From a3c43fe659b77a3f8fe4a67e1a485794965d601f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2023 12:11:22 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 01/17] Removed code and tests deprecated in 0.21

 qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/          |  35 +-
 qiskit/                    |  19 +-
 qiskit/pulse/transforms/         |  25 +-
 qiskit/qpy/                       |   2 -
 qiskit/transpiler/passes/          |   6 -
 .../transpiler/passes/scheduling/  |   5 +-
 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/   | 155 ----
 .../passes/scheduling/alignments/  |   1 -
 .../scheduling/alignments/   | 256 ------
 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/   | 177 ----
 .../passes/scheduling/ | 276 ------
 qiskit/transpiler/passes/utils/    |   2 -
 .../passes/utils/        |  27 -
 .../transpiler/passes/utils/   |  27 -
 test/benchmarks/          | 105 +--
 .../            | 310 +------
 .../legacy_scheduling/ | 811 ------------------
 .../transpiler/ | 503 +----------
 18 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 2733 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/utils/
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/utils/
 delete mode 100644 test/python/transpiler/legacy_scheduling/

diff --git a/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/ b/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/
index 0226f8a00a1e..6b5098e5cb49 100644
--- a/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/
+++ b/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 import numpy as np
 from qiskit.utils import algorithm_globals
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
 from .optimizer import Optimizer, OptimizerSupportLevel, OptimizerResult, POINT
@@ -649,39 +649,6 @@ def get_support_level(self):
     # pylint: disable=bad-docstring-quotes
-    @deprecate_func(
-        additional_msg=(
-            "Instead, use ``SPSA.minimize`` as a replacement, which supports the same arguments "
-            "but follows the interface of scipy.optimize and returns a complete result object "
-            "containing additional information."
-        ),
-        since="0.21.0",
-    )
-    def optimize(
-        self,
-        num_vars,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-        objective_function,
-        gradient_function=None,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-        variable_bounds=None,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-        initial_point=None,
-    ):
-        """Perform optimization.
-        Args:
-            num_vars (int): Number of parameters to be optimized.
-            objective_function (callable): A function that computes the objective function.
-            gradient_function (callable): Not supported for SPSA.
-            variable_bounds (list[(float, float)]): Not supported for SPSA.
-            initial_point (numpy.ndarray[float]): Initial point.
-        Returns:
-            tuple: point, value, nfev
-               point: is a 1D numpy.ndarray[float] containing the solution
-               value: is a float with the objective function value
-               nfev: number of objective function calls made if available or None
-        """
-        result = self.minimize(objective_function, initial_point)
-        return result.x,, result.nfev
 def bernoulli_perturbation(dim, perturbation_dims=None):
diff --git a/qiskit/ b/qiskit/
index 51ecc68246b5..c1407a67fa11 100644
--- a/qiskit/
+++ b/qiskit/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 from qiskit.providers.backend import Backend
 from qiskit.pulse import Schedule, ScheduleBlock
 from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_arg
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ def _log_submission_time(start_time, end_time):
-@deprecate_arg("qobj_id", since="0.21.0", additional_msg="This argument has no effect anymore.")
-@deprecate_arg("qobj_header", since="0.21.0", additional_msg="This argument has no effect anymore.")
 def execute(
@@ -48,8 +46,6 @@ def execute(
-    qobj_id=None,
-    qobj_header=None,
     shots=None,  # common run options
@@ -160,16 +156,6 @@ def execute(
             arg is present, auto-selection of pass manager based on the transpile options
             will be turned off and this pass manager will be used directly.
-        qobj_id (str): DEPRECATED: String identifier to annotate the Qobj.  This has no effect
-            and the :attr:`` attribute of the input circuit(s) should be used
-            instead.
-        qobj_header (QobjHeader or dict): DEPRECATED: User input that will be inserted in Qobj
-            header, and will also be copied to the corresponding :class:`qiskit.result.Result`
-            header. Headers do not affect the run. Headers do not affect the run. This kwarg
-            has no effect anymore and the :attr:`~.QuantumCircuit.metadata` attribute of the
-            input circuit(s) should be used instead.
         shots (int): Number of repetitions of each circuit, for sampling. Default: 1024
         memory (bool): If True, per-shot measurement bitstrings are returned as well
@@ -280,8 +266,7 @@ def execute(
             job = execute(qc, backend, shots=4321)
-    del qobj_id
-    del qobj_header
     if isinstance(experiments, (Schedule, ScheduleBlock)) or (
         isinstance(experiments, list) and isinstance(experiments[0], (Schedule, ScheduleBlock))
diff --git a/qiskit/pulse/transforms/ b/qiskit/pulse/transforms/
index d19def4f34b8..d5a1f62e8dce 100644
--- a/qiskit/pulse/transforms/
+++ b/qiskit/pulse/transforms/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 """A collection of passes to reallocate the timeslots of instructions according to context."""
 import abc
-from typing import Callable, Dict, Any, Union, Tuple
+from typing import Callable, Union, Tuple
 import numpy as np
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 from qiskit.pulse.exceptions import PulseError
 from qiskit.pulse.schedule import Schedule, ScheduleComponent
 from qiskit.pulse.utils import instruction_duration_validation
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
 class AlignmentKind(abc.ABC):
@@ -45,11 +44,6 @@ def align(self, schedule: Schedule) -> Schedule:
-    @deprecate_func(since="0.21")
-    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        """Returns dictionary to represent this alignment."""
-        return {"alignment": self.__class__.__name__}
     def is_sequential(self) -> bool:
@@ -330,11 +324,6 @@ def align(self, schedule: Schedule) -> Schedule:
         return aligned
-    @deprecate_func(since="0.21")
-    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        """Returns dictionary to represent this alignment."""
-        return {"alignment": self.__class__.__name__, "duration": self.duration}
 class AlignFunc(AlignmentKind):
     """Allocate instructions at position specified by callback function.
@@ -415,15 +404,3 @@ def align(self, schedule: Schedule) -> Schedule:
             aligned.insert(_t0, child, inplace=True)
         return aligned
-    @deprecate_func(since="0.21")
-    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        """Returns dictionary to represent this alignment.
-        .. note:: ``func`` is not presented in this dictionary. Just name.
-        """
-        return {
-            "alignment": self.__class__.__name__,
-            "duration": self.duration,
-            "func": self.func.__name__,
-        }
diff --git a/qiskit/qpy/ b/qiskit/qpy/
index a22ce5f20db3..a8fd9380bdbc 100644
--- a/qiskit/qpy/
+++ b/qiskit/qpy/
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 from qiskit.qpy import formats, common, binary_io, type_keys
 from qiskit.qpy.exceptions import QpyError
 from qiskit.version import __version__
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_arg
 # pylint: disable=invalid-name
@@ -72,7 +71,6 @@
-@deprecate_arg("circuits", new_alias="programs", since="0.21.0")
 def dump(
     file_obj: BinaryIO,
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/
index 73e6ea055165..0487dfef892e 100644
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/
+++ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/
@@ -263,11 +263,7 @@
 from .scheduling import TimeUnitConversion
 from .scheduling import ALAPScheduleAnalysis
 from .scheduling import ASAPScheduleAnalysis
-from .scheduling import ALAPSchedule
-from .scheduling import ASAPSchedule
 from .scheduling import PadDynamicalDecoupling
-from .scheduling import DynamicalDecoupling
-from .scheduling import AlignMeasures  # Deprecated
 from .scheduling import ValidatePulseGates
 from .scheduling import PadDelay
 from .scheduling import ConstrainedReschedule
@@ -276,8 +272,6 @@
 # additional utility passes
 from .utils import CheckMap
-from .utils import CheckCXDirection  # Deprecated
-from .utils import CXDirection  # Deprecated
 from .utils import CheckGateDirection
 from .utils import GateDirection
 from .utils import BarrierBeforeFinalMeasurements
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
index 6283faff0001..4f217f9fd531 100644
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
+++ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@
 """Module containing circuit scheduling passes."""
-from .alap import ALAPSchedule
-from .asap import ASAPSchedule
-from .dynamical_decoupling import DynamicalDecoupling
 from .scheduling import ALAPScheduleAnalysis, ASAPScheduleAnalysis, SetIOLatency
 from .time_unit_conversion import TimeUnitConversion
 from .padding import PadDelay, PadDynamicalDecoupling
@@ -24,4 +22,3 @@
 from . import alignments as instruction_alignments
 # TODO Deprecated pass. Will be removed after deprecation period.
-from .alignments import AlignMeasures
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
deleted file mode 100644
index 063b94611bdc..000000000000
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# This code is part of Qiskit.
-# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
-# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
-# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
-# of this source tree or at
-# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
-# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
-# that they have been altered from the originals.
-"""ALAP Scheduling."""
-from qiskit.circuit import Delay, Qubit, Measure
-from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit
-from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
-from .base_scheduler import BaseSchedulerTransform
-class ALAPSchedule(BaseSchedulerTransform):
-    """ALAP Scheduling pass, which schedules the **stop** time of instructions as late as possible.
-    See :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.scheduling.base_scheduler.BaseSchedulerTransform` for the
-    detailed behavior of the control flow operation, i.e. ``c_if``.
-    """
-    @deprecate_func(
-        additional_msg=(
-            "Instead, use :class:`~.ALAPScheduleAnalysis`, which is an "
-            "analysis pass that requires a padding pass to later modify the circuit."
-        ),
-        since="0.21.0",
-        pending=True,
-    )
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    def run(self, dag):
-        """Run the ALAPSchedule pass on `dag`.
-        Args:
-            dag (DAGCircuit): DAG to schedule.
-        Returns:
-            DAGCircuit: A scheduled DAG.
-        Raises:
-            TranspilerError: if the circuit is not mapped on physical qubits.
-            TranspilerError: if conditional bit is added to non-supported instruction.
-        """
-        if len(dag.qregs) != 1 or dag.qregs.get("q", None) is None:
-            raise TranspilerError("ALAP schedule runs on physical circuits only")
-        time_unit = self.property_set["time_unit"]
-        new_dag = DAGCircuit()
-        for qreg in dag.qregs.values():
-            new_dag.add_qreg(qreg)
-        for creg in dag.cregs.values():
-            new_dag.add_creg(creg)
-        idle_before = {q: 0 for q in dag.qubits + dag.clbits}
-        for node in reversed(list(dag.topological_op_nodes())):
-            op_duration = self._get_node_duration(node, dag)
-            # compute t0, t1: instruction interval, note that
-            # t0: start time of instruction
-            # t1: end time of instruction
-            # since this is alap scheduling, node is scheduled in reversed topological ordering
-            # and nodes are packed from the very end of the circuit.
-            # the physical meaning of t0 and t1 is flipped here.
-            if isinstance(node.op, self.CONDITIONAL_SUPPORTED):
-                t0q = max(idle_before[q] for q in node.qargs)
-                if node.op.condition_bits:
-                    # conditional is bit tricky due to conditional_latency
-                    t0c = max(idle_before[c] for c in node.op.condition_bits)
-                    # Assume following case (t0c > t0q):
-                    #
-                    #                |t0q
-                    # Q ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒
-                    # C ░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    #           |t0c
-                    #
-                    # In this case, there is no actual clbit read before gate.
-                    #
-                    #             |t0q' = t0c - conditional_latency
-                    # Q ░░░░░░░░▒▒▒░░▒▒▒
-                    # C ░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    #         |t1c' = t0c + conditional_latency
-                    #
-                    # rather than naively doing
-                    #
-                    #        |t1q' = t0c + duration
-                    # Q ░░░░░▒▒▒░░░░░▒▒▒
-                    # C ░░▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    #     |t1c' = t0c + duration + conditional_latency
-                    #
-                    t0 = max(t0q, t0c - op_duration)
-                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
-                    for clbit in node.op.condition_bits:
-                        idle_before[clbit] = t1 + self.conditional_latency
-                else:
-                    t0 = t0q
-                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
-            else:
-                if node.op.condition_bits:
-                    raise TranspilerError(
-                        f"Conditional instruction {} is not supported in ALAP scheduler."
-                    )
-                if isinstance(node.op, Measure):
-                    # clbit time is always right (alap) justified
-                    t0 = max(idle_before[bit] for bit in node.qargs + node.cargs)
-                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
-                    #
-                    #        |t1 = t0 + duration
-                    # Q ░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    # C ░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    #            |t0 + (duration - clbit_write_latency)
-                    #
-                    for clbit in node.cargs:
-                        idle_before[clbit] = t0 + (op_duration - self.clbit_write_latency)
-                else:
-                    # It happens to be directives such as barrier
-                    t0 = max(idle_before[bit] for bit in node.qargs + node.cargs)
-                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
-            for bit in node.qargs:
-                delta = t0 - idle_before[bit]
-                if delta > 0 and self._delay_supported(dag.find_bit(bit).index):
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_front(Delay(delta, time_unit), [bit], [])
-                idle_before[bit] = t1
-            new_dag.apply_operation_front(node.op, node.qargs, node.cargs)
-        circuit_duration = max(idle_before.values())
-        for bit, before in idle_before.items():
-            delta = circuit_duration - before
-            if not (delta > 0 and isinstance(bit, Qubit)):
-                continue
-            if self._delay_supported(dag.find_bit(bit).index):
-                new_dag.apply_operation_front(Delay(delta, time_unit), [bit], [])
- =
-        new_dag.metadata = dag.metadata
-        new_dag.calibrations = dag.calibrations
-        # set circuit duration and unit to indicate it is scheduled
-        new_dag.duration = circuit_duration
-        new_dag.unit = time_unit
-        return new_dag
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
index 513144937ab5..a25ec01bc1cf 100644
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
+++ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
@@ -78,4 +78,3 @@
 from .check_durations import InstructionDurationCheck
 from .pulse_gate_validation import ValidatePulseGates
 from .reschedule import ConstrainedReschedule
-from .align_measures import AlignMeasures
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
deleted file mode 100644
index 164e9557fbb7..000000000000
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-# This code is part of Qiskit.
-# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
-# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
-# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
-# of this source tree or at
-# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
-# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
-# that they have been altered from the originals.
-"""Align measurement instructions."""
-from __future__ import annotations
-import itertools
-import warnings
-from collections import defaultdict
-from import Iterable
-from typing import Type
-from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import ClbitSpecifier, QubitSpecifier
-from qiskit.circuit.delay import Delay
-from qiskit.circuit.measure import Measure
-from qiskit.circuit.parameterexpression import ParameterExpression
-from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit
-from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import TransformationPass
-from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
-class AlignMeasures(TransformationPass):
-    """Measurement alignment.
-    This is a control electronics aware optimization pass.
-    In many quantum computing architectures gates (instructions) are implemented with
-    shaped analog stimulus signals. These signals are digitally stored in the
-    waveform memory of the control electronics and converted into analog voltage signals
-    by electronic components called digital to analog converters (DAC).
-    In a typical hardware implementation of superconducting quantum processors,
-    a single qubit instruction is implemented by a
-    microwave signal with the duration of around several tens of ns with a per-sample
-    time resolution of ~0.1-10ns, as reported by ``backend.configuration().dt``.
-    In such systems requiring higher DAC bandwidth, control electronics often
-    defines a `pulse granularity`, in other words a data chunk, to allow the DAC to
-    perform the signal conversion in parallel to gain the bandwidth.
-    Measurement alignment is required if a backend only allows triggering ``measure``
-    instructions at a certain multiple value of this pulse granularity.
-    This value is usually provided by ``backend.configuration().timing_constraints``.
-    In Qiskit SDK, the duration of delay can take arbitrary value in units of ``dt``,
-    thus circuits involving delays may violate the above alignment constraint (i.e. misalignment).
-    This pass shifts measurement instructions to a new time position to fix the misalignment,
-    by inserting extra delay right before the measure instructions.
-    The input of this pass should be scheduled :class:`~qiskit.dagcircuit.DAGCircuit`,
-    thus one should select one of the scheduling passes
-    (:class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.ALAPSchedule` or
-    :class:`~qiskit.trasnpiler.passes.ASAPSchedule`) before calling this.
-    Examples:
-        We assume executing the following circuit on a backend with ``alignment=16``.
-        .. parsed-literal::
-                 ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-            q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤M├
-                 └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-            c: 1/════════════════════════╩═
-                                         0
-        Note that delay of 100 dt induces a misalignment of 4 dt at the measurement.
-        This pass appends an extra 12 dt time shift to the input circuit.
-        .. parsed-literal::
-                 ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-            q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤M├
-                 └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-            c: 1/════════════════════════╩═
-                                         0
-        This pass always inserts a positive delay before measurements
-        rather than reducing other delays.
-    Notes:
-        The Backend may allow users to execute circuits violating the alignment constraint.
-        However, it may return meaningless measurement data mainly due to the phase error.
-    """
-    @deprecate_func(
-        additional_msg=(
-            "Instead, use :class:`~.ConstrainedReschedule`, which performs the same function "
-            "but also supports aligning to additional timing constraints."
-        ),
-        since="0.21.0",
-        pending=True,
-    )
-    def __init__(self, alignment: int = 1):
-        """Create new pass.
-        Args:
-            alignment: Integer number representing the minimum time resolution to
-                trigger measure instruction in units of ``dt``. This value depends on
-                the control electronics of your quantum processor.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self.alignment = alignment
-    def run(self, dag: DAGCircuit):
-        """Run the measurement alignment pass on `dag`.
-        Args:
-            dag (DAGCircuit): DAG to be checked.
-        Returns:
-            DAGCircuit: DAG with consistent timing and op nodes annotated with duration.
-        Raises:
-            TranspilerError: If circuit is not scheduled.
-        """
-        time_unit = self.property_set["time_unit"]
-        if not _check_alignment_required(dag, self.alignment, Measure):
-            # return input as-is to avoid unnecessary scheduling.
-            # because following procedure regenerate new DAGCircuit,
-            # we should avoid continuing if not necessary from performance viewpoint.
-            return dag
-        # if circuit is not yet scheduled, schedule with ALAP method
-        if dag.duration is None:
-            raise TranspilerError(
-                f"This circuit {} may involve a delay instruction violating the "
-                "pulse controller alignment. To adjust instructions to "
-                "right timing, you should call one of scheduling passes first. "
-                "This is usually done by calling transpiler with scheduling_method='alap'."
-            )
-        # the following lines are basically copied from ASAPSchedule pass
-        #
-        # * some validations for non-scheduled nodes are dropped, since we assume scheduled input
-        # * pad_with_delay is called only with non-delay node to avoid consecutive delay
-        new_dag = dag.copy_empty_like()
-        qubit_time_available: dict[QubitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(int)  # to track op start time
-        qubit_stop_times: dict[QubitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(
-            int
-        )  # to track delay start time for padding
-        clbit_readable: dict[ClbitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(int)
-        clbit_writeable: dict[ClbitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(int)
-        def pad_with_delays(qubits: Iterable[QubitSpecifier], until, unit) -> None:
-            """Pad idle time-slots in ``qubits`` with delays in ``unit`` until ``until``."""
-            for q in qubits:
-                if qubit_stop_times[q] < until:
-                    idle_duration = until - qubit_stop_times[q]
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(Delay(idle_duration, unit), [q])
-        for node in dag.topological_op_nodes():
-            # choose appropriate clbit available time depending on op
-            clbit_time_available = (
-                clbit_writeable if isinstance(node.op, Measure) else clbit_readable
-            )
-            # correction to change clbit start time to qubit start time
-            delta = node.op.duration if isinstance(node.op, Measure) else 0
-            start_time = max(
-                itertools.chain(
-                    (qubit_time_available[q] for q in node.qargs),
-                    (
-                        clbit_time_available[c] - delta
-                        for c in node.cargs + tuple(node.op.condition_bits)
-                    ),
-                )
-            )
-            if isinstance(node.op, Measure):
-                if start_time % self.alignment != 0:
-                    start_time = ((start_time // self.alignment) + 1) * self.alignment
-            if not isinstance(node.op, Delay):  # exclude delays for combining consecutive delays
-                pad_with_delays(node.qargs, until=start_time, unit=time_unit)
-                new_dag.apply_operation_back(node.op, node.qargs, node.cargs)
-            stop_time = start_time + node.op.duration
-            # update time table
-            for q in node.qargs:
-                qubit_time_available[q] = stop_time
-                if not isinstance(node.op, Delay):
-                    qubit_stop_times[q] = stop_time
-            for c in node.cargs:  # measure
-                clbit_writeable[c] = clbit_readable[c] = stop_time
-            for c in node.op.condition_bits:  # conditional op
-                clbit_writeable[c] = max(start_time, clbit_writeable[c])
-        working_qubits = qubit_time_available.keys()
-        circuit_duration = max(qubit_time_available[q] for q in working_qubits)
-        pad_with_delays(new_dag.qubits, until=circuit_duration, unit=time_unit)
- =
-        new_dag.metadata = dag.metadata
-        # set circuit duration and unit to indicate it is scheduled
-        new_dag.duration = circuit_duration
-        new_dag.unit = time_unit
-        return new_dag
-def _check_alignment_required(
-    dag: DAGCircuit,
-    alignment: int,
-    instructions: Type | list[Type],
-) -> bool:
-    """Check DAG nodes and return a boolean representing if instruction scheduling is necessary.
-    Args:
-        dag: DAG circuit to check.
-        alignment: Instruction alignment condition.
-        instructions: Target instructions.
-    Returns:
-        If instruction scheduling is necessary.
-    """
-    if not isinstance(instructions, list):
-        instructions = [instructions]
-    if alignment == 1:
-        # disable alignment if arbitrary t0 value can be used
-        return False
-    if all(len(dag.op_nodes(inst)) == 0 for inst in instructions):
-        # disable alignment if target instruction is not involved
-        return False
-    # check delay durations
-    for delay_node in dag.op_nodes(Delay):
-        duration = delay_node.op.duration
-        if isinstance(duration, ParameterExpression):
-            # duration is parametrized:
-            # raise user warning if backend alignment is not 1.
-            warnings.warn(
-                f"Parametrized delay with {repr(duration)} is found in circuit {}. "
-                f"This backend requires alignment={alignment}. "
-                "Please make sure all assigned values are multiple values of the alignment.",
-                UserWarning,
-            )
-        else:
-            # duration is bound:
-            # check duration and trigger alignment if it violates constraint
-            if duration % alignment != 0:
-                return True
-    # disable alignment if all delays are multiple values of the alignment
-    return False
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deleted file mode 100644
index cebc32af71a8..000000000000
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-# This code is part of Qiskit.
-# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
-# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
-# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
-# of this source tree or at
-# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
-# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
-# that they have been altered from the originals.
-"""ASAP Scheduling."""
-from qiskit.circuit import Delay, Qubit, Measure
-from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit
-from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
-from .base_scheduler import BaseSchedulerTransform
-class ASAPSchedule(BaseSchedulerTransform):
-    """ASAP Scheduling pass, which schedules the start time of instructions as early as possible..
-    See :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.scheduling.base_scheduler.BaseSchedulerTransform` for the
-    detailed behavior of the control flow operation, i.e. ``c_if``.
-    .. note::
-        This base class has been superseded by :class:`~.ASAPScheduleAnalysis` and
-        the new scheduling workflow. It will be deprecated and subsequently
-        removed in a future release.
-    """
-    @deprecate_func(
-        additional_msg=(
-            "Instead, use :class:`~.ASAPScheduleAnalysis`, which is an "
-            "analysis pass that requires a padding pass to later modify the circuit."
-        ),
-        since="0.21.0",
-        pending=True,
-    )
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    def run(self, dag):
-        """Run the ASAPSchedule pass on `dag`.
-        Args:
-            dag (DAGCircuit): DAG to schedule.
-        Returns:
-            DAGCircuit: A scheduled DAG.
-        Raises:
-            TranspilerError: if the circuit is not mapped on physical qubits.
-            TranspilerError: if conditional bit is added to non-supported instruction.
-        """
-        if len(dag.qregs) != 1 or dag.qregs.get("q", None) is None:
-            raise TranspilerError("ASAP schedule runs on physical circuits only")
-        time_unit = self.property_set["time_unit"]
-        new_dag = DAGCircuit()
-        for qreg in dag.qregs.values():
-            new_dag.add_qreg(qreg)
-        for creg in dag.cregs.values():
-            new_dag.add_creg(creg)
-        idle_after = {q: 0 for q in dag.qubits + dag.clbits}
-        for node in dag.topological_op_nodes():
-            op_duration = self._get_node_duration(node, dag)
-            # compute t0, t1: instruction interval, note that
-            # t0: start time of instruction
-            # t1: end time of instruction
-            if isinstance(node.op, self.CONDITIONAL_SUPPORTED):
-                t0q = max(idle_after[q] for q in node.qargs)
-                if node.op.condition_bits:
-                    # conditional is bit tricky due to conditional_latency
-                    t0c = max(idle_after[bit] for bit in node.op.condition_bits)
-                    if t0q > t0c:
-                        # This is situation something like below
-                        #
-                        #           |t0q
-                        # Q ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░
-                        # C ▒▒▒░░░░░░░░
-                        #     |t0c
-                        #
-                        # In this case, you can insert readout access before tq0
-                        #
-                        #           |t0q
-                        # Q ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                        # C ▒▒▒░░░▒▒░░░
-                        #         |t0q - conditional_latency
-                        #
-                        t0c = max(t0q - self.conditional_latency, t0c)
-                    t1c = t0c + self.conditional_latency
-                    for bit in node.op.condition_bits:
-                        # Lock clbit until state is read
-                        idle_after[bit] = t1c
-                    # It starts after register read access
-                    t0 = max(t0q, t1c)
-                else:
-                    t0 = t0q
-                t1 = t0 + op_duration
-            else:
-                if node.op.condition_bits:
-                    raise TranspilerError(
-                        f"Conditional instruction {} is not supported in ASAP scheduler."
-                    )
-                if isinstance(node.op, Measure):
-                    # measure instruction handling is bit tricky due to clbit_write_latency
-                    t0q = max(idle_after[q] for q in node.qargs)
-                    t0c = max(idle_after[c] for c in node.cargs)
-                    # Assume following case (t0c > t0q)
-                    #
-                    #       |t0q
-                    # Q ▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░
-                    # C ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░
-                    #           |t0c
-                    #
-                    # In this case, there is no actual clbit access until clbit_write_latency.
-                    # The node t0 can be push backward by this amount.
-                    #
-                    #         |t0q' = t0c - clbit_write_latency
-                    # Q ▒▒▒▒░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    # C ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    #           |t0c' = t0c
-                    #
-                    # rather than naively doing
-                    #
-                    #           |t0q' = t0c
-                    # Q ▒▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    # C ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░▒▒▒▒▒
-                    #              |t0c' = t0c + clbit_write_latency
-                    #
-                    t0 = max(t0q, t0c - self.clbit_write_latency)
-                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
-                    for clbit in node.cargs:
-                        idle_after[clbit] = t1
-                else:
-                    # It happens to be directives such as barrier
-                    t0 = max(idle_after[bit] for bit in node.qargs + node.cargs)
-                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
-            # Add delay to qubit wire
-            for bit in node.qargs:
-                delta = t0 - idle_after[bit]
-                if (
-                    delta > 0
-                    and isinstance(bit, Qubit)
-                    and self._delay_supported(dag.find_bit(bit).index)
-                ):
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(Delay(delta, time_unit), [bit], [])
-                idle_after[bit] = t1
-            new_dag.apply_operation_back(node.op, node.qargs, node.cargs)
-        circuit_duration = max(idle_after.values())
-        for bit, after in idle_after.items():
-            delta = circuit_duration - after
-            if not (delta > 0 and isinstance(bit, Qubit)):
-                continue
-            if self._delay_supported(dag.find_bit(bit).index):
-                new_dag.apply_operation_back(Delay(delta, time_unit), [bit], [])
- =
-        new_dag.metadata = dag.metadata
-        new_dag.calibrations = dag.calibrations
-        # set circuit duration and unit to indicate it is scheduled
-        new_dag.duration = circuit_duration
-        new_dag.unit = time_unit
-        return new_dag
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5b17ca52d190..000000000000
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-# This code is part of Qiskit.
-# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
-# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
-# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
-# of this source tree or at
-# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
-# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
-# that they have been altered from the originals.
-"""Dynamical Decoupling insertion pass."""
-import itertools
-import numpy as np
-from qiskit.circuit import Gate, Delay, Reset
-from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import IGate, UGate, U3Gate
-from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGOpNode, DAGInNode
-from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.predicates import matrix_equal
-from qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis import OneQubitEulerDecomposer
-from qiskit.transpiler.passes.optimization import Optimize1qGates
-from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import TransformationPass
-from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
-class DynamicalDecoupling(TransformationPass):
-    """Dynamical decoupling insertion pass.
-    This pass works on a scheduled, physical circuit. It scans the circuit for
-    idle periods of time (i.e. those containing delay instructions) and inserts
-    a DD sequence of gates in those spots. These gates amount to the identity,
-    so do not alter the logical action of the circuit, but have the effect of
-    mitigating decoherence in those idle periods.
-    As a special case, the pass allows a length-1 sequence (e.g. [XGate()]).
-    In this case the DD insertion happens only when the gate inverse can be
-    absorbed into a neighboring gate in the circuit (so we would still be
-    replacing Delay with something that is equivalent to the identity).
-    This can be used, for instance, as a Hahn echo.
-    This pass ensures that the inserted sequence preserves the circuit exactly
-    (including global phase).
-    .. plot::
-       :include-source:
-        import numpy as np
-        from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
-        from qiskit.circuit.library import XGate
-        from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager, InstructionDurations
-        from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ALAPSchedule, DynamicalDecoupling
-        from qiskit.visualization import timeline_drawer
-        circ = QuantumCircuit(4)
-        circ.h(0)
-, 1)
-, 2)
-, 3)
-        circ.measure_all()
-        durations = InstructionDurations(
-            [("h", 0, 50), ("cx", [0, 1], 700), ("reset", None, 10),
-             ("cx", [1, 2], 200), ("cx", [2, 3], 300),
-             ("x", None, 50), ("measure", None, 1000)]
-        )
-        # balanced X-X sequence on all qubits
-        dd_sequence = [XGate(), XGate()]
-        pm = PassManager([ALAPSchedule(durations),
-                          DynamicalDecoupling(durations, dd_sequence)])
-        circ_dd =
-        timeline_drawer(circ_dd)
-        # Uhrig sequence on qubit 0
-        n = 8
-        dd_sequence = [XGate()] * n
-        def uhrig_pulse_location(k):
-            return np.sin(np.pi * (k + 1) / (2 * n + 2)) ** 2
-        spacing = []
-        for k in range(n):
-            spacing.append(uhrig_pulse_location(k) - sum(spacing))
-        spacing.append(1 - sum(spacing))
-        pm = PassManager(
-            [
-                ALAPSchedule(durations),
-                DynamicalDecoupling(durations, dd_sequence, qubits=[0], spacing=spacing),
-            ]
-        )
-        circ_dd =
-        timeline_drawer(circ_dd)
-    """
-    @deprecate_func(
-        additional_msg=(
-            "Instead, use :class:`~.PadDynamicalDecoupling`, which performs the same "
-            "function but requires scheduling and alignment analysis passes to run prior to it."
-        ),
-        since="0.21.0",
-        pending=True,
-    )
-    def __init__(
-        self, durations, dd_sequence, qubits=None, spacing=None, skip_reset_qubits=True, target=None
-    ):
-        """Dynamical decoupling initializer.
-        Args:
-            durations (InstructionDurations): Durations of instructions to be
-                used in scheduling.
-            dd_sequence (list[Gate]): sequence of gates to apply in idle spots.
-            qubits (list[int]): physical qubits on which to apply DD.
-                If None, all qubits will undergo DD (when possible).
-            spacing (list[float]): a list of spacings between the DD gates.
-                The available slack will be divided according to this.
-                The list length must be one more than the length of dd_sequence,
-                and the elements must sum to 1. If None, a balanced spacing
-                will be used [d/2, d, d, ..., d, d, d/2].
-            skip_reset_qubits (bool): if True, does not insert DD on idle
-                periods that immediately follow initialized/reset qubits (as
-                qubits in the ground state are less susceptile to decoherence).
-            target (Target): The :class:`~.Target` representing the target backend, if both
-                  ``durations`` and this are specified then this argument will take
-                  precedence and ``durations`` will be ignored.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self._durations = durations
-        self._dd_sequence = dd_sequence
-        self._qubits = qubits
-        self._spacing = spacing
-        self._skip_reset_qubits = skip_reset_qubits
-        self._target = target
-        if target is not None:
-            self._durations = target.durations()
-            for gate in dd_sequence:
-                if not in target.operation_names:
-                    raise TranspilerError(
-                        f"{} in dd_sequence is not supported in the target"
-                    )
-    def run(self, dag):
-        """Run the DynamicalDecoupling pass on dag.
-        Args:
-            dag (DAGCircuit): a scheduled DAG.
-        Returns:
-            DAGCircuit: equivalent circuit with delays interrupted by DD,
-                where possible.
-        Raises:
-            TranspilerError: if the circuit is not mapped on physical qubits.
-        """
-        if len(dag.qregs) != 1 or dag.qregs.get("q", None) is None:
-            raise TranspilerError("DD runs on physical circuits only.")
-        if dag.duration is None:
-            raise TranspilerError("DD runs after circuit is scheduled.")
-        num_pulses = len(self._dd_sequence)
-        sequence_gphase = 0
-        if num_pulses != 1:
-            if num_pulses % 2 != 0:
-                raise TranspilerError("DD sequence must contain an even number of gates (or 1).")
-            noop = np.eye(2)
-            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
-                noop =
-            if not matrix_equal(noop, IGate().to_matrix(), ignore_phase=True):
-                raise TranspilerError("The DD sequence does not make an identity operation.")
-            sequence_gphase = np.angle(noop[0][0])
-        if self._qubits is None:
-            self._qubits = set(range(dag.num_qubits()))
-        else:
-            self._qubits = set(self._qubits)
-        if self._spacing:
-            if sum(self._spacing) != 1 or any(a < 0 for a in self._spacing):
-                raise TranspilerError(
-                    "The spacings must be given in terms of fractions "
-                    "of the slack period and sum to 1."
-                )
-        else:  # default to balanced spacing
-            mid = 1 / num_pulses
-            end = mid / 2
-            self._spacing = [end] + [mid] * (num_pulses - 1) + [end]
-        for qarg in list(self._qubits):
-            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
-                if not self.__gate_supported(gate, qarg):
-                    self._qubits.discard(qarg)
-                    break
-        index_sequence_duration_map = {}
-        for physical_qubit in self._qubits:
-            dd_sequence_duration = 0
-            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
-                gate.duration = self._durations.get(gate, physical_qubit)
-                dd_sequence_duration += gate.duration
-            index_sequence_duration_map[physical_qubit] = dd_sequence_duration
-        new_dag = dag.copy_empty_like()
-        for nd in dag.topological_op_nodes():
-            if not isinstance(nd.op, Delay):
-                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)
-                continue
-            dag_qubit = nd.qargs[0]
-            physical_qubit = dag.find_bit(dag_qubit).index
-            if physical_qubit not in self._qubits:  # skip unwanted qubits
-                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)
-                continue
-            pred = next(dag.predecessors(nd))
-            succ = next(dag.successors(nd))
-            if self._skip_reset_qubits:  # discount initial delays
-                if isinstance(pred, DAGInNode) or isinstance(pred.op, Reset):
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)
-                    continue
-            dd_sequence_duration = index_sequence_duration_map[physical_qubit]
-            slack = nd.op.duration - dd_sequence_duration
-            if slack <= 0:  # dd doesn't fit
-                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)
-                continue
-            if num_pulses == 1:  # special case of using a single gate for DD
-                u_inv = self._dd_sequence[0].inverse().to_matrix()
-                theta, phi, lam, phase = OneQubitEulerDecomposer().angles_and_phase(u_inv)
-                # absorb the inverse into the successor (from left in circuit)
-                if isinstance(succ, DAGOpNode) and isinstance(succ.op, (UGate, U3Gate)):
-                    theta_r, phi_r, lam_r = succ.op.params
-                    succ.op.params = Optimize1qGates.compose_u3(
-                        theta_r, phi_r, lam_r, theta, phi, lam
-                    )
-                    sequence_gphase += phase
-                # absorb the inverse into the predecessor (from right in circuit)
-                elif isinstance(pred, DAGOpNode) and isinstance(pred.op, (UGate, U3Gate)):
-                    theta_l, phi_l, lam_l = pred.op.params
-                    pred.op.params = Optimize1qGates.compose_u3(
-                        theta, phi, lam, theta_l, phi_l, lam_l
-                    )
-                    sequence_gphase += phase
-                # don't do anything if there's no single-qubit gate to absorb the inverse
-                else:
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)
-                    continue
-            # insert the actual DD sequence
-            taus = [int(slack * a) for a in self._spacing]
-            unused_slack = slack - sum(taus)  # unused, due to rounding to int multiples of dt
-            middle_index = int((len(taus) - 1) / 2)  # arbitrary: redistribute to middle
-            taus[middle_index] += unused_slack  # now we add up to original delay duration
-            for tau, gate in itertools.zip_longest(taus, self._dd_sequence):
-                if tau > 0:
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(Delay(tau), [dag_qubit])
-                if gate is not None:
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(gate, [dag_qubit])
-            new_dag.global_phase = _mod_2pi(new_dag.global_phase + sequence_gphase)
-        return new_dag
-    def __gate_supported(self, gate: Gate, qarg: int) -> bool:
-        """A gate is supported on the qubit (qarg) or not."""
-        if self._target is None or self._target.instruction_supported(, qargs=(qarg,)):
-            return True
-        return False
-def _mod_2pi(angle: float, atol: float = 0):
-    """Wrap angle into interval [-π,π). If within atol of the endpoint, clamp to -π"""
-    wrapped = (angle + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
-    if abs(wrapped - np.pi) < atol:
-        wrapped = -np.pi
-    return wrapped
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/utils/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/utils/
index c974d292fb02..c5d605f7d732 100644
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/utils/
+++ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/utils/
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 """Utility passes and functions used for other main passes."""
 from .check_map import CheckMap
-from .check_cx_direction import CheckCXDirection  # Deprecated
-from .cx_direction import CXDirection  # Deprecated
 from .check_gate_direction import CheckGateDirection
 from .gate_direction import GateDirection
 from .barrier_before_final_measurements import BarrierBeforeFinalMeasurements
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2726d2e26e74..000000000000
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# This code is part of Qiskit.
-# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018.
-# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
-# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
-# of this source tree or at
-# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
-# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
-# that they have been altered from the originals.
-"""Check if the CNOTs follow the right direction with respect to the coupling map.."""
-from qiskit.transpiler.passes.utils.check_gate_direction import CheckGateDirection
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
-class CheckCXDirection(CheckGateDirection):
-    """Deprecated: use :class:`qiskit.transpiler.passes.CheckGateDirection` pass instead."""
-    @deprecate_func(
-        additional_msg="Instead, use the more generic :class:`~.CheckGateDirection` pass.",
-        since="0.21.0",
-    )
-    def __init__(self, coupling_map=None, target=None):
-        super().__init__(coupling_map=coupling_map, target=target)
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/utils/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index e93bf0d69e79..000000000000
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# This code is part of Qiskit.
-# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018.
-# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
-# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
-# of this source tree or at
-# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
-# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
-# that they have been altered from the originals.
-"""Rearrange the direction of the cx nodes to match the directed coupling map."""
-from qiskit.transpiler.passes.utils.gate_direction import GateDirection
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
-class CXDirection(GateDirection):
-    """Deprecated: use :class:`qiskit.transpiler.passes.GateDirection` pass instead."""
-    @deprecate_func(
-        additional_msg="Instead, use the more generic :class:`~.GateDirection` pass.",
-        since="0.21.0",
-    )
-    def __init__(self, coupling_map):
-        super().__init__(coupling_map)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/ b/test/benchmarks/
index 3d97ecdf67d3..baa7105ffbad 100644
--- a/test/benchmarks/
+++ b/test/benchmarks/
@@ -13,19 +13,8 @@
 # pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring
 # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
-from qiskit import transpile
-from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import XGate
-from qiskit.transpiler import CouplingMap
-from qiskit.transpiler import InstructionDurations
-from qiskit.transpiler.passes import (
-    TimeUnitConversion,
-    ASAPSchedule,
-    ALAPSchedule,
-    DynamicalDecoupling,
-from qiskit.converters import circuit_to_dag
-from .utils import random_circuit
+from qiskit.transpiler.passes import TimeUnitConversion
 class SchedulingPassBenchmarks:
@@ -34,97 +23,5 @@ class SchedulingPassBenchmarks:
     param_names = ["n_qubits", "depth"]
     timeout = 300
-    def setup(self, n_qubits, depth):
-        seed = 42
-        self.circuit = random_circuit(
-            n_qubits, depth, measure=True, conditional=True, reset=True, seed=seed, max_operands=2
-        )
-        self.basis_gates = ["rz", "sx", "x", "cx", "id", "reset"]
-        self.cmap = [
-            [0, 1],
-            [1, 0],
-            [1, 2],
-            [1, 6],
-            [2, 1],
-            [2, 3],
-            [3, 2],
-            [3, 4],
-            [3, 8],
-            [4, 3],
-            [5, 6],
-            [5, 10],
-            [6, 1],
-            [6, 5],
-            [6, 7],
-            [7, 6],
-            [7, 8],
-            [7, 12],
-            [8, 3],
-            [8, 7],
-            [8, 9],
-            [9, 8],
-            [9, 14],
-            [10, 5],
-            [10, 11],
-            [11, 10],
-            [11, 12],
-            [11, 16],
-            [12, 7],
-            [12, 11],
-            [12, 13],
-            [13, 12],
-            [13, 14],
-            [13, 18],
-            [14, 9],
-            [14, 13],
-            [15, 16],
-            [16, 11],
-            [16, 15],
-            [16, 17],
-            [17, 16],
-            [17, 18],
-            [18, 13],
-            [18, 17],
-            [18, 19],
-            [19, 18],
-        ]
-        self.coupling_map = CouplingMap(self.cmap)
-        self.transpiled_circuit = transpile(
-            self.circuit,
-            basis_gates=self.basis_gates,
-            coupling_map=self.coupling_map,
-            optimization_level=1,
-        )
-        self.dag = circuit_to_dag(self.transpiled_circuit)
-        self.durations = InstructionDurations(
-            [
-                ("rz", None, 0),
-                ("id", None, 160),
-                ("sx", None, 160),
-                ("x", None, 160),
-                ("cx", None, 800),
-                ("measure", None, 3200),
-                ("reset", None, 3600),
-            ],
-            dt=1e-9,
-        )
-        self.timed_dag = TimeUnitConversion(self.durations).run(self.dag)
-        _pass = ALAPSchedule(self.durations)
-        _pass.property_set["time_unit"] = "dt"
-        self.scheduled_dag =
     def time_time_unit_conversion_pass(self, _, __):
-    def time_alap_schedule_pass(self, _, __):
-        _pass = ALAPSchedule(self.durations)
-        _pass.property_set["time_unit"] = "dt"
-    def time_asap_schedule_pass(self, _, __):
-        _pass = ASAPSchedule(self.durations)
-        _pass.property_set["time_unit"] = "dt"
-    def time_dynamical_decoupling_pass(self, _, __):
-        DynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence=[XGate(), XGate()]).run(self.scheduled_dag)
diff --git a/test/python/transpiler/legacy_scheduling/ b/test/python/transpiler/legacy_scheduling/
index efd3b86ee393..feb50bab8002 100644
--- a/test/python/transpiler/legacy_scheduling/
+++ b/test/python/transpiler/legacy_scheduling/
@@ -14,316 +14,8 @@
 from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, pulse
 from qiskit.test import QiskitTestCase
-from qiskit.transpiler import InstructionDurations
 from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
-from qiskit.transpiler.passes import (
-    AlignMeasures,
-    ValidatePulseGates,
-    ALAPSchedule,
-    TimeUnitConversion,
-class TestAlignMeasures(QiskitTestCase):
-    """A test for measurement alignment pass."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        super().setUp()
-        instruction_durations = InstructionDurations()
-        instruction_durations.update(
-            [
-                ("rz", (0,), 0),
-                ("rz", (1,), 0),
-                ("x", (0,), 160),
-                ("x", (1,), 160),
-                ("sx", (0,), 160),
-                ("sx", (1,), 160),
-                ("cx", (0, 1), 800),
-                ("cx", (1, 0), 800),
-                ("measure", None, 1600),
-            ]
-        )
-        self.time_conversion_pass = TimeUnitConversion(inst_durations=instruction_durations)
-        # reproduce old behavior of 0.20.0 before #7655
-        # currently default write latency is 0
-        self.scheduling_pass = ALAPSchedule(
-            durations=instruction_durations,
-            clbit_write_latency=1600,
-            conditional_latency=0,
-        )
-        self.align_measure_pass = AlignMeasures(alignment=16)
-    def test_t1_experiment_type(self):
-        """Test T1 experiment type circuit.
-        (input)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 1/════════════════════════╩═
-                                     0
-        (aligned)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 1/════════════════════════╩═
-                                     0
-        This type of experiment slightly changes delay duration of interest.
-        However the quantization error should be less than alignment * dt.
-        """
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        timed_circuit = self.time_conversion_pass(circuit)
-        scheduled_circuit = self.scheduling_pass(timed_circuit, property_set={"time_unit": "dt"})
-        aligned_circuit = self.align_measure_pass(
-            scheduled_circuit, property_set={"time_unit": "dt"}
-        )
-        ref_circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(112, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit, ref_circuit)
-    def test_hanh_echo_experiment_type(self):
-        """Test Hahn echo experiment type circuit.
-        (input)
-             ┌────┐┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ √X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ √X ├┤M├
-             └────┘└────────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└────┘└╥┘
-        c: 1/══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩═
-                                                                   0
-        (output)
-             ┌────┐┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌────┐┌──────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ √X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ √X ├┤ Delay(8[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └────┘└────────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└────┘└──────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 1/══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩═
-                                                                                   0
-        This type of experiment doesn't change duration of interest (two in the middle).
-        However induces slight delay less than alignment * dt before measurement.
-        This might induce extra amplitude damping error.
-        """
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        timed_circuit = self.time_conversion_pass(circuit)
-        scheduled_circuit = self.scheduling_pass(timed_circuit, property_set={"time_unit": "dt"})
-        aligned_circuit = self.align_measure_pass(
-            scheduled_circuit, property_set={"time_unit": "dt"}
-        )
-        ref_circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        ref_circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.delay(8, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit, ref_circuit)
-    def test_mid_circuit_measure(self):
-        """Test circuit with mid circuit measurement.
-        (input)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐┌───────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤M├┤ Delay(10[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(120[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘└───────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 2/════════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════════╩═
-                                     0                                          1
-        (output)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐┌───────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤M├┤ Delay(10[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(134[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘└───────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 2/════════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════════╩═
-                                     0                                          1
-        Extra delay is always added to the existing delay right before the measurement.
-        Delay after measurement is unchanged.
-        """
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 2)
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        circuit.delay(10, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(120, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 1)
-        timed_circuit = self.time_conversion_pass(circuit)
-        scheduled_circuit = self.scheduling_pass(timed_circuit, property_set={"time_unit": "dt"})
-        aligned_circuit = self.align_measure_pass(
-            scheduled_circuit, property_set={"time_unit": "dt"}
-        )
-        ref_circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 2)
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(112, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(10, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(134, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit, ref_circuit)
-    def test_mid_circuit_multiq_gates(self):
-        """Test circuit with mid circuit measurement and multi qubit gates.
-        (input)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐             ┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤M├──■───────■──┤M├
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘┌─┴─┐┌─┐┌─┴─┐└╥┘
-        q_1: ────────────────────────╫─┤ X ├┤M├┤ X ├─╫─
-                                     ║ └───┘└╥┘└───┘ ║
-        c: 2/════════════════════════╩═══════╩═══════╩═
-                                     0       1       0
-        (output)
-                    ┌───┐       ┌────────────────┐┌─┐     ┌─────────────────┐     ┌─┐»
-        q_0: ───────┤ X ├───────┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤M├──■──┤ Delay(1600[dt]) ├──■──┤M├»
-             ┌──────┴───┴──────┐└────────────────┘└╥┘┌─┴─┐└───────┬─┬───────┘┌─┴─┐└╥┘»
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(1872[dt]) ├───────────────────╫─┤ X ├────────┤M├────────┤ X ├─╫─»
-             └─────────────────┘                   ║ └───┘        └╥┘        └───┘ ║ »
-        c: 2/══════════════════════════════════════╩═══════════════╩═══════════════╩═»
-                                                   0               1               0 »
-        «
-        «q_0: ───────────────────
-        «     ┌─────────────────┐
-        «q_1: ┤ Delay(1600[dt]) ├
-        «     └─────────────────┘
-        «c: 2/═══════════════════
-        «
-        Delay for the other channel paired by multi-qubit instruction is also scheduled.
-        Delay (1872dt) = X (160dt) + Delay (100dt + extra 12dt) + Measure (1600dt).
-        """
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-, 1)
-        circuit.measure(1, 1)
-, 1)
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        timed_circuit = self.time_conversion_pass(circuit)
-        scheduled_circuit = self.scheduling_pass(timed_circuit, property_set={"time_unit": "dt"})
-        aligned_circuit = self.align_measure_pass(
-            scheduled_circuit, property_set={"time_unit": "dt"}
-        )
-        ref_circuit = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(112, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(160 + 112 + 1600, 1, unit="dt")
-, 1)
-        ref_circuit.delay(1600, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(1, 1)
-, 1)
-        ref_circuit.delay(1600, 1, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit, ref_circuit)
-    def test_alignment_is_not_processed(self):
-        """Test avoid pass processing if delay is aligned."""
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(160, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-, 1)
-        circuit.measure(1, 1)
-, 1)
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        # pre scheduling is not necessary because alignment is skipped
-        # this is to minimize breaking changes to existing code.
-        transpiled = self.align_measure_pass(circuit, property_set={"time_unit": "dt"})
-        self.assertEqual(transpiled, circuit)
-    def test_circuit_using_clbit(self):
-        """Test a circuit with instructions using a common clbit.
-        (input)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤M├──────────────
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘   ┌───┐
-        q_1: ────────────────────────╫────┤ X ├──────
-                                     ║    └─╥─┘   ┌─┐
-        q_2: ────────────────────────╫──────╫─────┤M├
-                                     ║ ┌────╨────┐└╥┘
-        c: 1/════════════════════════╩═╡ c_0 = T ╞═╩═
-                                     0 └─────────┘ 0
-        (aligned)
-                    ┌───┐       ┌────────────────┐┌─┐┌────────────────┐
-        q_0: ───────┤ X ├───────┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤M├┤ Delay(160[dt]) ├───
-             ┌──────┴───┴──────┐└────────────────┘└╥┘└─────┬───┬──────┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(1872[dt]) ├───────────────────╫───────┤ X ├──────────
-             └┬────────────────┤                   ║       └─╥─┘       ┌─┐
-        q_2: ─┤ Delay(432[dt]) ├───────────────────╫─────────╫─────────┤M├
-              └────────────────┘                   ║    ┌────╨────┐    └╥┘
-        c: 1/══════════════════════════════════════╩════╡ c_0 = T ╞═════╩═
-                                                   0    └─────────┘     0
-        Looking at the q_0, the total schedule length T becomes
-        160 (x) + 112 (aligned delay) + 1600 (measure) + 160 (delay) = 2032.
-        The last delay comes from ALAP scheduling called before the AlignMeasure pass,
-        which aligns stop times as late as possible, so the start time of x(1).c_if(0)
-        and the stop time of measure(0, 0) become T - 160.
-        """
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        circuit.x(1).c_if(0, 1)
-        circuit.measure(2, 0)
-        timed_circuit = self.time_conversion_pass(circuit)
-        scheduled_circuit = self.scheduling_pass(timed_circuit, property_set={"time_unit": "dt"})
-        aligned_circuit = self.align_measure_pass(
-            scheduled_circuit, property_set={"time_unit": "dt"}
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit.duration, 2032)
-        ref_circuit = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(112, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.delay(1872, 1, unit="dt")  # 2032 - 160
-        ref_circuit.delay(432, 2, unit="dt")  # 2032 - 1600
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        ref_circuit.x(1).c_if(0, 1)
-        ref_circuit.delay(160, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(2, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit, ref_circuit)
+from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ValidatePulseGates
 class TestPulseGateValidation(QiskitTestCase):
diff --git a/test/python/transpiler/legacy_scheduling/ b/test/python/transpiler/legacy_scheduling/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f375c46f67b..000000000000
--- a/test/python/transpiler/legacy_scheduling/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,811 +0,0 @@
-# This code is part of Qiskit.
-# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
-# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
-# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
-# of this source tree or at
-# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
-# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
-# that they have been altered from the originals.
-"""Test the legacy Scheduling passes"""
-import unittest
-from ddt import ddt, data, unpack
-from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
-from qiskit.circuit import Delay, Parameter
-from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import XGate, YGate, CXGate
-from qiskit.test import QiskitTestCase
-from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
-from qiskit.transpiler.instruction_durations import InstructionDurations
-from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ASAPSchedule, ALAPSchedule, DynamicalDecoupling
-from qiskit.transpiler.passmanager import PassManager
-from import Target, InstructionProperties
-class TestSchedulingPass(QiskitTestCase):
-    """Tests the Scheduling passes"""
-    def test_alap_agree_with_reverse_asap_reverse(self):
-        """Test if ALAP schedule agrees with doubly-reversed ASAP schedule."""
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
-        qc.h(0)
-        qc.delay(500, 1)
-, 1)
-        qc.measure_all()
-        durations = InstructionDurations(
-            [("h", 0, 200), ("cx", [0, 1], 700), ("measure", None, 1000)]
-        )
-        pm = PassManager(ALAPSchedule(durations))
-        alap_qc =
-        pm = PassManager(ASAPSchedule(durations))
-        new_qc =
-        new_qc = new_qc.reverse_ops()
- =
-        self.assertEqual(alap_qc, new_qc)
-    @data(ALAPSchedule, ASAPSchedule)
-    def test_classically_controlled_gate_after_measure(self, schedule_pass):
-        """Test if ALAP/ASAP schedules circuits with c_if after measure with a common clbit.
-        See:
-        (input)
-             ┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤M├───────────
-             └╥┘   ┌───┐
-        q_1: ─╫────┤ X ├───
-              ║    └─╥─┘
-              ║ ┌────╨────┐
-        c: 1/═╩═╡ c_0 = T ╞
-              0 └─────────┘
-        (scheduled)
-                                ┌─┐┌────────────────┐
-        q_0: ───────────────────┤M├┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├
-             ┌─────────────────┐└╥┘└─────┬───┬──────┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├─╫───────┤ X ├───────
-             └─────────────────┘ ║       └─╥─┘
-                                 ║    ┌────╨────┐
-        c: 1/════════════════════╩════╡ c_0=0x1 ╞════
-                                 0    └─────────┘
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 1)
-        qc.measure(0, 0)
-        qc.x(1).c_if(0, True)
-        durations = InstructionDurations([("x", None, 200), ("measure", None, 1000)])
-        pm = PassManager(schedule_pass(durations))
-        scheduled =
-        expected = QuantumCircuit(2, 1)
-        expected.measure(0, 0)
-        expected.delay(1000, 1)  # x.c_if starts after measure
-        expected.x(1).c_if(0, True)
-        expected.delay(200, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, scheduled)
-    @data(ALAPSchedule, ASAPSchedule)
-    def test_measure_after_measure(self, schedule_pass):
-        """Test if ALAP/ASAP schedules circuits with measure after measure with a common clbit.
-        See:
-        (input)
-             ┌───┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤M├───
-             └───┘└╥┘┌─┐
-        q_1: ──────╫─┤M├
-                   ║ └╥┘
-        c: 1/══════╩══╩═
-                   0  0
-        (scheduled)
-                    ┌───┐       ┌─┐┌─────────────────┐
-        q_0: ───────┤ X ├───────┤M├┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├
-             ┌──────┴───┴──────┐└╥┘└───────┬─┬───────┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(1200[dt]) ├─╫─────────┤M├────────
-             └─────────────────┘ ║         └╥┘
-        c: 1/════════════════════╩══════════╩═════════
-                                 0          0
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 1)
-        qc.x(0)
-        qc.measure(0, 0)
-        qc.measure(1, 0)
-        durations = InstructionDurations([("x", None, 200), ("measure", None, 1000)])
-        pm = PassManager(schedule_pass(durations))
-        scheduled =
-        expected = QuantumCircuit(2, 1)
-        expected.x(0)
-        expected.measure(0, 0)
-        expected.delay(1200, 1)
-        expected.measure(1, 0)
-        expected.delay(1000, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, scheduled)
-    @data(ALAPSchedule, ASAPSchedule)
-    def test_c_if_on_different_qubits(self, schedule_pass):
-        """Test if ALAP/ASAP schedules circuits with `c_if`s on different qubits.
-        (input)
-             ┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤M├──────────────────────
-             └╥┘   ┌───┐
-        q_1: ─╫────┤ X ├──────────────
-              ║    └─╥─┘      ┌───┐
-        q_2: ─╫──────╫────────┤ X ├───
-              ║      ║        └─╥─┘
-              ║ ┌────╨────┐┌────╨────┐
-        c: 1/═╩═╡ c_0 = T ╞╡ c_0 = T ╞
-              0 └─────────┘└─────────┘
-        (scheduled)
-                                ┌─┐┌────────────────┐
-        q_0: ───────────────────┤M├┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├───────────
-             ┌─────────────────┐└╥┘└─────┬───┬──────┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├─╫───────┤ X ├──────────────────
-             ├─────────────────┤ ║       └─╥─┘          ┌───┐
-        q_2: ┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├─╫─────────╫────────────┤ X ├───
-             └─────────────────┘ ║         ║            └─╥─┘
-                                 ║    ┌────╨────┐    ┌────╨────┐
-        c: 1/════════════════════╩════╡ c_0=0x1 ╞════╡ c_0=0x1 ╞
-                                 0    └─────────┘    └─────────┘
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        qc.measure(0, 0)
-        qc.x(1).c_if(0, True)
-        qc.x(2).c_if(0, True)
-        durations = InstructionDurations([("x", None, 200), ("measure", None, 1000)])
-        pm = PassManager(schedule_pass(durations))
-        scheduled =
-        expected = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        expected.measure(0, 0)
-        expected.delay(1000, 1)
-        expected.delay(1000, 2)
-        expected.x(1).c_if(0, True)
-        expected.x(2).c_if(0, True)
-        expected.delay(200, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, scheduled)
-    @data(ALAPSchedule, ASAPSchedule)
-    def test_shorter_measure_after_measure(self, schedule_pass):
-        """Test if ALAP/ASAP schedules circuits with shorter measure after measure with a common clbit.
-        (input)
-             ┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤M├───
-             └╥┘┌─┐
-        q_1: ─╫─┤M├
-              ║ └╥┘
-        c: 1/═╩══╩═
-              0  0
-        (scheduled)
-                                ┌─┐┌────────────────┐
-        q_0: ───────────────────┤M├┤ Delay(700[dt]) ├
-             ┌─────────────────┐└╥┘└──────┬─┬───────┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├─╫────────┤M├────────
-             └─────────────────┘ ║        └╥┘
-        c: 1/════════════════════╩═════════╩═════════
-                                 0         0
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 1)
-        qc.measure(0, 0)
-        qc.measure(1, 0)
-        durations = InstructionDurations([("measure", [0], 1000), ("measure", [1], 700)])
-        pm = PassManager(schedule_pass(durations))
-        scheduled =
-        expected = QuantumCircuit(2, 1)
-        expected.measure(0, 0)
-        expected.delay(1000, 1)
-        expected.measure(1, 0)
-        expected.delay(700, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, scheduled)
-    @data(ALAPSchedule, ASAPSchedule)
-    def test_measure_after_c_if(self, schedule_pass):
-        """Test if ALAP/ASAP schedules circuits with c_if after measure with a common clbit.
-        (input)
-             ┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤M├──────────────
-             └╥┘   ┌───┐
-        q_1: ─╫────┤ X ├──────
-              ║    └─╥─┘   ┌─┐
-        q_2: ─╫──────╫─────┤M├
-              ║ ┌────╨────┐└╥┘
-        c: 1/═╩═╡ c_0 = T ╞═╩═
-              0 └─────────┘ 0
-        (scheduled)
-                                ┌─┐┌─────────────────┐
-        q_0: ───────────────────┤M├┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├──────────────────
-             ┌─────────────────┐└╥┘└──────┬───┬──────┘┌────────────────┐
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├─╫────────┤ X ├───────┤ Delay(800[dt]) ├
-             ├─────────────────┤ ║        └─╥─┘       └──────┬─┬───────┘
-        q_2: ┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├─╫──────────╫────────────────┤M├────────
-             └─────────────────┘ ║     ┌────╨────┐           └╥┘
-        c: 1/════════════════════╩═════╡ c_0=0x1 ╞════════════╩═════════
-                                 0     └─────────┘            0
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        qc.measure(0, 0)
-        qc.x(1).c_if(0, 1)
-        qc.measure(2, 0)
-        durations = InstructionDurations([("x", None, 200), ("measure", None, 1000)])
-        pm = PassManager(schedule_pass(durations))
-        scheduled =
-        expected = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        expected.delay(1000, 1)
-        expected.delay(1000, 2)
-        expected.measure(0, 0)
-        expected.x(1).c_if(0, 1)
-        expected.measure(2, 0)
-        expected.delay(1000, 0)
-        expected.delay(800, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, scheduled)
-    def test_parallel_gate_different_length(self):
-        """Test circuit having two parallel instruction with different length.
-        (input)
-             ┌───┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤M├───
-             ├───┤└╥┘┌─┐
-        q_1: ┤ X ├─╫─┤M├
-             └───┘ ║ └╥┘
-        c: 2/══════╩══╩═
-                   0  1
-        (expected, ALAP)
-             ┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤M├
-             └─────┬───┬──────┘└┬─┬┘└╥┘
-        q_1: ──────┤ X ├────────┤M├──╫─
-                   └───┘        └╥┘  ║
-        c: 2/════════════════════╩═══╩═
-                                 1   0
-        (expected, ASAP)
-             ┌───┐┌─┐┌────────────────┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤M├┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├
-             ├───┤└╥┘└──────┬─┬───────┘
-        q_1: ┤ X ├─╫────────┤M├────────
-             └───┘ ║        └╥┘
-        c: 2/══════╩═════════╩═════════
-                   0         1
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        qc.x(0)
-        qc.x(1)
-        qc.measure(0, 0)
-        qc.measure(1, 1)
-        durations = InstructionDurations(
-            [("x", [0], 200), ("x", [1], 400), ("measure", None, 1000)]
-        )
-        pm = PassManager(ALAPSchedule(durations))
-        qc_alap =
-        alap_expected = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        alap_expected.delay(200, 0)
-        alap_expected.x(0)
-        alap_expected.x(1)
-        alap_expected.measure(0, 0)
-        alap_expected.measure(1, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(qc_alap, alap_expected)
-        pm = PassManager(ASAPSchedule(durations))
-        qc_asap =
-        asap_expected = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        asap_expected.x(0)
-        asap_expected.x(1)
-        asap_expected.measure(0, 0)  # immediately start after X gate
-        asap_expected.measure(1, 1)
-        asap_expected.delay(200, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(qc_asap, asap_expected)
-    def test_parallel_gate_different_length_with_barrier(self):
-        """Test circuit having two parallel instruction with different length with barrier.
-        (input)
-             ┌───┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤M├───
-             ├───┤└╥┘┌─┐
-        q_1: ┤ X ├─╫─┤M├
-             └───┘ ║ └╥┘
-        c: 2/══════╩══╩═
-                   0  1
-        (expected, ALAP)
-             ┌────────────────┐┌───┐ ░ ┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├┤ X ├─░─┤M├───
-             └─────┬───┬──────┘└───┘ ░ └╥┘┌─┐
-        q_1: ──────┤ X ├─────────────░──╫─┤M├
-                   └───┘             ░  ║ └╥┘
-        c: 2/═══════════════════════════╩══╩═
-                                        0  1
-        (expected, ASAP)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐ ░ ┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├─░─┤M├───
-             ├───┤└────────────────┘ ░ └╥┘┌─┐
-        q_1: ┤ X ├───────────────────░──╫─┤M├
-             └───┘                   ░  ║ └╥┘
-        c: 2/═══════════════════════════╩══╩═
-                                        0  1
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        qc.x(0)
-        qc.x(1)
-        qc.barrier()
-        qc.measure(0, 0)
-        qc.measure(1, 1)
-        durations = InstructionDurations(
-            [("x", [0], 200), ("x", [1], 400), ("measure", None, 1000)]
-        )
-        pm = PassManager(ALAPSchedule(durations))
-        qc_alap =
-        alap_expected = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        alap_expected.delay(200, 0)
-        alap_expected.x(0)
-        alap_expected.x(1)
-        alap_expected.barrier()
-        alap_expected.measure(0, 0)
-        alap_expected.measure(1, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(qc_alap, alap_expected)
-        pm = PassManager(ASAPSchedule(durations))
-        qc_asap =
-        asap_expected = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        asap_expected.x(0)
-        asap_expected.delay(200, 0)
-        asap_expected.x(1)
-        asap_expected.barrier()
-        asap_expected.measure(0, 0)
-        asap_expected.measure(1, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(qc_asap, asap_expected)
-    def test_measure_after_c_if_on_edge_locking(self):
-        """Test if ALAP/ASAP schedules circuits with c_if after measure with a common clbit.
-        The scheduler is configured to reproduce behavior of the 0.20.0,
-        in which clbit lock is applied to the end-edge of measure instruction.
-        See
-        (input)
-             ┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤M├──────────────
-             └╥┘   ┌───┐
-        q_1: ─╫────┤ X ├──────
-              ║    └─╥─┘   ┌─┐
-        q_2: ─╫──────╫─────┤M├
-              ║ ┌────╨────┐└╥┘
-        c: 1/═╩═╡ c_0 = T ╞═╩═
-              0 └─────────┘ 0
-        (ASAP scheduled)
-                                ┌─┐┌────────────────┐
-        q_0: ───────────────────┤M├┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├─────────────────────
-             ┌─────────────────┐└╥┘└─────┬───┬──────┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├─╫───────┤ X ├────────────────────────────
-             └─────────────────┘ ║       └─╥─┘       ┌─┐┌────────────────┐
-        q_2: ────────────────────╫─────────╫─────────┤M├┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├
-                                 ║    ┌────╨────┐    └╥┘└────────────────┘
-        c: 1/════════════════════╩════╡ c_0=0x1 ╞═════╩═══════════════════
-                                 0    └─────────┘     0
-        (ALAP scheduled)
-                                ┌─┐┌────────────────┐
-        q_0: ───────────────────┤M├┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├───
-             ┌─────────────────┐└╥┘└─────┬───┬──────┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├─╫───────┤ X ├──────────
-             └┬────────────────┤ ║       └─╥─┘       ┌─┐
-        q_2: ─┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├─╫─────────╫─────────┤M├
-              └────────────────┘ ║    ┌────╨────┐    └╥┘
-        c: 1/════════════════════╩════╡ c_0=0x1 ╞═════╩═
-                                 0    └─────────┘     0
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        qc.measure(0, 0)
-        qc.x(1).c_if(0, 1)
-        qc.measure(2, 0)
-        durations = InstructionDurations([("x", None, 200), ("measure", None, 1000)])
-        # lock at the end edge
-        actual_asap = PassManager(ASAPSchedule(durations, clbit_write_latency=1000)).run(qc)
-        actual_alap = PassManager(ALAPSchedule(durations, clbit_write_latency=1000)).run(qc)
-        # start times of 2nd measure depends on ASAP/ALAP
-        expected_asap = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        expected_asap.measure(0, 0)
-        expected_asap.delay(1000, 1)
-        expected_asap.x(1).c_if(0, 1)
-        expected_asap.measure(2, 0)
-        expected_asap.delay(200, 0)
-        expected_asap.delay(200, 2)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_asap, actual_asap)
-        expected_alap = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        expected_alap.measure(0, 0)
-        expected_alap.delay(1000, 1)
-        expected_alap.x(1).c_if(0, 1)
-        expected_alap.delay(200, 2)
-        expected_alap.measure(2, 0)
-        expected_alap.delay(200, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_alap, actual_alap)
-    @data([100, 200], [500, 0], [1000, 200])
-    @unpack
-    def test_active_reset_circuit(self, write_lat, cond_lat):
-        """Test practical example of reset circuit.
-        Because of the stimulus pulse overlap with the previous XGate on the q register,
-        measure instruction is always triggered after XGate regardless of write latency.
-        Thus only conditional latency matters in the scheduling.
-        (input)
-             ┌─┐   ┌───┐   ┌─┐   ┌───┐   ┌─┐   ┌───┐
-          q: ┤M├───┤ X ├───┤M├───┤ X ├───┤M├───┤ X ├───
-             └╥┘   └─╥─┘   └╥┘   └─╥─┘   └╥┘   └─╥─┘
-              ║ ┌────╨────┐ ║ ┌────╨────┐ ║ ┌────╨────┐
-        c: 1/═╩═╡ c_0=0x1 ╞═╩═╡ c_0=0x1 ╞═╩═╡ c_0=0x1 ╞
-              0 └─────────┘ 0 └─────────┘ 0 └─────────┘
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        qc.measure(0, 0)
-        qc.x(0).c_if(0, 1)
-        qc.measure(0, 0)
-        qc.x(0).c_if(0, 1)
-        qc.measure(0, 0)
-        qc.x(0).c_if(0, 1)
-        durations = InstructionDurations([("x", None, 100), ("measure", None, 1000)])
-        actual_asap = PassManager(
-            ASAPSchedule(durations, clbit_write_latency=write_lat, conditional_latency=cond_lat)
-        ).run(qc)
-        actual_alap = PassManager(
-            ALAPSchedule(durations, clbit_write_latency=write_lat, conditional_latency=cond_lat)
-        ).run(qc)
-        expected = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        expected.measure(0, 0)
-        if cond_lat > 0:
-            expected.delay(cond_lat, 0)
-        expected.x(0).c_if(0, 1)
-        expected.measure(0, 0)
-        if cond_lat > 0:
-            expected.delay(cond_lat, 0)
-        expected.x(0).c_if(0, 1)
-        expected.measure(0, 0)
-        if cond_lat > 0:
-            expected.delay(cond_lat, 0)
-        expected.x(0).c_if(0, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, actual_asap)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, actual_alap)
-    def test_random_complicated_circuit(self):
-        """Test scheduling complicated circuit with control flow.
-        (input)
-             ┌────────────────┐   ┌───┐    ░                  ┌───┐   »
-        q_0: ┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├───┤ X ├────░──────────────────┤ X ├───»
-             └────────────────┘   └─╥─┘    ░       ┌───┐      └─╥─┘   »
-        q_1: ───────────────────────╫──────░───────┤ X ├────────╫─────»
-                                    ║      ░ ┌─┐   └─╥─┘        ║     »
-        q_2: ───────────────────────╫──────░─┤M├─────╫──────────╫─────»
-                               ┌────╨────┐ ░ └╥┘┌────╨────┐┌────╨────┐»
-        c: 1/══════════════════╡ c_0=0x1 ╞════╩═╡ c_0=0x0 ╞╡ c_0=0x0 ╞»
-                               └─────────┘    0 └─────────┘└─────────┘»
-        «     ┌────────────────┐┌───┐
-        «q_0: ┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├┤ X ├─────■─────
-        «     └────────────────┘└───┘   ┌─┴─┐
-        «q_1: ────────■─────────────────┤ X ├───
-        «           ┌─┴─┐        ┌─┐    └─╥─┘
-        «q_2: ──────┤ X ├────────┤M├──────╫─────
-        «           └───┘        └╥┘ ┌────╨────┐
-        «c: 1/════════════════════╩══╡ c_0=0x0 ╞
-        «                         0  └─────────┘
-        (ASAP scheduled) duration = 2800 dt
-             ┌────────────────┐┌────────────────┐   ┌───┐    ░ ┌─────────────────┐»
-        q_0: ┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├───┤ X ├────░─┤ Delay(1400[dt]) ├»
-             ├────────────────┤└────────────────┘   └─╥─┘    ░ ├─────────────────┤»
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├───────────────────────╫──────░─┤ Delay(1200[dt]) ├»
-             ├────────────────┤                       ║      ░ └───────┬─┬───────┘»
-        q_2: ┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├───────────────────────╫──────░─────────┤M├────────»
-             └────────────────┘                  ┌────╨────┐ ░         └╥┘        »
-        c: 1/════════════════════════════════════╡ c_0=0x1 ╞════════════╩═════════»
-                                                 └─────────┘            0         »
-        «                                     ┌───┐   ┌────────────────┐»
-        «q_0: ────────────────────────────────┤ X ├───┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├»
-        «        ┌───┐                        └─╥─┘   └────────────────┘»
-        «q_1: ───┤ X ├──────────────────────────╫─────────────■─────────»
-        «        └─╥─┘   ┌────────────────┐     ║           ┌─┴─┐       »
-        «q_2: ─────╫─────┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├─────╫───────────┤ X ├───────»
-        «     ┌────╨────┐└────────────────┘┌────╨────┐      └───┘       »
-        «c: 1/╡ c_0=0x0 ╞══════════════════╡ c_0=0x0 ╞══════════════════»
-        «     └─────────┘                  └─────────┘                  »
-        «           ┌───┐                  ┌────────────────┐
-        «q_0: ──────┤ X ├────────────■─────┤ Delay(700[dt]) ├
-        «     ┌─────┴───┴──────┐   ┌─┴─┐   ├────────────────┤
-        «q_1: ┤ Delay(400[dt]) ├───┤ X ├───┤ Delay(700[dt]) ├
-        «     ├────────────────┤   └─╥─┘   └──────┬─┬───────┘
-        «q_2: ┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├─────╫────────────┤M├────────
-        «     └────────────────┘┌────╨────┐       └╥┘
-        «c: 1/══════════════════╡ c_0=0x0 ╞════════╩═════════
-        «                       └─────────┘        0
-        (ALAP scheduled) duration = 3100
-             ┌────────────────┐┌────────────────┐   ┌───┐    ░ ┌─────────────────┐»
-        q_0: ┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├───┤ X ├────░─┤ Delay(1400[dt]) ├»
-             ├────────────────┤└────────────────┘   └─╥─┘    ░ ├─────────────────┤»
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├───────────────────────╫──────░─┤ Delay(1200[dt]) ├»
-             ├────────────────┤                       ║      ░ └───────┬─┬───────┘»
-        q_2: ┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├───────────────────────╫──────░─────────┤M├────────»
-             └────────────────┘                  ┌────╨────┐ ░         └╥┘        »
-        c: 1/════════════════════════════════════╡ c_0=0x1 ╞════════════╩═════════»
-                                                 └─────────┘            0         »
-        «                                     ┌───┐   ┌────────────────┐»
-        «q_0: ────────────────────────────────┤ X ├───┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├»
-        «        ┌───┐   ┌────────────────┐   └─╥─┘   └────────────────┘»
-        «q_1: ───┤ X ├───┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├─────╫─────────────■─────────»
-        «        └─╥─┘   ├────────────────┤     ║           ┌─┴─┐       »
-        «q_2: ─────╫─────┤ Delay(600[dt]) ├─────╫───────────┤ X ├───────»
-        «     ┌────╨────┐└────────────────┘┌────╨────┐      └───┘       »
-        «c: 1/╡ c_0=0x0 ╞══════════════════╡ c_0=0x0 ╞══════════════════»
-        «     └─────────┘                  └─────────┘                  »
-        «           ┌───┐                  ┌────────────────┐
-        «q_0: ──────┤ X ├────────────■─────┤ Delay(700[dt]) ├
-        «     ┌─────┴───┴──────┐   ┌─┴─┐   ├────────────────┤
-        «q_1: ┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├───┤ X ├───┤ Delay(700[dt]) ├
-        «     └──────┬─┬───────┘   └─╥─┘   └────────────────┘
-        «q_2: ───────┤M├─────────────╫───────────────────────
-        «            └╥┘        ┌────╨────┐
-        «c: 1/════════╩═════════╡ c_0=0x0 ╞══════════════════
-        «             0         └─────────┘
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        qc.delay(100, 0)
-        qc.x(0).c_if(0, 1)
-        qc.barrier()
-        qc.measure(2, 0)
-        qc.x(1).c_if(0, 0)
-        qc.x(0).c_if(0, 0)
-        qc.delay(300, 0)
-, 2)
-        qc.x(0)
-, 1).c_if(0, 0)
-        qc.measure(2, 0)
-        durations = InstructionDurations(
-            [("x", None, 100), ("measure", None, 1000), ("cx", None, 200)]
-        )
-        actual_asap = PassManager(
-            ASAPSchedule(durations, clbit_write_latency=100, conditional_latency=200)
-        ).run(qc)
-        actual_alap = PassManager(
-            ALAPSchedule(durations, clbit_write_latency=100, conditional_latency=200)
-        ).run(qc)
-        expected_asap = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        expected_asap.delay(100, 0)
-        expected_asap.delay(100, 0)  # due to conditional latency of 200dt
-        expected_asap.delay(300, 1)
-        expected_asap.delay(300, 2)
-        expected_asap.x(0).c_if(0, 1)
-        expected_asap.barrier()
-        expected_asap.delay(1400, 0)
-        expected_asap.delay(1200, 1)
-        expected_asap.measure(2, 0)
-        expected_asap.x(1).c_if(0, 0)
-        expected_asap.x(0).c_if(0, 0)
-        expected_asap.delay(300, 0)
-        expected_asap.x(0)
-        expected_asap.delay(300, 2)
-, 2)
-        expected_asap.delay(400, 1)
-, 1).c_if(0, 0)
-        expected_asap.delay(700, 0)  # creg is released at t0 of cx(0,1).c_if(0,0)
-        expected_asap.delay(
-            700, 1
-        )  # no creg write until 100dt. thus measure can move left by 300dt.
-        expected_asap.delay(300, 2)
-        expected_asap.measure(2, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_asap, actual_asap)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_asap.duration, 3100)
-        expected_alap = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        expected_alap.delay(100, 0)
-        expected_alap.delay(100, 0)  # due to conditional latency of 200dt
-        expected_alap.delay(300, 1)
-        expected_alap.delay(300, 2)
-        expected_alap.x(0).c_if(0, 1)
-        expected_alap.barrier()
-        expected_alap.delay(1400, 0)
-        expected_alap.delay(1200, 1)
-        expected_alap.measure(2, 0)
-        expected_alap.x(1).c_if(0, 0)
-        expected_alap.x(0).c_if(0, 0)
-        expected_alap.delay(300, 0)
-        expected_alap.x(0)
-        expected_alap.delay(300, 1)
-        expected_alap.delay(600, 2)
-, 2)
-        expected_alap.delay(100, 1)
-, 1).c_if(0, 0)
-        expected_alap.measure(2, 0)
-        expected_alap.delay(700, 0)
-        expected_alap.delay(700, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(expected_alap, actual_alap)
-        self.assertEqual(actual_alap.duration, 3100)
-    def test_dag_introduces_extra_dependency_between_conditionals(self):
-        """Test dependency between conditional operations in the scheduling.
-        In the below example circuit, the conditional x on q1 could start at time 0,
-        however it must be scheduled after the conditional x on q0 in ASAP scheduling.
-        That is because circuit model used in the transpiler passes (DAGCircuit)
-        interprets instructions acting on common clbits must be run in the order
-        given by the original circuit (QuantumCircuit).
-        (input)
-             ┌────────────────┐   ┌───┐
-        q_0: ┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├───┤ X ├───
-             └─────┬───┬──────┘   └─╥─┘
-        q_1: ──────┤ X ├────────────╫─────
-                   └─╥─┘            ║
-                ┌────╨────┐    ┌────╨────┐
-        c: 1/═══╡ c_0=0x1 ╞════╡ c_0=0x1 ╞
-                └─────────┘    └─────────┘
-        (ASAP scheduled)
-             ┌────────────────┐   ┌───┐
-        q_0: ┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├───┤ X ├──────────────
-             ├────────────────┤   └─╥─┘      ┌───┐
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├─────╫────────┤ X ├───
-             └────────────────┘     ║        └─╥─┘
-                               ┌────╨────┐┌────╨────┐
-        c: 1/══════════════════╡ c_0=0x1 ╞╡ c_0=0x1 ╞
-                               └─────────┘└─────────┘
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 1)
-        qc.delay(100, 0)
-        qc.x(0).c_if(0, True)
-        qc.x(1).c_if(0, True)
-        durations = InstructionDurations([("x", None, 160)])
-        pm = PassManager(ASAPSchedule(durations))
-        scheduled =
-        expected = QuantumCircuit(2, 1)
-        expected.delay(100, 0)
-        expected.delay(100, 1)  # due to extra dependency on clbits
-        expected.x(0).c_if(0, True)
-        expected.x(1).c_if(0, True)
-        self.assertEqual(expected, scheduled)
-    @data(ALAPSchedule, ASAPSchedule)
-    def test_respect_target_instruction_constraints(self, schedule_pass):
-        """Test if ALAP/ASAP does not pad delays for qubits that do not support delay instructions.
-        See:
-        """
-        target = Target(dt=1)
-        target.add_instruction(XGate(), {(1,): InstructionProperties(duration=200)})
-        # delays are not supported
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
-        qc.x(1)
-        pm = PassManager(schedule_pass(target=target))
-        scheduled =
-        expected = QuantumCircuit(2)
-        expected.x(1)
-        # no delay on qubit 0
-        self.assertEqual(expected, scheduled)
-    def test_dd_respect_target_instruction_constraints(self):
-        """Test if DD pass does not pad delays for qubits that do not support delay instructions
-        and does not insert DD gates for qubits that do not support necessary gates.
-        See:
-        """
-        qc = QuantumCircuit(3)
-, 1)
-, 2)
-        target = Target(dt=1)
-        # Y is partially supported (not supported on qubit 2)
-        target.add_instruction(
-            XGate(), {(q,): InstructionProperties(duration=100) for q in range(2)}
-        )
-        target.add_instruction(
-            CXGate(),
-            {
-                (0, 1): InstructionProperties(duration=1000),
-                (1, 2): InstructionProperties(duration=1000),
-            },
-        )
-        # delays are not supported
-        # No DD instructions nor delays are padded due to no delay support in the target
-        pm_xx = PassManager(
-            [
-                ALAPSchedule(target=target),
-                DynamicalDecoupling(durations=None, dd_sequence=[XGate(), XGate()], target=target),
-            ]
-        )
-        scheduled =
-        self.assertEqual(qc, scheduled)
-        # Fails since Y is not supported in the target
-        with self.assertRaises(TranspilerError):
-            PassManager(
-                [
-                    ALAPSchedule(target=target),
-                    DynamicalDecoupling(
-                        durations=None,
-                        dd_sequence=[XGate(), YGate(), XGate(), YGate()],
-                        target=target,
-                    ),
-                ]
-            )
-        # Add delay support to the target
-        target.add_instruction(Delay(Parameter("t")), {(q,): None for q in range(3)})
-        # No error but no DD on qubit 2 (just delay is padded) since X is not supported on it
-        scheduled =
-        expected = QuantumCircuit(3)
-        expected.delay(1000, [2])
-, 1)
-, 2)
-        expected.delay(200, [0])
-        expected.x([0])
-        expected.delay(400, [0])
-        expected.x([0])
-        expected.delay(200, [0])
-        self.assertEqual(expected, scheduled)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/python/transpiler/ b/test/python/transpiler/
index 74daf8d67ab4..7e2fb6e05003 100644
--- a/test/python/transpiler/
+++ b/test/python/transpiler/
@@ -14,508 +14,9 @@
 from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, pulse
 from qiskit.test import QiskitTestCase
-from qiskit.transpiler import InstructionDurations, PassManager
+from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager
 from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
-from qiskit.transpiler.passes import (
-    AlignMeasures,
-    InstructionDurationCheck,
-    ConstrainedReschedule,
-    ValidatePulseGates,
-    ALAPScheduleAnalysis,
-    ASAPScheduleAnalysis,
-    ALAPSchedule,
-    PadDelay,
-    SetIOLatency,
-class TestAlignMeasures(QiskitTestCase):
-    """A test for measurement alignment pass."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        super().setUp()
-        self.instruction_durations = InstructionDurations(
-            [
-                ("rz", (0,), 0),
-                ("rz", (1,), 0),
-                ("x", (0,), 160),
-                ("x", (1,), 160),
-                ("sx", (0,), 160),
-                ("sx", (1,), 160),
-                ("cx", (0, 1), 800),
-                ("cx", (1, 0), 800),
-                ("measure", None, 1600),
-            ]
-        )
-    def test_t1_experiment_type(self):
-        """Test T1 experiment type circuit.
-        (input)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 1/════════════════════════╩═
-                                     0
-        (aligned)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 1/════════════════════════╩═
-                                     0
-        This type of experiment slightly changes delay duration of interest.
-        However the quantization error should be less than alignment * dt.
-        """
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        pm = PassManager(
-            [
-                # reproduce old behavior of 0.20.0 before #7655
-                # currently default write latency is 0
-                SetIOLatency(clbit_write_latency=1600, conditional_latency=0),
-                ALAPScheduleAnalysis(durations=self.instruction_durations),
-                ConstrainedReschedule(acquire_alignment=16),
-                PadDelay(),
-            ]
-        )
-        aligned_circuit =
-        ref_circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(112, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit, ref_circuit)
-    def test_hanh_echo_experiment_type(self):
-        """Test Hahn echo experiment type circuit.
-        (input)
-             ┌────┐┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ √X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ √X ├┤M├
-             └────┘└────────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└────┘└╥┘
-        c: 1/══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩═
-                                                                   0
-        (output)
-             ┌────┐┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌────┐┌──────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ √X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ √X ├┤ Delay(8[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └────┘└────────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└────┘└──────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 1/══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩═
-                                                                                   0
-        This type of experiment doesn't change duration of interest (two in the middle).
-        However induces slight delay less than alignment * dt before measurement.
-        This might induce extra amplitude damping error.
-        """
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        pm = PassManager(
-            [
-                # reproduce old behavior of 0.20.0 before #7655
-                # currently default write latency is 0
-                SetIOLatency(clbit_write_latency=1600, conditional_latency=0),
-                ALAPScheduleAnalysis(durations=self.instruction_durations),
-                ConstrainedReschedule(acquire_alignment=16),
-                PadDelay(),
-            ]
-        )
-        aligned_circuit =
-        ref_circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        ref_circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.delay(8, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit, ref_circuit)
-    def test_mid_circuit_measure(self):
-        """Test circuit with mid circuit measurement.
-        (input)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐┌───────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤M├┤ Delay(10[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(120[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘└───────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 2/════════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════════╩═
-                                     0                                          1
-        (output)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐┌───────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤M├┤ Delay(10[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(134[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘└───────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 2/════════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════════════╩═
-                                     0                                          1
-        Extra delay is always added to the existing delay right before the measurement.
-        Delay after measurement is unchanged.
-        """
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 2)
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        circuit.delay(10, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(120, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 1)
-        pm = PassManager(
-            [
-                # reproduce old behavior of 0.20.0 before #7655
-                # currently default write latency is 0
-                SetIOLatency(clbit_write_latency=1600, conditional_latency=0),
-                ALAPScheduleAnalysis(durations=self.instruction_durations),
-                ConstrainedReschedule(acquire_alignment=16),
-                PadDelay(),
-            ]
-        )
-        aligned_circuit =
-        ref_circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 2)
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(112, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(10, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(134, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit, ref_circuit)
-    def test_mid_circuit_multiq_gates(self):
-        """Test circuit with mid circuit measurement and multi qubit gates.
-        (input)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐             ┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤M├──■───────■──┤M├
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘┌─┴─┐┌─┐┌─┴─┐└╥┘
-        q_1: ────────────────────────╫─┤ X ├┤M├┤ X ├─╫─
-                                     ║ └───┘└╥┘└───┘ ║
-        c: 2/════════════════════════╩═══════╩═══════╩═
-                                     0       1       0
-        (output)
-                    ┌───┐       ┌────────────────┐┌─┐     ┌─────────────────┐     ┌─┐»
-        q_0: ───────┤ X ├───────┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤M├──■──┤ Delay(1600[dt]) ├──■──┤M├»
-             ┌──────┴───┴──────┐└────────────────┘└╥┘┌─┴─┐└───────┬─┬───────┘┌─┴─┐└╥┘»
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(1872[dt]) ├───────────────────╫─┤ X ├────────┤M├────────┤ X ├─╫─»
-             └─────────────────┘                   ║ └───┘        └╥┘        └───┘ ║ »
-        c: 2/══════════════════════════════════════╩═══════════════╩═══════════════╩═»
-                                                   0               1               0 »
-        «
-        «q_0: ───────────────────
-        «     ┌─────────────────┐
-        «q_1: ┤ Delay(1600[dt]) ├
-        «     └─────────────────┘
-        «c: 2/═══════════════════
-        «
-        Delay for the other channel paired by multi-qubit instruction is also scheduled.
-        Delay (1872dt) = X (160dt) + Delay (100dt + extra 12dt) + Measure (1600dt).
-        """
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-, 1)
-        circuit.measure(1, 1)
-, 1)
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        pm = PassManager(
-            [
-                # reproduce old behavior of 0.20.0 before #7655
-                # currently default write latency is 0
-                SetIOLatency(clbit_write_latency=1600, conditional_latency=0),
-                ALAPScheduleAnalysis(durations=self.instruction_durations),
-                ConstrainedReschedule(acquire_alignment=16),
-                PadDelay(),
-            ]
-        )
-        aligned_circuit =
-        ref_circuit = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(112, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(160 + 112 + 1600, 1, unit="dt")
-, 1)
-        ref_circuit.delay(1600, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(1, 1)
-, 1)
-        ref_circuit.delay(1600, 1, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit, ref_circuit)
-    def test_alignment_is_not_processed(self):
-        """Test avoid pass processing if delay is aligned."""
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(160, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-, 1)
-        circuit.measure(1, 1)
-, 1)
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        # pre scheduling is not necessary because alignment is skipped
-        # this is to minimize breaking changes to existing code.
-        pm = PassManager()
-        pm.append(InstructionDurationCheck(acquire_alignment=16))
-        self.assertFalse(pm.property_set["reschedule_required"])
-    def test_circuit_using_clbit(self):
-        """Test a circuit with instructions using a common clbit.
-        (input)
-             ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-        q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤M├──────────────
-             └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘   ┌───┐
-        q_1: ────────────────────────╫────┤ X ├──────
-                                     ║    └─╥─┘   ┌─┐
-        q_2: ────────────────────────╫──────╫─────┤M├
-                                     ║ ┌────╨────┐└╥┘
-        c: 1/════════════════════════╩═╡ c_0 = T ╞═╩═
-                                     0 └─────────┘ 0
-        (aligned)
-                    ┌───┐       ┌────────────────┐┌─┐┌────────────────┐
-        q_0: ───────┤ X ├───────┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤M├┤ Delay(160[dt]) ├───
-             ┌──────┴───┴──────┐└────────────────┘└╥┘└─────┬───┬──────┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(1872[dt]) ├───────────────────╫───────┤ X ├──────────
-             └┬────────────────┤                   ║       └─╥─┘       ┌─┐
-        q_2: ─┤ Delay(432[dt]) ├───────────────────╫─────────╫─────────┤M├
-              └────────────────┘                   ║    ┌────╨────┐    └╥┘
-        c: 1/══════════════════════════════════════╩════╡ c_0 = T ╞═════╩═
-                                                   0    └─────────┘     0
-        Looking at the q_0, the total schedule length T becomes
-        160 (x) + 112 (aligned delay) + 1600 (measure) + 160 (delay) = 2032.
-        The last delay comes from ALAP scheduling called before the AlignMeasure pass,
-        which aligns stop times as late as possible, so the start time of x(1).c_if(0)
-        and the stop time of measure(0, 0) become T - 160.
-        """
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        circuit.x(1).c_if(0, 1)
-        circuit.measure(2, 0)
-        pm = PassManager(
-            [
-                # reproduce old behavior of 0.20.0 before #7655
-                # currently default write latency is 0
-                SetIOLatency(clbit_write_latency=1600, conditional_latency=0),
-                ALAPScheduleAnalysis(durations=self.instruction_durations),
-                ConstrainedReschedule(acquire_alignment=16),
-                PadDelay(fill_very_end=False),
-            ]
-        )
-        aligned_circuit =
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit.duration, 2032)
-        ref_circuit = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
-        ref_circuit.x(0)
-        ref_circuit.delay(112, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circuit.delay(1872, 1, unit="dt")  # 2032 - 160
-        ref_circuit.delay(432, 2, unit="dt")  # 2032 - 1600
-        ref_circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        ref_circuit.x(1).c_if(0, 1)
-        ref_circuit.measure(2, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(aligned_circuit, ref_circuit)
-    def test_programmed_delay_preserved(self):
-        """Intentionally programmed delay will be kept after reschedule.
-        No delay
-        ++++++++
-        (input)
-             ┌────────────────┐┌───┐ ░ ┌───┐
-        q_0: ┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ X ├─░─┤ X ├
-             ├────────────────┤└───┘ ░ └───┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(272[dt]) ├──────░──────
-             └────────────────┘      ░
-        (aligned)
-             ┌────────────────┐┌───┐ ░ ┌───┐
-        q_0: ┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤ X ├─░─┤ X ├
-             ├────────────────┤└───┘ ░ └───┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(272[dt]) ├──────░──────
-             └────────────────┘      ░
-        With delay (intentional post buffer)
-        ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        (input) ... this is identical to no delay pattern without reschedule
-             ┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────┐ ░ ┌───┐
-        q_0: ┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(10[dt]) ├─░─┤ X ├
-             ├────────────────┤└───┘└───────────────┘ ░ └───┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(272[dt]) ├───────────────────────░──────
-             └────────────────┘                       ░
-        (aligned)
-             ┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────┐ ░ ┌──────────────┐┌───┐
-        q_0: ┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(10[dt]) ├─░─┤ Delay(6[dt]) ├┤ X ├
-             ├────────────────┤└───┘└───────────────┘ ░ └──────────────┘└───┘
-        q_1: ┤ Delay(282[dt]) ├───────────────────────░──────────────────────
-             └────────────────┘                       ░
-        """
-        pm = PassManager(
-            [
-                ASAPScheduleAnalysis(durations=self.instruction_durations),
-                ConstrainedReschedule(pulse_alignment=16),
-                PadDelay(fill_very_end=False),
-            ]
-        )
-        pm_only_schedule = PassManager(
-            [
-                ASAPScheduleAnalysis(durations=self.instruction_durations),
-                PadDelay(fill_very_end=False),
-            ]
-        )
-        circuit_no_delay = QuantumCircuit(2)
-        circuit_no_delay.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit_no_delay.x(0)  # q0 ends here at t = 260, t = 260 - 272 is free
-        circuit_no_delay.delay(160 + 112, 1, unit="dt")
-        circuit_no_delay.barrier()  # q0 and q1 is aligned here at t = 272 dt
-        circuit_no_delay.x(0)
-        ref_no_delay = QuantumCircuit(2)
-        ref_no_delay.delay(112, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_no_delay.x(0)
-        ref_no_delay.delay(160 + 100 + 12, 1, unit="dt")  # this t0 doesn't change
-        ref_no_delay.barrier()
-        ref_no_delay.x(0)  # no buffer
-        self.assertEqual(, ref_no_delay)
-        circuit_with_delay = QuantumCircuit(2)
-        circuit_with_delay.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit_with_delay.x(0)  # q0 ends here at t = 260
-        circuit_with_delay.delay(10, 0, unit="dt")  # intentional post buffer of 10 dt to next X(0)
-        circuit_with_delay.delay(160 + 112, 1, unit="dt")  # q0 and q1 is aligned here at t = 272 dt
-        circuit_with_delay.barrier()
-        circuit_with_delay.x(0)
-        ref_with_delay = QuantumCircuit(2)
-        ref_with_delay.delay(112, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_with_delay.x(0)
-        ref_with_delay.delay(10, 0, unit="dt")  # this delay survive
-        ref_with_delay.delay(160 + 100 + 12 + 10, 1, unit="dt")
-        ref_with_delay.barrier()
-        ref_with_delay.delay(6, 0, unit="dt")  # extra delay for next X0
-        ref_with_delay.x(0)  # at least 10dt buffer is preserved
-        self.assertEqual(, ref_with_delay)
-        # check if circuit is identical without reschedule
-        self.assertEqual(
-  ,
-  ,
-        )
-    def test_both_pulse_and_acquire_alignment(self):
-        """Test when both acquire and pulse alignment are specified.
-        (input)
-             ┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────┐┌─┐
-          q: ┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(10[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └────────────────┘└───┘└───────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 1/═════════════════════════════════════════╩═
-                                                      0
-        (aligned)
-             ┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────┐┌─┐
-          q: ┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(16[dt]) ├┤M├
-             └────────────────┘└───┘└───────────────┘└╥┘
-        c: 1/═════════════════════════════════════════╩═
-                                                      0
-        """
-        pm = PassManager(
-            [
-                ALAPScheduleAnalysis(durations=self.instruction_durations),
-                ConstrainedReschedule(pulse_alignment=16, acquire_alignment=16),
-                PadDelay(fill_very_end=False),
-            ]
-        )
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        circuit.delay(100, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(10, 0, unit="dt")
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        ref_circ = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        ref_circ.delay(112, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circ.x(0)
-        ref_circ.delay(16, 0, unit="dt")
-        ref_circ.measure(0, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(, ref_circ)
-    def test_deprecated_align_measure(self):
-        """Test if old AlignMeasures can be still used and warning is raised."""
-        circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
-        circuit.x(0)
-        circuit.delay(100)
-        circuit.measure(0, 0)
-        with self.assertWarns(PendingDeprecationWarning):
-            pm_old = PassManager(
-                [
-                    ALAPSchedule(durations=self.instruction_durations),
-                    AlignMeasures(alignment=16),
-                ]
-            )
-        pm_new = PassManager(
-            [
-                ALAPSchedule(durations=self.instruction_durations),
-                AlignMeasures(alignment=16),
-            ]
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(,
+from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ValidatePulseGates
 class TestPulseGateValidation(QiskitTestCase):

From 3d902401e5ffc15b67fa005bd010d2ee788163f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2023 22:45:53 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 02/17] Undone removal of optimizers/spsa.

 qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/ | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/ b/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/
index 6b5098e5cb49..eb107c98a216 100644
--- a/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/
+++ b/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 import numpy as np
 from qiskit.utils import algorithm_globals
+from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
 from .optimizer import Optimizer, OptimizerSupportLevel, OptimizerResult, POINT
@@ -649,6 +649,37 @@ def get_support_level(self):
     # pylint: disable=bad-docstring-quotes
+    @deprecate_func(
+        additional_msg=(
+            "Instead, use ``SPSA.minimize`` as a replacement, which supports the same arguments "
+            "but follows the interface of scipy.optimize and returns a complete result object "
+            "containing additional information."
+        ),
+        since="0.21.0",
+    )
+    def optimize(
+        self,
+        num_vars,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+        objective_function,
+        gradient_function=None,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+        variable_bounds=None,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+        initial_point=None,
+    ):
+        """Perform optimization.
+        Args:
+            num_vars (int): Number of parameters to be optimized.
+            objective_function (callable): A function that computes the objective function.
+            gradient_function (callable): Not supported for SPSA.
+            variable_bounds (list[(float, float)]): Not supported for SPSA.
+            initial_point (numpy.ndarray[float]): Initial point.
+        Returns:
+            tuple: point, value, nfev
+               point: is a 1D numpy.ndarray[float] containing the solution
+               value: is a float with the objective function value
+               nfev: number of objective function calls made if available or None
+        """
+        result = self.minimize(objective_function, initial_point)
+        return result.x,, result.nfev
 def bernoulli_perturbation(dim, perturbation_dims=None):

From 6e2b394fb90c4defb944c0592e2d25259efc2c4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Luciano Bello <>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2023 23:08:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/17] undo changes in spsa

 qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/ | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/ b/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/
index eb107c98a216..0226f8a00a1e 100644
--- a/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/
+++ b/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/
@@ -666,12 +666,14 @@ def optimize(
         """Perform optimization.
             num_vars (int): Number of parameters to be optimized.
             objective_function (callable): A function that computes the objective function.
             gradient_function (callable): Not supported for SPSA.
             variable_bounds (list[(float, float)]): Not supported for SPSA.
             initial_point (numpy.ndarray[float]): Initial point.
             tuple: point, value, nfev
                point: is a 1D numpy.ndarray[float] containing the solution

From 2e20b6b0d20ded2ad306f0fa470f83522cde5c29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2023 00:19:42 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 04/17] Added release note.

 ...oved_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml | 48 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml

diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f6414edaf7ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+  - |
+    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
+    :func:`~qiskit.execute_function.execute` doesn't support
+    `qobj_id` and `qobj_header` arguments.
+  - |
+    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
+    :class:`.transpiler.passes.ALAPSchedule` is removed instead
+    use :class:`.transpiler.passes.ALAPScheduleAnalysis`.
+  - |
+    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
+    :class:`.transpiler.passes.ASAPSchedule` is removed instead
+    use :class:`.transpiler.passes.ASAPScheduleAnalysis`.
+  - |
+    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
+    :class:`.transpiler.passes.DynamicalDecoupling` is removed instead
+    use :class:`.transpiler.passes.PadDynamicalDecoupling`.
+  - |
+    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
+    :class:`.transpiler.passes.AlignMeasures` is removed instead
+    use :class:`.transpiler.passes.ConstrainedReschedule`.
+  - |
+    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
+    :class:`.transpiler.passes.CXDirection` is removed instead
+    use generic :class:`.transpiler.passes.GateDirection`.
+  - |
+    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
+    :class:`.transpiler.passes.CheckCXDirection` is removed instead
+    use generic :class:`.transpiler.passes.CheckGateDirection`.
+  - |
+    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
+    Classes :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignmentKind`, :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignEquispaced`,
+    and :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignFunc` don't support :meth:`to_dict`.
+  - |
+    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
+    In :func:`~qiskit.qpy.dump` argument `circuits` is aliased with `programs`.
+    Refer to `#10748 <>`

From 3621d5567629ce6a9bc675be7a4270bd401003e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2023 00:21:03 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 05/17] Removed deprecated classes from docstrings.

 qiskit/transpiler/passes/ | 7 +------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/
index 0487dfef892e..d984211332fd 100644
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/
+++ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/
@@ -112,13 +112,10 @@
-   AlignMeasures
-   ALAPSchedule
-   ASAPSchedule
-   DynamicalDecoupling
 Circuit Analysis
@@ -162,9 +159,7 @@
    :toctree: ../stubs/
-   CheckCXDirection
-   CXDirection

From d39ea20e7c65556fd73200061d360ec2c16d6753 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 23:13:02 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 06/17] Improved release note.

 .../removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml | 15 +--------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml
index f6414edaf7ac..e879ef4968fb 100644
--- a/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml
@@ -6,43 +6,30 @@ upgrade:
     `qobj_id` and `qobj_header` arguments.
   - |
-    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
     :class:`.transpiler.passes.ALAPSchedule` is removed instead
     use :class:`.transpiler.passes.ALAPScheduleAnalysis`.
   - |
-    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
     :class:`.transpiler.passes.ASAPSchedule` is removed instead
     use :class:`.transpiler.passes.ASAPScheduleAnalysis`.
   - |
-    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
     :class:`.transpiler.passes.DynamicalDecoupling` is removed instead
     use :class:`.transpiler.passes.PadDynamicalDecoupling`.
   - |
-    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
     :class:`.transpiler.passes.AlignMeasures` is removed instead
     use :class:`.transpiler.passes.ConstrainedReschedule`.
   - |
-    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
     :class:`.transpiler.passes.CXDirection` is removed instead
     use generic :class:`.transpiler.passes.GateDirection`.
   - |
-    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
     :class:`.transpiler.passes.CheckCXDirection` is removed instead
     use generic :class:`.transpiler.passes.CheckGateDirection`.
   - |
-    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
-    Classes :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignmentKind`, :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignEquispaced`,
+    :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignmentKind`, `.pulse.transforms.AlignEquispaced`,
     and :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignFunc` don't support :meth:`to_dict`.
-  - |
-    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
-    In :func:`~qiskit.qpy.dump` argument `circuits` is aliased with `programs`.
-    Refer to `#10748 <>`

From 534d12ebe11829ee1fd1d38a977e89757e958297 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2023 10:07:15 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 07/17] Added removed files to resolve conflict.

 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/   | 155 ++++++++++
 .../scheduling/alignments/   | 256 ++++++++++++++++
 .../passes/scheduling/ | 276 ++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 687 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
 create mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
 create mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/

diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9ee0f4988b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# This code is part of Qiskit.
+# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
+# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
+# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
+# of this source tree or at
+# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
+# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
+# that they have been altered from the originals.
+"""ALAP Scheduling."""
+from qiskit.circuit import Delay, Qubit, Measure
+from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit
+from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
+from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
+from .base_scheduler import BaseSchedulerTransform
+class ALAPSchedule(BaseSchedulerTransform):
+    """ALAP Scheduling pass, which schedules the **stop** time of instructions as late as possible.
+    See :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.scheduling.base_scheduler.BaseSchedulerTransform` for the
+    detailed behavior of the control flow operation, i.e. ``c_if``.
+    """
+    @deprecate_func(
+        additional_msg=(
+            "Instead, use :class:`~.ALAPScheduleAnalysis`, which is an "
+            "analysis pass that requires a padding pass to later modify the circuit."
+        ),
+        since="0.21.0",
+        pending=True,
+    )
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def run(self, dag):
+        """Run the ALAPSchedule pass on `dag`.
+        Args:
+            dag (DAGCircuit): DAG to schedule.
+        Returns:
+            DAGCircuit: A scheduled DAG.
+        Raises:
+            TranspilerError: if the circuit is not mapped on physical qubits.
+            TranspilerError: if conditional bit is added to non-supported instruction.
+        """
+        if len(dag.qregs) != 1 or dag.qregs.get("q", None) is None:
+            raise TranspilerError("ALAP schedule runs on physical circuits only")
+        time_unit = self.property_set["time_unit"]
+        new_dag = DAGCircuit()
+        for qreg in dag.qregs.values():
+            new_dag.add_qreg(qreg)
+        for creg in dag.cregs.values():
+            new_dag.add_creg(creg)
+        idle_before = {q: 0 for q in dag.qubits + dag.clbits}
+        for node in reversed(list(dag.topological_op_nodes())):
+            op_duration = self._get_node_duration(node, dag)
+            # compute t0, t1: instruction interval, note that
+            # t0: start time of instruction
+            # t1: end time of instruction
+            # since this is alap scheduling, node is scheduled in reversed topological ordering
+            # and nodes are packed from the very end of the circuit.
+            # the physical meaning of t0 and t1 is flipped here.
+            if isinstance(node.op, self.CONDITIONAL_SUPPORTED):
+                t0q = max(idle_before[q] for q in node.qargs)
+                if node.op.condition_bits:
+                    # conditional is bit tricky due to conditional_latency
+                    t0c = max(idle_before[c] for c in node.op.condition_bits)
+                    # Assume following case (t0c > t0q):
+                    #
+                    #                |t0q
+                    # Q ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒
+                    # C ░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
+                    #           |t0c
+                    #
+                    # In this case, there is no actual clbit read before gate.
+                    #
+                    #             |t0q' = t0c - conditional_latency
+                    # Q ░░░░░░░░▒▒▒░░▒▒▒
+                    # C ░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
+                    #         |t1c' = t0c + conditional_latency
+                    #
+                    # rather than naively doing
+                    #
+                    #        |t1q' = t0c + duration
+                    # Q ░░░░░▒▒▒░░░░░▒▒▒
+                    # C ░░▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
+                    #     |t1c' = t0c + duration + conditional_latency
+                    #
+                    t0 = max(t0q, t0c - op_duration)
+                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
+                    for clbit in node.op.condition_bits:
+                        idle_before[clbit] = t1 + self.conditional_latency
+                else:
+                    t0 = t0q
+                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
+            else:
+                if node.op.condition_bits:
+                    raise TranspilerError(
+                        f"Conditional instruction {} is not supported in ALAP scheduler."
+                    )
+                if isinstance(node.op, Measure):
+                    # clbit time is always right (alap) justified
+                    t0 = max(idle_before[bit] for bit in node.qargs + node.cargs)
+                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
+                    #
+                    #        |t1 = t0 + duration
+                    # Q ░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
+                    # C ░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
+                    #            |t0 + (duration - clbit_write_latency)
+                    #
+                    for clbit in node.cargs:
+                        idle_before[clbit] = t0 + (op_duration - self.clbit_write_latency)
+                else:
+                    # It happens to be directives such as barrier
+                    t0 = max(idle_before[bit] for bit in node.qargs + node.cargs)
+                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
+            for bit in node.qargs:
+                delta = t0 - idle_before[bit]
+                if delta > 0 and self._delay_supported(dag.find_bit(bit).index):
+                    new_dag.apply_operation_front(Delay(delta, time_unit), [bit], [], check=False)
+                idle_before[bit] = t1
+            new_dag.apply_operation_front(node.op, node.qargs, node.cargs, check=False)
+        circuit_duration = max(idle_before.values())
+        for bit, before in idle_before.items():
+            delta = circuit_duration - before
+            if not (delta > 0 and isinstance(bit, Qubit)):
+                continue
+            if self._delay_supported(dag.find_bit(bit).index):
+                new_dag.apply_operation_front(Delay(delta, time_unit), [bit], [], check=False)
+ =
+        new_dag.metadata = dag.metadata
+        new_dag.calibrations = dag.calibrations
+        # set circuit duration and unit to indicate it is scheduled
+        new_dag.duration = circuit_duration
+        new_dag.unit = time_unit
+        return new_dag
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..668d65f6abd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# This code is part of Qiskit.
+# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
+# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
+# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
+# of this source tree or at
+# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
+# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
+# that they have been altered from the originals.
+"""Align measurement instructions."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import itertools
+import warnings
+from collections import defaultdict
+from import Iterable
+from typing import Type
+from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import ClbitSpecifier, QubitSpecifier
+from qiskit.circuit.delay import Delay
+from qiskit.circuit.measure import Measure
+from qiskit.circuit.parameterexpression import ParameterExpression
+from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit
+from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import TransformationPass
+from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
+from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
+class AlignMeasures(TransformationPass):
+    """Measurement alignment.
+    This is a control electronics aware optimization pass.
+    In many quantum computing architectures gates (instructions) are implemented with
+    shaped analog stimulus signals. These signals are digitally stored in the
+    waveform memory of the control electronics and converted into analog voltage signals
+    by electronic components called digital to analog converters (DAC).
+    In a typical hardware implementation of superconducting quantum processors,
+    a single qubit instruction is implemented by a
+    microwave signal with the duration of around several tens of ns with a per-sample
+    time resolution of ~0.1-10ns, as reported by ``backend.configuration().dt``.
+    In such systems requiring higher DAC bandwidth, control electronics often
+    defines a `pulse granularity`, in other words a data chunk, to allow the DAC to
+    perform the signal conversion in parallel to gain the bandwidth.
+    Measurement alignment is required if a backend only allows triggering ``measure``
+    instructions at a certain multiple value of this pulse granularity.
+    This value is usually provided by ``backend.configuration().timing_constraints``.
+    In Qiskit SDK, the duration of delay can take arbitrary value in units of ``dt``,
+    thus circuits involving delays may violate the above alignment constraint (i.e. misalignment).
+    This pass shifts measurement instructions to a new time position to fix the misalignment,
+    by inserting extra delay right before the measure instructions.
+    The input of this pass should be scheduled :class:`~qiskit.dagcircuit.DAGCircuit`,
+    thus one should select one of the scheduling passes
+    (:class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.ALAPSchedule` or
+    :class:`~qiskit.trasnpiler.passes.ASAPSchedule`) before calling this.
+    Examples:
+        We assume executing the following circuit on a backend with ``alignment=16``.
+        .. parsed-literal::
+                 ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
+            q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤M├
+                 └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
+            c: 1/════════════════════════╩═
+                                         0
+        Note that delay of 100 dt induces a misalignment of 4 dt at the measurement.
+        This pass appends an extra 12 dt time shift to the input circuit.
+        .. parsed-literal::
+                 ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
+            q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤M├
+                 └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
+            c: 1/════════════════════════╩═
+                                         0
+        This pass always inserts a positive delay before measurements
+        rather than reducing other delays.
+    Notes:
+        The Backend may allow users to execute circuits violating the alignment constraint.
+        However, it may return meaningless measurement data mainly due to the phase error.
+    """
+    @deprecate_func(
+        additional_msg=(
+            "Instead, use :class:`~.ConstrainedReschedule`, which performs the same function "
+            "but also supports aligning to additional timing constraints."
+        ),
+        since="0.21.0",
+        pending=True,
+    )
+    def __init__(self, alignment: int = 1):
+        """Create new pass.
+        Args:
+            alignment: Integer number representing the minimum time resolution to
+                trigger measure instruction in units of ``dt``. This value depends on
+                the control electronics of your quantum processor.
+        """
+        super().__init__()
+        self.alignment = alignment
+    def run(self, dag: DAGCircuit):
+        """Run the measurement alignment pass on `dag`.
+        Args:
+            dag (DAGCircuit): DAG to be checked.
+        Returns:
+            DAGCircuit: DAG with consistent timing and op nodes annotated with duration.
+        Raises:
+            TranspilerError: If circuit is not scheduled.
+        """
+        time_unit = self.property_set["time_unit"]
+        if not _check_alignment_required(dag, self.alignment, Measure):
+            # return input as-is to avoid unnecessary scheduling.
+            # because following procedure regenerate new DAGCircuit,
+            # we should avoid continuing if not necessary from performance viewpoint.
+            return dag
+        # if circuit is not yet scheduled, schedule with ALAP method
+        if dag.duration is None:
+            raise TranspilerError(
+                f"This circuit {} may involve a delay instruction violating the "
+                "pulse controller alignment. To adjust instructions to "
+                "right timing, you should call one of scheduling passes first. "
+                "This is usually done by calling transpiler with scheduling_method='alap'."
+            )
+        # the following lines are basically copied from ASAPSchedule pass
+        #
+        # * some validations for non-scheduled nodes are dropped, since we assume scheduled input
+        # * pad_with_delay is called only with non-delay node to avoid consecutive delay
+        new_dag = dag.copy_empty_like()
+        qubit_time_available: dict[QubitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(int)  # to track op start time
+        qubit_stop_times: dict[QubitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(
+            int
+        )  # to track delay start time for padding
+        clbit_readable: dict[ClbitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(int)
+        clbit_writeable: dict[ClbitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(int)
+        def pad_with_delays(qubits: Iterable[QubitSpecifier], until, unit) -> None:
+            """Pad idle time-slots in ``qubits`` with delays in ``unit`` until ``until``."""
+            for q in qubits:
+                if qubit_stop_times[q] < until:
+                    idle_duration = until - qubit_stop_times[q]
+                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(Delay(idle_duration, unit), (q,), check=False)
+        for node in dag.topological_op_nodes():
+            # choose appropriate clbit available time depending on op
+            clbit_time_available = (
+                clbit_writeable if isinstance(node.op, Measure) else clbit_readable
+            )
+            # correction to change clbit start time to qubit start time
+            delta = node.op.duration if isinstance(node.op, Measure) else 0
+            start_time = max(
+                itertools.chain(
+                    (qubit_time_available[q] for q in node.qargs),
+                    (
+                        clbit_time_available[c] - delta
+                        for c in node.cargs + tuple(node.op.condition_bits)
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
+            if isinstance(node.op, Measure):
+                if start_time % self.alignment != 0:
+                    start_time = ((start_time // self.alignment) + 1) * self.alignment
+            if not isinstance(node.op, Delay):  # exclude delays for combining consecutive delays
+                pad_with_delays(node.qargs, until=start_time, unit=time_unit)
+                new_dag.apply_operation_back(node.op, node.qargs, node.cargs, check=False)
+            stop_time = start_time + node.op.duration
+            # update time table
+            for q in node.qargs:
+                qubit_time_available[q] = stop_time
+                if not isinstance(node.op, Delay):
+                    qubit_stop_times[q] = stop_time
+            for c in node.cargs:  # measure
+                clbit_writeable[c] = clbit_readable[c] = stop_time
+            for c in node.op.condition_bits:  # conditional op
+                clbit_writeable[c] = max(start_time, clbit_writeable[c])
+        working_qubits = qubit_time_available.keys()
+        circuit_duration = max(qubit_time_available[q] for q in working_qubits)
+        pad_with_delays(new_dag.qubits, until=circuit_duration, unit=time_unit)
+ =
+        new_dag.metadata = dag.metadata
+        # set circuit duration and unit to indicate it is scheduled
+        new_dag.duration = circuit_duration
+        new_dag.unit = time_unit
+        return new_dag
+def _check_alignment_required(
+    dag: DAGCircuit,
+    alignment: int,
+    instructions: Type | list[Type],
+) -> bool:
+    """Check DAG nodes and return a boolean representing if instruction scheduling is necessary.
+    Args:
+        dag: DAG circuit to check.
+        alignment: Instruction alignment condition.
+        instructions: Target instructions.
+    Returns:
+        If instruction scheduling is necessary.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(instructions, list):
+        instructions = [instructions]
+    if alignment == 1:
+        # disable alignment if arbitrary t0 value can be used
+        return False
+    if all(len(dag.op_nodes(inst)) == 0 for inst in instructions):
+        # disable alignment if target instruction is not involved
+        return False
+    # check delay durations
+    for delay_node in dag.op_nodes(Delay):
+        duration = delay_node.op.duration
+        if isinstance(duration, ParameterExpression):
+            # duration is parametrized:
+            # raise user warning if backend alignment is not 1.
+            warnings.warn(
+                f"Parametrized delay with {repr(duration)} is found in circuit {}. "
+                f"This backend requires alignment={alignment}. "
+                "Please make sure all assigned values are multiple values of the alignment.",
+                UserWarning,
+            )
+        else:
+            # duration is bound:
+            # check duration and trigger alignment if it violates constraint
+            if duration % alignment != 0:
+                return True
+    # disable alignment if all delays are multiple values of the alignment
+    return False
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7e5245b2e3fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# This code is part of Qiskit.
+# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
+# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
+# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
+# of this source tree or at
+# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
+# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
+# that they have been altered from the originals.
+"""Dynamical Decoupling insertion pass."""
+import itertools
+import numpy as np
+from qiskit.circuit import Gate, Delay, Reset
+from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import IGate, UGate, U3Gate
+from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGOpNode, DAGInNode
+from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.predicates import matrix_equal
+from qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis import OneQubitEulerDecomposer
+from qiskit.transpiler.passes.optimization import Optimize1qGates
+from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import TransformationPass
+from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
+from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
+class DynamicalDecoupling(TransformationPass):
+    """Dynamical decoupling insertion pass.
+    This pass works on a scheduled, physical circuit. It scans the circuit for
+    idle periods of time (i.e. those containing delay instructions) and inserts
+    a DD sequence of gates in those spots. These gates amount to the identity,
+    so do not alter the logical action of the circuit, but have the effect of
+    mitigating decoherence in those idle periods.
+    As a special case, the pass allows a length-1 sequence (e.g. [XGate()]).
+    In this case the DD insertion happens only when the gate inverse can be
+    absorbed into a neighboring gate in the circuit (so we would still be
+    replacing Delay with something that is equivalent to the identity).
+    This can be used, for instance, as a Hahn echo.
+    This pass ensures that the inserted sequence preserves the circuit exactly
+    (including global phase).
+    .. plot::
+       :include-source:
+        import numpy as np
+        from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
+        from qiskit.circuit.library import XGate
+        from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager, InstructionDurations
+        from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ALAPSchedule, DynamicalDecoupling
+        from qiskit.visualization import timeline_drawer
+        circ = QuantumCircuit(4)
+        circ.h(0)
+, 1)
+, 2)
+, 3)
+        circ.measure_all()
+        durations = InstructionDurations(
+            [("h", 0, 50), ("cx", [0, 1], 700), ("reset", None, 10),
+             ("cx", [1, 2], 200), ("cx", [2, 3], 300),
+             ("x", None, 50), ("measure", None, 1000)]
+        )
+        # balanced X-X sequence on all qubits
+        dd_sequence = [XGate(), XGate()]
+        pm = PassManager([ALAPSchedule(durations),
+                          DynamicalDecoupling(durations, dd_sequence)])
+        circ_dd =
+        timeline_drawer(circ_dd)
+        # Uhrig sequence on qubit 0
+        n = 8
+        dd_sequence = [XGate()] * n
+        def uhrig_pulse_location(k):
+            return np.sin(np.pi * (k + 1) / (2 * n + 2)) ** 2
+        spacing = []
+        for k in range(n):
+            spacing.append(uhrig_pulse_location(k) - sum(spacing))
+        spacing.append(1 - sum(spacing))
+        pm = PassManager(
+            [
+                ALAPSchedule(durations),
+                DynamicalDecoupling(durations, dd_sequence, qubits=[0], spacing=spacing),
+            ]
+        )
+        circ_dd =
+        timeline_drawer(circ_dd)
+    """
+    @deprecate_func(
+        additional_msg=(
+            "Instead, use :class:`~.PadDynamicalDecoupling`, which performs the same "
+            "function but requires scheduling and alignment analysis passes to run prior to it."
+        ),
+        since="0.21.0",
+        pending=True,
+    )
+    def __init__(
+        self, durations, dd_sequence, qubits=None, spacing=None, skip_reset_qubits=True, target=None
+    ):
+        """Dynamical decoupling initializer.
+        Args:
+            durations (InstructionDurations): Durations of instructions to be
+                used in scheduling.
+            dd_sequence (list[Gate]): sequence of gates to apply in idle spots.
+            qubits (list[int]): physical qubits on which to apply DD.
+                If None, all qubits will undergo DD (when possible).
+            spacing (list[float]): a list of spacings between the DD gates.
+                The available slack will be divided according to this.
+                The list length must be one more than the length of dd_sequence,
+                and the elements must sum to 1. If None, a balanced spacing
+                will be used [d/2, d, d, ..., d, d, d/2].
+            skip_reset_qubits (bool): if True, does not insert DD on idle
+                periods that immediately follow initialized/reset qubits (as
+                qubits in the ground state are less susceptile to decoherence).
+            target (Target): The :class:`~.Target` representing the target backend, if both
+                  ``durations`` and this are specified then this argument will take
+                  precedence and ``durations`` will be ignored.
+        """
+        super().__init__()
+        self._durations = durations
+        self._dd_sequence = dd_sequence
+        self._qubits = qubits
+        self._spacing = spacing
+        self._skip_reset_qubits = skip_reset_qubits
+        self._target = target
+        if target is not None:
+            self._durations = target.durations()
+            for gate in dd_sequence:
+                if not in target.operation_names:
+                    raise TranspilerError(
+                        f"{} in dd_sequence is not supported in the target"
+                    )
+    def run(self, dag):
+        """Run the DynamicalDecoupling pass on dag.
+        Args:
+            dag (DAGCircuit): a scheduled DAG.
+        Returns:
+            DAGCircuit: equivalent circuit with delays interrupted by DD,
+                where possible.
+        Raises:
+            TranspilerError: if the circuit is not mapped on physical qubits.
+        """
+        if len(dag.qregs) != 1 or dag.qregs.get("q", None) is None:
+            raise TranspilerError("DD runs on physical circuits only.")
+        if dag.duration is None:
+            raise TranspilerError("DD runs after circuit is scheduled.")
+        num_pulses = len(self._dd_sequence)
+        sequence_gphase = 0
+        if num_pulses != 1:
+            if num_pulses % 2 != 0:
+                raise TranspilerError("DD sequence must contain an even number of gates (or 1).")
+            noop = np.eye(2)
+            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
+                noop =
+            if not matrix_equal(noop, IGate().to_matrix(), ignore_phase=True):
+                raise TranspilerError("The DD sequence does not make an identity operation.")
+            sequence_gphase = np.angle(noop[0][0])
+        if self._qubits is None:
+            self._qubits = set(range(dag.num_qubits()))
+        else:
+            self._qubits = set(self._qubits)
+        if self._spacing:
+            if sum(self._spacing) != 1 or any(a < 0 for a in self._spacing):
+                raise TranspilerError(
+                    "The spacings must be given in terms of fractions "
+                    "of the slack period and sum to 1."
+                )
+        else:  # default to balanced spacing
+            mid = 1 / num_pulses
+            end = mid / 2
+            self._spacing = [end] + [mid] * (num_pulses - 1) + [end]
+        for qarg in list(self._qubits):
+            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
+                if not self.__gate_supported(gate, qarg):
+                    self._qubits.discard(qarg)
+                    break
+        index_sequence_duration_map = {}
+        for physical_qubit in self._qubits:
+            dd_sequence_duration = 0
+            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
+                gate.duration = self._durations.get(gate, physical_qubit)
+                dd_sequence_duration += gate.duration
+            index_sequence_duration_map[physical_qubit] = dd_sequence_duration
+        new_dag = dag.copy_empty_like()
+        for nd in dag.topological_op_nodes():
+            if not isinstance(nd.op, Delay):
+                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs, check=False)
+                continue
+            dag_qubit = nd.qargs[0]
+            physical_qubit = dag.find_bit(dag_qubit).index
+            if physical_qubit not in self._qubits:  # skip unwanted qubits
+                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs, check=False)
+                continue
+            pred = next(dag.predecessors(nd))
+            succ = next(dag.successors(nd))
+            if self._skip_reset_qubits:  # discount initial delays
+                if isinstance(pred, DAGInNode) or isinstance(pred.op, Reset):
+                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs, check=False)
+                    continue
+            dd_sequence_duration = index_sequence_duration_map[physical_qubit]
+            slack = nd.op.duration - dd_sequence_duration
+            if slack <= 0:  # dd doesn't fit
+                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs, check=False)
+                continue
+            if num_pulses == 1:  # special case of using a single gate for DD
+                u_inv = self._dd_sequence[0].inverse().to_matrix()
+                theta, phi, lam, phase = OneQubitEulerDecomposer().angles_and_phase(u_inv)
+                # absorb the inverse into the successor (from left in circuit)
+                if isinstance(succ, DAGOpNode) and isinstance(succ.op, (UGate, U3Gate)):
+                    theta_r, phi_r, lam_r = succ.op.params
+                    succ.op.params = Optimize1qGates.compose_u3(
+                        theta_r, phi_r, lam_r, theta, phi, lam
+                    )
+                    sequence_gphase += phase
+                # absorb the inverse into the predecessor (from right in circuit)
+                elif isinstance(pred, DAGOpNode) and isinstance(pred.op, (UGate, U3Gate)):
+                    theta_l, phi_l, lam_l = pred.op.params
+                    pred.op.params = Optimize1qGates.compose_u3(
+                        theta, phi, lam, theta_l, phi_l, lam_l
+                    )
+                    sequence_gphase += phase
+                # don't do anything if there's no single-qubit gate to absorb the inverse
+                else:
+                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs, check=False)
+                    continue
+            # insert the actual DD sequence
+            taus = [int(slack * a) for a in self._spacing]
+            unused_slack = slack - sum(taus)  # unused, due to rounding to int multiples of dt
+            middle_index = int((len(taus) - 1) / 2)  # arbitrary: redistribute to middle
+            taus[middle_index] += unused_slack  # now we add up to original delay duration
+            for tau, gate in itertools.zip_longest(taus, self._dd_sequence):
+                if tau > 0:
+                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(Delay(tau), [dag_qubit], check=False)
+                if gate is not None:
+                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(gate, [dag_qubit], check=False)
+            new_dag.global_phase = _mod_2pi(new_dag.global_phase + sequence_gphase)
+        return new_dag
+    def __gate_supported(self, gate: Gate, qarg: int) -> bool:
+        """A gate is supported on the qubit (qarg) or not."""
+        if self._target is None or self._target.instruction_supported(, qargs=(qarg,)):
+            return True
+        return False
+def _mod_2pi(angle: float, atol: float = 0):
+    """Wrap angle into interval [-π,π). If within atol of the endpoint, clamp to -π"""
+    wrapped = (angle + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
+    if abs(wrapped - np.pi) < atol:
+        wrapped = -np.pi
+    return wrapped

From d169e7291e8c37e93f0a83362c60877b028b3b8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2023 10:13:33 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 08/17] Removed the conflicting files

 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/   | 155 ----------
 .../scheduling/alignments/   | 256 ----------------
 .../passes/scheduling/ | 276 ------------------
 3 files changed, 687 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/

diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ee0f4988b4a..000000000000
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# This code is part of Qiskit.
-# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
-# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
-# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
-# of this source tree or at
-# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
-# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
-# that they have been altered from the originals.
-"""ALAP Scheduling."""
-from qiskit.circuit import Delay, Qubit, Measure
-from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit
-from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
-from .base_scheduler import BaseSchedulerTransform
-class ALAPSchedule(BaseSchedulerTransform):
-    """ALAP Scheduling pass, which schedules the **stop** time of instructions as late as possible.
-    See :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.scheduling.base_scheduler.BaseSchedulerTransform` for the
-    detailed behavior of the control flow operation, i.e. ``c_if``.
-    """
-    @deprecate_func(
-        additional_msg=(
-            "Instead, use :class:`~.ALAPScheduleAnalysis`, which is an "
-            "analysis pass that requires a padding pass to later modify the circuit."
-        ),
-        since="0.21.0",
-        pending=True,
-    )
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    def run(self, dag):
-        """Run the ALAPSchedule pass on `dag`.
-        Args:
-            dag (DAGCircuit): DAG to schedule.
-        Returns:
-            DAGCircuit: A scheduled DAG.
-        Raises:
-            TranspilerError: if the circuit is not mapped on physical qubits.
-            TranspilerError: if conditional bit is added to non-supported instruction.
-        """
-        if len(dag.qregs) != 1 or dag.qregs.get("q", None) is None:
-            raise TranspilerError("ALAP schedule runs on physical circuits only")
-        time_unit = self.property_set["time_unit"]
-        new_dag = DAGCircuit()
-        for qreg in dag.qregs.values():
-            new_dag.add_qreg(qreg)
-        for creg in dag.cregs.values():
-            new_dag.add_creg(creg)
-        idle_before = {q: 0 for q in dag.qubits + dag.clbits}
-        for node in reversed(list(dag.topological_op_nodes())):
-            op_duration = self._get_node_duration(node, dag)
-            # compute t0, t1: instruction interval, note that
-            # t0: start time of instruction
-            # t1: end time of instruction
-            # since this is alap scheduling, node is scheduled in reversed topological ordering
-            # and nodes are packed from the very end of the circuit.
-            # the physical meaning of t0 and t1 is flipped here.
-            if isinstance(node.op, self.CONDITIONAL_SUPPORTED):
-                t0q = max(idle_before[q] for q in node.qargs)
-                if node.op.condition_bits:
-                    # conditional is bit tricky due to conditional_latency
-                    t0c = max(idle_before[c] for c in node.op.condition_bits)
-                    # Assume following case (t0c > t0q):
-                    #
-                    #                |t0q
-                    # Q ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒
-                    # C ░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    #           |t0c
-                    #
-                    # In this case, there is no actual clbit read before gate.
-                    #
-                    #             |t0q' = t0c - conditional_latency
-                    # Q ░░░░░░░░▒▒▒░░▒▒▒
-                    # C ░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    #         |t1c' = t0c + conditional_latency
-                    #
-                    # rather than naively doing
-                    #
-                    #        |t1q' = t0c + duration
-                    # Q ░░░░░▒▒▒░░░░░▒▒▒
-                    # C ░░▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    #     |t1c' = t0c + duration + conditional_latency
-                    #
-                    t0 = max(t0q, t0c - op_duration)
-                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
-                    for clbit in node.op.condition_bits:
-                        idle_before[clbit] = t1 + self.conditional_latency
-                else:
-                    t0 = t0q
-                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
-            else:
-                if node.op.condition_bits:
-                    raise TranspilerError(
-                        f"Conditional instruction {} is not supported in ALAP scheduler."
-                    )
-                if isinstance(node.op, Measure):
-                    # clbit time is always right (alap) justified
-                    t0 = max(idle_before[bit] for bit in node.qargs + node.cargs)
-                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
-                    #
-                    #        |t1 = t0 + duration
-                    # Q ░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    # C ░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
-                    #            |t0 + (duration - clbit_write_latency)
-                    #
-                    for clbit in node.cargs:
-                        idle_before[clbit] = t0 + (op_duration - self.clbit_write_latency)
-                else:
-                    # It happens to be directives such as barrier
-                    t0 = max(idle_before[bit] for bit in node.qargs + node.cargs)
-                    t1 = t0 + op_duration
-            for bit in node.qargs:
-                delta = t0 - idle_before[bit]
-                if delta > 0 and self._delay_supported(dag.find_bit(bit).index):
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_front(Delay(delta, time_unit), [bit], [], check=False)
-                idle_before[bit] = t1
-            new_dag.apply_operation_front(node.op, node.qargs, node.cargs, check=False)
-        circuit_duration = max(idle_before.values())
-        for bit, before in idle_before.items():
-            delta = circuit_duration - before
-            if not (delta > 0 and isinstance(bit, Qubit)):
-                continue
-            if self._delay_supported(dag.find_bit(bit).index):
-                new_dag.apply_operation_front(Delay(delta, time_unit), [bit], [], check=False)
- =
-        new_dag.metadata = dag.metadata
-        new_dag.calibrations = dag.calibrations
-        # set circuit duration and unit to indicate it is scheduled
-        new_dag.duration = circuit_duration
-        new_dag.unit = time_unit
-        return new_dag
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
deleted file mode 100644
index 668d65f6abd5..000000000000
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-# This code is part of Qiskit.
-# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
-# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
-# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
-# of this source tree or at
-# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
-# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
-# that they have been altered from the originals.
-"""Align measurement instructions."""
-from __future__ import annotations
-import itertools
-import warnings
-from collections import defaultdict
-from import Iterable
-from typing import Type
-from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import ClbitSpecifier, QubitSpecifier
-from qiskit.circuit.delay import Delay
-from qiskit.circuit.measure import Measure
-from qiskit.circuit.parameterexpression import ParameterExpression
-from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit
-from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import TransformationPass
-from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
-class AlignMeasures(TransformationPass):
-    """Measurement alignment.
-    This is a control electronics aware optimization pass.
-    In many quantum computing architectures gates (instructions) are implemented with
-    shaped analog stimulus signals. These signals are digitally stored in the
-    waveform memory of the control electronics and converted into analog voltage signals
-    by electronic components called digital to analog converters (DAC).
-    In a typical hardware implementation of superconducting quantum processors,
-    a single qubit instruction is implemented by a
-    microwave signal with the duration of around several tens of ns with a per-sample
-    time resolution of ~0.1-10ns, as reported by ``backend.configuration().dt``.
-    In such systems requiring higher DAC bandwidth, control electronics often
-    defines a `pulse granularity`, in other words a data chunk, to allow the DAC to
-    perform the signal conversion in parallel to gain the bandwidth.
-    Measurement alignment is required if a backend only allows triggering ``measure``
-    instructions at a certain multiple value of this pulse granularity.
-    This value is usually provided by ``backend.configuration().timing_constraints``.
-    In Qiskit SDK, the duration of delay can take arbitrary value in units of ``dt``,
-    thus circuits involving delays may violate the above alignment constraint (i.e. misalignment).
-    This pass shifts measurement instructions to a new time position to fix the misalignment,
-    by inserting extra delay right before the measure instructions.
-    The input of this pass should be scheduled :class:`~qiskit.dagcircuit.DAGCircuit`,
-    thus one should select one of the scheduling passes
-    (:class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.ALAPSchedule` or
-    :class:`~qiskit.trasnpiler.passes.ASAPSchedule`) before calling this.
-    Examples:
-        We assume executing the following circuit on a backend with ``alignment=16``.
-        .. parsed-literal::
-                 ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-            q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤M├
-                 └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-            c: 1/════════════════════════╩═
-                                         0
-        Note that delay of 100 dt induces a misalignment of 4 dt at the measurement.
-        This pass appends an extra 12 dt time shift to the input circuit.
-        .. parsed-literal::
-                 ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┐
-            q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(112[dt]) ├┤M├
-                 └───┘└────────────────┘└╥┘
-            c: 1/════════════════════════╩═
-                                         0
-        This pass always inserts a positive delay before measurements
-        rather than reducing other delays.
-    Notes:
-        The Backend may allow users to execute circuits violating the alignment constraint.
-        However, it may return meaningless measurement data mainly due to the phase error.
-    """
-    @deprecate_func(
-        additional_msg=(
-            "Instead, use :class:`~.ConstrainedReschedule`, which performs the same function "
-            "but also supports aligning to additional timing constraints."
-        ),
-        since="0.21.0",
-        pending=True,
-    )
-    def __init__(self, alignment: int = 1):
-        """Create new pass.
-        Args:
-            alignment: Integer number representing the minimum time resolution to
-                trigger measure instruction in units of ``dt``. This value depends on
-                the control electronics of your quantum processor.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self.alignment = alignment
-    def run(self, dag: DAGCircuit):
-        """Run the measurement alignment pass on `dag`.
-        Args:
-            dag (DAGCircuit): DAG to be checked.
-        Returns:
-            DAGCircuit: DAG with consistent timing and op nodes annotated with duration.
-        Raises:
-            TranspilerError: If circuit is not scheduled.
-        """
-        time_unit = self.property_set["time_unit"]
-        if not _check_alignment_required(dag, self.alignment, Measure):
-            # return input as-is to avoid unnecessary scheduling.
-            # because following procedure regenerate new DAGCircuit,
-            # we should avoid continuing if not necessary from performance viewpoint.
-            return dag
-        # if circuit is not yet scheduled, schedule with ALAP method
-        if dag.duration is None:
-            raise TranspilerError(
-                f"This circuit {} may involve a delay instruction violating the "
-                "pulse controller alignment. To adjust instructions to "
-                "right timing, you should call one of scheduling passes first. "
-                "This is usually done by calling transpiler with scheduling_method='alap'."
-            )
-        # the following lines are basically copied from ASAPSchedule pass
-        #
-        # * some validations for non-scheduled nodes are dropped, since we assume scheduled input
-        # * pad_with_delay is called only with non-delay node to avoid consecutive delay
-        new_dag = dag.copy_empty_like()
-        qubit_time_available: dict[QubitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(int)  # to track op start time
-        qubit_stop_times: dict[QubitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(
-            int
-        )  # to track delay start time for padding
-        clbit_readable: dict[ClbitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(int)
-        clbit_writeable: dict[ClbitSpecifier, int] = defaultdict(int)
-        def pad_with_delays(qubits: Iterable[QubitSpecifier], until, unit) -> None:
-            """Pad idle time-slots in ``qubits`` with delays in ``unit`` until ``until``."""
-            for q in qubits:
-                if qubit_stop_times[q] < until:
-                    idle_duration = until - qubit_stop_times[q]
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(Delay(idle_duration, unit), (q,), check=False)
-        for node in dag.topological_op_nodes():
-            # choose appropriate clbit available time depending on op
-            clbit_time_available = (
-                clbit_writeable if isinstance(node.op, Measure) else clbit_readable
-            )
-            # correction to change clbit start time to qubit start time
-            delta = node.op.duration if isinstance(node.op, Measure) else 0
-            start_time = max(
-                itertools.chain(
-                    (qubit_time_available[q] for q in node.qargs),
-                    (
-                        clbit_time_available[c] - delta
-                        for c in node.cargs + tuple(node.op.condition_bits)
-                    ),
-                )
-            )
-            if isinstance(node.op, Measure):
-                if start_time % self.alignment != 0:
-                    start_time = ((start_time // self.alignment) + 1) * self.alignment
-            if not isinstance(node.op, Delay):  # exclude delays for combining consecutive delays
-                pad_with_delays(node.qargs, until=start_time, unit=time_unit)
-                new_dag.apply_operation_back(node.op, node.qargs, node.cargs, check=False)
-            stop_time = start_time + node.op.duration
-            # update time table
-            for q in node.qargs:
-                qubit_time_available[q] = stop_time
-                if not isinstance(node.op, Delay):
-                    qubit_stop_times[q] = stop_time
-            for c in node.cargs:  # measure
-                clbit_writeable[c] = clbit_readable[c] = stop_time
-            for c in node.op.condition_bits:  # conditional op
-                clbit_writeable[c] = max(start_time, clbit_writeable[c])
-        working_qubits = qubit_time_available.keys()
-        circuit_duration = max(qubit_time_available[q] for q in working_qubits)
-        pad_with_delays(new_dag.qubits, until=circuit_duration, unit=time_unit)
- =
-        new_dag.metadata = dag.metadata
-        # set circuit duration and unit to indicate it is scheduled
-        new_dag.duration = circuit_duration
-        new_dag.unit = time_unit
-        return new_dag
-def _check_alignment_required(
-    dag: DAGCircuit,
-    alignment: int,
-    instructions: Type | list[Type],
-) -> bool:
-    """Check DAG nodes and return a boolean representing if instruction scheduling is necessary.
-    Args:
-        dag: DAG circuit to check.
-        alignment: Instruction alignment condition.
-        instructions: Target instructions.
-    Returns:
-        If instruction scheduling is necessary.
-    """
-    if not isinstance(instructions, list):
-        instructions = [instructions]
-    if alignment == 1:
-        # disable alignment if arbitrary t0 value can be used
-        return False
-    if all(len(dag.op_nodes(inst)) == 0 for inst in instructions):
-        # disable alignment if target instruction is not involved
-        return False
-    # check delay durations
-    for delay_node in dag.op_nodes(Delay):
-        duration = delay_node.op.duration
-        if isinstance(duration, ParameterExpression):
-            # duration is parametrized:
-            # raise user warning if backend alignment is not 1.
-            warnings.warn(
-                f"Parametrized delay with {repr(duration)} is found in circuit {}. "
-                f"This backend requires alignment={alignment}. "
-                "Please make sure all assigned values are multiple values of the alignment.",
-                UserWarning,
-            )
-        else:
-            # duration is bound:
-            # check duration and trigger alignment if it violates constraint
-            if duration % alignment != 0:
-                return True
-    # disable alignment if all delays are multiple values of the alignment
-    return False
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e5245b2e3fc..000000000000
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-# This code is part of Qiskit.
-# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
-# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
-# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
-# of this source tree or at
-# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
-# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
-# that they have been altered from the originals.
-"""Dynamical Decoupling insertion pass."""
-import itertools
-import numpy as np
-from qiskit.circuit import Gate, Delay, Reset
-from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import IGate, UGate, U3Gate
-from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGOpNode, DAGInNode
-from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.predicates import matrix_equal
-from qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis import OneQubitEulerDecomposer
-from qiskit.transpiler.passes.optimization import Optimize1qGates
-from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import TransformationPass
-from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
-from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
-class DynamicalDecoupling(TransformationPass):
-    """Dynamical decoupling insertion pass.
-    This pass works on a scheduled, physical circuit. It scans the circuit for
-    idle periods of time (i.e. those containing delay instructions) and inserts
-    a DD sequence of gates in those spots. These gates amount to the identity,
-    so do not alter the logical action of the circuit, but have the effect of
-    mitigating decoherence in those idle periods.
-    As a special case, the pass allows a length-1 sequence (e.g. [XGate()]).
-    In this case the DD insertion happens only when the gate inverse can be
-    absorbed into a neighboring gate in the circuit (so we would still be
-    replacing Delay with something that is equivalent to the identity).
-    This can be used, for instance, as a Hahn echo.
-    This pass ensures that the inserted sequence preserves the circuit exactly
-    (including global phase).
-    .. plot::
-       :include-source:
-        import numpy as np
-        from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
-        from qiskit.circuit.library import XGate
-        from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager, InstructionDurations
-        from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ALAPSchedule, DynamicalDecoupling
-        from qiskit.visualization import timeline_drawer
-        circ = QuantumCircuit(4)
-        circ.h(0)
-, 1)
-, 2)
-, 3)
-        circ.measure_all()
-        durations = InstructionDurations(
-            [("h", 0, 50), ("cx", [0, 1], 700), ("reset", None, 10),
-             ("cx", [1, 2], 200), ("cx", [2, 3], 300),
-             ("x", None, 50), ("measure", None, 1000)]
-        )
-        # balanced X-X sequence on all qubits
-        dd_sequence = [XGate(), XGate()]
-        pm = PassManager([ALAPSchedule(durations),
-                          DynamicalDecoupling(durations, dd_sequence)])
-        circ_dd =
-        timeline_drawer(circ_dd)
-        # Uhrig sequence on qubit 0
-        n = 8
-        dd_sequence = [XGate()] * n
-        def uhrig_pulse_location(k):
-            return np.sin(np.pi * (k + 1) / (2 * n + 2)) ** 2
-        spacing = []
-        for k in range(n):
-            spacing.append(uhrig_pulse_location(k) - sum(spacing))
-        spacing.append(1 - sum(spacing))
-        pm = PassManager(
-            [
-                ALAPSchedule(durations),
-                DynamicalDecoupling(durations, dd_sequence, qubits=[0], spacing=spacing),
-            ]
-        )
-        circ_dd =
-        timeline_drawer(circ_dd)
-    """
-    @deprecate_func(
-        additional_msg=(
-            "Instead, use :class:`~.PadDynamicalDecoupling`, which performs the same "
-            "function but requires scheduling and alignment analysis passes to run prior to it."
-        ),
-        since="0.21.0",
-        pending=True,
-    )
-    def __init__(
-        self, durations, dd_sequence, qubits=None, spacing=None, skip_reset_qubits=True, target=None
-    ):
-        """Dynamical decoupling initializer.
-        Args:
-            durations (InstructionDurations): Durations of instructions to be
-                used in scheduling.
-            dd_sequence (list[Gate]): sequence of gates to apply in idle spots.
-            qubits (list[int]): physical qubits on which to apply DD.
-                If None, all qubits will undergo DD (when possible).
-            spacing (list[float]): a list of spacings between the DD gates.
-                The available slack will be divided according to this.
-                The list length must be one more than the length of dd_sequence,
-                and the elements must sum to 1. If None, a balanced spacing
-                will be used [d/2, d, d, ..., d, d, d/2].
-            skip_reset_qubits (bool): if True, does not insert DD on idle
-                periods that immediately follow initialized/reset qubits (as
-                qubits in the ground state are less susceptile to decoherence).
-            target (Target): The :class:`~.Target` representing the target backend, if both
-                  ``durations`` and this are specified then this argument will take
-                  precedence and ``durations`` will be ignored.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self._durations = durations
-        self._dd_sequence = dd_sequence
-        self._qubits = qubits
-        self._spacing = spacing
-        self._skip_reset_qubits = skip_reset_qubits
-        self._target = target
-        if target is not None:
-            self._durations = target.durations()
-            for gate in dd_sequence:
-                if not in target.operation_names:
-                    raise TranspilerError(
-                        f"{} in dd_sequence is not supported in the target"
-                    )
-    def run(self, dag):
-        """Run the DynamicalDecoupling pass on dag.
-        Args:
-            dag (DAGCircuit): a scheduled DAG.
-        Returns:
-            DAGCircuit: equivalent circuit with delays interrupted by DD,
-                where possible.
-        Raises:
-            TranspilerError: if the circuit is not mapped on physical qubits.
-        """
-        if len(dag.qregs) != 1 or dag.qregs.get("q", None) is None:
-            raise TranspilerError("DD runs on physical circuits only.")
-        if dag.duration is None:
-            raise TranspilerError("DD runs after circuit is scheduled.")
-        num_pulses = len(self._dd_sequence)
-        sequence_gphase = 0
-        if num_pulses != 1:
-            if num_pulses % 2 != 0:
-                raise TranspilerError("DD sequence must contain an even number of gates (or 1).")
-            noop = np.eye(2)
-            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
-                noop =
-            if not matrix_equal(noop, IGate().to_matrix(), ignore_phase=True):
-                raise TranspilerError("The DD sequence does not make an identity operation.")
-            sequence_gphase = np.angle(noop[0][0])
-        if self._qubits is None:
-            self._qubits = set(range(dag.num_qubits()))
-        else:
-            self._qubits = set(self._qubits)
-        if self._spacing:
-            if sum(self._spacing) != 1 or any(a < 0 for a in self._spacing):
-                raise TranspilerError(
-                    "The spacings must be given in terms of fractions "
-                    "of the slack period and sum to 1."
-                )
-        else:  # default to balanced spacing
-            mid = 1 / num_pulses
-            end = mid / 2
-            self._spacing = [end] + [mid] * (num_pulses - 1) + [end]
-        for qarg in list(self._qubits):
-            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
-                if not self.__gate_supported(gate, qarg):
-                    self._qubits.discard(qarg)
-                    break
-        index_sequence_duration_map = {}
-        for physical_qubit in self._qubits:
-            dd_sequence_duration = 0
-            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
-                gate.duration = self._durations.get(gate, physical_qubit)
-                dd_sequence_duration += gate.duration
-            index_sequence_duration_map[physical_qubit] = dd_sequence_duration
-        new_dag = dag.copy_empty_like()
-        for nd in dag.topological_op_nodes():
-            if not isinstance(nd.op, Delay):
-                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs, check=False)
-                continue
-            dag_qubit = nd.qargs[0]
-            physical_qubit = dag.find_bit(dag_qubit).index
-            if physical_qubit not in self._qubits:  # skip unwanted qubits
-                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs, check=False)
-                continue
-            pred = next(dag.predecessors(nd))
-            succ = next(dag.successors(nd))
-            if self._skip_reset_qubits:  # discount initial delays
-                if isinstance(pred, DAGInNode) or isinstance(pred.op, Reset):
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs, check=False)
-                    continue
-            dd_sequence_duration = index_sequence_duration_map[physical_qubit]
-            slack = nd.op.duration - dd_sequence_duration
-            if slack <= 0:  # dd doesn't fit
-                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs, check=False)
-                continue
-            if num_pulses == 1:  # special case of using a single gate for DD
-                u_inv = self._dd_sequence[0].inverse().to_matrix()
-                theta, phi, lam, phase = OneQubitEulerDecomposer().angles_and_phase(u_inv)
-                # absorb the inverse into the successor (from left in circuit)
-                if isinstance(succ, DAGOpNode) and isinstance(succ.op, (UGate, U3Gate)):
-                    theta_r, phi_r, lam_r = succ.op.params
-                    succ.op.params = Optimize1qGates.compose_u3(
-                        theta_r, phi_r, lam_r, theta, phi, lam
-                    )
-                    sequence_gphase += phase
-                # absorb the inverse into the predecessor (from right in circuit)
-                elif isinstance(pred, DAGOpNode) and isinstance(pred.op, (UGate, U3Gate)):
-                    theta_l, phi_l, lam_l = pred.op.params
-                    pred.op.params = Optimize1qGates.compose_u3(
-                        theta, phi, lam, theta_l, phi_l, lam_l
-                    )
-                    sequence_gphase += phase
-                # don't do anything if there's no single-qubit gate to absorb the inverse
-                else:
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs, check=False)
-                    continue
-            # insert the actual DD sequence
-            taus = [int(slack * a) for a in self._spacing]
-            unused_slack = slack - sum(taus)  # unused, due to rounding to int multiples of dt
-            middle_index = int((len(taus) - 1) / 2)  # arbitrary: redistribute to middle
-            taus[middle_index] += unused_slack  # now we add up to original delay duration
-            for tau, gate in itertools.zip_longest(taus, self._dd_sequence):
-                if tau > 0:
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(Delay(tau), [dag_qubit], check=False)
-                if gate is not None:
-                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(gate, [dag_qubit], check=False)
-            new_dag.global_phase = _mod_2pi(new_dag.global_phase + sequence_gphase)
-        return new_dag
-    def __gate_supported(self, gate: Gate, qarg: int) -> bool:
-        """A gate is supported on the qubit (qarg) or not."""
-        if self._target is None or self._target.instruction_supported(, qargs=(qarg,)):
-            return True
-        return False
-def _mod_2pi(angle: float, atol: float = 0):
-    """Wrap angle into interval [-π,π). If within atol of the endpoint, clamp to -π"""
-    wrapped = (angle + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
-    if abs(wrapped - np.pi) < atol:
-        wrapped = -np.pi
-    return wrapped

From 79aa95e9f780010ad3a38905a3782990131b8a88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 23:19:55 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 09/17] Added conflicting file but with no code

 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/                      | 0
 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/ | 0
 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/      | 0
 3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
 create mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
 create mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/

diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e69de29bb2d1
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e69de29bb2d1
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e69de29bb2d1

From a2b745e4710e0f68859f16a9a6cfacc046ffd418 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 23:44:32 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 10/17] Align measure class file

 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/ | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/

diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1..000000000000

From 2eb2d256c01611f0052526a2d8b8949ea7c997c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 23:50:06 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 11/17] Removed alap dynamical coupling class

 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/                 | 0
 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ | 0
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/

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deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1..000000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1..000000000000

From f249e6a2b844bf3f6bc060c7206e93c2e36332a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 10:33:17 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 12/17] Resolving colflict with dynamical coupling

 .../passes/scheduling/        | 12 ++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/

diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5766cbe7ca1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This code is part of Qiskit.
+# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
+# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
+# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
+# of this source tree or at
+# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
+# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
+# that they have been altered from the originals.

From c46e974c5bcb987f72d16589526161c793aff847 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 10:35:10 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 13/17] Deleted dynamical coupling

 .../passes/scheduling/        | 12 ------------
 1 file changed, 12 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/

diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5766cbe7ca1b..000000000000
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# This code is part of Qiskit.
-# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
-# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
-# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
-# of this source tree or at
-# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
-# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
-# that they have been altered from the originals.

From f91648bd11aedb280a0cac5546f15b285338932a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raghav-Bell <>
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2023 12:58:43 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 14/17] Fixed release note.

 ...oved_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml | 51 ++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml
index e879ef4968fb..5f6fb2dac798 100644
--- a/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml
@@ -1,35 +1,52 @@
   - |
-    Deprecated code and tests in 0.21 are removed.
-    :func:`~qiskit.execute_function.execute` doesn't support
-    `qobj_id` and `qobj_header` arguments.
+    The function :func:`~qiskit.execute_function.execute`
+    does not accept the arguments `qobj_id` and  `qobj_header` any more.
+    Their use was deprecated in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.    
   - |
-    :class:`.transpiler.passes.ALAPSchedule` is removed instead
-    use :class:`.transpiler.passes.ALAPScheduleAnalysis`.
+    The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.ALAPSchedule`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
+    in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022 and replaced by 
+    :class:`~.transpiler.passes.ALAPScheduleAnalysis`, which is an
+    analysis pass.
   - |
-    :class:`.transpiler.passes.ASAPSchedule` is removed instead
-    use :class:`.transpiler.passes.ASAPScheduleAnalysis`.
+    The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.ASAPSchedule`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
+    in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022. It has been superseded by
+    :class:`~.ASAPScheduleAnalysis` and the new scheduling workflow.
   - |
-    :class:`.transpiler.passes.DynamicalDecoupling` is removed instead
-    use :class:`.transpiler.passes.PadDynamicalDecoupling`.
+    The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.DynamicalDecoupling`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
+    in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.
+    Instead, use :class:`~.transpiler.passes.PadDynamicalDecoupling`, which performs the same
+    function but requires scheduling and alignment analysis passes to run prior to it.
   - |
-    :class:`.transpiler.passes.AlignMeasures` is removed instead
-    use :class:`.transpiler.passes.ConstrainedReschedule`.
+    The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.AlignMeasures`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
+    in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.
+    Instead, use :class:`~.ConstrainedReschedule`, which performs the same function 
+    and also supports aligning to additional timing constraints.
   - |
-    :class:`.transpiler.passes.CXDirection` is removed instead
-    use generic :class:`.transpiler.passes.GateDirection`.
+    The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.CXDirection`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
+    in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.
+    Instead, use the more generic :class:`~.GateDirection` pass.
   - |
-    :class:`.transpiler.passes.CheckCXDirection` is removed instead
-    use generic :class:`.transpiler.passes.CheckGateDirection`.
+    The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.CheckCXDirection`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
+    in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.
+    Instead, use the more generic :class:`~.CheckGateDirection` pass.
   - |
-    :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignmentKind`, `.pulse.transforms.AlignEquispaced`,
-    and :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignFunc` don't support :meth:`to_dict`.
+    The methods ``to_dict`` in the classes :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignmentKind`,
+    `.pulse.transforms.AlignEquispaced`, and :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignFunc` are removed.
+    They were deprecated 
+    in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.
+  - |
+    The argument ``circuits`` in the method :meth:`qiskit.qpy.interface.dump`
+    is removed as its usage was deprecated 
+    in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.
+    Instead, use the argument ``programs``, which behaves identically.

From 267a43de6f769bbe9bb11e39567a41995a480ffb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Luciano Bello <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 12:48:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 15/17] Apply suggestions from code review

 qiskit/                                | 1 -
 qiskit/transpiler/passes/                      | 1 -
 qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/           | 1 -
 .../notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml   | 8 --------
 4 files changed, 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/qiskit/ b/qiskit/
index b7f747331069..b9dcb41118a1 100644
--- a/qiskit/
+++ b/qiskit/
@@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ def execute(
             job = execute(qc, backend, shots=4321)
     if isinstance(experiments, (Schedule, ScheduleBlock)) or (
         isinstance(experiments, list) and isinstance(experiments[0], (Schedule, ScheduleBlock))
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/
index f081ed379798..f461f335373e 100644
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/
+++ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/
@@ -117,7 +117,6 @@
 Circuit Analysis
diff --git a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
index 4f217f9fd531..69485e88e4cf 100644
--- a/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
+++ b/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 """Module containing circuit scheduling passes."""
 from .scheduling import ALAPScheduleAnalysis, ASAPScheduleAnalysis, SetIOLatency
 from .time_unit_conversion import TimeUnitConversion
 from .padding import PadDelay, PadDynamicalDecoupling
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml
index 5f6fb2dac798..5f609ad91b89 100644
--- a/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/removed_deprecated_0.21-6c93f7bbc50ae40e.yaml
@@ -4,46 +4,38 @@ upgrade:
     The function :func:`~qiskit.execute_function.execute`
     does not accept the arguments `qobj_id` and  `qobj_header` any more.
     Their use was deprecated in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.    
   - |
     The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.ALAPSchedule`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
     in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022 and replaced by 
     :class:`~.transpiler.passes.ALAPScheduleAnalysis`, which is an
     analysis pass.
   - |
     The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.ASAPSchedule`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
     in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022. It has been superseded by
     :class:`~.ASAPScheduleAnalysis` and the new scheduling workflow.
   - |
     The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.DynamicalDecoupling`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
     in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.
     Instead, use :class:`~.transpiler.passes.PadDynamicalDecoupling`, which performs the same
     function but requires scheduling and alignment analysis passes to run prior to it.
   - |
     The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.AlignMeasures`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
     in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.
     Instead, use :class:`~.ConstrainedReschedule`, which performs the same function 
     and also supports aligning to additional timing constraints.
   - |
     The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.CXDirection`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
     in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.
     Instead, use the more generic :class:`~.GateDirection` pass.
   - |
     The transpilation pass ``qiskit.transpiler.passes.CheckCXDirection`` is removed. It use was deprecated 
     in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.
     Instead, use the more generic :class:`~.CheckGateDirection` pass.
   - |
     The methods ``to_dict`` in the classes :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignmentKind`,
     `.pulse.transforms.AlignEquispaced`, and :class:`.pulse.transforms.AlignFunc` are removed.
     They were deprecated 
     in Qiskit 0.37 (with Terra 0.21), released on June 2022.
   - |
     The argument ``circuits`` in the method :meth:`qiskit.qpy.interface.dump`
     is removed as its usage was deprecated 

From d95b3a2947aec5d92344c14bd256d9a7461f87e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Luciano Bello <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 12:48:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 16/17] Update qiskit/

 qiskit/ | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/qiskit/ b/qiskit/
index b9dcb41118a1..c50b6dcf2a50 100644
--- a/qiskit/
+++ b/qiskit/
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 from qiskit.pulse import Schedule, ScheduleBlock
 from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

From bb1ddf578e956ef770ac059a410dcb8076452b90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Luciano Bello <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 13:00:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 17/17] recover benchmark test

 test/benchmarks/ | 122 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 121 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/test/benchmarks/ b/test/benchmarks/
index baa7105ffbad..a4c25dc46bcb 100644
--- a/test/benchmarks/
+++ b/test/benchmarks/
@@ -13,8 +13,19 @@
 # pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring
 # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
+from qiskit import transpile
+from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import XGate
+from qiskit.transpiler import CouplingMap, PassManager
+from qiskit.transpiler import InstructionDurations
+from qiskit.transpiler.passes import (
+    TimeUnitConversion,
+    ASAPScheduleAnalysis,
+    ALAPScheduleAnalysis,
+    PadDynamicalDecoupling,
+from qiskit.converters import circuit_to_dag
-from qiskit.transpiler.passes import TimeUnitConversion
+from .utils import random_circuit
 class SchedulingPassBenchmarks:
@@ -23,5 +34,114 @@ class SchedulingPassBenchmarks:
     param_names = ["n_qubits", "depth"]
     timeout = 300
+    def setup(self, n_qubits, depth):
+        seed = 42
+        self.circuit = random_circuit(
+            n_qubits, depth, measure=True, conditional=True, reset=True, seed=seed, max_operands=2
+        )
+        self.basis_gates = ["rz", "sx", "x", "cx", "id", "reset"]
+        self.cmap = [
+            [0, 1],
+            [1, 0],
+            [1, 2],
+            [1, 6],
+            [2, 1],
+            [2, 3],
+            [3, 2],
+            [3, 4],
+            [3, 8],
+            [4, 3],
+            [5, 6],
+            [5, 10],
+            [6, 1],
+            [6, 5],
+            [6, 7],
+            [7, 6],
+            [7, 8],
+            [7, 12],
+            [8, 3],
+            [8, 7],
+            [8, 9],
+            [9, 8],
+            [9, 14],
+            [10, 5],
+            [10, 11],
+            [11, 10],
+            [11, 12],
+            [11, 16],
+            [12, 7],
+            [12, 11],
+            [12, 13],
+            [13, 12],
+            [13, 14],
+            [13, 18],
+            [14, 9],
+            [14, 13],
+            [15, 16],
+            [16, 11],
+            [16, 15],
+            [16, 17],
+            [17, 16],
+            [17, 18],
+            [18, 13],
+            [18, 17],
+            [18, 19],
+            [19, 18],
+        ]
+        self.coupling_map = CouplingMap(self.cmap)
+        self.transpiled_circuit = transpile(
+            self.circuit,
+            basis_gates=self.basis_gates,
+            coupling_map=self.coupling_map,
+            optimization_level=1,
+        )
+        self.dag = circuit_to_dag(self.transpiled_circuit)
+        self.durations = InstructionDurations(
+            [
+                ("rz", None, 0),
+                ("id", None, 160),
+                ("sx", None, 160),
+                ("x", None, 160),
+                ("cx", None, 800),
+                ("measure", None, 3200),
+                ("reset", None, 3600),
+            ],
+            dt=1e-9,
+        )
+        self.timed_dag = TimeUnitConversion(self.durations).run(self.dag)
+        dd_sequence = [XGate(), XGate()]
+        pm = PassManager(
+            [
+                ALAPScheduleAnalysis(self.durations),
+                PadDynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence),
+            ]
+        )
+        self.scheduled_dag =
     def time_time_unit_conversion_pass(self, _, __):
+    def time_alap_schedule_pass(self, _, __):
+        dd_sequence = [XGate(), XGate()]
+        pm = PassManager(
+            [
+                ALAPScheduleAnalysis(self.durations),
+                PadDynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence),
+            ]
+        )
+    def time_asap_schedule_pass(self, _, __):
+        dd_sequence = [XGate(), XGate()]
+        pm = PassManager(
+            [
+                ASAPScheduleAnalysis(self.durations),
+                PadDynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence),
+            ]
+        )
+    def time_dynamical_decoupling_pass(self, _, __):
+        PadDynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence=[XGate(), XGate()]).run(
+            self.scheduled_dag
+        )