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Terraform Windows DNS Provider

This is the repository for a Terraform Windows DNS Provider, which you can use to create DNS records in Microsoft Windows DNS.

The provider uses the package to "shell out" to PowerShell, fire up a WinRM session, and perform the actual DNS work. I made this decision because the Go WinRM packages I was able to find only supported WinRM in Basic/Unencrypted mode, which is not doable in our environment. Shelling out to PowerShell is admittedly ugly, but it allows the use of domain accounts, HTTPS, etc.

Using the Provider


# configure the provider
# username + password - used to build a powershell credential
# server - the server we'll create a WinRM session into to perform the DNS operations
# usessl - whether or not to use HTTPS for our WinRM session (by default port TCP/5986)
variable "username" {
  type = "string"

variable "password" {
  type = "string"

provider "windns" {
  server = ""
  username = "${var.username}"
  password = "${var.password}"
  usessl = true

#create an a record
resource "windns" "dns" {
  record_name = "testentry1"
  record_type = "A"
  zone_name = ""
  ipv4address = ""

#create a cname record
resource "windns" "dnscname" {
  record_name = "testcname1"
  record_type = "CNAME"
  zone_name = ""
  hostnamealias = ""


  1. Make sure you have $GOPATH set ($env:GOPATH='c:\wip\go' on Windows, etc)
  2. git clone
  3. cd\portofportland\terraform-provider-windns
  4. switch to a feature branch
git checkout -b myfeature
  1. get the dependencies
go get
  1. prune any unnecessary dependencies
go mod tidy
  1. vendor our dependencies
go mod vendor
  1. build the module
go build

#cross-compile for windows
GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build -o terraform-provider-windns.exe