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+# paddle.sparse.add 设计文档
+|API名称 | paddle.sparse.add |
+|提交作者 | PeachML |
+|提交时间 | 2022-03-29 |
+|版本号 | V1.0 |
+|依赖飞桨版本 | develop |
+|文件名 | 20220329_api_design_for_sparse_add.md
+# 一、概述
+## 1、相关背景
+为了提升飞桨API丰富度,add 是一个基础加法运算操作,目前 Paddle 中还没有 sparse 的加法算子。 本任务的目标是在 Paddle 中添加 sparse.add 算子, 实现输入是两个 SparseCooTensor
+或者两个 SparseCsrTensor 逐元素相加的功能。 Paddle需要扩充API,新增 sparse.add API, 调用路径为:`paddle.sparse.add`
+## 3、意义
+# 二、飞桨现状
+# 三、业内方案调研
+## Pytorch
+Pytorch中有API`torch.add(input, other, *, alpha=1, out=None)` , 在pytorch中,介绍为:
+Adds other, scaled by alpha, to input.
+可以支持一般tensor和sparse tensor的相加
+## Scipy
+### 实现方法
+ * Compute C = A (binary_op) B for CSR matrices that are not
+ * necessarily canonical CSR format. Specifically, this method
+ * works even when the input matrices have duplicate and/or
+ * unsorted column indices within a given row.
+ *
+ * Refer to csr_binop_csr() for additional information
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * Output arrays Cp, Cj, and Cx must be preallocated
+ * If nnz(C) is not known a priori, a conservative bound is:
+ * nnz(C) <= nnz(A) + nnz(B)
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * Input: A and B column indices are not assumed to be in sorted order
+ * Output: C column indices are not generally in sorted order
+ * C will not contain any duplicate entries or explicit zeros.
+ *
+ */
+void csr_binop_csr_general(const I n_row, const I n_col,
+ const I Ap[], const I Aj[], const T Ax[],
+ const I Bp[], const I Bj[], const T Bx[],
+ I Cp[], I Cj[], T2 Cx[],
+ const binary_op& op)
+ //Method that works for duplicate and/or unsorted indices
+ std::vector next(n_col,-1);
+ std::vector A_row(n_col, 0);
+ std::vector B_row(n_col, 0);
+ I nnz = 0;
+ Cp[0] = 0;
+ for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+ I head = -2;
+ I length = 0;
+ //add a row of A to A_row
+ I i_start = Ap[i];
+ I i_end = Ap[i+1];
+ for(I jj = i_start; jj < i_end; jj++){
+ I j = Aj[jj];
+ A_row[j] += Ax[jj];
+ if(next[j] == -1){
+ next[j] = head;
+ head = j;
+ length++;
+ }
+ }
+ //add a row of B to B_row
+ i_start = Bp[i];
+ i_end = Bp[i+1];
+ for(I jj = i_start; jj < i_end; jj++){
+ I j = Bj[jj];
+ B_row[j] += Bx[jj];
+ if(next[j] == -1){
+ next[j] = head;
+ head = j;
+ length++;
+ }
+ }
+ // scan through columns where A or B has
+ // contributed a non-zero entry
+ for(I jj = 0; jj < length; jj++){
+ T result = op(A_row[head], B_row[head]);
+ if(result != 0){
+ Cj[nnz] = head;
+ Cx[nnz] = result;
+ nnz++;
+ }
+ I temp = head;
+ head = next[head];
+ next[temp] = -1;
+ A_row[temp] = 0;
+ B_row[temp] = 0;
+ }
+ Cp[i + 1] = nnz;
+ }
+# 四、对比分析
+torch设计结构复杂,为了适配paddle phi库的设计模式,故采用scipy的实现方式
+# 五、方案设计
+## 命名与参数设计
+在paddle/phi/kernels/sparse/目录下, API设计为
+SparseCooTensor AddKernel(const Context& dev_ctx,
+const SparseCooTensor& x,
+const SparseCooTensor& y,
+SparseCooTensor* out);
+SparseCsrTensor AddKernel(const Context& dev_ctx,
+const SparseCsrTensor& x,
+const SparseCsrTensor& y,
+SparseCsrTensor* out);
+## 底层OP设计
+## API实现方案
+# 六、测试和验收的考量
+- 数值正确性
+# 七、可行性分析及规划排期
+# 八、影响面
+# 名词解释
+# 附件及参考资料