🔭 I’m currently working on a game in GODOT
🌱 I’m currently learning GDScript and C#
🎓 I'm currently studying Informatics Engineering
💬 Ask me about Games and Movies/Series
📫 How to reach me: gui.ds.pinto@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I LOVE playing games, especially League... 🫥
Name | Description |
Eletric Move Web Scraping Website | Frontend for a web scraping tool with the goal of scraping eletric cars from standvirtual. Developed in TypeScript, HTML and CSS, using Bootstrap and Ionic frameworks |
Eletric Move Web Scraping API | Backend server for a web scraping tool with the goal of scraping eletric cars from standvirtual. Developed in Node.JS |
Burguer Dropper | A Purble Place inspired game about making burguers. Developed in Phaser |
Ghost Chaser | A Luigi's Mansion inspired game survival style. Developed in Unity. Try it out! |
Hotel Chain | Frontend for a hotel management mobile app regarding sensors. Developed in TypeScript, HTML and CSS, using Bootstrap and Ionic frameworks |