotationID = Column('relatedannotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(
+ Annotations,
+ primaryjoin='RelatedAnnotations.AnnotationID == Annotations.AnnotationID'
+ )
+ RelatedAnnotationObj = relationship(
+ Annotations,
+ primaryjoin='RelatedAnnotations.RelatedAnnotationID == Annotations.AnnotationID'
+ )
+class RelatedCitations(Base):
+ RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ CitationID = Column('citationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
+ RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ RelatedCitationID = Column('relatedcitationid', ForeignKey(Citations.CitationID), nullable=False)
+ CitationObj = relationship(Citations, primaryjoin='RelatedCitations.CitationID == Citations.CitationID')
+ RelatedCitationObj = relationship(
+ Citations,
+ primaryjoin='RelatedCitations.RelatedCitationID == Citations.CitationID'
+ )
+class RelatedDataSets(Base):
+ RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ DataSetID = Column('datasetid', ForeignKey(DataSets.DataSetID), nullable=False)
+ RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ RelatedDataSetID = Column('relateddatasetid', ForeignKey(DataSets.DataSetID), nullable=False)
+ VersionCode = Column('versioncode', String(50))
+ DataSetObj = relationship(DataSets, primaryjoin='RelatedDataSets.DataSetID == DataSets.DataSetID')
+ RelatedDataSetObj = relationship(
+ DataSets,
+ primaryjoin='RelatedDataSets.RelatedDataSetID == DataSets.DataSetID'
+ )
+class RelatedResults(Base):
+ RelationID = Column('relationid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ RelationshipTypeCV = Column('relationshiptypecv', ForeignKey(CVRelationshipType.Name), nullable=False,
+ index=True)
+ RelatedResultID = Column('relatedresultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ VersionCode = Column('versioncode', String(50))
+ RelatedResultSequenceNumber = Column('relatedresultsequencenumber', Integer)
+ ResultObj = relationship(Results, primaryjoin='RelatedResults.RelatedResultID == Results.ResultID')
+ RelatedResultObj = relationship(Results, primaryjoin='RelatedResults.ResultID == Results.ResultID')
+# ################################################################################
+# Results
+# ################################################################################
+class PointCoverageResults(Results):
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
+ ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
+ ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
+ IntendedXSpacing = Column('intendedxspacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedXSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedxspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ IntendedYSpacing = Column('intendedyspacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedYSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedyspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
+ nullable=False, index=True)
+ TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', Integer, nullable=False)
+ IntendedXSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='PointCoverageResults.IntendedXSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ IntendedYSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='PointCoverageResults.IntendedYSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
+ ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='PointCoverageResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Point coverage'}
+class ProfileResults(Results):
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
+ XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53))
+ XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
+ YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
+ IntendedZSpacing = Column('intendedzspacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedZSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedzspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ IntendedTimeSpacing = Column('intendedtimespacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtimespacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
+ nullable=False, index=True)
+ IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='ProfileResults.IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ IntendedZSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='ProfileResults.IntendedZSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
+ XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='ProfileResults.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
+ YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='ProfileResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
+ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Profile Coverage'}
+class CategoricalResults(Results):
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
+ XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53))
+ XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
+ YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
+ ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', Integer, ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
+ QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
+ XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='CategoricalResults.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='CategoricalResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='CategoricalResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': ' Category coverage'}
+class TransectResults(Results):
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
+ ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
+ ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
+ IntendedTransectSpacing = Column('intendedtransectspacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedTransectSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtransectspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ IntendedTimeSpacing = Column('intendedtimespacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtimespacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
+ nullable=False, index=True)
+ IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TransectResults.IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ IntendedTransectSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TransectResults.IntendedTransectSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
+ ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='TransectResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
+ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Transect Coverage'}
+class SpectraResults(Results):
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
+ XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53))
+ XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
+ YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
+ ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
+ IntendedWavelengthSpacing = Column('intendedwavelengthspacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedWavelengthSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedwavelengthspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
+ nullable=False, index=True)
+ IntendedWavelengthSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='SpectraResults.IntendedWavelengthSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
+ XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpectraResults.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
+ YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpectraResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
+ ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SpectraResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
+ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Spectra coverage'}
+class TimeSeriesResults(Results):
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
+ XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53))
+ XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
+ YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
+ ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
+ IntendedTimeSpacing = Column('intendedtimespacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtimespacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
+ nullable=False, index=True)
+ IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TimeSeriesResults.IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
+ XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='TimeSeriesResults.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
+ YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='TimeSeriesResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
+ ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='TimeSeriesResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
+ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Time series coverage'}
+class SectionResults(Results):
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
+ YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
+ YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
+ IntendedXSpacing = Column('intendedxspacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedXSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedxspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ IntendedZSpacing = Column('intendedzspacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedZSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedzspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ IntendedTimeSpacing = Column('intendedtimespacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtimespacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ AggregationStatisticCV = Column(
+ 'aggregationstatisticcv',
+ ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
+ nullable=False,
+ index=True
+ )
+ IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='SectionResults.IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ IntendedXSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='SectionResults.IntendedXSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ IntendedZSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='SectionResults.IntendedZSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
+ YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(Units, primaryjoin='SectionResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID')
+ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Section coverage'}
+class TrajectoryResults(Results):
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
+ IntendedTrajectorySpacing = Column('intendedtrajectoryspacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedTrajectorySpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtrajectoryspacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ IntendedTimeSpacing = Column('intendedtimespacing', Float(53))
+ IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID = Column('intendedtimespacingunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
+ nullable=False, index=True)
+ IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TrajectoryResults.IntendedTimeSpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ IntendedTrajectorySpacingUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TrajectoryResults.IntendedTrajectorySpacingUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
+ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Trajectory coverage'}
+class MeasurementResults(Results):
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(Results.ResultID), primary_key=True)
+ XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53))
+ XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53))
+ YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53))
+ ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID))
+ SpatialReferenceID = Column('spatialreferenceid', ForeignKey(SpatialReferences.SpatialReferenceID))
+ CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
+ nullable=False, index=True)
+ TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
+ nullable=False)
+ SpatialReferenceObj = relationship(SpatialReferences)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='MeasurementResults.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='MeasurementResults.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='MeasurementResults.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='MeasurementResults.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Measurement'}
+class CategoricalResultValues(Base):
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(CategoricalResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ DataValue = Column('datavalue', String(255), nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ ResultObj = relationship(CategoricalResults)
+class MeasurementResultValues(Base):
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(MeasurementResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ ResultObj = relationship(MeasurementResults)
+class PointCoverageResultValues(Base):
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(PointCoverageResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ DataValue = Column('datavalue', BigIntegerType, nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ ResultObj = relationship(PointCoverageResults)
+ XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='PointCoverageResultValues.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ YLocationUnitsobj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='PointCoverageResultValues.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+class ProfileResultValues(Base):
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(ProfileResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ZAggregationInterval = Column('zaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ResultObj = relationship(ProfileResults)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='ProfileResultValues.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='ProfileResultValues.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+class SectionResultValues(Base):
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(SectionResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ XAggregationInterval = Column('xaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ ZLocation = Column('zlocation', BigIntegerType, nullable=False)
+ ZAggregationInterval = Column('zaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
+ nullable=False, index=True)
+ TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ResultObj = relationship(SectionResults)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='SectionResultValues.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='SectionResultValues.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='SectionResultValues.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+class SpectraResultValues(Base):
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(SpectraResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ ExcitationWavelength = Column('excitationwavelength', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ EmissionWavelength = Column('emmistionwavelength', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ WavelengthUnitsID = Column('wavelengthunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ResultObj = relationship(SpectraResults)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='SpectraResultValues.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ WavelengthUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='SpectraResultValues.WavelengthUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+class TimeSeriesResultValues(Base):
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(TimeSeriesResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ResultObj = relationship(TimeSeriesResults)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(Units)
+ def get_columns(self):
+ return ['ValueID', 'ResultID', 'DataValue', 'ValueDateTime', 'ValueDateTimeUTCOffset',
+ 'CensorCodeCV', 'QualityCodeCV', 'TimeAggregationInterval', 'TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID']
+ def list_repr(self):
+ return [self.ValueID, self.ResultID, self.DataValue, self.ValueDateTime, self.ValueDateTimeUTCOffset,
+ self.CensorCodeCV, self.QualityCodeCV, self.TimeAggregationInterval,
+ self.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID]
+class TrajectoryResultValues(Base):
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(TrajectoryResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ ZLocation = Column('zlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ZLocationUnitsID = Column('zlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ TrajectoryDistance = Column('trajectorydistance', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ TrajectoryDistanceAggregationInterval = Column(
+ 'trajectorydistanceaggregationinterval',
+ Float(53),
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ TrajectoryDistanceUnitsID = Column('trajectorydistanceunitsid', Integer, nullable=False)
+ CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column('timeaggregationintervalunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
+ nullable=False)
+ ResultObj = relationship(TrajectoryResults)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TrajectoryResultValues.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TrajectoryResultValues.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TrajectoryResultValues.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ ZLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TrajectoryResultValues.ZLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+class TransectResultValues(Base):
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, primary_key=True)
+ ResultID = Column('resultid', ForeignKey(TransectResults.ResultID), nullable=False)
+ DataValue = Column('datavalue', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTime = Column('valuedatetime', DateTimeType, nullable=False)
+ ValueDateTimeUTCOffset = Column('valuedatetimeutcoffset', Integer, nullable=False)
+ XLocation = Column('xlocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ XLocationUnitsID = Column('xlocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ YLocation = Column('ylocation', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ YLocationUnitsID = Column('ylocationunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ TransectDistance = Column('transectdistance', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ TransectDistanceAggregationInterval = Column(
+ 'transectdistanceaggregationinterval',
+ Float(53),
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ TransectDistanceUnitsID = Column('transectdistanceunitsid', ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID), nullable=False)
+ CensorCodeCV = Column('censorcodecv', ForeignKey(CVCensorCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ QualityCodeCV = Column('qualitycodecv', ForeignKey(CVQualityCode.Name), nullable=False, index=True)
+ AggregationStatisticCV = Column('aggregationstatisticcv', ForeignKey(CVAggregationStatistic.Name),
+ nullable=False, index=True)
+ TimeAggregationInterval = Column('timeaggregationinterval', Float(53), nullable=False)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID = Column(
+ 'timeaggregationintervalunitsid',
+ ForeignKey(Units.UnitsID),
+ nullable=False
+ )
+ ResultObj = relationship(TransectResults)
+ TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TransectResultValues.TimeAggregationIntervalUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ XLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TransectResultValues.XLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ YLocationUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TransectResultValues.YLocationUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+ TransectDistanceUnitsObj = relationship(
+ Units,
+ primaryjoin='TransectResultValues.TransectDistanceUnitsID == Units.UnitsID'
+ )
+class CategoricalResultValueAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(CategoricalResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ ValueObj = relationship(CategoricalResultValues)
+class MeasurementResultValueAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(MeasurementResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ ValueObj = relationship(MeasurementResultValues)
+class PointCoverageResultValueAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(PointCoverageResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ ValueObj = relationship(PointCoverageResultValues)
+class ProfileResultValueAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(ProfileResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ ValueObj = relationship(ProfileResultValues)
+class SectionResultValueAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(SectionResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ ValueObj = relationship(SectionResultValues)
+class SpectraResultValueAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(SpectraResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ ValueObj = relationship(SpectraResultValues)
+class TimeSeriesResultValueAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(TimeSeriesResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ ValueObj = relationship(TimeSeriesResultValues)
+class TrajectoryResultValueAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(TrajectoryResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ ValueObj = relationship(TrajectoryResultValues)
+class TransectResultValueAnnotations(Base):
+ BridgeID = Column('bridgeid', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ ValueID = Column('valueid', BigIntegerType, ForeignKey(TransectResultValues.ValueID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationID = Column('annotationid', ForeignKey(Annotations.AnnotationID), nullable=False)
+ AnnotationObj = relationship(Annotations)
+ ValueObj = relationship(TransectResultValues)
+def _changeSchema(schema):
+ import inspect
+ import sys
+ # get a list of all of the classes in the module
+ clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__],
+ lambda member: inspect.isclass(member) and member.__module__ == __name__)
+ for name, Tbl in clsmembers:
+ import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api as api
+ if isinstance(Tbl, api.DeclarativeMeta):
+ # check to see if the schema is already set correctly
+ if Tbl.__table__.schema == schema:
+ return
+ Tbl.__table__.schema = schema
+ Tbl.__table_args__['schema'] = schema
+def _getSchema(engine):
+ from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
+ insp = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
+ for name in insp.get_schema_names():
+ if 'odm2' == name.lower():
+ return name
+ return insp.default_schema_name
+def setSchema(engine):
+ s = _getSchema(engine)
+ _changeSchema(s)
diff --git a/odm2api/services/__init__.py b/odm2api/services/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..620afca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odm2api/services/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+from odm2api.services.createService import CreateODM2
+from odm2api.services.deleteService import DeleteODM2
+from odm2api.services.readService import ReadODM2
+from odm2api.services.updateService import UpdateODM2
+__author__ = 'jmeline'
+__all__ = [
+ 'CreateODM2',
+ 'DeleteODM2',
+ 'ReadODM2',
+ 'UpdateODM2'
diff --git a/odm2api/services/createService.py b/odm2api/services/createService.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bae275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odm2api/services/createService.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+import uuid
+from odm2api import serviceBase
+from odm2api.models import TimeSeriesResultValues
+__author__ = 'sreeder'
+class CreateODM2(serviceBase):
+ # Annotations
+ def create(self, value):
+ self._session.add(value)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return value
+ def createAll(self, values):
+ self._session.add_all(values)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return values
+ def createVariable(self, var):
+ self._session.add(var)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return var
+ def createMethod(self, method):
+ self._session.add(method)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return method
+ def createProcessingLevel(self, proclevel):
+ self._session.add(proclevel)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return proclevel
+ def createSamplingFeature(self, samplingfeature):
+ if samplingfeature.SamplingFeatureUUID is None:
+ samplingfeature.SamplingFeatureUUID = str(uuid.uuid1())
+ self._session.add(samplingfeature)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return samplingfeature
+ def createUnit(self, unit):
+ self._session.add(unit)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return unit
+ def createOrganization(self, org):
+ self._session.add(org)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return org
+ def createPerson(self, person):
+ self._session.add(person)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return person
+ def createAffiliation(self, affiliation):
+ self._session.add(affiliation)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return affiliation
+ def createDataset(self, dataset):
+ self._session.add(dataset)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return dataset
+ def createDatasetResults(self, datasetresult):
+ self._session.add(datasetresult)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return datasetresult
+ def createAction(self, action):
+ self._session.add(action)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return action
+ def createActionby(self, actionby):
+ self._session.add(actionby)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return actionby
+ def createFeatureAction(self, action):
+ self._session.add(action)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return action
+ def createAnnotations(self, anno):
+ self._session.add(anno)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return anno
+ def createRelatedAction(self, relatedaction):
+ self._session.add(relatedaction)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return relatedaction
+ def createResult(self, result):
+ if result.ResultUUID is None:
+ result.ResultUUID = str(uuid.uuid1())
+ self._session.add(result)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return result
+ def createResultValue(self, value):
+ self._session.add(value)
+ self._session.commit()
+ self._session.flush()
+ return value
+ def createSpatialReference(self, spatialref):
+ self._session.add(spatialref)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return spatialref
+ def createModel(self, model):
+ self._session.add(model)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return model
+ def createRelatedModel(self, relatedmodel):
+ self._session.add(relatedmodel)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return relatedmodel
+ def createSimulation(self, simulation):
+ self._session.add(simulation)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return simulation
+ def createTimeSeriesResultValues(self, datavalues):
+ try:
+ # FXIME: F841 local variable 'tablename' is assigned to but never used.
+ # tablename = TimeSeriesResultValues.__tablename__
+ datavalues.to_sql(
+ name='TimeSeriesResultValues',
+ schema=TimeSeriesResultValues.__table_args__['schema'],
+ if_exists='append',
+ chunksize=1000,
+ con=self._session_factory.engine,
+ index=False
+ )
+ self._session.commit()
+ return datavalues
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return None
diff --git a/odm2api/services/deleteService.py b/odm2api/services/deleteService.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f76d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odm2api/services/deleteService.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+from odm2api import serviceBase
+from odm2api.models import TimeSeriesResultValues
+__author__ = 'jmeline'
+# Annotations
+class DeleteODM2(serviceBase):
+ def remove(self, obj):
+ self._session.delete(obj)
+# CV
+# Core
+# Data Quality
+# Equipment
+# Extension Properties
+# External Identifiers
+# Lab Analyses
+# Provenance
+# Annotations
+# Sampling Features
+# Sensors
+# Result Values
+ def deleteTSRValues(self, ids=None, startdate=None, dates=None):
+ q = self._session.query(TimeSeriesResultValues)
+ if ids:
+ q = q.filter(TimeSeriesResultValues.ResultID.in_(ids))
+ if startdate:
+ # delete all values on or after the startdate.
+ q = q.filter(TimeSeriesResultValues.ValueDateTime >= startdate)
+ if dates:
+ q = q.filter(TimeSeriesResultValues.ValueDateTime.in_(dates))
+ numvals = q.count()
+ q.delete(False)
+ return numvals
diff --git a/odm2api/services/readService.py b/odm2api/services/readService.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e93a712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odm2api/services/readService.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1503 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+import warnings
+from odm2api import serviceBase
+from odm2api.models import (
+ ActionAnnotations, ActionDirectives, ActionExtensionPropertyValues, Actions,
+ Affiliations, Annotations, AuthorLists, CVActionType, CVAggregationStatistic,
+ CVAnnotationType, CVCensorCode, CVDataQualityType, CVDataSetType, CVDirectiveType,
+ CVElevationDatum, CVEquipmentType, CVMediumType, CVMethodType, CVOrganizationType,
+ CVPropertyDataType, CVQualityCode, CVRelationshipType, CVResultType, CVSamplingFeatureGeoType,
+ CVSamplingFeatureType, CVSiteType, CVSpatialOffsetType, CVSpeciation, CVSpecimenType,
+ CVStatus, CVTaxonomicClassifierType, CVUnitsType, CVVariableName, CVVariableType,
+ CalibrationActions, CalibrationReferenceEquipment, CalibrationStandards,
+ CategoricalResultValueAnnotations, CategoricalResultValues, CitationExtensionPropertyValues,
+ CitationExternalIdentifiers, DataLoggerFileColumns, DataLoggerFiles, DataLoggerProgramFiles,
+ DataQuality, DataSetCitations, DataSets, DataSetsResults, DerivationEquations, Directives, Equipment,
+ EquipmentActions, EquipmentAnnotations, EquipmentModels, EquipmentUsed, ExtensionProperties,
+ ExternalIdentifierSystems, FeatureActions, InstrumentOutputVariables, MaintenanceActions,
+ MeasurementResultValueAnnotations, MeasurementResultValues, MethodAnnotations,
+ MethodCitations, MethodExtensionPropertyValues, MethodExternalIdentifiers,
+ Methods, Models, Organizations, People, PersonExternalIdentifiers,
+ PointCoverageResultValueAnnotations, PointCoverageResultValues, ProcessingLevels,
+ ProfileResultValueAnnotations, ProfileResultValues, ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifiers,
+ ReferenceMaterialValues, ReferenceMaterials, RelatedActions, RelatedAnnotations,
+ RelatedCitations, RelatedDataSets, RelatedEquipment, RelatedFeatures, RelatedModels,
+ RelatedResults, ResultAnnotations, ResultDerivationEquations, ResultExtensionPropertyValues,
+ ResultNormalizationValues, Results, ResultsDataQuality, SamplingFeatureAnnotations,
+ SamplingFeatureExtensionPropertyValues, SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifiers,
+ SamplingFeatures, SectionResultValueAnnotations, SectionResults, Simulations,
+ SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifiers, SpatialReferences, SpecimenBatchPositions,
+ SpectraResultValueAnnotations, SpectraResultValues, TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers,
+ TaxonomicClassifiers, TimeSeriesResultValueAnnotations, TimeSeriesResultValues,
+ TrajectoryResultValueAnnotations, TrajectoryResultValues,
+ TransectResultValueAnnotations, TransectResultValues, Units, VariableExtensionPropertyValues,
+ VariableExternalIdentifiers, Variables,
+import pandas as pd
+from sqlalchemy import distinct, exists
+from sqlalchemy.orm import contains_eager
+__author__ = 'sreeder'
+class DetailedResult:
+ def __init__(self, action, result,
+ sc, sn,
+ method, variable,
+ processingLevel,
+ unit):
+ # result.result_id etc.
+ self.ResultID = result.ResultID
+ self.SamplingFeatureCode = sc
+ self.MethodCode = method.MethodCode
+ self.VariableCode = variable.VariableCode
+ self.ProcessingLevelCode = processingLevel.ProcessingLevelCode
+ self.UnitsName = unit.UnitsName
+ self.SamplingFeatureName = sn
+ self.MethodName = method.MethodName
+ self.VariableNameCV = variable.VariableNameCV
+ self.ProcessingLevelDefinition = processingLevel.Definition
+ self.ValueCount = result.ValueCount
+ self.BeginDateTime = action.BeginDateTime
+ self.EndDateTime = action.EndDateTime
+ self.ResultObj = result
+class DetailedAffiliation:
+ def __init__(self, affiliation, person, org):
+ self.AffiliationID = affiliation.AffiliationID
+ self.Name = person.PersonFirstName + ' ' + person.PersonLastName
+ self.Organization = '(' + org.OrganizationCode + ') ' + org.OrganizationName
+class SamplingFeatureDataSet():
+ datasets = {}
+ related_features = {}
+ def __init__(self, samplingfeature, datasetresults, relatedfeatures):
+ sf = samplingfeature
+ self.SamplingFeatureID = sf.SamplingFeatureID
+ self.SamplingFeatureUUID = sf.SamplingFeatureUUID
+ self.SamplingFeatureTypeCV = sf.SamplingFeatureTypeCV
+ self.SamplingFeatureCode = sf.SamplingFeatureCode
+ self.SamplingFeatureName = sf.SamplingFeatureName
+ self.SamplingFeatureDescription = sf.SamplingFeatureDescription
+ self.SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV = sf.SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV
+ self.Elevation_m = sf.Elevation_m
+ self.ElevationDatumCV = sf.ElevationDatumCV
+ self.FeatureGeometryWKT = sf.FeatureGeometryWKT
+ self.assignDatasets(datasetresults)
+ self.assignRelatedFeatures(relatedfeatures)
+ print(self.datasets)
+ def assignDatasets(self, datasetresults):
+ self.datasets = {}
+ if datasetresults:
+ for dsr in datasetresults:
+ if dsr.DataSetObj not in self.datasets:
+ # if the dataset is not in the dictionary, add it and the first result
+ self.datasets[dsr.DataSetObj] = []
+ res = dsr.ResultObj
+ # res.FeatureActionObj = None
+ self.datasets[dsr.DataSetObj].append(res)
+ else:
+ # if the dataset is in the dictionary, append the result object to the list
+ res = dsr.ResultObj
+ # res.FeatureActionObj = None
+ self.datasets[dsr.DataSetObj].append(res)
+ def assignRelatedFeatures(self, relatedfeatures):
+ self.related_features = {}
+ if relatedfeatures:
+ for related in relatedfeatures:
+ if related.SamplingFeatureTypeCV == 'Site':
+ self.related_features = related
+class ReadODM2(serviceBase):
+ def _get_columns(self, model):
+ """Internal helper function to get a dictionary of a model column properties.
+ Args:
+ model (object): Sqlalchemy object, Ex. ODM2 model.
+ Returns:
+ dict: Dictionary of column properties Ex. {'resultid': 'ResultID'}
+ """
+ from sqlalchemy.orm.properties import ColumnProperty
+ columns = [(prop.key.lower(), prop.key) for prop in model.__mapper__.iterate_properties if
+ isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty)]
+ return dict(columns)
+ def _check_kwargs(self, args, kwargs):
+ """Internal helper function to check for unused keyword arguments
+ Args:
+ args (list): List of expected, valid arguments.
+ kwargs (dict): Dictionary of keyword arguments from user
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ invkwd = filter(lambda x: x not in args, kwargs.keys())
+ if invkwd:
+ warnings.warn('Got unexpected keyword argument(s) {}'.format(','.join(invkwd)), stacklevel=2)
+ # Exists functions
+ def resultExists(self, result):
+ """
+ Check to see if a Result Object exists
+ * Pass Result Object - return a boolean value of wether the given object exists
+ """
+ try:
+ ret = self._session.query(exists().where(Results.ResultTypeCV == result.ResultTypeCV)
+ .where(Results.VariableID == result.VariableID)
+ .where(Results.UnitsID == result.UnitsID)
+ .where(Results.ProcessingLevelID == result.ProcessingLevelID)
+ .where(Results.SampledMediumCV == result.SampledMediumCV)
+ )
+ return ret.scalar()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # Annotations
+ def getAnnotations(self, annottype=None, codes=None, ids=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
+ * Pass AnnotationTypeCV - return a list of all objects of the fiven type
+ * Pass a list of codes - return a list of objects, one for each of the given codes
+ * Pass a list of ids -return a list of objects, one for each of the given ids
+ """
+ # TODO What keywords do I use for type.
+ a = Annotations
+ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
+ if 'type' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the annottype parameter instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ annottype = kwargs['type']
+ if annottype:
+ if annottype == 'action':
+ a = ActionAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'categoricalresultvalue':
+ a = CategoricalResultValueAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'equipmentannotation':
+ a = EquipmentAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'measurementresultvalue':
+ a = MeasurementResultValueAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'method':
+ a = MethodAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'pointcoverageresultvalue':
+ a = PointCoverageResultValueAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'profileresultvalue':
+ a = ProfileResultValueAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'result':
+ a = ResultAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'samplingfeature':
+ a = SamplingFeatureAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'sectionresultvalue':
+ a = SectionResultValueAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'spectraresultvalue':
+ a = SpectraResultValueAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'timeseriesresultvalue':
+ a = TimeSeriesResultValueAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'trajectoryresultvalue':
+ a = TrajectoryResultValueAnnotations
+ elif annottype == 'transectresultvalue':
+ a = TransectResultValueAnnotations
+ try:
+ query = self._session.query(a)
+ if codes:
+ query = query.filter(Annotations.AnnotationCode.in_(codes))
+ if ids:
+ query = query.filter(Annotations.AnnotationID.in_(ids))
+ return query.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # CV
+ def getCVs(self, cvtype, **kwargs):
+ """
+ getCVs(self, type):
+ * Pass CVType - return a list of all objects of the given type
+ """
+ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
+ if 'type' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the cvtype parameter instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ cvtype = kwargs['type']
+ if cvtype == 'actiontype':
+ CV = CVActionType
+ elif cvtype == 'aggregationstatistic':
+ CV = CVAggregationStatistic
+ elif cvtype == 'annotationtype':
+ CV = CVAnnotationType
+ elif cvtype == 'censorcode':
+ CV = CVCensorCode
+ elif cvtype == 'dataqualitytype':
+ CV = CVDataQualityType
+ elif cvtype == 'dataset type':
+ CV = CVDataSetType
+ elif cvtype == 'Directive Type':
+ CV = CVDirectiveType
+ elif cvtype == 'Elevation Datum':
+ CV = CVElevationDatum
+ elif cvtype == 'Equipment Type':
+ CV = CVEquipmentType
+ elif cvtype == 'Medium':
+ CV = CVMediumType
+ elif cvtype == 'Method Type':
+ CV = CVMethodType
+ elif cvtype == 'Organization Type':
+ CV = CVOrganizationType
+ elif cvtype == 'Property Data Type':
+ CV = CVPropertyDataType
+ elif cvtype == 'Quality Code':
+ CV = CVQualityCode
+ elif cvtype == 'Relationship Type':
+ CV = CVRelationshipType
+ elif cvtype == 'Result Type':
+ CV = CVResultType
+ elif cvtype == 'Sampling Feature Geo-type':
+ CV = CVSamplingFeatureGeoType
+ elif cvtype == 'Sampling Feature Type':
+ CV = CVSamplingFeatureType
+ elif cvtype == 'Site Type':
+ CV = CVSiteType
+ elif cvtype == 'Spatial Offset Type':
+ CV = CVSpatialOffsetType
+ elif cvtype == 'Speciation':
+ CV = CVSpeciation
+ elif cvtype == 'Specimen Type':
+ CV = CVSpecimenType
+ elif cvtype == 'Status':
+ CV = CVStatus
+ elif cvtype == 'Taxonomic Classifier Type':
+ CV = CVTaxonomicClassifierType
+ elif cvtype == 'Units Type':
+ CV = CVUnitsType
+ elif cvtype == 'Variable Name':
+ CV = CVVariableName
+ elif cvtype == 'Variable Type':
+ CV = CVVariableType
+ else:
+ return None
+ try:
+ return self._session.query(CV).all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ # Core
+ def getDetailedAffiliationInfo(self):
+ """
+ * Pass Nothing - Return a list of all Affiliations with detailed information,
+ including Affiliation, People and Organization
+ """
+ q = self._session.query(Affiliations, People, Organizations) \
+ .filter(Affiliations.PersonID == People.PersonID) \
+ .filter(Affiliations.OrganizationID == Organizations.OrganizationID)
+ affiliationList = []
+ for a, p, o in q.all():
+ detailedAffiliation = DetailedAffiliation(a, p, o)
+ affiliationList.append(detailedAffiliation)
+ return affiliationList
+ def getDetailedResultInfo(self, resultTypeCV=None, resultID=None, sfID=None):
+ # TODO can this be done by just getting the result object and drilling down?
+ # What is the performance comparison.
+ """
+ Get detailed information for all selected Results including , unit info, site info,
+ method info , ProcessingLevel info.
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ * Pass resultTypeCV - All objects of given type
+ * Pass a result ID - single object with the given result ID
+ * Pass a SamplingFeatureID - All objects associated with the given sampling feature.
+ """
+ q = self._session.query(
+ Actions,
+ Results,
+ SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode,
+ SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureName,
+ Methods,
+ Variables,
+ ProcessingLevels,
+ Units).filter(Results.VariableID == Variables.VariableID) \
+ .filter(Results.UnitsID == Units.UnitsID) \
+ .filter(Results.FeatureActionID == FeatureActions.FeatureActionID) \
+ .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID) \
+ .filter(FeatureActions.ActionID == Actions.ActionID) \
+ .filter(Actions.MethodID == Methods.MethodID) \
+ .filter(Results.ProcessingLevelID == ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelID) \
+ .filter(Results.ResultTypeCV == resultTypeCV) \
+ .order_by(Results.ResultID)
+ resultList = []
+ if sfID:
+ q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID == sfID)
+ if resultID:
+ q = q.filter(Results.ResultID == resultID)
+ for a, r, sc, sn, m, v, p, u in q.all():
+ detailedResult = DetailedResult(
+ a, r, sc, sn, m, v, p, u
+ )
+ resultList.append(detailedResult)
+ return resultList
+ # Taxonomic Classifiers
+ def getTaxonomicClassifiers(self):
+ """
+ getTaxonomicClassifiers(self):
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(TaxonomicClassifiers).all()
+ # Variable
+ def getVariables(self, ids=None, codes=None, sitecode=None, results=False):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - returns full list of variable objects
+ * Pass a list of VariableID - returns a single variable object
+ * Pass a list of VariableCode - returns a single variable object
+ * Pass a SiteCode - returns a list of Variable objects that are collected at the given site.
+ * Pass whether or not you want to return the sampling features that have results associated with them
+ """
+ if sitecode:
+ try:
+ variables = [
+ x[0] for x in
+ self._session.query(distinct(Results.VariableID))
+ .filter(Results.FeatureActionID == FeatureActions.FeatureActionID)
+ .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID)
+ .filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode == sitecode).all()
+ ]
+ if ids:
+ ids = list(set(ids).intersection(variables))
+ else:
+ ids = variables
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ pass
+ if results:
+ try:
+ variables = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(Results.VariableID)).all()]
+ if ids:
+ ids = list(set(ids).intersection(variables))
+ else:
+ ids = variables
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ pass
+ query = self._session.query(Variables)
+ if ids:
+ query = query.filter(Variables.VariableID.in_(ids))
+ if codes:
+ query = query.filter(Variables.VariableCode.in_(codes))
+ try:
+ return query.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # Method
+ def getMethods(self, ids=None, codes=None, methodtype=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - returns full list of method objects
+ * Pass a list of MethodIDs - returns a single method object for each given id
+ * Pass a list of MethodCode - returns a single method object for each given code
+ * Pass a MethodType - returns a list of method objects of the given MethodType
+ """
+ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
+ if 'type' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the medtype parameter instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ methodtype = kwargs['type']
+ q = self._session.query(Methods)
+ if ids:
+ q = q.filter(Methods.MethodID.in_(ids))
+ if codes:
+ q = q.filter(Methods.MethodCode.in_(codes))
+ if methodtype:
+ q = q.filter_by(MethodTypeCV=methodtype)
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # ProcessingLevel
+ def getProcessingLevels(self, ids=None, codes=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve a list of Processing Levels
+ If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
+ all Processing Levels objects in the database will be returned.
+ Args:
+ ids (list, optional): List of Processing Levels IDs.
+ codes (list, optional): List of Processing Levels Codes.
+ Returns:
+ list: List of ProcessingLevels Objects
+ Examples:
+ >>> READ.getProcessingLevels(ids=[1, 3])
+ >>> READ.getProcessingLevels(codes=['L1', 'L3'])
+ """
+ q = self._session.query(ProcessingLevels)
+ if ids:
+ q = q.filter(ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelID.in_(ids))
+ if codes:
+ q = q.filter(ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelCode.in_(codes))
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # Sampling Feature
+ def getSamplingFeatures(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None,
+ sftype=None, wkt=None, results=False, **kwargs):
+ """Retrieve a list of Sampling Feature objects.
+ If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
+ all Sampling Feature objects in the database will be returned.
+ Args:
+ ids (list, optional): List of SamplingFeatureIDs.
+ codes (list, optional): List of SamplingFeature Codes.
+ uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string.
+ sftype (str, optional): Type of Sampling Feature from
+ `controlled vocabulary name `_.
+ wkt (str, optional): SamplingFeature Well Known Text.
+ results (bool, optional): Whether or not you want to return only the
+ sampling features that have results associated with them.
+ Returns:
+ list: List of Sampling Feature objects
+ Examples:
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(ids=[39, 40])
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
+ ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(type='Site')
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(wkt='POINT (30 10)')
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(results=True)
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(type='Site', results=True)
+ """
+ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
+ if 'type' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the sftype parameter instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ sftype = kwargs['type']
+ if results:
+ try:
+ fas = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(Results.FeatureActionID)).all()]
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ sf = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID)).filter(FeatureActions.FeatureActionID.in_(fas)).all()] # noqa
+ if ids:
+ ids = list(set(ids).intersection(sf))
+ else:
+ ids = sf
+ q = self._session.query(SamplingFeatures)
+ if sftype:
+ q = q.filter_by(SamplingFeatureTypeCV=sftype)
+ if ids:
+ q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID.in_(ids))
+ if codes:
+ q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode.in_(codes))
+ if uuids:
+ q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureUUID.in_(uuids))
+ if wkt:
+ q = q.filter_by(FeatureGeometryWKT=wkt)
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ def getRelatedSamplingFeatures(self, sfid=None, rfid=None, relationshiptype=None):
+ # TODO: add functionality to filter by code
+ """
+ * Pass a SamplingFeatureID - get a list of sampling feature objects
+ related to the input sampling feature
+ * Pass a RelatedFeatureID - get a list of Sampling features objects through the related feature
+ * Pass a RelationshipTypeCV - get a list of sampling feature objects with the given type
+ """
+ sf = self._session.query(distinct(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID)) \
+ .select_from(RelatedFeatures)
+ if sfid:
+ sf = sf.join(RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureObj).filter(RelatedFeatures.SamplingFeatureID == sfid)
+ if rfid:
+ sf = sf.join(RelatedFeatures.SamplingFeatureObj).filter(RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureID == rfid)
+ if relationshiptype:
+ sf = sf.filter(RelatedFeatures.RelationshipTypeCV == relationshiptype)
+ try:
+ sfids = [x[0] for x in sf.all()]
+ if len(sfids) > 0:
+ sflist = self.getSamplingFeatures(ids=sfids)
+ return sflist
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # Action
+ def getActions(self, ids=None, acttype=None, sfid=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - returns a list of all Actions
+ * Pass a list of Action ids - returns a list of Action objects
+ * Pass a ActionTypeCV - returns a list of Action objects of that type
+ * Pass a SamplingFeature ID - returns a list of Action objects
+ associated with that Sampling feature ID, Found through featureAction table
+ """
+ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
+ if 'type' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the acttype parameter instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ acttype = kwargs['type']
+ a = Actions
+ if acttype == 'equipment':
+ a = EquipmentActions
+ elif acttype == 'calibration':
+ a = CalibrationActions
+ elif acttype == 'maintenance':
+ a = MaintenanceActions
+ q = self._session.query(a)
+ if ids:
+ q = q.filter(a.ActionID.in_(ids))
+ if sfid:
+ q = q.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sfid)
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ def getRelatedActions(self, actionid=None):
+ """
+ * Pass an ActionID - get a list of Action objects related to the input
+ action along with the relationship type
+ """
+ q = self._session.query(Actions).select_from(RelatedActions).join(RelatedActions.RelatedActionObj)
+ if actionid:
+ q = q.filter(RelatedActions.ActionID == actionid)
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # Unit
+ def getUnits(self, ids=None, name=None, unittype=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - returns a list of all units objects
+ * Pass a list of UnitsID - returns a single units object for the given id
+ * Pass UnitsName - returns a single units object
+ * Pass a type- returns a list of all objects of the given type
+ """
+ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
+ if 'type' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the unittype parameter instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ unittype = kwargs['type']
+ q = self._session.query(Units)
+ if ids:
+ q = q.filter(Units.UnitsID.in_(ids))
+ if name:
+ q = q.filter(Units.UnitsName.ilike(name))
+ if unittype:
+ q = q.filter(Units.UnitsTypeCV.ilike(unittype))
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # Organization
+ def getOrganizations(self, ids=None, codes=None):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - returns a list of all organization objects
+ * Pass a list of OrganizationID - returns a single organization object
+ * Pass a list of OrganizationCode - returns a single organization object
+ """
+ q = self._session.query(Organizations)
+ if ids:
+ q = q.filter(Organizations.OrganizationID.in_(ids))
+ if codes:
+ q = q.filter(Organizations.OrganizationCode.in_(codes))
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # Person
+ def getPeople(self, ids=None, firstname=None, lastname=None):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - returns a list of all People objects
+ * Pass a list of PeopleID - returns a single People object
+ * Pass a First Name - returns a single People object
+ * Pass a Last Name - returns a single People object
+ """
+ q = self._session.query(People)
+ if ids:
+ q = q.filter(People.PersonID.in_(ids))
+ if firstname:
+ q = q.filter(People.PersonFirstName.ilike(firstname))
+ if lastname:
+ q = q.filter(People.PersonLastName.ilike(lastname))
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ def getAffiliations(self, ids=None, personfirst=None, personlast=None, orgcode=None):
+ """Retrieve a list of Affiliation objects.
+ If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
+ all Affiliation objects in the database will be returned.
+ Args:
+ ids (list, optional): List of AffiliationIDs.
+ personfirst (str, optional): Person First Name.
+ personlast (str, optional): Person Last Name.
+ orgcode (str, optional): Organization Code.
+ Returns:
+ list: List of Affiliation objects
+ Examples:
+ >>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(ids=[39,40])
+ >>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(personfirst='John',
+ ... personlast='Smith')
+ >>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(orgcode='Acme')
+ """
+ q = self._session.query(Affiliations)
+ if ids:
+ q = q.filter(Affiliations.AffiliationID.in_(ids))
+ if orgcode:
+ q = q.join(Affiliations.OrganizationObj).filter(Organizations.OrganizationCode.ilike(orgcode))
+ if personfirst:
+ q = q.join(Affiliations.PersonObj).filter(People.PersonFirstName.ilike(personfirst))
+ if personlast:
+ q = q.join(Affiliations.PersonObj).filter(People.PersonLastName.ilike(personlast))
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # Results
+ def getResults(self, ids=None, restype=None, uuids=None, actionid=None, simulationid=None,
+ variableid=None, siteid=None, sfids=None, sfuuids=None, sfcodes=None, **kwargs):
+ # TODO what if user sends in both type and actionid vs just actionid
+ """Retrieve a list of Result objects.
+ If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
+ all Result objects in the database will be returned.
+ Args:
+ ids (list, optional): List of ResultIDs.
+ restype (str, optional): Type of Result from
+ `controlled vocabulary name `_.
+ uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string.
+ actionid (int, optional): ActionID.
+ simulationid (int, optional): SimulationID.
+ variableid (int, optional): VariableID.
+ siteid (int, optional): SiteID. - goes through related features table and finds all of results
+ recorded at the given site
+ sfids(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature IDs integer.
+ sfuuids(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature UUIDs string.
+ sfcodes=(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature codes string.
+ Returns:
+ list: List of Result objects
+ Examples:
+ >>> ReadODM2.getResults(ids=[39,40])
+ >>> ReadODM2.getResults(restype='Time series coverage')
+ >>> ReadODM2.getResults(sfids=[65])
+ >>> ReadODM2.getResults(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
+ ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
+ >>> ReadODM2.getResults(simulationid=50)
+ >>> ReadODM2.getResults(siteid=6)
+ >>> ReadODM2.getResults(variableid=7)
+ >>> ReadODM2.getResults(actionid=20)
+ """
+ query = self._session.query(Results)
+ self._check_kwargs(['type', 'sfid'], kwargs)
+ if 'type' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the restype parameter instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ restype = kwargs['type']
+ if restype:
+ query = query.filter_by(ResultTypeCV=restype)
+ if variableid:
+ query = query.filter_by(VariableID=variableid)
+ if ids:
+ query = query.filter(Results.ResultID.in_(ids))
+ if uuids:
+ query = query.filter(Results.ResultUUID.in_(uuids))
+ if simulationid:
+ query = query.join(FeatureActions) \
+ .join(Actions) \
+ .join(Simulations) \
+ .filter_by(SimulationID=simulationid)
+ if actionid:
+ query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter_by(ActionID=actionid)
+ if 'sfid' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'sfid\' is deprecated. '
+ 'Please use the sfids parameter instead and send in a list.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ if kwargs['sfid']:
+ query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter_by(SamplingFeatureID=kwargs['sfid'])
+ if sfids or sfcodes or sfuuids:
+ sf_list = self.getSamplingFeatures(ids=sfids, codes=sfcodes, uuids=sfuuids)
+ sfids = []
+ for sf in sf_list:
+ sfids.append(sf.SamplingFeatureID)
+ query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID.in_(sfids))
+ if siteid:
+ sfids = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(
+ distinct(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID))
+ .select_from(RelatedFeatures)
+ .join(RelatedFeatures.SamplingFeatureObj)
+ .filter(RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureID == siteid)
+ .all()
+ ]
+ # TODO does this code do the same thing as the code above?
+ # sf_list = self.getRelatedSamplingFeatures(rfid=siteid)
+ # sfids = []
+ # for sf in sf_list:
+ # sfids.append(sf.SamplingFeatureID)
+ query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID.in_(sfids))
+ try:
+ return query.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # Datasets
+ def getDataSets(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve a list of Datasets
+ Args:
+ ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs.
+ codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes.
+ uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string.
+ dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
+ `controlled vocabulary name `_.
+ Returns:
+ list: List of DataSets Objects
+ Examples:
+ >>> READ.getDataSets(ids=[39, 40])
+ >>> READ.getDataSets(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
+ >>> READ.getDataSets(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
+ ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
+ >>> READ.getDataSets(dstype='singleTimeSeries')
+ """
+ q = self._session.query(DataSets)
+ if ids:
+ q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetID.in_(ids))
+ if codes:
+ q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetCode.in_(codes))
+ if uuids:
+ q.filter(DataSets.DataSetUUID.in_(uuids))
+ if dstype:
+ q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetTypeCV == dstype)
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # Datasets
+ def getDataSetsResults(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve a detailed list of Datasets along with detailed metadata about the datasets
+ and the results contained within them
+ **Must specify either DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode)**
+ Args:
+ ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs.
+ codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes.
+ uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string.
+ dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
+ `controlled vocabulary name `_.
+ Returns:
+ list: List of DataSetsResults Objects
+ Examples:
+ >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(ids=[39, 40])
+ >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
+ >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
+ ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
+ >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(dstype='singleTimeSeries')
+ """
+ # make sure one of the three arguments has been sent in
+ if all(v is None for v in [ids, codes, uuids]):
+ raise ValueError('Expected DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode argument')
+ q = self._session.query(DataSetsResults) \
+ .join(DataSets)
+ if ids:
+ q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetID.in_(ids))
+ if codes:
+ q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetCode.in_(codes))
+ if uuids:
+ q.filter(DataSets.DataSetUUID.in_(uuids))
+ if dstype:
+ q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetTypeCV == dstype)
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ def getDataSetsValues(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None, lowercols=True):
+ """
+ Retrieve a list of datavalues associated with the given dataset info
+ **Must specify either DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode)**
+ Args:
+ ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs.
+ codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes.
+ uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string.
+ dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
+ `controlled vocabulary name `_.
+ lowercols (bool, optional): Make column names to be lowercase.
+ Default to True.
+ **Please start upgrading your code to rely on CamelCase column names,
+ In a near-future release,
+ the default will be changed to False,
+ and later the parameter may be removed**.
+ Returns:
+ list: List of Result Values Objects
+ Examples:
+ >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(ids=[39, 40])
+ >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
+ >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
+ ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
+ >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(dstype='singleTimeSeries', lowercols=False)
+ """
+ dsr = self.getDataSetsResults(ids, codes, uuids, dstype)
+ resids = []
+ for ds in dsr:
+ resids.append(ds.ResultID)
+ try:
+ return self.getResultValues(resultids=resids, lowercols=lowercols)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ def getSamplingFeatureDatasets(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None, sftype=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve a list of Datasets associated with the given sampling feature data.
+ **Must specify either samplingFeatureID OR samplingFeatureUUID OR samplingFeatureCode)**
+ Args:
+ ids (list, optional): List of SamplingFeatureIDs.
+ codes (list, optional): List of SamplingFeature Codes.
+ uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string.
+ dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
+ `controlled vocabulary name `_.
+ sftype (str, optional): Type of SamplingFeature from
+ `controlled vocabulary name `_.
+ Returns:
+ list: List of DataSetsResults Objects associated with the given sampling feature
+ Examples:
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(ids=[39, 40])
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
+ ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(dstype='singleTimeSeries')
+ >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(sftype='Specimen')
+ """
+ # make sure one of the three arguments has been sent in
+ if all(v is None for v in [ids, codes, uuids, sftype]):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Expected samplingFeatureID OR samplingFeatureUUID '
+ 'OR samplingFeatureCode OR samplingFeatureType '
+ 'argument')
+ sf_query = self._session.query(SamplingFeatures)
+ if sftype:
+ sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureTypeCV == sftype)
+ if ids:
+ sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID.in_(ids))
+ if codes:
+ sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode.in_(codes))
+ if uuids:
+ sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureUUID.in_(uuids))
+ sf_list = []
+ for sf in sf_query.all():
+ sf_list.append(sf)
+ try:
+ sfds = []
+ for sf in sf_list:
+ # Eager loading the data.
+ q = self._session.query(DataSetsResults)\
+ .join(DataSetsResults.ResultObj)\
+ .join(Results.FeatureActionObj)\
+ .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sf.SamplingFeatureID)\
+ .options(contains_eager(DataSetsResults.ResultObj)
+ .contains_eager(Results.FeatureActionObj)
+ .load_only(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID))
+ if dstype:
+ q = q.filter_by(DatasetTypeCV=dstype)
+ vals = q.all()
+ related = self.getRelatedSamplingFeatures(sf.SamplingFeatureID)
+ sfds.append(SamplingFeatureDataSet(sf, vals, related))
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ return sfds
+ # Data Quality
+ def getDataQuality(self):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(DataQuality).all()
+ # TODO DataQuality Schema Queries
+ def getReferenceMaterials(self):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(ReferenceMaterials).all()
+ def getReferenceMaterialValues(self):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(ReferenceMaterialValues).all()
+ def getResultNormalizationValues(self):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(ResultNormalizationValues).all()
+ def getResultsDataQuality(self):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(ResultsDataQuality).all()
+ # TODO Equipment Schema Queries
+ # Equipment
+ def getEquipment(self, codes=None, equiptype=None, sfid=None, actionid=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - returns a list of all Equipment objects
+ * Pass a list of EquipmentCodes- return a list of all Equipment objects that match each of the codes
+ * Pass a EquipmentType - returns a single Equipment object
+ * Pass a SamplingFeatureID - returns a single Equipment object
+ * Pass an ActionID - returns a single Equipment object
+ """
+ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
+ if 'type' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the equiptype parameter instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ equiptype = kwargs['type']
+ # NOTE: Equiptype currently unused!
+ if equiptype:
+ pass
+ e = self._session.query(Equipment)
+ if sfid:
+ e = e.join(EquipmentUsed) \
+ .join(Actions) \
+ .join(FeatureActions) \
+ .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sfid)
+ if codes:
+ e = e.filter(Equipment.EquipmentCode.in_(codes))
+ if actionid:
+ e = e.join(EquipmentUsed).join(Actions) \
+ .filter(Actions.ActionID == actionid)
+ return e.all()
+ def CalibrationReferenceEquipment(self):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(CalibrationReferenceEquipment).all()
+ def CalibrationStandards(self):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(CalibrationStandards).all()
+ def DataloggerFileColumns(self):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(DataLoggerFileColumns).all()
+ def DataLoggerFiles(self):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(DataLoggerFiles).all()
+ def DataloggerProgramFiles(self):
+ """
+ * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(DataLoggerProgramFiles).all()
+ def EquipmentModels(self):
+ """
+ * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(EquipmentModels).all()
+ def EquipmentUsed(self):
+ """
+ * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(EquipmentUsed).all()
+ def InstrumentOutputVariables(self, modelid=None, variableid=None):
+ """
+ * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
+ * Pass ModelID
+ * Pass VariableID
+ """
+ i = self._session.query(InstrumentOutputVariables)
+ if modelid:
+ i = i.filter_by(ModelID=modelid)
+ if variableid:
+ i = i.filter_by(VariableID=variableid)
+ return i.all()
+ def RelatedEquipment(self, code=None):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ * Pass code- return a single object with the given code
+ """
+ r = self._session.query(RelatedEquipment)
+ if code:
+ r = r.filter_by(EquipmentCode=code)
+ return r.all()
+ # Extension Properties
+ def getExtensionProperties(self, exptype=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ * Pass type- return a list of all objects of the given type
+ """
+ # Todo what values to use for extensionproperties type
+ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
+ if 'type' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the exptype parameter instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ exptype = kwargs['type']
+ e = ExtensionProperties
+ if exptype == 'action':
+ e = ActionExtensionPropertyValues
+ elif exptype == 'citation':
+ e = CitationExtensionPropertyValues
+ elif exptype == 'method':
+ e = MethodExtensionPropertyValues
+ elif exptype == 'result':
+ e = ResultExtensionPropertyValues
+ elif exptype == 'samplingfeature':
+ e = SamplingFeatureExtensionPropertyValues
+ elif exptype == 'variable':
+ e = VariableExtensionPropertyValues
+ try:
+ return self._session.query(e).all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # External Identifiers
+ def getExternalIdentifiers(self, eitype=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ * Pass type- return a list of all objects of the given type
+ """
+ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
+ if 'type' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'type\' is deprecated. Please use the eitype parameter instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ eitype = kwargs['type']
+ e = ExternalIdentifierSystems
+ if eitype.lowercase == 'citation':
+ e = CitationExternalIdentifiers
+ elif eitype == 'method':
+ e = MethodExternalIdentifiers
+ elif eitype == 'person':
+ e = PersonExternalIdentifiers
+ elif eitype == 'referencematerial':
+ e = ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifiers
+ elif eitype == 'samplingfeature':
+ e = SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifiers
+ elif eitype == 'spatialreference':
+ e = SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifiers
+ elif eitype == 'taxonomicclassifier':
+ e = TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers
+ elif eitype == 'variable':
+ e = VariableExternalIdentifiers
+ try:
+ return self._session.query(e).all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # TODO functions for Lab Analyses
+ # Lab Analyses
+ def getDirectives(self):
+ """
+ getDirectives(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(Directives).all()
+ def getActionDirectives(self):
+ """
+ getActionDirectives(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(ActionDirectives).all()
+ def getSpecimenBatchPositions(self):
+ """
+ getSpecimenBatchPositions(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(SpecimenBatchPositions).all()
+ # TODO functions for Provenance
+ # Provenance
+ def getAuthorLists(self):
+ """
+ getAuthorLists(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(AuthorLists).all()
+ def getDatasetCitations(self):
+ """
+ getDatasetCitations(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(DataSetCitations).all()
+ def getDerivationEquations(self):
+ """
+ getDerivationEquations(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(DerivationEquations).all()
+ def getMethodCitations(self):
+ """
+ getMethodCitations(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(MethodCitations).all()
+ def getRelatedAnnotations(self):
+ """
+ getRelatedAnnotations(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(RelatedAnnotations).all()
+ def getRelatedCitations(self):
+ """
+ getRelatedCitations(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(RelatedCitations).all()
+ def getRelatedDatasets(self):
+ """
+ getRelatedDatasets(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(RelatedDataSets).all()
+ def getRelatedResults(self):
+ """
+ getRelatedResults(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(RelatedResults).all()
+ def getResultDerivationEquations(self):
+ """
+ getResultDerivationEquations(self)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
+ """
+ return self._session.query(ResultDerivationEquations).all()
+ def getResultValues(self, resultids, starttime=None, endtime=None, lowercols=True):
+ """
+ Retrieve result values associated with the given result.
+ **The resultids must be associated with the same result type**
+ Args:
+ resultids (list): List of SamplingFeatureIDs.
+ starttime (object, optional): Start time to filter by as datetime object.
+ endtime (object, optional): End time to filter by as datetime object.
+ lowercols (bool, optional): Make column names to be lowercase.
+ Default to True.
+ **Please start upgrading your code to rely on CamelCase column names,
+ In a near-future release,
+ the default will be changed to False,
+ and later the parameter may be removed**.
+ Returns:
+ DataFrame: Pandas dataframe of result values.
+ Examples:
+ >>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[10, 11])
+ >>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[100, 20, 34], starttime=datetime.today())
+ >>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[1, 2, 3, 4],
+ >>> starttime=datetime(2000, 01, 01),
+ >>> endtime=datetime(2003, 02, 01), lowercols=False)
+ """
+ restype = self._session.query(Results).filter_by(ResultID=resultids[0]).first().ResultTypeCV
+ ResultValues = TimeSeriesResultValues
+ if 'categorical' in restype.lower():
+ ResultValues = CategoricalResultValues
+ elif 'measurement' in restype.lower():
+ ResultValues = MeasurementResultValues
+ elif 'point' in restype.lower():
+ ResultValues = PointCoverageResultValues
+ elif 'profile' in restype.lower():
+ ResultValues = ProfileResultValues
+ elif 'section' in restype.lower():
+ ResultValues = SectionResults
+ elif 'spectra' in restype.lower():
+ ResultValues = SpectraResultValues
+ elif 'time' in restype.lower():
+ ResultValues = TimeSeriesResultValues
+ elif 'trajectory' in restype.lower():
+ ResultValues = TrajectoryResultValues
+ elif 'transect' in restype.lower():
+ ResultValues = TransectResultValues
+ q = self._session.query(ResultValues).filter(ResultValues.ResultID.in_(resultids))
+ if starttime:
+ q = q.filter(ResultValues.ValueDateTime >= starttime)
+ if endtime:
+ q = q.filter(ResultValues.ValueDateTime <= endtime)
+ try:
+ # F841 local variable 'vals' is assigned to but never used
+ # vals = q.order_by(ResultType.ValueDateTime)
+ query = q.statement.compile(dialect=self._session_factory.engine.dialect)
+ df = pd.read_sql_query(
+ sql=query,
+ con=self._session_factory.engine,
+ params=query.params
+ )
+ if not lowercols:
+ df.columns = [self._get_columns(ResultValues)[c] for c in df.columns]
+ else:
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'In a near-future release, '
+ 'the parameter \'lowercols\' default will be changed to False, '
+ 'and later the parameter may be removed.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ return df
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # SamplingFeatures
+ # Site
+ def getSpatialReferences(self, srsCodes=None):
+ """
+ getSpatialReferences(self, srsCodes=None)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all Spatial References
+ * Pass in a list of SRS Codes-
+ """
+ q = self._session.query(SpatialReferences)
+ if srsCodes:
+ q.filter(SpatialReferences.SRSCode.in_(srsCodes))
+ try:
+ return q.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ # Simulation
+ def getSimulations(self, name=None, actionid=None):
+ """
+ getSimulations(self, name=None, actionid=None)
+ * Pass nothing - get a list of all converter simuation objects
+ * Pass a SimulationName - get a single simulation object
+ * Pass an ActionID - get a single simulation object
+ """
+ s = self._session.query(Simulations)
+ if name:
+ s = s.filter(Simulations.SimulationName.ilike(name))
+ if actionid:
+ s = s.filter_by(ActionID=actionid)
+ try:
+ return s.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ def getModels(self, codes=None):
+ """
+ getModels(self, codes=None)
+ * Pass nothing - return a list of all Model Objects
+ * Pass a list of ModelCodes - get a list of converter objects related to the converter having ModeCode
+ """
+ m = self._session.query(Models)
+ if codes:
+ m = m.filter(Models.ModelCode.in_(codes))
+ try:
+ return m.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
+ def getRelatedModels(self, modid=None, code=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ getRelatedModels(self, id=None, code=None)
+ * Pass a ModelID - get a list of converter objects related to the converter having ModelID
+ * Pass a ModelCode - get a list of converter objects related to the converter having ModeCode
+ """
+ self._check_kwargs(['id'], kwargs)
+ if 'id' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn('The parameter \'id\' is deprecated. Please use the modid parameter instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ modid = kwargs['id']
+ m = self._session.query(Models).select_from(RelatedModels).join(RelatedModels.ModelObj)
+ if modid:
+ m = m.filter(RelatedModels.ModelID == modid)
+ if code:
+ m = m.filter(Models.ModelCode == code)
+ try:
+ return m.all()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
+ return None
diff --git a/odm2api/services/updateService.py b/odm2api/services/updateService.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7a46e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odm2api/services/updateService.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__author__ = 'jmeline'
+from datetime import datetime
+from odm2api import serviceBase
+from odm2api.models import (Actions, Results)
+# ################################################################################
+# Annotations
+# ################################################################################
+class UpdateODM2(serviceBase):
+ def update(self, value):
+ self._session.add(value)
+ self._session.commit()
+ return value
+ # ################################################################################
+ # Core
+ # ################################################################################
+ def updateResultValidDateTime(self, resultId, dateTime):
+ # check type of "validdatetime'
+ # if not datetime do this:
+ # dt = dateTime.to_datetime()
+ # else dt = dateTime
+ if (type(dateTime) != datetime):
+ dt = dateTime.to_datetime()
+ else:
+ dt = dateTime
+ q = self._session.query(Results).filter(Results.ResultID == int(resultId))
+ q.update({'ValidDateTime': dt})
+ self._session.commit()
+ def updateResult(self, resultID=None, valuecount=None, result=None):
+ if resultID:
+ q = self._session.query(Results).filter(Results.ResultID == int(resultID))
+ if valuecount:
+ q.update({'ValueCount': valuecount})
+ if result:
+ self._session.add(result)
+ self._session.commit()
+ def updateAction(self, actionID=None, begin=None, end=None, action=None):
+ if actionID:
+ q = self._session.query(Actions).filter(Actions.ActionID == int(actionID))
+ # if (type(begin) != datetime):
+ # begin = begin.to_datetime()
+ # if (type(end) != datetime):
+ # end = end.to_datetime()
+ if begin:
+ q.update({'BeginDateTime': begin})
+ if end:
+ q.update({'EndDateTime': end})
+ elif action:
+ self._session.add(action)
+ self._session.commit()
+# ################################################################################
+# Data Quality
+# ################################################################################
+# ################################################################################
+# Equipment
+# ################################################################################
+# ################################################################################
+# Extension Properties
+# ################################################################################
+# ################################################################################
+# External Identifiers
+# ################################################################################
+# ################################################################################
+# Lab Analyses
+# ################################################################################
+# ################################################################################
+# Provenance
+# ################################################################################
+# ################################################################################
+# Results
+# ################################################################################
+# ################################################################################
+# Sampling Features
+# ################################################################################
+# ################################################################################
+# Sensors
+# ################################################################################
+# ODM2
+# ################################################################################