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daRabbit edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Demnok Lannik, the Warlock, is a ranged intelligence hero who has everything he need to get his enemies down with his team, or at least with his golem.

Difference to vanilla

  • XP or gold talent changes.


Q: Fatal Bonds

Ability: Target Unit
Affects: Enemies
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
Dispellable: Yes
140 mana || 24/22/20/18/18/18 cooldown

Binds several enemy units together, causing a percentage of the damage dealt to one of them to be felt by the others.

Cast Range: 1000
Cast Point: 0.2
Search Radius: 700
Max Bonded Units: 3/4/5/6/11/16
Damage Shared: 25% (Talent 30%)
Bonds Duration: 25


W: Shadow Word

Ability: Target Unit (Talent Target Area)
Affects: Enemies/Allies
Damage Type: Magical
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
Dispellable: Yes
120/130/140/150/200/250 mana || 16 cooldown

Warlock whispers an incantation, healing a friendly unit or damaging an enemy unit over time.

Cast Range: 450/550/650/750/825/900
Cast Point: 0.5
Radius: 0 (Talent 300)
Damage per Second: 15/25/35/45/115/185
Heal per Second: 15/25/35/45/115/185
Duration: 12


E: Upheaval

Ability: Channeled, Target Area
Affects: Enemies
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
Dispellable: Yes
100/110/120/130/180/230 mana || 50/46/42/38/34/30 cooldown

A powerful slowing current that grows stronger as it's channelled. Lasts up to 16 seconds. Enemies are slowed for 3 seconds after leaving the area or the spell ends.

Cast Range: 1200
Cast Point: 0.5
Radius: 650
Max Channel Time: 16
Move Speed Slow per Second: 7%/14%/21%/28%/35%/42%
Move Speed Slow Cap: 84%
Slow Duration: 3/3/3/3/3.5/5


R: Chaotic Offering

Ability: Target Area
Affects: Enemies Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
250/375/500/1125/1750 mana || 170 cooldown

Summons a Golem from the depths, stunning enemies for one second. The Golem lives 60 seconds, takes reduced damage from spells, has Permanent Immolation and Flaming Fists on attack.

Cast Range: 1200
Cast Point: 0.5
Stun Radius: 600
Delay: 0.5
Number of Golems: 1 (Aghanim's Scepter: 2)
Stun Duration: 1
Golem Duration: 60

  • If the 20 talent is taken, summons Golem upon warlock's death.
  • If the 25 talent is taken, Golem has magic immunity.
  • Aghanim's Scepter Effect: 2 Golems summoned with less bounty and reduced stats.
  • Brief stats of Golem Golem Health: 1000/2000/3000/4500/7000 (Aghanim's Scepter: 750/1500/2250/3375/5250)
    Golem HP Regen: 25/50/75/200/325
    Golem Damage: 75/125/175/375/600 (Aghanim's Scepter: 56/94/131/280/450)
    Golem Armor: 6/9/12/17/42
    Golem Bounty: 100/150/200/200/200 (Aghanim's Scepter: 50)
    Flaming Fists
    Deals extra pure damage to nearby units within 300 radius when attacking.
    Damage: 40/50/60/110/160
    Permanent Immolation
    Burns the Golem's nearby enemy units within 300 radius, with damage per second (magic damage).
    Damage: 30/50/70/100/150


Magic Immunity for
Chaotic Offering Golems


+20 Chaotic Offering
Golems Armor
300 Shadow Word AoE


Summons a Golem
on Death
-7s Shadow Word


+10 Intelligence
+150 Cast Range


+5% Fatal Bonds Damage


  • Currently none, for now.
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