diff --git a/code/modules/hydroponics/grown/nettle.dm b/code/modules/hydroponics/grown/nettle.dm
index b6cf7fd5ea1e..76d5680804b4 100644
--- a/code/modules/hydroponics/grown/nettle.dm
+++ b/code/modules/hydroponics/grown/nettle.dm
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
yield = 2
genes = list(/datum/plant_gene/trait/repeated_harvest, /datum/plant_gene/trait/plant_type/weed_hardy, /datum/plant_gene/trait/stinging)
mutatelist = list()
- reagents_add = list("facid" = 0.5, "sacid" = 0.5)
+ reagents_add = list("facid" = 0.25, "sacid" = 0.25)
rarity = 20
/obj/item/grown/nettle //abstract type
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
force = 15
hitsound = 'sound/weapons/bladeslice.ogg'
throwforce = 5
+ w_class = WEIGHT_CLASS_NORMAL // Two nettle/deathnettle fit in a pneumatic cannon. They fit in plant bags.
throw_speed = 1
throw_range = 3
origin_tech = "combat=3"
@@ -81,20 +81,20 @@
- force = round((5 + seed.potency / 5), 1)
+ force = round((5 + seed.potency / 10), 1) // Maximum damage 15.
seed = /obj/item/seeds/nettle/death
name = "deathnettle"
desc = "The glowing nettle incites rage in you just from looking at it!"
icon_state = "deathnettle"
- force = 30
- throwforce = 15
+ force = 25
+ throwforce = 10
origin_tech = "combat=5"
- force = round((5 + seed.potency / 2.5), 1)
+ force = round((5 + seed.potency / 5), 1) // Maximum damage 25.
@@ -104,14 +104,9 @@
/obj/item/grown/nettle/death/attack(mob/living/carbon/M, mob/user)
- if(isliving(M))
- to_chat(M, "You are stunned by the powerful acid of the Deathnettle!")
- add_attack_logs(user, M, "Hit with [src]")
+ if(!isliving(M))
+ return
- M.AdjustEyeBlurry((force / 7) STATUS_EFFECT_CONSTANT)
- if(prob(20))
- var/paralyze_time = (force * 10 / 3) SECONDS
- var/stun_time = (force / 7.5) SECONDS
- M.Paralyse(paralyze_time)
- M.Weaken(stun_time)
- M.drop_item()
+ to_chat(M, "You flinch as you are struck by \the [src]!")
+ add_attack_logs(user, M, "Hit with [src]")
+ M.AdjustEyeBlurry(force * 2) // Maximum duration 5 seconds per hit.