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Development process draft

Lei Chen edited this page Nov 8, 2021 · 7 revisions
                                                                         │  Move the PIP  │                            
                                                                         │  to discarded  │                            
                                                                         │    catalog     │                            
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    │    Create an     │            │ Add the issue to PIPs  │              ╱         ╲      Y       │  Move the PIP  │
    │   issue for a    │──────────▶ │ Page proposed catalog  │ ───────────▶▕ Accepted? ▏───────────▶ │  to accepted   │
    │   new feature    │            │     of Github wiki     │                                       │    catalog     │
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                                       ┌───────────────────┐             ┌────────────────┐              ╱       ╲     
                                       │  Create a project │             │ Build a SIG or │             ╱         ╲    
                                       │ on the github for │ ◀─────────  │ find a feature │ ◀───────── ▕  Complex  ▏   
                                       │    development    │             │     owner      │              feature?      
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                                                                                                     │  Wait for the  │
                                                                                                     │ pr and attach  │
                                                                                                     │       it       │


  • PIP: Pika Improvement Proposal
  • Please attach an issue to a project if the issue is related to that project
  • Please transform a note of the project to an issue if needed
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