From b0035c84b34d57f345b78c8a39addfa58d5e90e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xinyu Yang <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 17:15:12 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Update

 python/paddle/tensor/ | 10 ++++++++++
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

diff --git a/python/paddle/tensor/ b/python/paddle/tensor/
index b2b29874cb5d65..f5f2f5e7def22e 100644
--- a/python/paddle/tensor/
+++ b/python/paddle/tensor/
@@ -4332,6 +4332,16 @@ def scatter_nd_add(
             >>> output = paddle.scatter_nd_add(x, index, updates)
             >>> print(output.shape)
             [3, 5, 9, 10]
+    **Explanation of Example 1**:
+    In this example, the scatter_nd_add function of Paddle performs sparse addition on the tensor `x`. The initial tensor `x` is `[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`. The `index` specifies the positions to be updated, and the values in `updates` are used to accumulate them. The scatter_nd_add function will add the corresponding values in `updates` to the specified positions in `x`, rather than replacing the original values. Finally, the output tensor is `[0, 22, 12, 14, 4, 5]`, achieving the cumulative update of specific elements in the tensor while keeping other elements unchanged.
+    .. figure:: ../../images/api_legend/scatter_nd_add.png
+       :width: 700
+       :alt: Example 1 Illustration
+       :align: center
     if x.dtype != updates.dtype:
         raise TypeError(

From 7223eac8faf422cd288e3c97c709e6872f11d16f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xinyu Yang <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 17:34:10 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Create

 test/legacy_test/ | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test/legacy_test/

diff --git a/test/legacy_test/ b/test/legacy_test/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..7af7ebdd4aebe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/legacy_test/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import unittest
+import math
+import paddle
+class TestPaddleE(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        # Verifying paddle.e against math.e
+        self.expected_value = math.e
+        self.e_value = paddle.e
+    def test_check_value(self):
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.e_value, self.expected_value, places=6, msg="paddle.e does not match math.e")
+    def test_check_type(self):
+        self.assertIsInstance(self.e_value, float, msg="paddle.e is not of type float")
+    def test_check_value_with_precision(self):
+        self.assertTrue(abs(self.e_value - self.expected_value) < 1e-6, msg="paddle.e value mismatch with math.e")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()

From 7567befb257011f5e2598ae93ab24640e58acade Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xinyu Yang <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 17:35:05 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Update

 python/paddle/ | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/python/paddle/ b/python/paddle/
index 92848f9c091833..abf3135ddb0833 100644
--- a/python/paddle/
+++ b/python/paddle/
@@ -116,6 +116,12 @@
     vision as vision,
+from math import e
+newaxis: Nane = Nane
 # high-level api
 from . import (
     _pir_ops as _pir_ops,

From 3829f94a7768787b025a676d7e71e1568db9b0a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xinyu Yang <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 17:54:57 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Delete python/paddle/

 python/paddle/ | 1203 -------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1203 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 python/paddle/

diff --git a/python/paddle/ b/python/paddle/
deleted file mode 100644
index abf3135ddb0833..00000000000000
--- a/python/paddle/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1203 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import typing
-__is_metainfo_generated = False
-    from paddle.cuda_env import *  # noqa: F403
-    from paddle.version import (  # noqa: F401
-        commit as __git_commit__,
-        full_version as __version__,
-    )
-    __is_metainfo_generated = True
-except ImportError:
-    import sys
-    sys.stderr.write(
-        '''Warning with import paddle: you should not
-     import paddle from the source directory; please install paddlepaddle*.whl firstly.'''
-    )
-# NOTE(SigureMo): We should place the import of base.core before other modules,
-# because there are some initialization codes in base/core/
-from .base import core  # noqa: F401
-from .batch import batch
-# Do the *DUPLICATED* monkey-patch for the tensor object.
-# We need remove the duplicated code here once we fix
-# the illogical implement in the monkey-patch methods later.
-from .framework import monkey_patch_math_tensor, monkey_patch_variable
-from .pir import monkey_patch_dtype, monkey_patch_program, monkey_patch_value
-from .base.dataset import *  # noqa: F403
-from .framework import (
-    disable_signal_handler,
-    disable_static,
-    enable_static,
-    get_flags,
-    in_dynamic_mode,
-    set_flags,
-from .framework.dtype import (
-    bfloat16,
-    bool,
-    complex64,
-    complex128,
-    dtype,
-    finfo,
-    float8_e4m3fn,
-    float8_e5m2,
-    float16,
-    float32,
-    float64,
-    iinfo,
-    int8,
-    int16,
-    int32,
-    int64,
-    pstring,
-    raw,
-    uint8,
-if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
-    from .tensor.tensor import Tensor
-    Tensor = framework.core.eager.Tensor
-    Tensor.__qualname__ = 'Tensor'
-import paddle.distributed.fleet
-import paddle.text
-from paddle import (
-    amp as amp,
-    audio as audio,
-    autograd as autograd,
-    dataset as dataset,
-    decomposition as decomposition,
-    device as device,
-    distributed as distributed,
-    distribution as distribution,
-    geometric as geometric,
-    incubate as incubate,
-    inference as inference,
-    io as io,
-    jit as jit,
-    metric as metric,
-    nn as nn,
-    onnx as onnx,
-    optimizer as optimizer,
-    quantization as quantization,
-    reader as reader,
-    regularizer as regularizer,
-    sparse as sparse,
-    static as static,
-    sysconfig as sysconfig,
-    vision as vision,
-from math import e
-newaxis: Nane = Nane
-# high-level api
-from . import (
-    _pir_ops as _pir_ops,
-    _typing as _typing,
-    callbacks as callbacks,
-    fft as fft,
-    hub as hub,
-    linalg as linalg,
-    signal as signal,
-    tensor as tensor,
-from .autograd import (
-    enable_grad,
-    grad,
-    is_grad_enabled,
-    no_grad,
-    set_grad_enabled,
-from .device import (  # noqa: F401
-    get_cudnn_version,
-    get_device,
-    is_compiled_with_cinn,
-    is_compiled_with_cuda,
-    is_compiled_with_custom_device,
-    is_compiled_with_distribute,
-    is_compiled_with_ipu,
-    is_compiled_with_rocm,
-    is_compiled_with_xpu,
-    set_device,
-from .distributed import DataParallel
-from .framework import (  # noqa: F401
-    CPUPlace,
-    CUDAPinnedPlace,
-    CUDAPlace,
-    CustomPlace,
-    IPUPlace,
-    ParamAttr,
-    XPUPlace,
-    async_save,
-    clear_async_save_task_queue,
-    get_default_dtype,
-    load,
-    save,
-    set_default_dtype,
-from .framework.random import (
-    get_cuda_rng_state,
-    get_rng_state,
-    seed,
-    set_cuda_rng_state,
-    set_rng_state,
-from .hapi import (
-    Model,
-    flops,
-    summary,
-from .nn.functional.distance import (
-    pdist,
-from .nn.initializer.lazy_init import LazyGuard
-from .tensor.attribute import (
-    imag,
-    is_complex,
-    is_floating_point,
-    is_integer,
-    rank,
-    real,
-    shape,
-from .tensor.creation import (
-    arange,
-    assign,
-    cauchy_,
-    clone,
-    complex,
-    create_parameter,
-    diag,
-    diag_embed,
-    diagflat,
-    empty,
-    empty_like,
-    eye,
-    full,
-    full_like,
-    geometric_,
-    linspace,
-    logspace,
-    meshgrid,
-    ones,
-    ones_like,
-    polar,
-    to_tensor,
-    tril,
-    tril_,
-    tril_indices,
-    triu,
-    triu_,
-    triu_indices,
-    zeros,
-    zeros_like,
-from .tensor.einsum import einsum
-from .tensor.linalg import (  # noqa: F401
-    bincount,
-    bmm,
-    cdist,
-    cholesky,
-    cross,
-    dist,
-    dot,
-    eigvalsh,
-    histogram,
-    histogram_bin_edges,
-    histogramdd,
-    matmul,
-    matrix_transpose,
-    mv,
-    norm,
-    t,
-    t_,
-    transpose,
-    transpose_,
-from .tensor.logic import (
-    allclose,
-    bitwise_and,
-    bitwise_and_,
-    bitwise_invert,
-    bitwise_invert_,
-    bitwise_not,
-    bitwise_not_,
-    bitwise_or,
-    bitwise_or_,
-    bitwise_xor,
-    bitwise_xor_,
-    equal,
-    equal_,
-    equal_all,
-    greater_equal,
-    greater_equal_,
-    greater_than,
-    greater_than_,
-    is_empty,
-    is_tensor,
-    isclose,
-    less_equal,
-    less_equal_,
-    less_than,
-    less_than as less,
-    less_than_,
-    less_than_ as less_,
-    logical_and,
-    logical_and_,
-    logical_not,
-    logical_not_,
-    logical_or,
-    logical_or_,
-    logical_xor,
-    logical_xor_,  # noqa: F401
-    not_equal,
-    not_equal_,  # noqa: F401
-from .tensor.manipulation import (
-    as_complex,
-    as_real,
-    as_strided,
-    atleast_1d,
-    atleast_2d,
-    atleast_3d,
-    block_diag,
-    broadcast_tensors,
-    broadcast_to,
-    cast,
-    cast_,
-    chunk,
-    column_stack,
-    concat,
-    crop,
-    diagonal_scatter,
-    dsplit,
-    dstack,
-    expand,
-    expand_as,
-    flatten,
-    flatten_,
-    flip,
-    flip as reverse,
-    gather,
-    gather_nd,
-    hsplit,
-    hstack,
-    index_add,
-    index_add_,
-    index_fill,
-    index_fill_,
-    index_put,
-    index_put_,
-    masked_fill,
-    masked_fill_,
-    masked_scatter,
-    masked_scatter_,
-    moveaxis,
-    put_along_axis,
-    repeat_interleave,
-    reshape,
-    reshape_,
-    roll,
-    rot90,
-    row_stack,
-    scatter,
-    scatter_,
-    scatter_nd,
-    scatter_nd_add,
-    select_scatter,
-    shard_index,
-    slice,
-    slice_scatter,
-    split,
-    squeeze,
-    squeeze_,
-    stack,
-    strided_slice,
-    take_along_axis,
-    tensor_split,
-    tensordot,
-    tile,
-    tolist,
-    unbind,
-    unflatten,
-    unfold,
-    unique,
-    unique_consecutive,
-    unsqueeze,
-    unsqueeze_,
-    unstack,
-    view,
-    view_as,
-    vsplit,
-    vstack,
-from .tensor.math import (  # noqa: F401
-    abs,
-    abs_,
-    acos,
-    acos_,
-    acosh,
-    acosh_,
-    add,
-    add_n,
-    addmm,
-    addmm_,
-    all,
-    amax,
-    amin,
-    angle,
-    any,
-    asin,
-    asin_,
-    asinh,
-    asinh_,
-    atan,
-    atan2,
-    atan_,
-    atanh,
-    atanh_,
-    bitwise_left_shift,
-    bitwise_left_shift_,
-    bitwise_right_shift,
-    bitwise_right_shift_,
-    broadcast_shape,
-    cartesian_prod,
-    ceil,
-    clip,
-    combinations,
-    conj,
-    copysign,
-    copysign_,
-    cos,
-    cos_,
-    cosh,
-    cosh_,
-    count_nonzero,
-    cummax,
-    cummin,
-    cumprod,
-    cumprod_,
-    cumsum,
-    cumsum_,
-    cumulative_trapezoid,
-    deg2rad,
-    diagonal,
-    diff,
-    digamma,
-    digamma_,
-    divide,
-    divide_,
-    erf,
-    erf_,
-    erfinv,
-    exp,
-    expm1,
-    expm1_,
-    floor,
-    floor_divide,
-    floor_divide_,
-    floor_mod,
-    floor_mod_,
-    fmax,
-    fmin,
-    frac,
-    frac_,
-    frexp,
-    gammainc,
-    gammainc_,
-    gammaincc,
-    gammaincc_,
-    gammaln,
-    gammaln_,
-    gcd,
-    gcd_,
-    heaviside,
-    hypot,
-    hypot_,
-    i0,
-    i0_,
-    i0e,
-    i1,
-    i1e,
-    increment,
-    inner,
-    inverse,
-    isfinite,
-    isin,
-    isinf,
-    isnan,
-    isneginf,
-    isposinf,
-    isreal,
-    kron,
-    lcm,
-    lcm_,
-    ldexp,
-    ldexp_,
-    lerp,
-    lgamma,
-    lgamma_,
-    log,
-    log1p,
-    log1p_,
-    log2,
-    log2_,
-    log10,
-    log10_,
-    log_,
-    logaddexp,
-    logcumsumexp,
-    logit,
-    logit_,
-    logsumexp,
-    max,
-    maximum,
-    min,
-    minimum,
-    mm,
-    mod,
-    mod_,
-    multigammaln,
-    multigammaln_,
-    multiplex,
-    multiply,
-    multiply_,
-    nan_to_num,
-    nan_to_num_,
-    nanmean,
-    nansum,
-    neg,
-    neg_,
-    nextafter,
-    outer,
-    polygamma,
-    polygamma_,
-    positive,
-    pow,
-    pow_,
-    prod,
-    rad2deg,
-    reciprocal,
-    reduce_as,
-    remainder,
-    remainder_,
-    renorm,
-    renorm_,
-    round,
-    rsqrt,
-    scale,
-    sgn,
-    sign,
-    signbit,
-    sin,
-    sin_,
-    sinc,
-    sinc_,
-    sinh,
-    sinh_,
-    sqrt,
-    square,
-    square_,
-    stanh,
-    subtract,
-    sum,
-    take,
-    tan,
-    tan_,
-    tanh,
-    tanh_,
-    trace,
-    trapezoid,
-    trunc,
-    trunc_,
-    vander,
-from .tensor.random import (
-    bernoulli,
-    bernoulli_,
-    binomial,
-    check_shape,
-    log_normal,
-    log_normal_,
-    multinomial,
-    normal,
-    normal_,
-    poisson,
-    rand,
-    randint,
-    randint_like,
-    randn,
-    randperm,
-    standard_gamma,
-    standard_normal,
-    uniform,
-from import (
-    argmax,
-    argmin,
-    argsort,
-    bucketize,
-    index_sample,
-    index_select,
-    kthvalue,
-    masked_select,
-    mode,
-    nonzero,
-    searchsorted,
-    sort,
-    topk,
-    where,
-    where_,
-from .tensor.stat import (
-    mean,
-    median,
-    nanmedian,
-    nanquantile,
-    numel,
-    quantile,
-    std,
-    var,
-from .tensor.to_string import set_printoptions
-from .utils.dlpack import (
-    from_dlpack,
-    to_dlpack,
-# CINN has to set a flag to include a lib
-if is_compiled_with_cinn():
-    import os
-    from importlib import resources
-    package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    runtime_include_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, "libs")
-    cuh_file = os.path.join(runtime_include_dir, "cinn_cuda_runtime_source.cuh")
-    if os.path.exists(cuh_file):
-        os.environ.setdefault('runtime_include_dir', runtime_include_dir)
-    data_file_path = resources.files('paddle.cinn_config')
-    os.environ['CINN_CONFIG_PATH'] = str(data_file_path)
-if __is_metainfo_generated and is_compiled_with_cuda():
-    import os
-    import platform
-    if (
-        platform.system() == 'Linux'
-        and platform.machine() == 'x86_64'
-        and paddle.version.with_pip_cuda_libraries == 'ON'
-    ):
-        package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-        nvidia_package_path = package_dir + "/.." + "/nvidia"
-        set_flags({"FLAGS_nvidia_package_dir": nvidia_package_path})
-        cublas_lib_path = package_dir + "/.." + "/nvidia/cublas/lib"
-        set_flags({"FLAGS_cublas_dir": cublas_lib_path})
-        cudnn_lib_path = package_dir + "/.." + "/nvidia/cudnn/lib"
-        set_flags({"FLAGS_cudnn_dir": cudnn_lib_path})
-        curand_lib_path = package_dir + "/.." + "/nvidia/curand/lib"
-        set_flags({"FLAGS_curand_dir": curand_lib_path})
-        cusolver_lib_path = package_dir + "/.." + "/nvidia/cusolver/lib"
-        set_flags({"FLAGS_cusolver_dir": cusolver_lib_path})
-        cusparse_lib_path = package_dir + "/.." + "/nvidia/cusparse/lib"
-        set_flags({"FLAGS_cusparse_dir": cusparse_lib_path})
-        nccl_lib_path = package_dir + "/.." + "/nvidia/nccl/lib"
-        set_flags({"FLAGS_nccl_dir": nccl_lib_path})
-        cupti_dir_lib_path = package_dir + "/.." + "/nvidia/cuda_cupti/lib"
-        set_flags({"FLAGS_cupti_dir": cupti_dir_lib_path})
-    elif (
-        platform.system() == 'Windows'
-        and platform.machine() in ('x86_64', 'AMD64')
-        and paddle.version.with_pip_cuda_libraries == 'ON'
-    ):
-        package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-        win_cuda_bin_path = package_dir + "\\.." + "\\nvidia"
-        set_flags({"FLAGS_win_cuda_bin_dir": win_cuda_bin_path})
-        import sys
-        if sys.platform == 'win32':
-            pfiles_path = os.getenv('ProgramFiles', 'C:\\Program Files')
-            py_dll_path = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, 'Library', 'bin')
-            th_dll_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'libs')
-            site_cuda_base_path = os.path.join(
-                os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'nvidia'
-            )
-            site_cuda_list = [
-                "cublas",
-                "cuda_nvrtc",
-                "cuda_runtime",
-                "cudnn",
-                "cufft",
-                "curand",
-                "cusolver",
-                "cusparse",
-                "nvjitlink",
-            ]
-            if sys.exec_prefix != sys.base_exec_prefix:
-                base_py_dll_path = os.path.join(
-                    sys.base_exec_prefix, 'Library', 'bin'
-                )
-            else:
-                base_py_dll_path = ''
-            dll_paths = list(
-                filter(
-                    os.path.exists, [th_dll_path, py_dll_path, base_py_dll_path]
-                )
-            )
-            for site_cuda_package in site_cuda_list:
-                site_cuda_path = os.path.join(
-                    site_cuda_base_path, site_cuda_package, 'bin'
-                )
-                if os.path.exists(site_cuda_path):
-                    dll_paths.append(site_cuda_path)
-            import ctypes
-            kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32.dll', use_last_error=True)
-            with_load_library_flags = hasattr(kernel32, 'AddDllDirectory')
-            prev_error_mode = kernel32.SetErrorMode(0x0001)
-            kernel32.LoadLibraryW.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
-            if with_load_library_flags:
-                kernel32.LoadLibraryExW.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
-            for dll_path in dll_paths:
-                os.add_dll_directory(dll_path)
-            try:
-                ctypes.CDLL('vcruntime140.dll')
-                ctypes.CDLL('msvcp140.dll')
-                ctypes.CDLL('vcruntime140_1.dll')
-            except OSError:
-                import logging
-                logging.error(
-                    '''Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is not installed, this may lead to the DLL load failure.
-                        It can be downloaded at'''
-                )
-            import glob
-            dlls = glob.glob(os.path.join(th_dll_path, '*.dll'))
-            for site_cuda_package in site_cuda_list:
-                site_cuda_path = os.path.join(
-                    site_cuda_base_path, site_cuda_package, 'bin'
-                )
-                if os.path.exists(site_cuda_path):
-                    dlls.extend(
-                        glob.glob(os.path.join(site_cuda_path, '*.dll'))
-                    )
-            # Not load 32 bit dlls in 64 bit python.
-            dlls = [dll for dll in dlls if '32_' not in dll]
-            path_patched = False
-            for dll in dlls:
-                is_loaded = False
-                if with_load_library_flags:
-                    res = kernel32.LoadLibraryExW(dll, None, 0x00001100)
-                    last_error = ctypes.get_last_error()
-                    if res is None and last_error != 126:
-                        err = ctypes.WinError(last_error)
-                        err.strerror += f' Error loading "{dll}" or one of its dependencies.'
-                        raise err
-                    elif res is not None:
-                        is_loaded = True
-                if not is_loaded:
-                    if not path_patched:
-                        prev_path = os.environ['PATH']
-                        os.environ['PATH'] = ';'.join(
-                            [*dll_paths, os.environ['PATH']]
-                        )
-                        path_patched = True
-                    res = kernel32.LoadLibraryW(dll)
-                    if path_patched:
-                        os.environ['PATH'] = prev_path
-                    if res is None:
-                        err = ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())
-                        err.strerror += f' Error loading "{dll}" or one of its dependencies.'
-                        raise err
-            kernel32.SetErrorMode(prev_error_mode)
-from .pir_utils import IrGuard
-ir_guard = IrGuard()
-__all__ = [
-    'block_diag',
-    'iinfo',
-    'finfo',
-    'dtype',
-    'uint8',
-    'int8',
-    'int16',
-    'int32',
-    'int64',
-    'float8_e4m3fn',
-    'float8_e5m2',
-    'float16',
-    'float32',
-    'float64',
-    'bfloat16',
-    'bool',
-    'complex64',
-    'complex128',
-    'pstring',
-    'raw',
-    'addmm',
-    'addmm_',
-    'allclose',
-    'isclose',
-    't',
-    't_',
-    'add',
-    'subtract',
-    'diag',
-    'diagflat',
-    'diag_embed',
-    'isnan',
-    'scatter_nd_add',
-    'unstack',
-    'get_default_dtype',
-    'save',
-    'multinomial',
-    'get_cuda_rng_state',
-    'get_rng_state',
-    'rank',
-    'empty_like',
-    'eye',
-    'cumsum',
-    'cumsum_',
-    'cummax',
-    'cummin',
-    'cumprod',
-    'cumprod_',
-    'logaddexp',
-    'logcumsumexp',
-    'logit',
-    'logit_',
-    'LazyGuard',
-    'sign',
-    'is_empty',
-    'equal',
-    'equal_',
-    'equal_all',
-    'is_tensor',
-    'is_complex',
-    'is_integer',
-    'cartesian_prod',
-    'cross',
-    'where',
-    'where_',
-    'log1p',
-    'cos',
-    'cos_',
-    'tan',
-    'tan_',
-    'mean',
-    'mode',
-    'mv',
-    'in_dynamic_mode',
-    'min',
-    'amin',
-    'any',
-    'slice',
-    'slice_scatter',
-    'normal',
-    'normal_',
-    'log_normal',
-    'log_normal_',
-    'logsumexp',
-    'full',
-    'unsqueeze',
-    'unsqueeze_',
-    'argmax',
-    'Model',
-    'summary',
-    'flops',
-    'sort',
-    'searchsorted',
-    'bucketize',
-    'split',
-    'tensor_split',
-    'hsplit',
-    'dsplit',
-    'vsplit',
-    'logical_and',
-    'logical_and_',
-    'full_like',
-    'less_than',
-    'less_than_',
-    'less',
-    'less_',
-    'kron',
-    'clip',
-    'Tensor',
-    'crop',
-    'ParamAttr',
-    'stanh',
-    'randint',
-    'randint_like',
-    'assign',
-    'gather',
-    'scale',
-    'zeros',
-    'rsqrt',
-    'squeeze',
-    'squeeze_',
-    'to_tensor',
-    'gather_nd',
-    'isin',
-    'isinf',
-    'isneginf',
-    'isposinf',
-    'isreal',
-    'uniform',
-    'floor_divide',
-    'floor_divide_',
-    'remainder',
-    'remainder_',
-    'floor_mod',
-    'floor_mod_',
-    'roll',
-    'batch',
-    'max',
-    'amax',
-    'logical_or',
-    'logical_or_',
-    'bitwise_and',
-    'bitwise_and_',
-    'bitwise_or',
-    'bitwise_or_',
-    'bitwise_xor',
-    'bitwise_xor_',
-    'bitwise_not',
-    'bitwise_not_',
-    'bitwise_invert',
-    'bitwise_invert_',
-    'mm',
-    'flip',
-    'rot90',
-    'bincount',
-    'histogram_bin_edges',
-    'histogram',
-    'histogramdd',
-    'multiplex',
-    'CUDAPlace',
-    'empty',
-    'shape',
-    'real',
-    'imag',
-    'is_floating_point',
-    'complex',
-    'reciprocal',
-    'rand',
-    'less_equal',
-    'less_equal_',
-    'triu',
-    'triu_',
-    'sin',
-    'sin_',
-    'dist',
-    'cdist',
-    'pdist',
-    'unbind',
-    'meshgrid',
-    'arange',
-    'load',
-    'numel',
-    'median',
-    'nanmedian',
-    'quantile',
-    'nanquantile',
-    'no_grad',
-    'enable_grad',
-    'set_grad_enabled',
-    'is_grad_enabled',
-    'mod',
-    'mod_',
-    'abs',
-    'abs_',
-    'tril',
-    'tril_',
-    'pow',
-    'pow_',
-    'zeros_like',
-    'maximum',
-    'topk',
-    'index_select',
-    'CPUPlace',
-    'matmul',
-    'seed',
-    'acos',
-    'acos_',
-    'logical_xor',
-    'exp',
-    'expm1',
-    'expm1_',
-    'bernoulli',
-    'bernoulli_',
-    'binomial',
-    'poisson',
-    'standard_gamma',
-    'sinh',
-    'sinh_',
-    'sinc',
-    'sinc_',
-    'round',
-    'DataParallel',
-    'argmin',
-    'prod',
-    'broadcast_shape',
-    'conj',
-    'neg',
-    'neg_',
-    'lgamma',
-    'lgamma_',
-    'gammaincc',
-    'gammaincc_',
-    'gammainc',
-    'gammainc_',
-    'lerp',
-    'erfinv',
-    'inner',
-    'outer',
-    'square',
-    'square_',
-    'divide',
-    'divide_',
-    'gammaln',
-    'gammaln_',
-    'ceil',
-    'atan',
-    'atan_',
-    'atan2',
-    'rad2deg',
-    'deg2rad',
-    'gcd',
-    'gcd_',
-    'lcm',
-    'lcm_',
-    'expand',
-    'broadcast_to',
-    'ones_like',
-    'index_sample',
-    'cast',
-    'cast_',
-    'grad',
-    'all',
-    'ones',
-    'not_equal',
-    'sum',
-    'reduce_as',
-    'nansum',
-    'nanmean',
-    'count_nonzero',
-    'tile',
-    'greater_equal',
-    'greater_equal_',
-    'isfinite',
-    'create_parameter',
-    'dot',
-    'increment',
-    'erf',
-    'erf_',
-    'bmm',
-    'chunk',
-    'tolist',
-    'tensordot',
-    'greater_than',
-    'greater_than_',
-    'shard_index',
-    'argsort',
-    'tanh',
-    'tanh_',
-    'transpose',
-    'transpose_',
-    'cauchy_',
-    'geometric_',
-    'randn',
-    'strided_slice',
-    'unique',
-    'unique_consecutive',
-    'set_cuda_rng_state',
-    'set_rng_state',
-    'set_printoptions',
-    'std',
-    'flatten',
-    'flatten_',
-    'asin',
-    'multiply',
-    'multiply_',
-    'disable_static',
-    'masked_select',
-    'var',
-    'trace',
-    'enable_static',
-    'scatter_nd',
-    'set_default_dtype',
-    'disable_signal_handler',
-    'expand_as',
-    'stack',
-    'hstack',
-    'vstack',
-    'dstack',
-    'column_stack',
-    'row_stack',
-    'sqrt',
-    'randperm',
-    'linspace',
-    'logspace',
-    'reshape',
-    'reshape_',
-    'atleast_1d',
-    'atleast_2d',
-    'atleast_3d',
-    'reverse',
-    'nonzero',
-    'CUDAPinnedPlace',
-    'logical_not',
-    'logical_not_',
-    'add_n',
-    'minimum',
-    'scatter',
-    'scatter_',
-    'floor',
-    'cosh',
-    'log',
-    'log_',
-    'log2',
-    'log2_',
-    'log10',
-    'log10_',
-    'concat',
-    'check_shape',
-    'trunc',
-    'trunc_',
-    'frac',
-    'frac_',
-    'digamma',
-    'digamma_',
-    'standard_normal',
-    'diagonal',
-    'broadcast_tensors',
-    'einsum',
-    'set_flags',
-    'get_flags',
-    'asinh',
-    'acosh',
-    'atanh',
-    'as_complex',
-    'as_real',
-    'diff',
-    'angle',
-    'fmax',
-    'fmin',
-    'moveaxis',
-    'repeat_interleave',
-    'clone',
-    'kthvalue',
-    'renorm',
-    'renorm_',
-    'take_along_axis',
-    'put_along_axis',
-    'select_scatter',
-    'multigammaln',
-    'multigammaln_',
-    'nan_to_num',
-    'nan_to_num_',
-    'heaviside',
-    'tril_indices',
-    'index_add',
-    "index_add_",
-    "index_put",
-    "index_put_",
-    'sgn',
-    'triu_indices',
-    'take',
-    'frexp',
-    'ldexp',
-    'ldexp_',
-    'trapezoid',
-    'cumulative_trapezoid',
-    'polar',
-    'vander',
-    'unflatten',
-    'as_strided',
-    'view',
-    'view_as',
-    'unfold',
-    'nextafter',
-    'i0',
-    'i0_',
-    'i0e',
-    'i1',
-    'i1e',
-    'polygamma',
-    'polygamma_',
-    'copysign',
-    'copysign_',
-    'bitwise_left_shift',
-    'bitwise_left_shift_',
-    'bitwise_right_shift',
-    'bitwise_right_shift_',
-    'masked_fill',
-    'masked_fill_',
-    'masked_scatter',
-    'masked_scatter_',
-    'matrix_transpose',
-    'hypot',
-    'hypot_',
-    'index_fill',
-    "index_fill_",
-    'diagonal_scatter',
-    'combinations',
-    'signbit',
-    'positive',
-    'from_dlpack',
-    'to_dlpack',

From 607412bf15b447b67d2f49aae05144079e68f909 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xinyu Yang <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 17:55:39 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Delete test/legacy_test/

 test/legacy_test/ | 23 -----------------------
 1 file changed, 23 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 test/legacy_test/

diff --git a/test/legacy_test/ b/test/legacy_test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af7ebdd4aebe0..00000000000000
--- a/test/legacy_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import math
-import paddle
-class TestPaddleE(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Verifying paddle.e against math.e
-        self.expected_value = math.e
-        self.e_value = paddle.e
-    def test_check_value(self):
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.e_value, self.expected_value, places=6, msg="paddle.e does not match math.e")
-    def test_check_type(self):
-        self.assertIsInstance(self.e_value, float, msg="paddle.e is not of type float")
-    def test_check_value_with_precision(self):
-        self.assertTrue(abs(self.e_value - self.expected_value) < 1e-6, msg="paddle.e value mismatch with math.e")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()