diff --git a/STYLEGUIDE.md b/STYLEGUIDE.md index 38a83d2c8..6da7a57d3 100644 --- a/STYLEGUIDE.md +++ b/STYLEGUIDE.md @@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ The following **may not** be used: * `eval()` * `Function` constructor (it uses `eval()`) * `with()` *(it can be highly inconsistent)* +* `Promise` *(unpredictable and considered unstable in some browser implementations at this time. Utilize callback structure with some standards of receiving `function optionalName(aArg1, aArg2, ..., aCallback)` and sending `function optionalName(aCallback, aArg1, aArg2, ...)` signatures for use with internal Code styling and async package including possible `aErr` argument parameter)* Do not pass strings to `setTimeout` or `setInterval`. They use `eval()`. If you're trying to force a server side function to run asynchronously use [`setImmediate`](http://nodejs.org/api/timers.html#timers_setimmediate_callback_arg) *(or [`process.nextTick`](http://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_nexttick_callback) if you really know what you're doing)*.