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Releases: Particular/ServiceInsight


17 Jun 02:41
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As part of this release we had 8 commits which resulted in 4 issues being closed.


  • #470 Unable to scroll horizontally in SequenceDiagram
  • #469 SI sequence diagram repeats endpoint names
  • #468 Refresh with no SC running crashes SI
  • #466 Body view does not load when window is not docked

Where to get it

You can download this release from our website or the link below.


03 Jun 01:28
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As part of this release we had 45 commits which resulted in 14 issues being closed.


  • #455 Enabled in-memory caching of rest responses
  • #413 When a saga message does not contain SagaHistory, Improve the status bar error message
  • #398 Display connecting line on Timeout as thinner line


  • #442 Copy to clipboard does not respect selection
  • #462 Hex Viewer freezes SI
  • #457 Tooltip displays for url
  • #453 NullReferenceException being thrown in saga view window
  • #451 Body viewer replaces non UTF8 characters with ???
  • #446 JSON Body view is slow and losses color formatting
  • #444 Sequence diagram is not showing Hosts for endpoints
  • #409 Sequence Diagram "cuts off" long endpoint names
  • #391 Inconsistent scrolling on header view
  • #356 Saga View window scroll is not consistent
  • #168 When Refreshing endpoints should also consider removing of the nodes that are removed from SC

Where to get it

You can download this release from our website or the link below.


08 May 03:23
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As part of this release we had 7 commits which resulted in 3 issues being closed.


  • #447 Added buttons to copy to clipboard nuget commands


  • #448 Added clipboard icon to right click menu
  • #445 ServiceInsight 1.2.7 Crashes on Startup

Where to get it

You can download this release from Chocolatey or the link below.


04 May 02:37
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As part of this release we had 13 commits which resulted in 5 issues being closed.


  • #443 Add non-hilight vertical lines to Sequence Diagram


  • #439 Column headers can be removed
  • #438 Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  • #437 Initiating a retry on the grid, retries the wrong message
  • #353 The hover label in the Endpoint Explorer only displays "Installed On: ".

Where to get it

You can download this release from Chocolatey or the link below.


04 May 02:04
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As part of this release we had 25 commits which resulted in 1 issues being closed.


  • #432 Chocolatey package for 1.2.5 seems to be rejected

Where to get it

You can download this release from chocolatey or the link below.


04 Feb 07:33
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As part of this release we had 7 issues closed.


#428 No messages shown in endpoint with messages from external source

This seems to be related to the issue fixed in ServiceControl :
ServiceControl stops shortly after starting #427

The fix seems to work in ServiceControl and it now shows the correct info in ServicePulse. But when we try open the message from external source (i.e. Biztalk) in ServiceInsight, it refuses to list any messages in endpoints containing these external source messages:

If I browse the url to serviceControl API manually in Chrome for example I get a list of messages back. I think the problem lies within the ServiceInsight-client trying to display a list of messages in the gridcomponent, try to parse the external source messages and crashes, resulting in no messages shown in grid for that particular endpoint.

#422 Saga visualizer should point to correct NuGet based on NSB version

When the endpoint didn't contain the saga audit plugin, this is currently displayed:


First of all, that NuGet package is deprecated. But it should look at the NServiceBus.Version header and display either ServiceControl.Plugin.Nsb4.SagaAudit or ServiceControl.Plugin.Nsb5.SagaAudit.

Additionally you could potentially fill the project name with the value of the NServiceBus.ProcessingEndpoint header, which would be correct in many cases?

#419 Retry selects wrong message if more than one message with same ID


When retrying a message via ServiceInsight, after a successful retry, the message being retried is still in 'error' state but another message (first on the list with same transport message ID) is shown as retried successfully

Who's affected

All users of ServiceInsight

  • Have one message processed by multiple endpoints
    Content trimmed. See full issue

#418 Short performance timespan displays "no time"

In SI Message list, when one of the performance timespan columns contains a value that is 0ms (i.e. presumably less then 1ms), the displayed message is "no time"


This is problematic since: it is not correct: It is not "no time", but close to 0ms

The displayed value should be one of the following:

  1. a much more fine-grained timespan (e.g. "0.2 millisecond)
  2. an indication that its less than 1 ms (e.g. "less than 1 millisecond")
  3. or even "0 millisecond" (not the best, but more preferable than "no time")
    Content trimmed. See full issue

#416 Add license url to chocolatey package

Use this url -

#415 Duplicate messages by ID

A user had the following error on startup.

Product name: ServiceInsight
Version: 1.2.4

As soon as I fire up ServiceInsight up on my machine I get an "Opps" error and it shuts down. Here is when I get when I do a "copy to clipboard":

System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element

Content trimmed. See full issue

#414 When viewing the saga view of a message that does not have the plugin, the guidance is incorrect

When attempting to load the saga view for a message whose endpoint does not contain the saga audit plugin, we currently display guidance to install the saga audit plugin. However we now have three distinct nuget packages targeting NSB major versions 3,4 and 5. The guidance should reflect that.

Where to get it

You can download this release from:


04 Nov 08:43
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As part of this release we had 1 issue closed.


  • Sequence Diagram display bug #408

Where to get it

You can download this release from:


28 Oct 03:55
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As part of this release we had 1 issue closed.


#357 JSON Body viewer - Not showing full message

The JSON viewer does not show the full body of the selected message

Content trimmed. See full issue

Where to get it

You can download this release from:


27 Oct 08:39
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As part of this release we had 3 issues closed.


#365 Allow users to select messages in the Flow Diagram window

To select a message (and have the "Message Properties" windows populated) a user needs to select a message from the "Messages" list.

It would be most useful to allow a user to select a message in the flow diagram. This allows a user to quickly browse related messages.


#405 Rogue message causes ServiceInsight to fall over

I've recently set-up ServiceInsight in a production environment. To test everything was working I used a console-based NSB application to send a test message directly to the audit queue that ServiceControl uses. ServiceControl picks up the message alright but when ServiceInsight tries to load the message it falls over (and exits) with the following error:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Particular.ServiceInsight.Desktop.SequenceDiagram.MessageInfo.get_ReceivingEndpoint() in c:\BuildAgent\work\2be762a799648224\src\ServiceInsight.Desktop\SequenceDiagram\MessageInfo.cs:line 99
   at Particular.ServiceInsight.Desktop.SequenceDiagram.MessageInfo.UpdateIndicies() in c:\BuildAgent\work\2be762a799648224\src\ServiceInsight.Desktop\SequenceDiagram\MessageInfo.cs:line 216
   at Particular.ServiceInsight.Desktop.SequenceDiagram.MessageInfo.set_Endpoints(IEnumerable`1 value)
   at Particular.ServiceInsight.Desktop.SequenceDiagram.MessageInfo..ctor(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IWindowManagerEx windowManager, Func`1 exceptionDetailViewModel, SequenceDiagramViewModel viewModel, StoredMessage message, ReactiveList`1 endpoints) in c:\BuildAgent\work\2be762a799648224\src\ServiceInsight.Desktop\SequenceDiagram\MessageInfo.cs:line 42
   at Particular.ServiceInsight.Desktop.SequenceDiagram.SequenceDiagramViewModel.<CreateMessages>b__a(StoredMessage m) in c:\BuildAgent\work\2be762a799648224\src\ServiceInsight.Desktop\SequenceDiagram\SequenceDiagramViewModel.cs:line 145
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)

Content trimmed. See full issue

#401 Refresh / Auto-Refresh does not update message list, message counts

  1. Open SI and turn on Auto Refresh (preferably set to low interval between updates)
  2. Run endpoints and start sending messages
  3. Note that the updates are inconsistently refreshed

Where to get it

You can download this release from:


17 Oct 06:46
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As part of this release we had 3 issues closed.


#404 Json parser crashes with invalid characters

Instead, we should ignore the error, log it, and dump the rest of the message as raw text for display.

#402 Failed message cannot be retried, application crashes with NullReferenceException

We downloaded the installer from today. When you have a failed message and want to retry it in ServiceInsight as soon as you click the message the application crashes. The exception claims that the endpoint is null. I do not have stack trace here but the studs sends several error reports to you. We used the Exercise 8 branch to reproduce that failure. Interestingly it works with ServicePulse.

When I use 1.1.8 that NullReference issue doesn't occur. It occurs in 1.2.0

#399 Timeout alarm clock Icon id rendered badly in some cases


Where to get it

You can download this release from: