diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index 84c64d5..086a32e 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
 YaoHIR = "6769671a-fce8-4286-b3f7-6099e1b1298a"
 YaoLocations = "66df03fb-d475-48f7-b449-3d9064bf085b"
-Karnak = "cd156443-31ad-4f6f-850f-a93ee5f75905"
-CairoMakie = ""
 Expronicon = "0.10.3"
 Graphs = "1"
@@ -27,7 +23,6 @@ OMEinsum = "0.7"
 YaoHIR = "0.2"
 YaoLocations = "0.1"
 julia = "1.9"
-Karnak = "1.0.0"
 Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
diff --git a/src/Utils/plot.jl b/src/Utils/plot.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 35e3243..0000000
--- a/src/Utils/plot.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-using ZXCalculus
-using Karnak
-using Graphs
-using Multigraphs: adjacency_matrix
-using NetworkLayout
-using Colors
-using MLStyle
-using YaoPlots
-using Yao
-using CairoMakie
-function simplify!(rule, cir)
-    match_pos = match(rule, circ)
-    rewrite!(rule, cir, match_id)
-function drawZXWDiagram(zxwd::ZXWDiagram)
-    g = zxwd.mg
-    vertexlabels = Vector{String}(undef, nv(zxwd.mg))
-    for (idx, vtx) in zxwd.st
-        vertexlabels[idx] = string(vtx)[15:end]
-    end
-    vertexfillcolors = Vector{RGB}(undef, nv(zxwd.mg))
-    green = RGB(0, 1, 0)
-    red = RGB(1, 0, 0)
-    yellow = RGB(1, 1, 0)
-    black = RGB(0, 0, 0)
-    white = RGB(1, 1, 1)
-    for (idx, v) in zxwd.st
-        curcolor = @match v begin
-            X(_) => red
-            Z(_) => green
-            D => yellow
-            H => yellow
-            W => black
-            _ => white
-        end
-        vertexfillcolors[idx] = curcolor
-    end
-    initialpos, pin = Dict(), Dict()
-    for (idx, input) in enumerate(zxwd.inputs)
-        initialpos[input] = (-2, idx)
-        pin[input] = (true, true)
-    end
-    for (idx, output) in enumerate(zxwd.outputs)
-        initialpos[output] = (nv(zxwd.mg) / length(zxwd.inputs), idx)
-        pin[output] = (true, true)
-    end
-    layout = SFDP(; initialpos = initialpos, pin = pin)
-    @drawsvg begin
-        background("black")
-        sethue("grey40")
-        fontsize(8)
-        drawgraph(
-            g,
-            layout = layout,
-            vertexlabels = vertexlabels,
-            vertexfillcolors = vertexfillcolors,
-        )
-    end 600 400
diff --git a/test/plot.jl b/test/plot.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 44ef1cb..0000000
--- a/test/plot.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-# bring in includes
-function yao_circ()
-    return chain(
-        5,
-        put(5, 5 => Rx(π)),
-        put(5, 5 => Yao.H),
-        put(5, 5 => Rz(0)),
-        cnot(5, 5, 4),
-        put(5, 5 => Rz(7 * π / 4)),
-        cnot(5, 5, 1),
-        put(5, 5 => Rz(π / 4)),
-        cnot(5, 5, 4),
-        put(5, 4 => Rz(π / 4)),
-        put(5, 4 => Rz(7 * π / 4)),
-        cnot(5, 5, 1),
-        cnot(5, 4, 1),
-        put(5, 5 => Rz(π / 4)),
-        put(5, 1 => Rz(π / 4)),
-        put(5, 4 => Rz(π / 4)),
-        cnot(5, 4, 1),
-        cnot(5, 5, 4),
-        put(5, 5 => Rz(7 * π / 4)),
-        cnot(5, 5, 3),
-        put(5, 5 => Rz(π / 4)),
-        cnot(5, 5, 4)put(5, 4 => Rz(π / 4)),
-        put(5, 5 => Rz(7 * π / 4)),
-        cnot(5, 5, 3),
-        cnot(5, 4, 3),
-        put(5, 5 => Rz(π / 4)),
-        put(5, 3 => Rz(π / 4)),
-        put(5, 4 => Rz(7 * π / 4)),
-        put(5, 5 => Yao.H),
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:H}(),
-        #     5,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     4,
-        #     3,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:H}(),
-        #     5,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     3,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     7 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     2,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     1 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     3,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     3,
-        #     1 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     7 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     2,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     3,
-        #     2,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     1 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:H}(),
-        #     5,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     2,
-        #     1 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     3,
-        #     7 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     3,
-        #     2,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     3,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:H}(),
-        #     5,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     2,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     7 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     1,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     1 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     2,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     2,
-        #     1 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     7 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     1,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     2,
-        #     1,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        #     1 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     1,
-        #     1 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     2,
-        #     7 // 4,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:H}(),
-        #     5,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:Z}(),
-        #     5,
-        # )push_gate!(
-        #     cir,
-        #     Val{:CNOT}(),
-        #     2,
-        #     1,
-        # )push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 2)push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 1),
-    )
-yc = yao_circ()
-function gen_cir()
-    cir = ZXDiagram(5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:X}(), 5, 1 // 1)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:H}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 1)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 4, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 1)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 4, 1)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 1, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 4, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 4, 1)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 3)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 4, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 3)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 4, 3)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 3, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 4, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:H}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 4, 3)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:H}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 3)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 2)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 3)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 3, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 2)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 3, 2)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:H}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 2, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 3, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 3, 2)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 3)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:H}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 2)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 1)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 2)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 2, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 1)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 2, 1)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 1, 1 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 2, 7 // 4)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:H}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:Z}(), 5)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 2, 1)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 2)
-    push_gate!(cir, Val{:CNOT}(), 5, 1)
-    return cir
-circ = gen_cir()
-circ2 = phase_teleportation(circ)
-ex_circ = clifford_simplification(circ2)
-# Example data
-circuit_names = ["Before Simplification", "After Simplification"]
-circuit_values = [28, 8]  # Replace these with your actual values
-fig = Figure(resolution = (600, 400))
-ax = Axis(fig, xlabel = "Circuit", ylabel = "T Counts")
-barplot(1:2, circuit_values,
-        axis = (xticks = (1:2, circuit_names),
-                ylabel = "T Counts",
-                title = "Simplification Performance"),
-        )
-barplot!(circuit_names, circuit_values)
-fig[1, 1] = ax
-# Save the figure to a file
-save("~/Desktop/tcounts.png", fig)
-# Example data
-circuit_names = ["Before Simplification", "After Simplification"]
-circuit_values = [5, 3]  # Replace these with your actual values
-bar(circuit_names, circuit_values,
-    title = "Comparison of Quantum Circuits",
-    xlabel = "Circuit",
-    ylabel = "Criterion",
-    label = false)
-zxwd = ZXWDiagram(2)
-push_gate!(zxwd, Val(:H), 1)
-push_gate!(zxwd, Val(:H), 2)
-push_gate!(zxwd, Val(:CZ), 1, 2)
-push_gate!(zxwd, Val(:X), 1, Parameter(Val(:PiUnit), :a); autoconvert = false)
-push_gate!(zxwd, Val(:X), 2, Parameter(Val(:PiUnit), :b); autoconvert = false)
-zxwd_diff_a = diff_diagram(copy(zxwd), :a)