This is a fork of the original project which is part of the GatsbyJS mono repo. This allows us to more easily maintain the changes we're using in production while working on getting them incorporated upstream. Eventually we can hopefully stop using this fork and go back to using the official GatsbyJS version of the plugin.
Current open/related issues:
Source plugin for pulling data (including images) into Gatsby from Drupal sites.
Pulls data from Drupal 8 sites with the Drupal JSONAPI module installed.
An example site built with the headless Drupal distro ContentaCMS is at
Option allows changing the API entry point depending on the version of
jsonapi used by your Drupal instance. The default value is jsonapi
, which has
been used since jsonapi version 8.x-1.0-alpha4
npm install --save gatsby-source-drupal
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-drupal`,
options: {
baseUrl: ``,
apiBase: `api`, // optional, defaults to `jsonapi`
You can query nodes created from Drupal like the following:
allArticle {
edges {
node {
created(formatString: "DD-MMM-YYYY")