Documentation in Russian.
- PHP 5.6 and above
- curl extension with support for OpenSSL
- PHPUnit 4.8.0 for running test suite (Optional)
- Composer (Optional)
You can install the library via Composer. Add this to your composer.json:
"require": {
"payu/alu-client": "1.*"
Then install via:
composer install
To use the library, include Composer's autoload:
Obtain the latest version of the PayU Automatic Live Update Client Library with:
git clone
To use the Library, add the following to your PHP script:
You can find usage examples in the examples directory:
- basicExample.php - Minimal requirements for order authorization via ALU protocol using Credit Card Information (If you are PCI DSS compliant)
- tokenPayment.php - Minimal requirements for order authorization via ALU protocol using Token
- threeDSReturn.php - Example of return from 3D Secure authorization and response