A command-line utility to convert API Blueprint to JSON Schema.
If you are building your API with Apiary you should know API Blueprint, right? Good documentation is cool but it would be nice to re-use your validation which you already wrote in MSON (or JSON Schema). So there is the task: Convert Blueprint to JSON Schema. This tool is specially for it.
It is built on top of apiaryio/protagonist which do hard job, but if you know this Node.js C++ binding you sure know that compilation of this library (npm install protagonist
) takes time. This is the reason why this tool is also wrapped with Docker, but sure you can also use it with npm
$ npm install --global apib2json
NOTE: Recommended way is using a dockerized version, just try
$ docker run --rm bugyik/apib2json --help
$ apib2json --help
Usage: apib2json [options]
A command-line utility to convert API Blueprint to JSON Schema
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-v, --verbose Verbose mode, use with --output - default: false
-p, --pretty Output pretty (indented) JSON - default: false
--indent <n> Number of space characters used to indent code, use with --pretty - default: 2
-i, --input <file> Path to input (Apib) file - default: STDIN
-o, --output <file> Path to output (JSON) file - default: STDOUT
NOTE: The example below requires
installed (npm's version without prefixdocker run --rm -i bugyik/
$ docker run --rm -i bugyik/apib2json --pretty < input.apib > output.json
$ cat input.apib
## Coupon [/coupons/{id}]
A coupon contains information about a percent-off or amount-off discount you
might want to apply to a customer.
+ Attributes (object)
+ id: 250FF (string, required)
+ created: 1415203908 (number) - Time stamp
+ percent_off: 25 (number)
A positive integer between 1 and 100 that represents the discount the coupon will apply.
+ redeem_by (number) - Date after which the coupon can no longer be redeemed
### Retrieve a Coupon [GET]
Retrieves the coupon with the given ID.
+ Response 200 (application/json)
+ Attributes (Coupon)
$ cat output.json
"[GET]/coupons/{id}": [
"meta": {
"type": "response",
"title": null
"schema": {
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "string"
"created": {
"type": "number",
"description": "Time stamp"
"percent_off": {
"type": "number",
"description": "A positive integer between 1 and 100 that represents the discount the coupon will apply."
"redeem_by": {
"type": "number",
"description": "Date after which the coupon can no longer be redeemed"
"required": [
NOTE: More examples of input/ouput are available in test/fixtures folder.
Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs or file feature requests.
Pull Requests are welcome!
Do you hate contributing to projects where you have to install direct version of Node.js? I know there are tools like nvm but there is also Docker to rescue! To begin developing, you just need docker
and docker-compose
installed and do this:
$ git clone git@github.com:o5/apib2json.git && cd apib2json/
$ docker-compose up
$ docker exec -it apib2json sh
NOTE: Assumes
docker-composer up
was finished.
MIT @ Petr Bugyík