diff --git a/components/prism-java.js b/components/prism-java.js
index 49ff19dd51..9d10f2fe62 100644
--- a/components/prism-java.js
+++ b/components/prism-java.js
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 	var keywords = /\b(?:abstract|assert|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|default|do|double|else|enum|exports|extends|final|finally|float|for|goto|if|implements|import|instanceof|int|interface|long|module|native|new|non-sealed|null|open|opens|package|permits|private|protected|provides|public|record(?!\s*[(){}[\]<>=%~.:,;?+\-*/&|^])|requires|return|sealed|short|static|strictfp|super|switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|to|transient|transitive|try|uses|var|void|volatile|while|with|yield)\b/;
 	// full package (optional) + parent classes (optional)
-	var classNamePrefix = /(^|[^\w.])(?:[a-z]\w*\s*\.\s*)*(?:[A-Z]\w*\s*\.\s*)*/.source;
+	var classNamePrefix = /(?:[a-z]\w*\s*\.\s*)*(?:[A-Z]\w*\s*\.\s*)*/.source;
 	// based on the java naming conventions
 	var className = {
-		pattern: RegExp(classNamePrefix + /[A-Z](?:[\d_A-Z]*[a-z]\w*)?\b/.source),
+		pattern: RegExp(/(^|[^\w.])/.source + classNamePrefix + /[A-Z](?:[\d_A-Z]*[a-z]\w*)?\b/.source),
 		lookbehind: true,
 		inside: {
 			'namespace': {
@@ -29,9 +29,16 @@
 		'class-name': [
-				// variables and parameters
+				// variables, parameters, and constructor references
 				// this to support class names (or generic parameters) which do not contain a lower case letter (also works for methods)
-				pattern: RegExp(classNamePrefix + /[A-Z]\w*(?=\s+\w+\s*[;,=()])/.source),
+				pattern: RegExp(/(^|[^\w.])/.source + classNamePrefix + /[A-Z]\w*(?=\s+\w+\s*[;,=()]|\s*(?:\[[\s,]*\]\s*)?::\s*new\b)/.source),
+				lookbehind: true,
+				inside: className.inside
+			},
+			{
+				// class names based on keyword
+				// this to support class names (or generic parameters) which do not contain a lower case letter (also works for methods)
+				pattern: RegExp(/(\b(?:class|enum|extends|implements|instanceof|interface|new|record|throws)\s+)/.source + classNamePrefix + /[A-Z]\w*\b/.source),
 				lookbehind: true,
 				inside: className.inside
@@ -79,6 +86,30 @@
 				'operator': /[?&|]/
+		'import': [
+			{
+				pattern: RegExp(/(\bimport\s+)/.source + classNamePrefix + /(?:[A-Z]\w*|\*)(?=\s*;)/.source),
+				lookbehind: true,
+				inside: {
+					'namespace': className.inside.namespace,
+					'punctuation': /\./,
+					'operator': /\*/,
+					'class-name': /\w+/
+				}
+			},
+			{
+				pattern: RegExp(/(\bimport\s+static\s+)/.source + classNamePrefix + /(?:\w+|\*)(?=\s*;)/.source),
+				lookbehind: true,
+				alias: 'static',
+				inside: {
+					'namespace': className.inside.namespace,
+					'static': /\b\w+$/,
+					'punctuation': /\./,
+					'operator': /\*/,
+					'class-name': /\w+/
+				}
+			}
+		],
 		'namespace': {
 			pattern: RegExp(
diff --git a/components/prism-java.min.js b/components/prism-java.min.js
index 7f8f684c72..b2dc396627 100644
--- a/components/prism-java.min.js
+++ b/components/prism-java.min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-!function(e){var t=/\b(?:abstract|assert|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|default|do|double|else|enum|exports|extends|final|finally|float|for|goto|if|implements|import|instanceof|int|interface|long|module|native|new|non-sealed|null|open|opens|package|permits|private|protected|provides|public|record(?!\s*[(){}[\]<>=%~.:,;?+\-*/&|^])|requires|return|sealed|short|static|strictfp|super|switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|to|transient|transitive|try|uses|var|void|volatile|while|with|yield)\b/,n="(^|[^\\w.])(?:[a-z]\\w*\\s*\\.\\s*)*(?:[A-Z]\\w*\\s*\\.\\s*)*",a={pattern:RegExp(n+"[A-Z](?:[\\d_A-Z]*[a-z]\\w*)?\\b"),lookbehind:!0,inside:{namespace:{pattern:/^[a-z]\w*(?:\s*\.\s*[a-z]\w*)*(?:\s*\.)?/,inside:{punctuation:/\./}},punctuation:/\./}};e.languages.java=e.languages.extend("clike",{string:{pattern:/(^|[^\\])"(?:\\.|[^"\\\r\n])*"/,lookbehind:!0,greedy:!0},"class-name":[a,{pattern:RegExp(n+"[A-Z]\\w*(?=\\s+\\w+\\s*[;,=()])"),lookbehind:!0,inside:a.inside}],keyword:t,function:[e.languages.clike.function,{pattern:/(::\s*)[a-z_]\w*/,lookbehind:!0}],number:/\b0b[01][01_]*L?\b|\b0x(?:\.[\da-f_p+-]+|[\da-f_]+(?:\.[\da-f_p+-]+)?)\b|(?:\b\d[\d_]*(?:\.[\d_]*)?|\B\.\d[\d_]*)(?:e[+-]?\d[\d_]*)?[dfl]?/i,operator:{pattern:/(^|[^.])(?:<<=?|>>>?=?|->|--|\+\+|&&|\|\||::|[?:~]|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?)/m,lookbehind:!0}}),e.languages.insertBefore("java","string",{"triple-quoted-string":{pattern:/"""[ \t]*[\r\n](?:(?:"|"")?(?:\\.|[^"\\]))*"""/,greedy:!0,alias:"string"},char:{pattern:/'(?:\\.|[^'\\\r\n]){1,6}'/,greedy:!0}}),e.languages.insertBefore("java","class-name",{annotation:{pattern:/(^|[^.])@\w+(?:\s*\.\s*\w+)*/,lookbehind:!0,alias:"punctuation"},generics:{pattern:/<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&)|<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&)|<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&)|<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&))*>)*>)*>)*>/,inside:{"class-name":a,keyword:t,punctuation:/[<>(),.:]/,operator:/[?&|]/}},namespace:{pattern:RegExp("(\\b(?:exports|import(?:\\s+static)?|module|open|opens|package|provides|requires|to|transitive|uses|with)\\s+)(?!<keyword>)[a-z]\\w*(?:\\.[a-z]\\w*)*\\.?".replace(/<keyword>/g,function(){return t.source})),lookbehind:!0,inside:{punctuation:/\./}}})}(Prism);
\ No newline at end of file
+!function(e){var n=/\b(?:abstract|assert|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|default|do|double|else|enum|exports|extends|final|finally|float|for|goto|if|implements|import|instanceof|int|interface|long|module|native|new|non-sealed|null|open|opens|package|permits|private|protected|provides|public|record(?!\s*[(){}[\]<>=%~.:,;?+\-*/&|^])|requires|return|sealed|short|static|strictfp|super|switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|to|transient|transitive|try|uses|var|void|volatile|while|with|yield)\b/,t="(?:[a-z]\\w*\\s*\\.\\s*)*(?:[A-Z]\\w*\\s*\\.\\s*)*",s={pattern:RegExp("(^|[^\\w.])"+t+"[A-Z](?:[\\d_A-Z]*[a-z]\\w*)?\\b"),lookbehind:!0,inside:{namespace:{pattern:/^[a-z]\w*(?:\s*\.\s*[a-z]\w*)*(?:\s*\.)?/,inside:{punctuation:/\./}},punctuation:/\./}};e.languages.java=e.languages.extend("clike",{string:{pattern:/(^|[^\\])"(?:\\.|[^"\\\r\n])*"/,lookbehind:!0,greedy:!0},"class-name":[s,{pattern:RegExp("(^|[^\\w.])"+t+"[A-Z]\\w*(?=\\s+\\w+\\s*[;,=()]|\\s*(?:\\[[\\s,]*\\]\\s*)?::\\s*new\\b)"),lookbehind:!0,inside:s.inside},{pattern:RegExp("(\\b(?:class|enum|extends|implements|instanceof|interface|new|record|throws)\\s+)"+t+"[A-Z]\\w*\\b"),lookbehind:!0,inside:s.inside}],keyword:n,function:[e.languages.clike.function,{pattern:/(::\s*)[a-z_]\w*/,lookbehind:!0}],number:/\b0b[01][01_]*L?\b|\b0x(?:\.[\da-f_p+-]+|[\da-f_]+(?:\.[\da-f_p+-]+)?)\b|(?:\b\d[\d_]*(?:\.[\d_]*)?|\B\.\d[\d_]*)(?:e[+-]?\d[\d_]*)?[dfl]?/i,operator:{pattern:/(^|[^.])(?:<<=?|>>>?=?|->|--|\+\+|&&|\|\||::|[?:~]|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?)/m,lookbehind:!0}}),e.languages.insertBefore("java","string",{"triple-quoted-string":{pattern:/"""[ \t]*[\r\n](?:(?:"|"")?(?:\\.|[^"\\]))*"""/,greedy:!0,alias:"string"},char:{pattern:/'(?:\\.|[^'\\\r\n]){1,6}'/,greedy:!0}}),e.languages.insertBefore("java","class-name",{annotation:{pattern:/(^|[^.])@\w+(?:\s*\.\s*\w+)*/,lookbehind:!0,alias:"punctuation"},generics:{pattern:/<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&)|<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&)|<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&)|<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&))*>)*>)*>)*>/,inside:{"class-name":s,keyword:n,punctuation:/[<>(),.:]/,operator:/[?&|]/}},import:[{pattern:RegExp("(\\bimport\\s+)"+t+"(?:[A-Z]\\w*|\\*)(?=\\s*;)"),lookbehind:!0,inside:{namespace:s.inside.namespace,punctuation:/\./,operator:/\*/,"class-name":/\w+/}},{pattern:RegExp("(\\bimport\\s+static\\s+)"+t+"(?:\\w+|\\*)(?=\\s*;)"),lookbehind:!0,alias:"static",inside:{namespace:s.inside.namespace,static:/\b\w+$/,punctuation:/\./,operator:/\*/,"class-name":/\w+/}}],namespace:{pattern:RegExp("(\\b(?:exports|import(?:\\s+static)?|module|open|opens|package|provides|requires|to|transitive|uses|with)\\s+)(?!<keyword>)[a-z]\\w*(?:\\.[a-z]\\w*)*\\.?".replace(/<keyword>/g,function(){return n.source})),lookbehind:!0,inside:{punctuation:/\./}}})}(Prism);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/languages/java/class-name_feature.test b/tests/languages/java/class-name_feature.test
index 71530bb5be..b9c3c1a675 100644
--- a/tests/languages/java/class-name_feature.test
+++ b/tests/languages/java/class-name_feature.test
@@ -1,122 +1,163 @@
-class Foo extends foo.bar.Foo {
-	java.util.List<foo.bar.Foo.Bar> bar(foo.bar.Baz bat) throws java.lang.Exception {
-		var foo = new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented");
-		Exception e = foo;
-		throw e;
-	}
-ID id;
-	["keyword", "class"],
-	["class-name", ["Foo"]],
-	["keyword", "extends"],
-	["class-name", [
-		["namespace", [
-			"foo",
-			["punctuation", "."],
-			"bar",
-			["punctuation", "."]
-		]],
-		"Foo"
-	]],
-	["punctuation", "{"],
-	["class-name", [
-		["namespace", [
-			"java",
-			["punctuation", "."],
-			"util",
-			["punctuation", "."]
-		]],
-		"List"
-	]],
-	["generics", [
-		["punctuation", "<"],
-		["class-name", [
-			["namespace", [
-				"foo",
-				["punctuation", "."],
-				"bar",
-				["punctuation", "."]
-			]],
-			"Foo",
-			["punctuation", "."],
-			"Bar"
-		]],
-		["punctuation", ">"]
-	]],
-	["function", "bar"],
-	["punctuation", "("],
-	["class-name", [
-		["namespace", [
-			"foo",
-			["punctuation", "."],
-			"bar",
-			["punctuation", "."]
-		]],
-		"Baz"
-	]],
-	" bat",
-	["punctuation", ")"],
-	["keyword", "throws"],
-	["class-name", [
-		["namespace", [
-			"java",
-			["punctuation", "."],
-			"lang",
-			["punctuation", "."]
-		]],
-		"Exception"
-	]],
-	["punctuation", "{"],
-	["keyword", "var"],
-	" foo ",
-	["operator", "="],
-	["keyword", "new"],
-	["class-name", [
-		["namespace", [
-			"java",
-			["punctuation", "."],
-			"lang",
-			["punctuation", "."]
-		]],
-		"UnsupportedOperationException"
-	]],
-	["punctuation", "("],
-	["string", "\"Not implemented\""],
-	["punctuation", ")"],
-	["punctuation", ";"],
-	["class-name", ["Exception"]],
-	" e ",
-	["operator", "="],
-	" foo",
-	["punctuation", ";"],
-	["keyword", "throw"],
-	" e",
-	["punctuation", ";"],
-	["punctuation", "}"],
-	["punctuation", "}"],
-	["class-name", ["ID"]], " id", ["punctuation", ";"],
-	["class-name", ["String"]],
-	["punctuation", "."],
-	["function", "valueOf"],
-	["punctuation", "("],
-	["number", "5"],
-	["punctuation", ")"],
-	["punctuation", ";"]
+class Foo extends foo.bar.Foo {
+	java.util.List<foo.bar.Foo.Bar> bar(foo.bar.Baz bat) throws java.lang.Exception {
+		var foo = new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented");
+		Exception e = foo;
+		throw e;
+	}
+import com.lib.ID;
+ID id = new ID();
+ID.Nested id;
+	["keyword", "class"],
+	["class-name", ["Foo"]],
+	["keyword", "extends"],
+	["class-name", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"foo",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"bar",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		"Foo"
+	]],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["class-name", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"util",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		"List"
+	]],
+	["generics", [
+		["punctuation", "<"],
+		["class-name", [
+			["namespace", [
+				"foo",
+				["punctuation", "."],
+				"bar",
+				["punctuation", "."]
+			]],
+			"Foo",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"Bar"
+		]],
+		["punctuation", ">"]
+	]],
+	["function", "bar"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["class-name", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"foo",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"bar",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		"Baz"
+	]],
+	" bat",
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["keyword", "throws"],
+	["class-name", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"lang",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		"Exception"
+	]],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["keyword", "var"],
+	" foo ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	["keyword", "new"],
+	["class-name", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"lang",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		"UnsupportedOperationException"
+	]],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["string", "\"Not implemented\""],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["class-name", ["Exception"]],
+	" e ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	" foo",
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "throw"],
+	" e",
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["keyword", "import"],
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"com",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"lib",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "ID"]
+	]],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["class-name", ["ID"]],
+	" id ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	["keyword", "new"],
+	["class-name", ["ID"]],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["class-name", [
+		"ID",
+		["punctuation", "."],
+		"Nested"
+	]],
+	" id",
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["class-name", ["ID"]],
+	["operator", "::"],
+	["keyword", "new"],
+	["class-name", ["ID"]],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["operator", "::"],
+	["keyword", "new"],
+	["class-name", ["String"]],
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	["function", "valueOf"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["number", "5"],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", ";"]
diff --git a/tests/languages/java/issue3350.test b/tests/languages/java/issue3350.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1af8678e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/java/issue3350.test
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.security.MessageDigest;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+	["keyword", "import"],
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"nio",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"charset",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "StandardCharsets"]
+	]],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "import"],
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"security",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "MessageDigest"]
+	]],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "import"],
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"util",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "Arrays"]
+	]],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "import"],
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"util",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "HashSet"]
+	]],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "import"],
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"util",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "UUID"]
+	]],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "import"],
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"util",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"regex",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "Pattern"]
+	]],
+	["punctuation", ";"]
diff --git a/tests/languages/java/package_feature.test b/tests/languages/java/package_feature.test
index c88dca8da3..15dbdf5f73 100644
--- a/tests/languages/java/package_feature.test
+++ b/tests/languages/java/package_feature.test
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ package java;
 package java.lang;
 import foo.Bar;
+import foo.ID;
 import java.lang.Math;
 import java.lang.*;
 import static foo.Bar.BAZ;
+import static foo.ID.DEFAULT;
 import static java.lang.Math.PI;
 import static java.lang.Math.sin;
 import static java.lang.Math.*;
@@ -14,10 +16,9 @@ import static java.lang.Math.*;
 	["keyword", "package"],
-	["namespace", [
-		"java"
-	]],
+	["namespace", ["java"]],
 	["punctuation", ";"],
 	["keyword", "package"],
 	["namespace", [
@@ -27,91 +28,121 @@ import static java.lang.Math.*;
 	["punctuation", ";"],
 	["keyword", "import"],
-	["namespace", [
-		"foo",
-		["punctuation", "."]
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"foo",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "Bar"]
-	["class-name", [
-		"Bar"
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "import"],
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"foo",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "ID"]
 	["punctuation", ";"],
 	["keyword", "import"],
-	["namespace", [
-		"java",
-		["punctuation", "."],
-		"lang",
-		["punctuation", "."]
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"lang",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "Math"]
-	["class-name", [
-		"Math"
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "import"],
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"lang",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["operator", "*"]
 	["punctuation", ";"],
 	["keyword", "import"],
-	["namespace", [
-		"java",
+	["keyword", "static"],
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"foo",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "Bar"],
 		["punctuation", "."],
-		"lang",
-		["punctuation", "."]
+		["static", "BAZ"]
-	["operator", "*"],
 	["punctuation", ";"],
 	["keyword", "import"],
 	["keyword", "static"],
-	["namespace", [
-		"foo",
-		["punctuation", "."]
-	]],
-	["class-name", [
-		"Bar"
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"foo",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "ID"],
+		["punctuation", "."],
+		["static", "DEFAULT"]
-	["punctuation", "."],
-	"BAZ",
 	["punctuation", ";"],
 	["keyword", "import"],
 	["keyword", "static"],
-	["namespace", [
-		"java",
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"lang",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "Math"],
 		["punctuation", "."],
-		"lang",
-		["punctuation", "."]
-	]],
-	["class-name", [
-		"Math"
+		["static", "PI"]
-	["punctuation", "."],
-	"PI",
 	["punctuation", ";"],
 	["keyword", "import"],
 	["keyword", "static"],
-	["namespace", [
-		"java",
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"lang",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "Math"],
 		["punctuation", "."],
-		"lang",
-		["punctuation", "."]
-	]],
-	["class-name", [
-		"Math"
+		["static", "sin"]
-	["punctuation", "."],
-	"sin",
 	["punctuation", ";"],
 	["keyword", "import"],
 	["keyword", "static"],
-	["namespace", [
-		"java",
+	["import", [
+		["namespace", [
+			"java",
+			["punctuation", "."],
+			"lang",
+			["punctuation", "."]
+		]],
+		["class-name", "Math"],
 		["punctuation", "."],
-		"lang",
-		["punctuation", "."]
-	]],
-	["class-name", [
-		"Math"
+		["operator", "*"]
-	["punctuation", "."],
-	"*",
 	["punctuation", ";"]
-Checks for packages.
\ No newline at end of file
+Checks for packages.