Releases: OpenDroneMap/ODM
Releases · OpenDroneMap/ODM
OpenDroneMap version 0.4 Release Candidate 1
Check out our docs:
And join the conversation:
New Features:
- 2.5 dimensional mesh
- Create georef transformation file
- DEM/DTM modeling with ground classification
- Add python contributions/plugin support
- vegetation indices
- blender
- video 360
- Fast orthophoto with sparse reconstruction
- Add ID column support for GCP files
- Expose more parameters for OpenSfM (depth map, etc)
- Add support for laz output
- Updated PDAL pipeline and version
- Increase useful output to stdout
- Remove resizing of original images (fixes issue with georeferencing
- Fix GPS altitude tag parsing
- Pyexiv2 crashing issue
- Fix x,y dimensions in exif after resize
- Improve install/configure script
- Improve usability
- improve readme instructions
- remove depreciated parameters
- Update dependencies
- improve docker usability
- fix utm bug: OpenDroneMap/WebODM#267
- replace jhead with exiv2
- fix end_with tag with mvs-texturing
- add ability to skip convert_to_las
- fix issue with single-digit utm zones
- Handle bundler files that have invalid/empty camera parameters
- remove sudo statements from config
- Fixed single-material rendering bug in odm_orthophoto
- Split-merge, for very large datasets
- Improve GDAL memory management
- Presever double coordinates precision in odm_georef
- Fix GCP accuracy issues
- odm_georef output to binary instead of ply
- fix mvs-tex temp dir issues
- make csv export optional
- improve odm_georef processing speed
- use cmake build type for internal modules
- remove mesh command in opensfm (currently unused)
- fix gippy download
- fix build processes in config script
- Fix VTK build
Known issues:
- Still only works natively on 16.04, but docker is well supported (and recommended).
- double check documentation
- create lean release zip file (no git folder)
OpenDroneMap Beta v0.3.1 (hotfix)
This release fixes a compilation bug introduced by an external module, mvs-texturing.
- Download this release.
- Run
bash reinstall
OpenDroneMap Beta v0.3
- Video SLAM processing (optional install) see wiki
- UI Changes:
- Global settings file
- project path setting
- verbose flag
- parameter name simplification
- GCP improvements:
- Allow EXIF override
- Automatically find gcp_list.txt
- Use original images for georeferencing
- Multithreaded
- add opensfm-processes n flag for memory management
- expose tone mapping parameter to mvs-texturing
- Add optional modules in contrib/ directory: NDVI, GRASS DEM, Blender
- Expose odm_orthophoto settings: BigTIFF, no-tiled, compression type
- DEM generation using PDAL and a progressive morphological filter
- More robust installation process (See readme)
- better logging for subprocesses
- update GDAL for multithreading
- fix texturing global illumination
- allow for partial restart of opensfm
- Minimize Dockerfile
- and more....
Known Bugs
- using a GCP file, the resized images must be very close in size to the originals, or it will either fail or come out very weird.
- OpenSfM uses a lot of memory in systems with a high number of processors. For now, use
--opensfm-processes n
where n is smaller than your total number of cores (find that out by runningnproc
OpenDroneMap Beta v0.3 Release Candidate
- Video SLAM processing (optional install) see wiki
- UI Changes:
- Global settings file
- project path setting
- verbose flag
- parameter name simplification
- GCP improvements:
- Allow EXIF override
- Automatically find gcp_list.txt
- Use original images for georeferencing
- Multithreaded
- add opensfm-processes n flag for memory management
- expose tone mapping parameter to mvs-texturing
- Add optional modules in contrib/ directory: NDVI, GRASS DEM, Blender
- Expose odm_orthophoto settings: BigTIFF, no-tiled, compression type
- DEM generation using PDAL and a progressive morphological filter
- More robust installation process (See readme)
- better logging for subprocesses
- update GDAL for multithreading
- fix texturing global illumination
- allow for partial restart of opensfm
- Minimize Dockerfile
- and more....
OpenDroneMap Beta v0.2
New Features
- MVS-Texturing: new texturing algorithm vastly improves blending, seam leveling, color correction, and overall quality using algorithms described in
- Updates OpenSfM to more recent version
- Optional ability to install with semi-global matching point cloud densification technique. See here
Minor changes
- More streamlined installation
- Improves Docker installation (note changed process in readme)
- Parallelization of early tasks
- Bug fixes and code cleanup
Release candidate for beta 0.2 release
New Features
- MVS-Texturing: new texturing algorithm vastly improves blending, seam leveling, color correction, and overall quality
- Updates OpenSfM to more recent version
- Optional ability to install with semi-global matching point cloud densification technique. See here
Minor changes
- More streamlined installation
- Improves Docker installation (note changed process in readme)
- Parallelization of early tasks
- Bug fixes and code cleanup
OpenDroneMap Beta v0.1
Changelog for v0.1-RC1
Huge update, we've incorporated a framework for processing along the toolchain and improved the installation process.
- cmake superbuild for all components
- Now you will run the following to install or update ODM:
bash ./
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && cd ..
# copy paste the following (with correct directory structure) into your ~/.bashrc (or other preferred method) (requires logout/in to work)
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<ODMDIR>/SuperBuild/install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:<ODMDIR>/SuperBuild/src/opensfm
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<ODMDIR>/SuperBuild/install/lib
Running ODM
Use these instructions to run the processing script. Note there are significant differences from the previous version, namely you have to specify --project-path
Code restructure
- Object Oriented Code
- Ecto framework
- Project tree:
- Your ODM project will have a more organized structure. One big change is that your images must be placed in a "images/" subdirectory in the project folder.
- Testing framework
Feature additions / changes
- Add XYZ pointcloud output
- benchmarking with
- Replacement of LASTools with PDAL
- Control script updates -
- Remove local ccd_defs
Release Candidate for Beta v0.1 Release
Changelog for v0.1-RC1
Huge update, we've incorporated a framework for processing along the toolchain and improved the installation process.
- cmake superbuild for all components
- Now you will run the following to install or update ODM:
bash ./
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && cd ..
# copy paste the following (with correct directory structure) into your ~/.bashrc (or other preferred method) (requires logout/in to work)
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<ODMDIR>/SuperBuild/install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:<ODMDIR>/SuperBuild/src/opensfm
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<ODMDIR>/SuperBuild/install/lib
Code restructure
- Object Oriented Code
- Ecto framework
- Project tree:
- Your ODM project will have a more organized structure. One big change is that your images must be placed in a "images/" subdirectory in the project folder.
- Testing framework
Feature additions / changes
- Add XYZ pointcloud output
- benchmarking with
- Replacement of LASTools with PDAL
- Control script updates -
- Remove local ccd_defs
Planned updates for next release (v0.1)
- None! This is a release candidate which means only bug fixes allowed.
Release/Versioning semantics
0.1-RC1 | Beta Release Candidate |
0.1 | Beta Release |
0.1.1 | Bug Fix Release |
0.2-RC1 | Feature update RC |
Etc. |
Major Release
1.0-RC1 | Major Release Candidate |
1.0 | Major Release |
1.0.1 | Bug Fixes |
1.1 | Minor Feature update (no api changes) |
Etc. |
Last update to the pre-alpha version before v0.1-alpha
Merge pull request #236 from OpenDroneMap/ccd-changes Ccd changes Former-commit-id: 3fcc58da7a88f1d2f21807f97395d78b29692ae5